i'm attempting to count duplicate in a tree. i'm attaching a picture for a better illustration. I'm on the wrong track i have no where to go.
Here is what i did
(define (arbre-insere valeur arbre)
(cond ((null? arbre) (list (cons valeur 1) '() '()))
((< valeur(car arbre))
(list (cons (car arbre) count)
(arbre-insere valeur (cadr arbre))
(caddr arbre)))
(> valeur(car arbre) (list cons ((car arbre) count) (cadr arbre)
(arbre-insere valeur (caddr arbre) )))
Here is a sketch, where ... and stuff in <...> is meant to be filled out by you.
(define leaf '())
; leaf? : tree -> boolean
; return #t if the tree is a leaf,
; #f otherwise
(define (leaf? tree)
(null? leaf?))
; value : tree -> element
; return the root element of the tree
(define (value tree)
; count : tree -> integer
; return the count of the root element of tree
(define (count tree)
; left : tree -> tree
; return the left subtree of tree
(define (left tree)
; right : tree -> tree
; return the right subtree of tree
(define (right tree)
; make-node : value integer tree tree
; construct tree from a value and count,
; left is a tree whose elements are smaller than value
; right is a tree whose elements are greater than value
(define (make-node value count left right)
(list left (cons value count) right))
; tree-insert : value tree -> tree
(define (tree-insert v t)
[(leaf? t) (make-tree v 1 leaf leaf)]
[(= v (value t)) (make-tree v <old-count+1> (left t) (right t))]
[(< v (value t)) (make-tree v (make-node (value t) (count t)
(insert-tree v (left t)) r))]
[(> v (value t)) <???>]
[else (error 'tree-insert "an unexpected error occurred")]))
My recursive version looks like
(struct node (val left right) #:transparent)
(define t3 (node 3 '() '()))
(define t4 (node 4 '() '()))
(define t5 (node 5 '() '()))
(define t2 (node 2 t4 t5))
(define t1 (node 1 t2 t3))
; ----- 1 -----
; | |
; -- 2 -- 3
;| |
;4 5
(define (countv tree)
(if (null? tree)
(+ (node-val tree)
(countv (node-left tree))
(countv (node-right tree)))))
(countv t1)
And CPSed version
(define (countk tree k)
(if (null? tree)
(k 0)
(countk (node-left tree)
(λ (lval)
(countk (node-right tree)
(λ (rval)
(+ (node-val tree) lval rval)))))))
(countk t1 (λ (x) (node-val x)))
The result of countv was 15 as expected, while countk got 4.
You forgot to pass the recursive result to the continuation:
(define (countk tree k)
(if (null? tree)
(k 0)
(countk (node-left tree)
(λ (lval)
(countk (node-right tree)
(λ (rval)
(k (+ (node-val tree) lval rval))))))))
Once you remember that, you'll get a runtime error since the result isn't a tree.
This didn't happen in your code because your initial continuation was never applied to anything.
You should call it like this instead:
(countk t1 (λ (x) x))
;; A [BT X] is one of
;; - 'leaf
;; - (make-node X [BT X] [BT X])
(define-struct node (val left right))
;; interpretation: represents a node with a value
;; a left and right subtree
(define (tree-sum tree)
[(symbol=? tree 'leaf) ...] ;; the value remains same
[(node? tree)
(+ (tree-sum (node-val tree))
(tree-sum (node-left tree))
(tree-sum (node-right tree)))]))
not quite sure if i'm on the right track.
Normally, A pair tree is either
a leaf (not a pair), or
a pair, whose car and cdr values are pair-trees.
recursive summing procedure will have to deal with these two cases:
a numbers, i.e., leaves of a tree of numbers, and
pairs, in which case it should sum the left and right subtrees, and add those sums together.
(define (pair-tree-sum pair-tree)
[(number? pair-tree)
(+ (pair-tree-sum (car pair-tree))
(pair-tree-sum (cdr pair-tree)))]))
You can split the function into two parts - one that converts the tree into a list of numbers, and another that just uses foldl with that list, and foldl has the advantage of automatically doing the summation as an accumulator.
(define (tree->list tree)
(if (pair? tree)
(append (tree->list (car tree))
(tree->list (cdr tree)))
(list tree)))
(define (tree-sum tree)
(foldl + 0 (tree->list tree)))
You first need to check if the tree is empty, then if its not a list, else you call the function sum to the car of the list, and add to the cdr of the list.
(define (sum tree)
(cond [(empty? tree) 0]
[(not (list? tree)) (if (number? tree) tree 0)]
[else (+ (sum (first tree)) (sum (rest tree)))]))
Could you please help me with a function, I need to find the predecessor in the tree, but it returns an empty list, how to return the predecessor without using "set!"
(define (predecessor val tree)
(cond ((null? tree) (node tree)) ; If the set is null result is predecessor
((> val (node tree)) (predecessor val (right-branch tree))); if val is greater
((< val (node tree)) (predecessor val (left-branch tree))))) ; if val is lesser
(define (node tree)
(car tree))
(define (left-branch tree)
(cadr tree))
(define (right-branch tree)
(caddr tree)))
It returns empty list because of the base case of your recursive procedure.
The only time it exits is when (null? tree) is true and tree is what you return there.
How about this instead (untested)?
(define (predecessor tree val)
(define (helper sub-tree parent)
(cond (((= (node sub-tree) val) parent)
((< (node sub-tree) val) (helper (right-branch sub-tree) sub-tree))
(else (helper (left-branch sub-tree) sub-tree)))))
(helper tree '()))
It maintains the parent along with the sub-tree through each level of recursion.
Can anyone help me with my base cases for the rotation of a binary search tree left and right? I tried writing the right rotation function as:
(define (right-rotate T)
(make-tree (car (left T))
(left (left T))
(make-tree(value T) (right (left T)) (right T))))
but this gives me a call to an empty list somewhere. Does this code look correct for a right rotation? Also, what could my base cases be here?
You really need to provide more information, such as what is your representation of a 'tree' and how is a tree missing its 'left' or 'right' child defined and handled.
(define (make-tree value left right)
`(TREE ,value ,left ,right))
(define value cadr)
(define right caddr)
(define left cadddr)
;; How is an 'empty' tree denoted?
(define empty 'EMPTY)
(define (is-empty? tree)
(eq? tree empty))
(define (make-leaf value)
(make-tree value empty empty))
;; Now you have the basis for a solution; here is a start.
(define (right-rotate tree)
(if (is-empty? tree)
(let ((l (left tree)))
(if (is-empty? l)
(make-tree (value l)
(left l)
(make-tree (value tree) (right l) (right tree)))))))
I am trying to implement a breadth first (level) tree traversal. I'm very close, but I can't figure out how I'm getting duplicates. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
(define (atom? x)
(not (pair? x)))
;;Functions to manipulate a binary tree
(define (leaf? node) (atom? node))
(define (left node) (cadr node))
(define (right node) (caddr node))
(define (label node) (if (leaf? node) node (car node)))
;; Breadth First using queue
(define (breadth node)
(q 'enqueue! node) ;; Enqueue tree
(output 'enqueue! (label node)) ;; Output root
(helper node)
(output 'queue->list) ;; Output elements in queue
(define (helper node)
(if (not(q 'empty?)) ;; If queue is not empty
(if(not(leaf? node))
(q 'enqueue! (left node)) ;; left tree to q
(output 'enqueue! (label(left node))) ;; Output root of left tree
(q 'enqueue! (right node)) ;; Enqueue right tree to q
(output 'enqueue! (label(right node))) ;; Output root of right tree
(helper (q 'dequeue!)) ;; Dequeues 1st element in q
;; and recursively calls helper
(define (make-queue)
(let ((front '())
(back '()))
(lambda (msg . obj)
(cond ((eq? msg 'empty?) (null? front))
((eq? msg 'enqueue!)
(if (null? front)
(set! front obj)
(set! back obj))
(set-cdr! back obj)
(set! back obj))))
((eq? msg 'dequeue!)
(let ((val (car front)))
(set! front (cdr front))
((eq? msg 'queue->list) front)))))
(define q (make-queue))
(define output (make-queue))
(define tree '(A (B C D)(E (F G H) I)))
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> (breadth tree)
(a b e b e c d f i c d f i g h g h) ;; Should be (a b e c d f i g h)
Since it's homework, I'll just give a hint: rewrite helper to take no arguments.