Detecting Ruby typos in VIM - ruby

I write tests and I use guard but my issue is: I don't want to wait for guard to run my test case to figure out that I am using a variable that hasn't been 'declared' due to a typo.
The question is, is there a VIM plugin that can warn is such instances?
:w !ruby -c
returns syntax ok for
def foo
return far
It would be great if I could see a warning that, at least within my current file, far is neither a method, an argument or assigned in the scope I'm in.
Suggestions or pointers are greatly appreciated!

Not sure undeclared variable can be caught, but many other syntax errors can be caught using vim-rubocop.


"method redefined" warning: unclear why it exists, unclear if I can fix it on my end

I added sorbet to a pet project of mine:
When I run the tests, I get a lot of the following warning (here's a link to a travis-ci build):
warning: method redefined; discarding old add_error
warning: previous definition of add_error was here
Where "add_error" is a method of mine -- the other warnings show different method names.
I'd like to know if this is something which belongs entirely on the sorbet side or whether I can do something to get rid of them.
There doesn't seem like you can do anything on your side right now. It might be related to Sorbet#1150: "sorbet-runtime causes many warnings with Ruby $VERBOSE mode".
There's an open PR (Sorbet#1266) that could help.

Can't list source using debug in ruby 1.8 [duplicate]

With this minimal ruby code:
require 'debug'
in a file called, e.g. script.rb
if I launch it like so: ruby -rdebug script.rb
and then press l on the debug prompt, I get the listing, as expected
if I instead run it normally as ruby script.rb
when pressing l I get:
(rdb:1) l
[-3, 6] in script.rb
No sourcefile available for script.rb
The error message seems misleading at best: the working directory hasn't changed, and the file is definitely still there!
I'm unable to find documentation on this behavior (I tried it on both jruby and mri, and the behavior is the same)
I know about 'debugger' and 'pry', but they serve a different use case:
I'm used to other scripting languages with a builtin debug module, that can let me put a statement anywhere in the code to drop me in a debug shell, inspect code, variables and such... the advantage of having it builtin it's that it is available everywhere, without having to set up an environment for it, or even when I'm on a machine that's not my own
I could obviously workaround this by always calling the interpreter with -rdebug and manually setting the breakpoint, but I find this more work than the alternative
After looking into the debug source code, I found a workaround and a fix:
the workaround can be:
trace on
trace off
this will let you get the listing without restarting the interpreter with -rdebug, with the disadvantage that you'll get some otherwise unwanted output from the tracing, and you'll be able to see it only after moving by one statement
for the fix: the problem is that the SCRIPT_LINES__ Hash lacks a value for the current file... apparently it's only set inside tracer.rb
I've changed line 161, and changed the Hash with a subclass that tracks where []= has been called from, and I wasn't able to dig up the actual code that does the work when stepping into a function that comes from a different file
Also: I haven't found a single person yet who actively uses this module (I asked both on #ruby, #jruby and #pry on freenode), and together with the fact that it uses a function that is now obsolete it leads me to be a bit pessimistic about the maintenance state of this module
nonetheless, I submitted a pull request for the fix (it's actually quite dumb and simple, but to do otherwise I'd need a deeper understanding of this module, and possibly to refactor some parts of it... but if this module isn't actively maintaned, I'm not sure that's a good thing to put effort on)
I suspect the Ruby interpreter doesn't have the ability to load the sourcefile without the components in the debug module. So, no -rdebug, no access to the sourcefile. And I agree it is a misleading error. "Debugging features not loaded" might be better.

How do I work around Ruby's eval and "Already initialized constant"?

I inherited maintenance on an app that uses eval() as a way to evaluate rules written in Ruby code in a rules engine. I know there are a lot of other ways to do it, but the code base so far is pretty big, and changing it to something else would be prohibitive time-wise at this point; so assume I'm stuck using eval() for the moment.
The rules as written typically call up some of the same objects from the database as each other, and the rules writer gave the variables in the rules the same names as each other. This is resulting in pages and pages of "already initialized constant" warnings in the console during development.
I'm wondering a couple things:
First, if feels like those are slowing down the execution of the program in the dev environment, and so I'm wondering if it's a big performance hit in the production environment, specifically, having those warnings pop, not eval() itself, which I know is a hit.
Second, is there any way to "namespace" the execution of each rules so that it's not defining its variables on the same scope as all the other evals in the request to avoid that warning popping all over the place? I know I could rewrite all the rules to use ||= syntax or to check if a name has already been defined, but there's quite a lot of them so I'd rather do it from the code that runs the eval()'s, if possible.
** update with example rule **
A question has a rule about when it's to be displayed to a user. For example, if the user has stated that they live in an apartment, another question might need to be shown to ask what size the apartment building is. So the second question's rule_text might look like:
UserLivesInApartment = Question.find_by_name "UserLivesInApartment"
The code that calls the eval ensures there's a current_user variable in scope prior to evaluating.
uh, eval is not perhaps the most golden of standards. You could probably fire up a drb instance and run the stuff in that instead of eval, that way you would have at least some control of what is happening and not pollute your own namespace.
Edit: added another answer for running the code in the same process:
I don't know how your rule code looks, but it might be possible to wrap a module around it:
# create a module
module RuleEngineRun1;end
# run code in module
RuleEngineRun1.module_eval("class Foo;end")
# get results
# cleanup
Object.send(:remove_const, :RuleEngineRun1)
You can also create an anonymous module with { #block to be module eval'd } if you need to run code in parallel.
In later rubies you can add -W0 to run your code without printing warnings, but doing so makes possible errors go unnoticed:
$ cat foo.rb
FOO = :bar
FOO = :bar
$ ruby foo.rb
foo.rb:2: warning: already initialized constant FOO
$ ruby -W0 foo.rb
You could also run your eval inside a Kernel.silence_warnings block, but might be devastating as well if you actually run into some real problems with the eval'd code, see
Suppress Ruby warnings when running specs

Suppress particular warning in Ruby

I've seen plenty of posts providing the -W0 flag as an answer to this issue, but I don't want to suppress all warnings, just warnings of a particular value.
I'm running a non-rails app (which uses ActiveRecord, notwithstanding) on Ruby 1.8.7. I want to keep all warnings except for the following DEPRECATION WARNING:
Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id
If that's not possible, I'd like to jettison all deprecation warnings. Java, at least, lets you do this. How about Ruby?
Update: I've upvoted both answers but checked the one that later searchers will expect to find here.
If there's a specific section of code that produces the warnings, you could try mixing in the Kernel module from ActiveSupport and wrap it with a silence_warnings block (example pulled straight from the RDoc):
silence_warnings do
value = do_something_that_causes_warning # no warning voiced
noisy_call # warning voiced
Is it absolutely necessary to suppress it? It's not like you're compiling something and have to sift through a ton of warnings all at once...
Edit: If you use read_attribute(:id), then you should avoid the waring. Thanks Jeremy!
I'm not a Rails developer, but isn't there a method that allows you to say "I want the database field id, not the id method of the object"?

Can you ask ruby to treat warnings as errors?

Does ruby allow you to treat warnings as errors?
One reason I'd like to do this is to ensure that if heckle removing a line of code means that a warning occurs, I have the option of ensuring that the mutant get killed.
There is unfortunately no real way of doing this, at least not on most versions of Ruby out there (variations may exist), short of monitoring the program output and aborting it when a warning appears on standard error. Here's why:
Ruby defines Kernel.warn, which you can redefine to do whatever you wish (including exiting), and which you'd expect (hope) to be used consistently by Ruby to report warnings (including internal e.g. parsing warning), but
methods implemented natively (in C) inside Ruby will in turn directly invoke a native method called rb_warn from source/server.c, completely bypassing your redefinition of Kernel.warn (e.g. the "string literal in condition" warning, for example, issued when doing something like: do_something if 'string', is printed via the native rb_warn from source/parse.c)
to make things even worse, there is an additional, rb_warning native method, which can be used by Ruby to log warnings if -w or -v is specified.
So, if you need to take action solely on warnings generated by your application code's calling Kernel.warn then simply redefine Kernel.warn. Otherwise, you have exactly two options:
alter source/error.c to exit in rb_warn and rb_warning (and rb_warn_m?), and rebuild Ruby
monitor your program's standard error output for ': warning:', and abort it on match
You can finally do that by overriding Warning.warn like
module Warning
def warn(msg)
raise msg
This will turn the warning into an exception. This solution works at least since 2.4 branch.
You could also potentially use DTrace, and intercept the calls to rb_warn and rb_warning, though that's not going to produce exceptions you can rescue from somewhere. Rather, it'll just put them somewhere you can easily log them.
