How to allow requests to elasticsearch only from a list of ips/domains - elasticsearch

I read the docs, but I couldn't make it work.
I have a server that holds elasticsearch and external ones that query it. Until now I can access the elasticsearch from any ip.
the public ip:port of elasticsearchserver:
I have the domains: and
and I want only them and localhost to be able to query the elasticsearch server.
Thank you alot

There are multiple way to achieve this. The one i would like to advice is as follows -
Run Elasticsearch in localhost interface by as localhost in elasticsearch.yml file.
Now only applications in localhost can access the application
Place a proxy like nginx or apache and this proxy would be able to access elasticsearch. Now whitelist the IP's you want to access Elasticsearch in the proxy.
Also you can take a look at Elasticsearch jetty plugin. It has some security configurations along with it. But i am not sure if its actively developed.
Also on security Elasticsearch , i would recommend to go through this blog.


How to expose my Elastic Search server to the internet?

I've done installed my ElasticSearch (ES) Server on a VPS Centos. I did test the ES inside the Server and it response correctly.
My next step, is to allow my website which is host on a different web host to access and index its data content into my ES server.
My question is, what is the recommended way of exposed the ES to the internet, so my website can access to it to perform index and search? Is there's authentication method that I need to install ?
You need to include in your elasticsearch.yml file so that it listens on the non-loopback address and after that, if your app-server and ES are both in the same VPC, app-server will be able to connect to ES(provided if you exposed 9200 port in security group(in case of AWS).
And hopefully, your app-server port is exposed to the internet which internally connects to ES, you should not expose 9200 port of ES or Elasticsearch to the internet.
If you want an extra layer of security, you can enable x-pack basic which is included in the free tier and can be enabled using true in elasticsearch.config.
Refer x-pack features and configuration for more info.

How to Access ElasticSearch From Server?

I am using elastic search in my ubuntu16.04 server. When i am trying to access elasticsearch from browser by using url ip:port/_cat/indices?v. I am getting site can't be reached. After that i am change the value to After change the ip the search engine not started. How can i access the elasticsearch in my browser.I changed the port also.
Thank you..
There can be many reasons for ES not being reachable. I would start with the obvious and make sure that:
ES is listening on the port: on the ES instance when you run 'curl
ip:port' you should get an answer. if not the service didn't start
make sure there are no firewall rules/security groups that prevent
access from remote network.
make sure network.publish_host is configure correctly:
more info here: ElasticSearch instance not reachable from outside the server - Azure Windows 2012

Using ReactiveSearch with plain elasticsearch

I'd like to use reactivesearch with my own plain vanilla elasticsearch cluster. While the example and documentation describe that this should be possible: ReactiveBase, see the url Param. I get connection errors and a Websocket call wss://.. which looks like ReactiveBase is trying to connect to a hosted elastic instead. It also passes a credentials code along with the call to elastic which is not specified in my code.
Is it possible to connect to a normal elastic and where can I find the documentation on how to do this?
This is my definition of ReactiveBase:
<ReactiveBase app="documents"url="">
To implement this example I followed the ReactiveSearch Quickstart
Yes, it's possible to connect to a normal Elasticsearch cluster (docs) with reactivesearch. It seems you're using the correct props. Sample code:
<Component1 .. />
<Component2 .. />
The app prop refers to the index name. Looks like you're using this with AWS. Since AWS doesn't allow you to configure ES settings, you might need to use a middleware proxy server. From the docs:
If you are using Elasticsearch on AWS, then the recommended approach
is to connect via the middleware proxy as they don’t allow setting the
Elasticsearch configurations.
The docs also explain how you can write your own proxy server.
Proxy server
Using the proxy server in client app with reactivesearch
The connection error related to websockets you see here isn't causing the issue. It's used for streaming which works on This has been fixed in the 2.2.0 release. Hope this helps :)

Elasticsearch Access Log

I'm trying to track down who is issuing queries to an ElasticSearch Cluster. Elastic doesn't appear to have an access log.
Is there a place where I can find out which IP is hitting the cluster?
Elasticsearch doesn't provide any security out of the box, and that is on purpose and by design.
So you have a couple solutions out there:
Don't let your ES cluster exposed to the open world, but put it behind a firewall (i.e. whitelist the hosts that can access ports 9200/9300 on your nodes)
Look into the Shield plugin for Elasticsearch in order to secure your environment.
Put an nginx server in front of your cluster to act as a reverse proxy.
Add simple basic authentication with either the elasticsearch-jetty plugin or simply the elasticsearch-http-basic plugin, which also allowws you to whitelist the client IPs that are allowed to access your cluster.
If you want to have access logs, you need either 2 or 3, but all solutions above will allow you to secure your ES environment.

How disable remote access in elasticsearch

When running a elasticsearch server.
We can access
But i want block remote access only allow local access.
How to setting?
Instead of disabling whole HTTP protocol by changing http.enabled in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml settings (because some of your APIs can use the HTTP endpoint which was my case), you can just set localhost in the same file.
This will make your :9200 HTTP access to be available only from your local machine/server.
Elasticsearch allows you to disable the http endpoint just setting http.enabled to false in the settings. It also allows to have a local node which will only be reachable in the same jvm. On the other hand you are asking how to allow only local access to the rest endpoint, which is different and require the use of additional tools.
In fact, it's not a good idea to expose elasticsearch to the internet. I would use a proxy like apache or Nginx to limit the access to it and open for instance only some of the available endpoints, but that's needed only if you have external users that want to send messages directly to elasticsearch. Usually that's not the case. Or if you just want to deny access to it for all external users, because it's for instance only your website or application that needs access to it, just use a firewall and setup a proper rule to close the 9200 port.
You should set to "". This way you can access http on port 9200 from host itself, however not from outside. This also allows you to put a proxy which listens on some other port and filters and passes the requests selectively to elasticsearch node on localhost:9200.
For example, you may want to reject the request for shutdown, do a basic authentication using nginx and then pass all query requests to elasticsearch cluster url at http://localhost:9200.
This doesn't involve firewall.
