Listing only the missing info that does not match file 1 from file two - bash

File 1 is the /etc/hosts file with an output below router1 router2 router3 router4
file two id a rancid database in /usr/local/rancid/var/devices/router.db with output like below:
I want to be able to run a script that could look for the hostnames only routerx and find which ones have not been added to the with routerx:cisco:up.
So the output that I am looking for with the above example would be:
print Missing routers
Could you assist with something or point me in the right direction?

You can use this awk:
awk -F '[: ]+' 'FNR==NR {a[$1]; next} !($NF in a) {print $NF}' router.db hosts
-F '[: ]+' # Use custom field separator as 1 or more of colon or space
FNR==NR # for first file populate an array `a` with key as $1
next # keep reading 1st file till EOF is reached
!($NF in a) # from 2nd file execute {...} if last fieild in NOT in array a
{print $NF} # print last field from hosts file

while read _ router; do
grep -q "^$router:" $routerdb || echo "Missing: $router"
done < /etc/hosts

You can do it in following way:-
awk -F'\t' {'print $2'} /etc/hosts > temp.txt
awk -F':' {'print $2'} /usr/local/rancid/var/devices/router.db > temp1.txt
cat temp.txt | while read a
i=`grep -c $a temp1.txt`
if [ $i -eq 0 ]
echo $a
This will print router3 & router4..

diff is usually a good choice when comparing files. A complete solution could look like this:
# use a temporary directory:
DIR=$(mktemp -d)
cd ${DIR}
# write first field of router.db in one file, using : as delimiter:
awk -F: '{ print $1 }' ${ROUTERDB} > routerdb
# write second field of hosts in the other:
awk '{ print $2 }' ${HOSTS} > hosts
# compare the two files, select only lines not in
# router.db, and remove the + sign at the beginning:
echo Missing routers
diff -u routerdb hosts | grep "^+[^+]" | tr -d "+"
echo end
# remove temporary directory:
rm -rf ${DIR}


Shell Script : Assign the outputs to different variables

In a shell script I need to assign the output of few values to different varialbes, need help please.
cat file1.txt
uid: user1
cn: User One
employeenumber: 1234567
absJobAction: HIRED
I need to assign the value of each attribute to different variables so that I can call them them in script. For example uid should be assigned to a new variable name current_uid and when $current_uid is called it should give user1 and so forth for all other attributes.
And if the output does not contain any of the attributes then that attribute value should be considered as "NULL". Example if the output does not have absJobAction then the value of $absJobAction should be "NULL"
This is what I did with my array
array=($(cat /tmp/file1.txt | egrep -i '^uid:|^cn:|^employeenumber|^absJobAction'))
current_uid=`echo ${array[0]} | grep -w uid | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'`
current_cn=`echo ${array[1]} | grep -w cn | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'`
current_employeenumber=`echo ${array[2]} | grep -w employeenumber | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'`
current_absJobAction=`echo ${array[3]} | grep -w absJobAction | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'`
echo $current_uid
echo $current_cn
echo $current_employeenumber
echo $current_absJobAction
Output from sh /tmp/ follows:
User One
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# assuming bash 4.0 or newer: create an associative array
declare -A vars=( )
while IFS= read -r line; do ## See
if [[ $line = *": "* ]]; then ## skip lines not containing ": "
key=${line%%": "*} ## strip everything after ": " for key
value=${line#*": "} ## strip everything before ": " for value
printf 'Skipping unrecognized line: <%s>\n' "$line" >&2
done <file1.txt # or < <(ldapsearch ...)
# print all variables read, just to demonstrate
declare -p vars >&2
# extract and print a single variable by name
echo "Variable uid has value ${vars[uid]}"
Note that this must be run with bash yourscript, not sh yourscript.
By the way -- if you don't have bash 4.0, you might consider a different approach:
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ $line = *": "* ]]; then
key=${line%%": "*}
value=${line#*": "}
printf -v "ldap_$key" %s "$value"
done <file1.txt # or < <(ldapsearch ...)
will create separate variables of the form "$ldap_cn" or "$ldap_uid", as opposed to putting everything in a single associative array.
Here's a simple example of what you are trying to do that should get you started. It assumes 1 set of data in the file. Although a tad brute-force, I believe its easy to understand.
Given a file called file.txt in the current directory with the following contents (absJobAction intentionally left out):
$ cat file1.txt
uid: user1
cn: User One
employeenumber: 1234567
This script gets each value into a local variable and prints it out:
# Use /bin/bash to run this script
# Make SOURCEFILE a readonly variable. Make it uppercase to show its a constant. This is the file the LDAP values come from.
typeset -r SOURCEFILE=./file1.txt
# Each line sets a variable using awk.
# -F is the field delimiter. It's a colon and a space.
# Next is the value to look for. ^ matches the start of the line.
# When the above is found, return the second field ($2)
current_uid="$(awk -F': ' '/^uid/ {print $2}' ${SOURCEFILE})"
current_cn="$(awk -F': ' '/^cn/ {print $2}' ${SOURCEFILE})"
current_enbr="$(awk -F': ' '/^employeenumber/ {print $2}' ${SOURCEFILE})"
current_absja="$(awk -F': ' '/^absJobAction/ {print $2}' ${SOURCEFILE})"
# Print the contents of the variables. Note since absJobAction was not in the file,
# it's value is NULL.
echo "uid: ${current_uid}"
echo "cn: ${current_cn}"
echo "EmployeeNumber: ${current_enbr}"
echo "absJobAction: ${current_absja}"
When run:
$ ./
uid: user1
cn: User One
EmployeeNumber: 1234567

Shell Script - Extract number at X column in current line in file

I am reading a file (test.log.csv) line by line until the end of the file, and I want to extract the value at 4th column of current line read then output the value to a text file. (output.txt)
For example, right now I read until 2nd line (INSERT,SLT_TEST_1,TEST,1127192896,0,DEBUG1) and I want to extract the number at column 4 in the current line and output to a text file named as output.txt.
The desired output is
Right now my script is as below
#! /bin/bash
rm /home/mobaxterm/Script/output.txt
while IFS= read -r line
if [[ $line == *"INSERT"* ]] && [[ $line == *"$1"* ]]
echo $line >> /home/mobaxterm/Script/output.txt
lastID=$(awk -F "," '{if (NR==curLine) { print $4 }}' curLine="${lineCount}")
echo $lastID
if [ lastID == "$1" ]
echo $line >> /home/mobaxterm/Script/output.txt
done < "/home/mobaxterm/Script/test.log.csv"
The parameter ($1) will be 1127192896
I tried declaring a counter in the loop and compare NR with the counter, but the script just stopped after it found the first one.
Find all the lines where the 4th field is 1127192896 and output the 4th field:
awk -F, -v SEARCH="1127192896" '$4 ~ SEARCH {print $4}' test.log.csv
Find all the lines containing the word "INSERT" and where the 4th field is 1127192896
awk -F, -v SEARCH="1127192896" '$4 ~ SEARCH && /INSERT/ {print $4}' test.log.csv
If you have the number you want to look for in a variable called $1, put that in place of the 1127192896, like this:
awk -F, -v SEARCH="$1" '$4 ~ SEARCH && /INSERT/ {print $4}' test.log.csv
You can combine variable substitution and definition of array.
array_variable=( ${line//,/ /} )
Or you can just use awk/cut
sth_you_need=$(echo $line | awk -F, 'NR==2{print $2}')
# or
sth_you_need=$(echo $line | cut -d, -f2)

loop passwd in shell script

how can i make a loop for users of server using shell script
i wrote this code ..
b=`awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd | sort`
for $b in /home/$b/ /home/$b/ /home/$b/
echo "$b"
i want to loop all users and show its
the users like in file
like :
i want the output :
and thanks
To print /home/ before each user name:
$ awk -F: ' { print "/home/"$1 }' /etc/passwd | sort
If you want actual home directories, you can find them in field 6:
$ awk -F: ' { print $6 }' /etc/passwd | sort
You can also access the sixth field using cut:
cut -d: -f6 /etc/passwd | sort
Printing multiple directories
As per the revised question in the comments:
$ awk -F: ' { p="/home/"$1; printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n",p"/www",p"/ftp",p"/etc" }' /etc/passwd | sort

Bash script read specifc value from files of an entire folder

I have a problem creating a script that reads specific value from all the files of an entire folder
I have a number of email files in a directory and I need to extract from each file, 2 specific values.
After that I have to put them into a new file that looks like that:
To: value1
This is what I want to do, but I don't know how to create the script:
# I am putting the name of the files into a temp file
`ls -l | awk '{print $9 }' >tmpfile`
# use for the name of a file
`date=`date +"%T"
# The first specific value from file (phone number)
var1=`cat tmpfile | grep "To: 0" | awk '{print $2 }' | cut -b -10 `
# The second specific value from file(subject)
var2=cat file | grep Subject | awk '{print $2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10 }'
# Put the first value in a new file on the first row
echo "To: 4"$var1"" > sms-$date
# Put the second value in the same file on the second row
echo ""$var2"" >>sms-$date
and do the same for every file in the directory
I tried using while and for functions but I couldn't finalize the script
Thank You
I've made a few changes to your script, hopefully they will be useful to you:
for file in *; do
var1=$(awk '/To: 0/ {print substr($2,0,10)}' "$file")
var2=$(awk '/Subject/ {for (i=2; i<=10; ++i) s=s$i; print s}' "$file")
outfile="sms-"$(date +"%T")
while [ -f "$outfile" ]; do outfile="sms-$date-"$((i++)); done
echo "To: 4$var1" > "$outfile"
echo "$var2" >> "$outfile"
The for loop just goes through every file in the folder that you run the script from.
I have added added an additional suffix $i to the end of the file name. If no file with the same date already exists, then the file will be created without the suffix. Otherwise the value of $i will keep increasing until there is no file with the same name.
I'm using $( ) rather than backticks, this is just a personal preference but it can be clearer in my opinion, especially when there are other quotes about.
There's not usually any need to pipe the output of grep to awk. You can do the search in awk using the / / syntax.
I have removed the cut -b -10 and replaced it with substr($2, 0, 10), which prints the first 10 characters from column 2.
It's not much shorter but I used a loop rather than the $2$3..., I think it looks a bit neater.
There's no need for all the extra " in the two output lines.
I sugest to try the following:
RESULT_FILE=sms-`date +"%T"`
fgrep -l 'To: 0' "$DIR" | while read FILE; do
var1=`fgrep 'To: 0' "$FILE" | awk '{print $2 }' | cut -b -10`
var2=`fgrep 'Subject' "$FILE" | awk '{print $2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10 }'`
echo "To: 4$var1" >>"$RESULT_FIL"
echo "$var2" >>"$RESULT_FIL"

Save variable from txt using awk

I have a txt in my folder named parameters.txt which contains
PP1 20 30 40 60
PP2 0 0 0 0
I'd like to use awk to read the different parameters depending on the value of the first text field in each line. At the moment, if I run
awk "$src_dir" '{ print $2 }' parameters.txt
I correctly get
I would simply like to store that 20 into a variable and to export the variable itself.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to save the output, do var=$(awk expression):
result=$(awk -v value=$src_dir '($1==value) { print $2 }' parameters.txt)
You can make your command more general giving awk the variable with the -v syntax:
$ var="PP1"
$ awk -v v=$var '($1==v) { print $2 }' a
$ var="PP2"
$ awk -v v=$var '($1==v) { print $2 }' a
You don't really need awk for that. You can do it in bash.
$ src_dir="PP1"
$ while read -r pattern columns ; do
set - $columns
if [[ $pattern =~ $src_dir ]]; then
done < parameters.txt
output_var=$(awk -v patt=$shell_pattern '$0 ~ patt {print $2}' file)
Note that $output_var may contain more than one value if the pattern matches more than one line. If you're only interested in the first value, then have the awk program exit after printing .
