Hbase or hdfs which will be better - hadoop

I have a use case in which we have large amount of data on which analytic is to be performed. The data will be continuously fetched and analytic to be performed at the run time. For this use case scenario what will be best to Use, Hbase+hive or HDFS+hive.
As much as I have read I have found that for run time changes its best to use Hbase. Needed some suggestion and advice. Please feel free to provide your inputs.
If you have any such use case in mind you can give example of it will be great.
Thanks in advance

Based on my experience so far, it often boils down to a choice between Hbase and Hive. Hbase fits well for use cases involving real time querying on data that is changing fast (chat messages), and Hive for use cases where analytics (often using SQL) needs to be performed over data that has aggregated over a long period of time (website analytics).


Performance benchmarking between Hive (on Tez) and Spark for my particular use case

I'm playing around with some data on cluster and want to do some aggregations --- nothing too complicated, but more complicated than sum, there are few joins and count distincts. I have implemented this aggregation in Hive and Spark with Scala and want to compare the execution times.
When I submit the scripts from gateway, linux time functions gives me real time smaller than sys time, which I expected. But I'm not sure which one to pick as proper comparision. Maybe just use sys.time and run the both queries for several times? Is it acceptable or I'm complete noob in this case?
Real time. From a performance benchmark perspective, you only care about how long (human time) it takes before your query is completed and you can look at the results, not how many processes are getting spun up by the application internally.
Note, I would be very careful with performance benchmarking, as both Spark and Hive have plenty of tunable configuration knobs that greatly affect performance. See here for a few examples to alter Hive performance with vectorization, data format choices, data bucketing and data sorting.
The "general consensus" is that Spark is faster than Hive on Tez, but that Hive can handle huge data sets that don't fit in memory better. (I'm not going to cite a source since I'm lazy, do some googling)

What is the best way to extract big data to file?

I am using Oracle as a DBMS and Tuxedo for application server.
Customer has the need to export data from Oracle to SAMFILE for interface purpose.
Unfortunately, the total number of records size is huge (over 10 million) so
I was wondering what is the best practice to extract big amounts of data to a file on the database server.
I am used to creating a cursor and fetching a record then writing to file.
Is there a better i.e. faster way to handle this? It is a recurring task.
I suggest you read Adrian Billington's article on tuning UTL_FILE. It covers all the bases. Find it here.
The important thing is buffering records, so reducing the number of file I/O calls. You will need to benchmark the different implementations, to see which works best in your situation.
Pay attention to his advice on query performance. Optimising file I/O is pointless if most of the time is spent on data acquisition.

Cassandra + Solr/Hadoop/Spark - Choosing the right tools

I'm currently investigating how to store and analyze enriched time based data with up to 1000 columns per line. At the moment Cassandra together with either Solr, Hadoop or Spark offered by Datastax Enterprise seem to fulfill my requirements on the rough. But the devil is in the detail.
Out of the 1000 columns about 60 are used for real-time-like queries (web-frontend, user sends form and expect quick response). These queries are more or less GROUPBY statements where the number or occurrences are counted.
As Cassandra itself does not provide the required analytical capabilities (no GROUPBY), I'm left these alternatives:
Roughly query via Cassandra and filter the resultset within self-written code
Index the data with Solr and run facet.pivot queries
Use either Hadoop or Spark and run the queries
The first approach seems cumbersome and prone to errors… Solr does have some anayltic features but without multifield grouping I'm stuck with pivots. I don't know whether this is a good or performant approach though… Last but not least there are Hadoop and Spark, the prior known not to be the best for real-time queries, the later pretty new and maybe not production ready.
So which way to go? There is no one-fits-all here, but before I go one way through I'd like to get some feedback. Maybe I'm thinking to complex or my expectations are too high :S
Thanks in advance,
In a place I work now we have a similar set of tech requirements and a solution is Cassandra-Solr-Spark, exactly in that order.
So if a query can be "covered" by Cassandra indices - good, if not - it's covered by Solr. For testing & less often queries - Spark (Scala, no SparkSQL due to old version of it -- it's a bank, everything should be tested and matured, from cognac to software, argh).
Generally I agree with the solution, though sometimes I have a feeling that some client's requests should NOT be taken seriously at all, saving us from loads of weird queries :)
I would recommend Spark, if you take a loot at the list of companies using it you'll such names as Amazon, eBay and Yahoo!. Also, as you noted in the comment, it's becoming a mature tool.
You've given arguments against Cassandra and Solr already, so I'll focus on explaining why Hadoop MapReduce wouldn't do as well as Spark for real-time queries.
Hadoop and MapReduce were designed to leverage hard disk under the assumption that for big data IO is negligible. As a result data are read and wrote at least twice - in map stage and in reduce stage. This allows you to recover from failures as partial result are secured but it that's not want you want when aiming for real-time queries.
Spark not only aims to fix MapReduce shortcomings, it also focuses on interactive data analysis, which is exactly what you want. This goal is achieved mainly by utilizing RAM and the results are astonishing. Spark jobs will often be 10-100 times faster than MapReduce equivalents.
The only caveat is the amount of memory you have. Most probably your data is probably going to feat in the RAM you can provide or you can rely on sampling. Usually when interactively working with data there is no real need to use MapReduce and it seems to be so in your case.

Datameer for Real Time Querying

We are currently interested in evaluating datameer and have a few questions. Are there any datameer users that can answer these questions:
Since datameer works off HDFS, are the querying speeds similar to that of Hive? How does the querying speed compare with columnar databases?
Since Hadoop is known for high latency, is it advisable to use datameer for real time quering?
Thank you.
Regarding 1:
Query speeds are comparable to Hive.
But Datameer is a lot faster in the design phase of your "query". Datameer provides a real time preview how the results of your "query" would look like, which is happening in memory and not on the cluster. The preview is based on a representative sample of your data. It's only a preview not the final results, but it gives you constant feedback if your analytics make sense while designing.
To test a Hive query you would have to execute it, which makes the design process very slow.
Datameer's big advantage over Hive is:
Loading data into Hadoop is much easier. No static schema creation, no ETL, etc. Just use a wizard to download data from your database, log files, social media, etc.
Designing analytics or making changes is a lot faster and can even be done by non technical users.
No need to install anything else since Datameer includes all you need for importing, analytics, scheduling, security, visualization etc. in one product
If you have real time requirements you should not pull data directly out of Datameer, Hive, Impala, etc.. Columnar storages make some processing faster but will still not be low latency. But you can use those tools together with a low latency database. Use Datameer/Hive/Impala for the heavy lifting to filter and pre aggregate big data into smaller data and then export that out into a database. In Datameer you could set this up very easily using one of Datameer's wizards.
Hope this helps,
Peter Voß (Datameer)

Hive find expected run time of query

I want to find the expected run time of query in Hive. Using EXPLAIN gives the execution plan. Is there a way to find the expected time?
I need Hive equivalent of SQL query EXPLAIN COSTS .
There is no OOTB feature at this moment that facilitates this. One way to achieve this would be to learn from history. Gather patterns based on similar data and queries you have run previously and try to deduce some insights. You might find tools like Starfish helpful in the process.
I would not recommend you to decide anything based on a subset of your data, as running queries on a small dataset and on the actual dataset are very different. This is good to test the functionality but not for any kind of cost approximation. The reason behind this is that a lot of factors are involved in the process, like system resources(disk, CPU slots, N/W etc), system configuration, other running jobs etc. You might find smooth operation on a small dataset, but as the data size increases all these factors start playing much important role. Even a small configuration parameter may play an important role.(You might have noticed sometimes that a Hive query runs fast initially but starts getting slow gradually). Also, execution of a Hive query is much more involved than a simple MR job.
See this JIRA, to get some idea, where they are talking about developing a Cost Based Query optimization for Joins in Hive. You might also find this helpful.
I think that is not possible to because internally map reduce gets executed for any particular Hive query. Moreover map reduce job's execution time depends on the cluster load and its configuration. So it is tough to predict the execution time. May be you can do one thing you can use some timer before running the query and then after that finishes up you can calculate the exact execution time that was needed for execution.
May be you could sample a small % of records from your table using partitions , bucket features etc then run the query against the small dataset. Note the execution time and then multiply with the factor (total_size/sample_size).
