Add command arguments using inline if-statement in bash - bash

I'd like to add an argument to a command in bash only if a variable evaluates to a certain value. For example this works:
if [ "${test}" == 1 ]; then
ls -la -R
ls -R
The problem with this approach is that I have to duplicate ls -R both when test is 1 or if it's something else. I'd prefer if I could write this in one line instead such as this (pseudo code that doesn't work):
ls (if ${test} == 1 then -la) -R
I've tried the following but it doesn't work:
ls `if [ $test -eq 1 ]; then -la; fi` -R
This gives me the following error:
./ line 3: -la: command not found

A more idiomatic version of svlasov's answer:
ls $( (( test == 1 )) && printf %s '-la' ) -R
Since echo understands a few options itself, it's safer to use printf %s to make sure that the text to print is not mistaken for an option.
Note that the command substitution must not be quoted here - which is fine in the case at hand, but calls for a more robust approach in general - see below.
However, in general, the more robust approach is to build up arguments in an array and pass it as a whole:
# Build up array of arguments...
(( test == 1 )) && args+=( '-la' )
args+=( '-R' )
# ... and pass it to `ls`.
ls "${args[#]}"
Update: The OP asks how to conditionally add an additional, variable-based argument to yield ls -R -la "$PWD".
In that case, the array approach is a must: each argument must become its own array element, which is crucial for supporting arguments that may have embedded whitespace:
(( test == 1 )) && args+= ( '-la' "$PWD" ) # Add each argument as its own array element.
As for why your command,
ls `if [ $test -eq 1 ]; then -la; fi` -R
didn't work:
A command between backticks (or its modern, nestable equivalent, $(...)) - a so-called command substitution - is executed just like any other shell command (albeit in a sub-shell) and the whole construct is replaced with the command's stdout output.
Thus, your command tries to execute the string -la, which fails. To send it to stdout, as is needed here, you must use a command such as echo or printf.

Print the argument with echo:
ls `if [ $test -eq 1 ]; then echo "-la"; fi` -R

I can't say how acceptable this is, but:
ls ${test:+'-la'} -R
See for a conditional truth table.

Another answer without using eval and using BASH arrays:
myls() { local arr=(ls); [[ $1 -eq 1 ]] && arr+=(-la); arr+=(-R); "${arr[#]}"; }
Use it as:
myls "$test"
This script builds whole command in an array arr and preserves the original order of command options.


How can I make bash evaluate IF[[ ]] from string?

I am trying to create a "Lambda" style WHERE script.
I want lambdaWHERE to take piped input and pass it through if condition after given as arguments is met. Like xargs I use {} to represent what comes down the pipe.
I call command like:
ls -d EqAAL* | -f {}/INFO_ACTIVETICK
I want the folder names passed through if they contain a file called INFO_ACTIVETICK
Here is the script:
#set -x
while read i
CMD=`echo $ARGS | sed 's/{}/'$i'/g'`
if [[ $CMD ]]
echo $i
But when I run it a mysterious "-n" appears...
$ ls -d EqAAL* | /q/ -f {}/INFO_ACTIVETICK
+ read i
++ echo -f '{}/INFO_ACTIVETICK'
++ sed 's/{}/EqAAL-1m/g'
+ [[ -n -f EqAAL-1m/INFO_ACTIVETICK ]]
+ echo EqAAL-1m
+ read i
How can I get the bit in the [[ ]] correct?
You were quite close. you only need to switch to the standard POSIX [ $CMD ] and it will work.
The main difference between using [[ $CMD ]] and [ $CMD ] is that the first has fewer surprises and you need not quote variables. That also means that a variable is though of as one token and cannot have a whole expression in it like you are trying. [ $CMD ] however works the same way as the original shell where [ was just a command an thus need explicit quotations in order to interpret something with spaces as one argument.
There is a relevant question about the differences between [[ ...]] and [ ..]

Bash script trouble interpretting input

I wrote a bash script that uploads a file on my home server. It gets activated from a folder action script using applescript. The setup is the folder on my desktop is called place_on_server. Its supposed to have an internal file structure exactly like the folder I want to write to: /var/www/media/
usage goes something like this:
if directory etc added to place_on_server: ./upload DIR etc
if directory of directory: etc/movies ./upload DIR etc movies //and so on
if file to place_on_server: ./upload F file.txt
if file in file in place_on_server ./upload F etc file.txt //and so on
for creating a directory its supposed to execute a command like:
ssh root#<<EOF
cd /var/www/media/wherever
mkdir newdirectory
and for file placement:
rsync -rsh='ssh -p22' file root#
addr=$(ifconfig -a | ./test)
if ($# -le "1")
elif ($1 -eq "DIR")
f1="ssh -b root#$addr<<EOF"
list = "cd /var/www/media\n"
if($# -eq "2")
list=list+"mkdir $2\nEOF\n"
while($num < $#)
list=list+"mkdir $i\n"
list=list+"cd $i\n"
echo $list
elif ($1 -eq "F")
#list = "cd /var/www/media\n"
f2="rsync -rsh=\'ssh -p22\' "
f3 = "root#$addr:/var/www/media"
if($# -eq "2")
f2=f2+$2+" "+f3
while($num < $#)
f2=f2+$i+" "+$f3
echo $f2
(prompt)$ ./upload2 F SO test.txt
./upload2: line 3: 3: command not found
./upload2: line 6: F: command not found
./upload2: line 25: F: command not found
So as you can see I'm having issues handling input. Its been awhile since I've done bash. And it was never extensive to begin with. Looking for a solution to my problem but also suggestions. Thanks in advance.
For comparisons, use [[ .. ]]. ( .. ) is for running commands in subshells
Don't use -eq for string comparisons, use =.
Don't use < for numerical comparisons, use -lt
To append values, f2="$f2$i $f3"
To add line feeds, use $'\n' outside of double quotes, or a literal linefeed inside of them.
You always need "$" on variables in strings to reference them, otherwise you get the literal string.
You can't use spaces around the = in assignments
You can't use $ before the variable name in assignments
To do arithmetics, use $((..)): result=$((var1+var2))
For indirect reference, such as getting $4 for n=4, use ${!n}
To prevent word splitting removing your line feeds, double quote variables such as in echo "$line"
Consider writing smaller programs and checking that they work before building out.
Here is how I would have written your script (slightly lacking in parameter checking):
addr=$(ifconfig -a | ./test)
if [[ $1 = "DIR" ]]
( IFS=/; echo ssh "root#$addr" mkdir -p "/var/www/media/$*"; )
elif [[ $1 = "F" ]]
( IFS=/; echo rsync "$file" "root#$addr:/var/www/media/$*" )
echo "Unknown command '$1'"
$* gives you all parameters separated by the first character in $IFS, and I used that to build the paths. Here's the output:
$ ./scriptname DIR a b c d
ssh root#somehost mkdir -p /var/www/media/a/b/c/d
$ ./scriptname F a b c d somefile.txt
rsync somefile.txt root#somehost:/var/www/media/a/b/c/d/somefile.txt
Remove the echos to actually execute.
The main problem with your script are the conditional statements, such as
if ($# -le "1")
Despite what this would do in other languages, in Bash this is essentially saying, execute the command line $# -le "1" in a subshell, and use its exit status as condition.
in your case, that expands to 3 -le "1", but the command 3 does not exist, which causes the error message
./upload2: line 3: 3: command not found
The closest valid syntax would be
if [ $# -le 1 ]
That is the main problem, there are other problems detailed and addressed in that other guy's post.
One last thing, when you're assigning value to a variable, e.g.
f3 = "root#$addr:/var/www/media"
don't leave space around the =. The statement above would be interpreted as "run command f3 with = and "root#$addr:/var/www/media" as arguments".

multiple if condition in unix

I am trying to run the below logic
if [-f $file] && [$variable -lt 1] ; then
some logic
print "This is wrong"
It fails with the following error
MyScipt.ksh[10]: [-f: not found
Where 10th line is the if condition , I have put in .
I have also tried
if [-f $file && $variable -lt 1] ; then
which gives the same error.
I know this is a syntax mistake somehwere , but I am not sure , what is the correct syntax when I am using multiple conditions with && in a if block
[ is not an operator, it's the name of a program (or a builtin, sometimes). Use type [ to check. Regardless, you need to put a space after it so that the command line parser knows what to do:
if [ -f $file ]
The && operator might not do what you want in this case, either. You should probably read the bash(1) documentation. In this specific case, it seems like what you want is:
if [ -f $file -a $variable -lt 1 ]
Or in more modern bash syntax:
if [[ -f $file && $variable -lt 1 ]]
The [ syntax is secretly a program!
$ type [
[ is a shell builtin
$ ls -l $(which [)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 35264 Nov 19 16:25 /usr/bin/[
Because of the way the shell parses (technically "lexes") your command line, it sees this:
if - keyword
[-f - the program [-f
$file] - A string argument to the [-f program, made by the value of $file and ]. If $file was "asdf", then this would be asdf]
And so forth, down your command. What you need to do is include spaces, which the shell uses to separate the different parts (tokens) of your command:
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
Now [ stands on its own, and can be recognized as a command/program. Also, ] stands on its own as an argument to [, otherwise [ will complain. A couple more notes about this:
You don't need to put a space before or after ;, because that is a special separator that the shell recognizes.
You should always "double quote" $variables because they get expanded before the shell does the lexing. This means that if an unquoted variable contains a space, the shell will see the value as separate tokens, instead of one string.
Using && in an if-test like that isn't the usual way to do it. [ (also known as test) understands -a to mean "and," so this does what you intended:
if [ -f "$file" -a "$variable" -lt 1 ]; then
Use -a in an if block to represent AND.
Note the space preceding the -f option.
if [ -f $file -a $variable -lt 1] ; then
some logic
print "This is wrong"

Why does my script report ls: not found

I have the following korn script:
if [[ls $TAPPDATADIR/zip_file_MD5_checksum*.txt | wc -l > 1]]
exit "asdf"
When I attempt to run it I get:
./iftest.ksh: line 7: [[ls: not found
Why isn't my if statement working?
I'm trying to see if there are multiple checksum files in the Data directory. If there are I want to exit the script.
There are several problems:
There shouldn't be any spaces around = in the assignment.
You need spaces around [[ and ]] in the if statement.
To substitute the result of a command into the test expression, you need to use backticks or $(...).
The parameter to exit should be a number, I think you just want to echo the string.
> performs string comparison, you have to use -gt to perform numeric comparison.
So the full script should be:
if [[ $(ls $TAPPDATADIR/zip_file_MD5_checksum*.txt | wc -l) -gt 1 ]]
echo "asdf"

How to handle "--" in the shell script arguments?

This question has 3 parts, and each alone is easy, but combined together is not trivial (at least for me) :)
Need write a script what should take as its arguments:
one name of another command
several arguments for the command
list of files
./my_script head -100 a.txt b.txt ./xxx/*.txt
./my_script sed -n 's/xxx/aaa/' *.txt
and so on.
Inside my script for some reason I need distinguish
what is the command
what are the arguments for the command
what are the files
so probably the most standard way write the above examples is:
./my_script head -100 -- a.txt b.txt ./xxx/*.txt
./my_script sed -n 's/xxx/aaa/' -- *.txt
Question1: Is here any better solution?
Processing in ./my_script (first attempt):
args=`echo $* | sed 's/--.*//'`
filenames=`echo $* | sed 's/.*--//'`
#... some additional processing ...
"$command" "$args" $filenames #execute the command with args and files
This solution will fail when the filenames will contain spaces and/or '--', e.g.
/some--path/to/more/idiotic file name.txt
Question2: How properly get $command its $args and $filenames for the later execution?
Question3: - how to achieve the following style of execution?
echo $filenames | $command $args #but want one filename = one line (like ls -1)
Is here nice shell solution, or need to use for example perl?
First of all, it sounds like you're trying to write a script that takes a command and a list of filenames and runs the command on each filename in turn. This can be done in one line in bash:
$ for file in a.txt b.txt ./xxx/*.txt;do head -100 "$file";done
$ for file in *.txt; do sed -n 's/xxx/aaa/' "$file";done
However, maybe I've misinterpreted your intent so let me answer your questions individually.
Instead of using "--" (which already has a different meaning), the following syntax feels more natural to me:
./my_script -c "head -100" a.txt b.txt ./xxx/*.txt
./my_script -c "sed -n 's/xxx/aaa/'" *.txt
To extract the arguments in bash, use getopts:
while getopts "c:" opt; do
case $opt in
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ -z "$command" ] || [ -z "$*" ]; then
echo "Usage: $SCRIPT -c <command> file [file..]"
If you want to run a command for each of the remaining arguments, it would look like this:
for target in "$#";do
eval $command \"$target\"
If you want to read the filenames from STDIN, it would look more like this:
while read target; do
eval $command \"$target\"
The $# variable, when quoted will be able to group parameters as they should be:
for parameter in "$#"
echo "The parameter is '$parameter'"
If given:
head -100 test this "File name" out
Will print
the parameter is 'head'
the parameter is '-100'
the parameter is 'test'
the parameter is 'this'
the parameter is 'File name'
the parameter is 'out'
Now, all you have to do is parse the loop out. You can use some very simple rules:
The first parameter is always the file name
The parameters that follow that start with a dash are parameters
After the "--" or once one doesn't start with a "-", the rest are all file names.
You can check to see if the first character in the parameter is a dash by using this:
if [[ "x${parameter}" == "x${parameter#-}" ]]
If you haven't seen this syntax before, it's a left filter. The # divides the two parts of the variable name. The first part is the name of the variable, and the second is the glob filter (not regular expression) to cut off. In this case, it's a single dash. As long as this statement isn't true, you know you have a parameter. BTW, the x may or may not be needed in this case. When you run a test, and you have a string with a dash in it, the test might mistake it for a parameter of the test and not the value.
Put it together would be something like this:
for parameter in "$#" #Quotes are important!
if [[ "x${parameter}" == "x${parameter#-}" ]]
if [[ "x${parameter}" == "x--" ]]
print "Parameter \"$parameter\" ends the parameter list"
if [ -n $parameterFlag ]
print "\"$parameter\" is a file"
echo "The parameter \"$parameter\" is a parameter"
Question 1
I don't think so, at least not if you need to do this for arbitrary commands.
Question 3
while [ $1 != '--' ]; do
args="$args $1"
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
echo "$1"
done | $command $args
Question 2
How does that differ from question 3?
