When to use space or tab in Makefile? - makefile

I am creating a makefile that uses the condition if and ifneq.
I noticed that if I am using if, the next lines should be indented by spaces.
if [-d "$$d" ]; then
<space><space><space> echo "file found";
But if I am using the ifneq command, the next lines had to be indented by tabs.
ifneq ($(strip $(USE_FILE)),NO)
<tab>echo "file not to be used"
Space and tabs should not matter at all. But how come in makefile, there is a difference with space and tab?

You have to understand that a makefile is really written in two completely different "languages", in one file.
Recipes (the commands that run compilers, echo, etc.) are written in shell script syntax.
The rest of the makefile that is not in a recipe is written in makefile syntax.
In order for make to tell the difference between a recipe and things that are not a recipe, it uses TAB characters. So, lines that begin with TAB are assumed to be part of a recipe (so they are shell scripts and passed to the shell for parsing), and lines that do not begin with TAB cannot be part of a recipe (so they cannot be shell scripts: they must be make syntax).
In your examples, if [ -d ... is shell syntax. If it appears in a makefile it must be part of a recipe, and so must be preceded by a TAB; if make tries to interpret this as makefile syntax it will be an error. ifneq is makefile syntax: if the shell tries to interpret this as a shell script it will be a syntax error, so it cannot be part of a recipe and must NOT be preceded by a TAB.
All other uses of indentation are optional and irrelevant (for example in your first example above you say "the next line should be indented by spaces"; that's just a convention and the script will work exactly the same way whether or not you indent it at all).
Now, there are some details which get tricky: backslash-escaped newlines, rule contexts, etc. but if you stick with the rule that all recipe lines are indented with a TAB and no non-recipe lines are indented with a TAB, you'll be OK.


Tab's in Makefile

I have Makefile that contains tabified line echo $(foo) and untabified line ifneq (,$(findstring i, $(MAKEFLAGS))):
bar =
foo = $(bar)
echo $(foo)
ifneq (,$(findstring i, $(MAKEFLAGS)))
echo "i was passed to MAKEFLAGS"
If I untabify echo $(foo) I got error:
Makefile:5: *** missing separator. Stop.
Why some lines should be tabified while other ones - not?
Because, that's the syntax makefiles use. Why do you have to indent the body of methods in Python? Because that's the syntax.
Makefiles consist of two different "languages" in the same file. Lines that are not indented by TAB are makefile format. Lines that are indented by TAB are shell scripts. Make uses TAB to differentiate the two.
See the GNU make manual for more info.
Why some lines should be tabified while other ones - not?
Every line of each recipe must begin with a tab. Every line that is not part of a recipe should not begin with a tab. The crux of the issue is that in the example makefile, your ifneq and endif directives are not part of a recipe. They are processed by make, during makefile parsing, not passed to a shell when the recipe is run. In some ways, this is the same kind of distinction as between C preprocessing directives and the surrounding source code.

Multi-line define in GNU make

I'm trying to make sense out of the multi-line define directive of GNU make and I cannot. Example:
define A
#echo W=$(word 1,$(A))
Running make produces a result I have expected the least:
make: 2: Command not found
make: *** [all] Error 127
It appears that part of $(A) has spilled outside the $(word) function.
Is it a bug or intended behavior? If the "spill" is intentional, how does it really works?
P.S. GNU make v3.81 on Linux/x64
The thing to remember here is that make stores each recipe as a single recursive variable. At the point that make decides that it must run your recipe, it expands that variable. Make then passes each line in the resulting expansion to a separate shell, stopping if any of those shell executions return an error.
In your example, before running anything make expands #echo W=$(word 1,$(A)).
$(A) becomes 1¶2 (dunno what this looks like on your browser, but I'm using ¶ to represent a newline character)
Now, 1¶2 is a single word as far as make is concerned, so $(word 1,1¶2) naturally expands to 1¶2 (can you see where this is going yet?)
This leaves make with the string #echo W=1¶2. Make dutifully passes the first line of this to the shell (without the # as that is special to make). The shell executes echo W=1.
make executes 2 in a new shell.
The second shell complains that it can't find the command 2.
So, yes, expected behaviour.
[Warning: slight simplification in the above where I gloss over the bit where make is able to elide the shell and invoke the command itself if the string has no shell metacharacters in it]
The $(word) function is splitting on spaces. Not whitespace, spaces.
There are no spaces in your A macro so nothing gets split.
Add a trailing space on the 1 line or a leading space on the 2 line and you get your expected behaviour.
This is consistent across GNU make 3.81, 3.82, 4.0, and 4.1 in some quick testing here.
The reason you see the "spill" as you called it is because of how the define is expanded. It is expanded literally, newline and all. (Think template expansion.)
So make expands the define into the call to $(word 1,...) then expands that result (the whole define including the newline) into the recipe template and ends up with two lines that it executes as the recipe.
Consider a macro like this:
define somecommands
echo foo
echo bar
echo baz
What would you expect to happen here? How many lines is the body of all? How many shells are run here? What commands are executed? The answer is three lines, three shells and three echo commands.
If the newlines weren't counted then you would effectively run echo foo echo bar echo baz in one command and get foo echo bar echo baz as output instead of the expected (and far more useful) foo, bar, and baz on three different lines.

can't use variable in Makefile

My main Makefile call config.mk
include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
then config.mk include some sentences like this:
ifdef CPU
sinclude $(TOPDIR)/cpu/$(CPU)/config.mk
ifdef SOC
sinclude $(TOPDIR)/cpu/$(CPU)/$(SOC)/config.mk
I have prepared these two tree and necessary config.mks. But for "SOC", whose value is "versatile", there is a problem. If I put "versatile" directly here, it could find the file and everything is fine; but when I use $(SOC), il will meet an error, and say
/../../../cpu/arm926ejs/versatile: is a folder, stop
Anyone know what the problem is ??
Are you sure you gave the exact error message? What version of make are you using? That error doesn't look like anything GNU make would print.
Anyway, I'll bet the problem is that your assignment of the SOC variable has trailing whitespace. According to the POSIX definition of make, leading whitespace before a variable value is removed, but trailing whitespace is preserved. That means, for example, if you write your makefile like this:
SOC = versatile # this is the versatile SOC
then make will remove the comment, but keep the space, so the value will be 'versatile' (space at the end). This means when the value is expanded in the sinclude line you get:
sinclude $(TOPDIR)/cpu/$(CPU)/versatile /config.mk
which make interprets as trying to include two different values, the first of which is a directory.
Even if you don't have a comment there, any trailing whitespace will be preserved. When editing makefiles you should try to put your editor into a mode where it flags trailing whitespace, or even better removes it automatically. GNU Emacs, for example, can do this.

How do I process extremely long lists of files in a make recipe?

Because GNU make allows variables to be as large as memory allows, it has no problem building massive dependency lists. However, if you want to actually use these lists of files in a recipe (sequence of shell commands for building a target), you run into a problem: the command might exceed the shell's command line length limit, producing an error such as "Argument list too long".
For example, suppose I want to concatenate several files contained in the list $(INPUTS) to produce a file combined.txt. Ordinarily, I could use:
combined.txt: $(INPUTS)
cat $^ > $#
But if $(INPUTS) contains many thousands of files, as it does in my case, the call to cat is too long and fails. Is there a way to get around this problem in general? It's safe to assume that there exists some sequence of commands that have identical behaviour to the one enormous command -- in this case, a series of cat commands, one per input file, that use >> to append to combined.txt would work. But how can make be persuaded to generate those commands?
In looking for the answer, about the best suggestion I could find was to break up the list into a series of smaller lists and process them using shell for loops. But you can't always do that, and even when you can it's a messy hack: for example, it's not obvious how to get the usual make behaviour of stopping as soon as a command fails. Luckily, after much searching and experimentation, it turns out that a general solution does exist.
Subshells and newlines
make recipes invoke a separate subshell for each line in the recipe. This behaviour can be annoying and counterintuitive: for example, a cd command on one line will not affect subsequent commands because they are run in separate subshells. Nevertheless it's actually what we need to get make to perform actions on very long lists of files.
Ordinarily, if you build a "multiline" list of files with a regular variable assignment that uses backslashes to break the statement over multiple lines, make removes all newlines:
# The following two statements are equivalent
FILES := a b c
FILES := \
a \
b \
However, using the define directive, it's possible to build variable values that contain newlines. What's more, if you substitute such a variable into a recipe, each line will indeed be run using a separate subshell, so that for example running make test from /home/jbloggs with the makefile below (and assuming no file called test exists) will produce the output /home/jbloggs, because the effect of the cd .. command is lost when its subshell ends:
define CMDS
cd ..
If we create a variable that contains newlines using define, it can be concatenated with other text as usual, and processed using all the usual make functions. This, combined with the $(foreach) function, allows us to get what we want:
# Just a single newline! Note 2 blank lines are needed.
define NL
combined.txt: $(INPUTS)
rm $#
$(foreach f,$(INPUTS),cat $(f) >> $#$(NL))
We ask $(foreach) to convert each filename into a newline-terminated command, which will be executed in its own subshell. For more complicated needs, you could instead write out the list of filenames to a file with a series of echo commands and then use xargs.
The define directive is described as optionally taking a =, := or += token on the end of the first line to determine which variable flavour is to be created -- but note that that only works on versions of GNU make 3.82 and up! You may well be running the popular version 3.81, as I was, which silently assigns nothing to the variable if you add one of these tokens, leading to much frustration. See here for more.
All recipe lines must begin with a literal tab character, not the 8 spaces I have used here.

GNU make yields "commands commence before first target" error

In my makefile, I would like to check for the existence of a library and give an informative error message. I created a conditional that should exit the make process when the file is not found:
9: ifeq ($(${JSONLIBPATH}),)
11: endif
12: ifeq ($(${JSONLIBPATH}),)
13: $(error JSON library is not found. Please install libjson before building)
14: endif
My makefile gets stuck on line 13:
Makefile:13: *** commands commence before first target. Stop.
After line 13, my makefile has its targets.
I tried putting this conditional block into a target (e.g. a target called isJSONLibraryInstalled) but this does not execute correctly.
How would I check for a file's existence and handle the error case, before processing targets? Apologies if this is a dumb question.
First of all, you are looking at the contents of a variable that is named after the current path, which is probably not what you want. A simple environment variable reference is $(name) or ${name}, not $(${name}). Due to this, line 13 is always evaluated.
Second, I think it is choking on the indentation of the $(error ...) expression. While the expression resolves to an empty string, there is still a tab character at the start of the line, which indicates a command, which in turn cannot exist outside a rule.
I think using spaces rather than tabs to indent would work.
When you get Make error messages, always check the Error message documentation
On GNU Make 3.81 (error appears to have been removed from newer versions), it says:
This means the first thing in the makefile seems to be part of a command script: it begins with a TAB character and doesn't appear to be a legal make command (such as a variable assignment). Command scripts must always be associated with a target.
What makes matters more confusing is that "doesn't appear to be a legal make command" part. That explains why in:
a := b
$(error a)
the error happens at line 2 and not 1: make simply accepts statements that it can parse, like the assignment, so the following works:
a := b
echo $a
Note: SO currently converts tabs to spaces in code, so you can't just copy the above code into your editor.
For me it was an unnecessary white space before the connector that was causing this.
On slickEdit I selected the option to view all special character and noticed the black sheep.
You can check whitespaces, spaces and tabs by using VSCode [View > Render Whitespace]
As you can see;
command-1 has a tab (->) and whitespace at the end
command-2 has space at first
command-3/4 has tab+spaces
So, you should remove the whitespaces at the end and apply the same spaces with the same action. e.g: tab like the following;
