Xcode - can't find Debug View Hierarchy button - xcode

I can't find the Debug View Hierarchy button in Xcode.
I've read this:
Xcode 6.1 can't find 'debug view hierarchy' button
and launched my app on the iOS8 simulator but still no luck. Something to do with the Architectures perhaps?
Here's what I'm using:

Check to see if accidentally you have disables User Interface debugging. You can find this option in Edit scheme, check out the screenshot:
Then this button will be back:
Hope it helps someone.

In your scheme settings, accessible via Product>Scheme>Edit Scheme, there is an option called debug executable,
Enable it to make the debug buttons available

On the left side of the debugger, in the toolbar below:
It is the second icon from the right in the image. It might be black or greyed out depending on whether Xcode is in focus or not.
It works fine on device and simulator. Either click it to break or break using a breakpoint/debugger and use it.

Thanks #Tibin Thomas and #Khaled Barazi. The Debug View Hierarchy button only appears if you have
checked the Debug executable box and
run your app on the simulator.
By the way, in Xcode 13.1, the button have already become as following icon


What is the meaning of this icon in Xcode 7 debug navigator?

This icon appears beside my program name in the debug navigator when running in the debugger in Xcode 7. I think it's new. I assume it means my lights are on. I checked, though, and they're off. Any other ideas?
It indicates an open crash report. If you open a crash report from the Organizer, it opens in the debug view and shows you the running threads and stack status from the crash report. I forgot I had one open. There's no way to close it that I can find.
Apple documented it in the Process View Display section.
You can delete the crash report from the debug navigator by selecting the item and hitting backspace (←). This works actually with Xcode 11.5.

How to hide certain simulator items from Xcode 7 destination menu in the toolbar?

I have tried disabling "show in destination menu". But that does not work.
I am trying to hide all version except 8.4 & 9.0 without uninstalling them. How can that be done?
I hope this question is not considered a non-programming question. Because there is no answer anywhere for this.
I also tried hiding certain Simulators that I usually don't build for to help reduce menu clutter. Unchecking the 'show in destination menu' option also did not have any effect.
The best I could do was to just delete the Simulator from the Devices window.
I know that if I wanted to re-add that simulator for future testing, all I had to do was tap the '+' icon, and click 'Add Simulator', and add the desired Simulator.

Xcode is giving me some Thread 1 error, and iOS Simulator is crashing

Whenever I try to run my project (in Xcode 4.6.3), it launces the iPhone Sim., the 'screen' on it goes black, and Xcode displays this same exact thing every time
If anything else such as code of the XIB's I'm using**, I would be more than happy to provide those. Thanks!!
**XIB's I'm using ---- whenever I try to link a button to a view controller (in a .storyboard file) it won't link. I two finger click (right click) and drag, usually, the view controller I want to link will be highlighted in blue, and then I am able to just tap it in the Sim., and it will do a quick animation to the next VC. But it the VC I'm trying to link it doesn't even get highlighted. Once again, I'm running Xcode 4.6.3. Thanks again!!
The picture in your comment says that it crashes when trying to set a key (admissionsButton) for your ViewController object that doesn't exist. This could happen if you deleted a property in code but the IB link still remained. If you open up IB and go to your view controller, expand the utilities window (the right sidebar) and then go to the far right option that shows connections. If there is something there that says admissionsButton, try deleting it.
In order to give you more help than that, I would need to see a more detailed log of where the crash happens.
That message could be for anything during the execution of your code. I would use breakpoints from the moment of launch and step through it using the debugger window.

Don't show Xcode navigator on run

I have a dual-head setup for Xcode that I use for developing on iOS, with a split-pane editor and counterpart assistant on each screen. When I run a project it throws that away and takes over half my (active) screen with the debug navigator and console -- is there a way to have Xcode not show those on run? Or, even better, always show them on a particular screen?
Preferences->Behaviors. The default behaviour for "Running: Generates Output" is to switch to the debugger view and show the console - either turn that off or configure it to do something else.

How do you view the console in Xcode3 without switching to Debug view?

I know you can see the console in debug view at the bottom, but I want to see it in the project view as well.
Thanks for your help!
Not exactly what you asked for, but you can make Xcode show the debugger console automatically when you start a debug session by going to the Debugging section of the Xcode preferences and setting the value of the On Start popup to Show Console.
