How do I determine the size of my HBase Tables ?. Is there any command to do so? - hadoop

I have multiple tables on my Hbase shell that I would like to copy onto my file system. Some tables exceed 100gb. However, I only have 55gb free space left in my local file system. Therefore, I would like to know the size of my hbase tables so that I could export only the small sized tables. Any suggestions are appreciated.

hdfs dfs -du -h /hbase/data/default/ (or /hbase/ depending on hbase version you use)
This will show how much space is used by files of your tables.
Hope that will help.

for 0.98+ try hadoop fs -du -s -h $hbase_root_dir/data/data/$schema_name/ (or /hbase/ for 0.94)
You can find hbase_root_dir from hbase-site.xml file of your cluster.
The above command will provide you summary of disk used by each table.

use du
Usage: hdfs dfs -du [-s] [-h] URI [URI …]
Displays sizes of files and directories contained in the given directory or the length of a file in case its just a file.
The -s option will result in an aggregate summary of file lengths being displayed, rather than the individual files.
The -h option will format file sizes in a "human-readable" fashion (e.g 64.0m instead of 67108864)
hdfs dfs -du -h /hbase/data/default
output for me:
1.2 M /hbase/data/default/kylin_metadata
14.0 K /hbase/data/default/kylin_metadata_acl
636 /hbase/data/default/kylin_metadata_user
5.6 K /hbase/data/default/test


Meaning of hdfs dfs -du -s -h

I was given a command by my colleague to check the datasize of a table
hdfs dfs -du -s -h <table path>
I would like to check what does this command as i tried researching online , i could only find command on hdfs dfs du
also , after i query the above command , for e.g path table : hdfs://test/table_1
hdfs dfs -du -s -h hdfs://test/table_1
it returns
29.3 K 141.7 hdfs://test/table_1
How can we determine the size of the table ? should we determine that the size of the table is 29.3 ?
As the doc says:
The -s option will result in an aggregate summary of file lengths
being displayed, rather than the individual files.
The -h option will format file sizes in a "human-readable" fashion (e.g 64.0m instead of 67108864)
Also the output of hdfs df -du has two columns: [size] [disk space consumed].
So the size of the table without replication is 29.3.

Merging small files into single file in hdfs

In a cluster of hdfs, i receive multiple files on a daily basis which can be of 3 types :
1) product_info_timestamp
2) user_info_timestamp
3) user_activity_timestamp
The number of files received can be of any number but they will belong to one of these 3 categories only.
I want to merge all the files(after checking whether they are less than 100mb) belonging to one category into a single file.
for eg: 3 files named product_info_* should be merged into one file named product_info.
How do i achieve this?
You can use getmerge toachieve this, but the result will be stored in your local node (edge node), so you need to be sure you have enough space there.
hadoop fs -getmerge /hdfs_path/product_info_* /local_path/product_inf
You can move them back to hdfs with put
hadoop fs -put /local_path/product_inf /hdfs_path
You can use hadoop archive (.har file) or sequence file. It is very simple to use - just google "hadoop archive" or "sequence file".
Another set of commands along the similar lines as suggested by #SCouto
hdfs dfs -cat /hdfs_path/product_info_* > /local_path/product_info_combined.txt
hdfs dfs -put /local_path/product_info_combined.txt /hdfs_path/

Concatenating multiple text files into one very large file in HDFS

I have the multiple text files.
The total size of them exceeds the largest disk size available to me (~1.5TB)
A spark program reads a single input text file from HDFS. So I need to combine those files into one. (I cannot re-write the program code. I am given only the *.jar file for execution)
Does HDFS have such a capability? How can I achieve this?
What I understood from your question is you want to Concatenate multiple files into one. Here is a solution which might not be the most efficient way of doing it but it works. suppose you have two files: file1 and file2 and you want to get a combined file as ConcatenatedFile
.Here is the script for that.
hadoop fs -cat /hadoop/path/to/file/file1.txt /hadoop/path/to/file/file2.txt | hadoop fs -put - /hadoop/path/to/file/Concatenate_file_Folder/ConcatenateFile.txt
Hope this helps.
HDFS by itself does not provide such capabilities. All out-of-the-box features (like hdfs dfs -text * with pipes or FileUtil's copy methods) use your client server to transfer all data.
In my experience we always used our own written MapReduce jobs to merge many small files in HDFS in distributed way.
So you have two solutions:
Write your own simple MapReduce/Spark job to combine text files with
your format.
Find already implemented solution for such kind of
About solution #2: there is the simple project FileCrush for combining text or sequence files in HDFS. It might be suitable for you, check it.
Example of usage:
hadoop jar filecrush-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar crush.Crush -Ddfs.block.size=134217728 \
--input-format=text \
--output-format=text \
--compress=none \
/input/dir /output/dir 20161228161647
I had a problem to run it without these options (especially -Ddfs.block.size and output file date prefix 20161228161647) so make sure you run it properly.
You can do a pig job:
A = LOAD '/path/to/inputFiles' as (SCHEMA);
STORE A into '/path/to/outputFile';
Doing a hdfs cat and then putting it back to hdfs means, all this data is processed in the client node and will degradate your network

Checksum verification in Hadoop

Do we need to verify checksum after we move files to Hadoop (HDFS) from a Linux server through a Webhdfs ?
I would like to make sure the files on the HDFS have no corruption after they are copied. But is checking checksum necessary?
I read client does checksum before data is written to HDFS
Can somebody help me to understand how can I make sure that source file on Linux system is same as ingested file on Hdfs using webhdfs.
If your goal is to compare two files residing on HDFS, I would not use "hdfs dfs -checksum URI" as in my case it generates different checksums for files with identical content.
In the below example I am comparing two files with the same content in different locations:
Old-school md5sum method returns the same checksum:
$ hdfs dfs -cat /project1/file.txt | md5sum
b9fdea463b1ce46fabc2958fc5f7644a -
$ hdfs dfs -cat /project2/file.txt | md5sum
b9fdea463b1ce46fabc2958fc5f7644a -
However, checksum generated on the HDFS is different for files with the same content:
$ hdfs dfs -checksum /project1/file.txt
$ hdfs dfs -checksum /project2/file.txt
A bit puzzling as I would expect identical checksum to be generated against the identical content.
Checksum for a file can be calculated using hadoop fs command.
Usage: hadoop fs -checksum URI
Returns the checksum information of a file.
hadoop fs -checksum hdfs://
hadoop fs -checksum file:///path/in/linux/file1
Refer : Hadoop documentation for more details
So if you want to comapre file1 in both linux and hdfs you can use above utility.
I wrote a library with which you can calculate the checksum of local file, just the way hadoop does it on hdfs files.
So, you can compare the checksum to cross check.
If you are doing this check via API
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
Option 1: for the value b9fdea463b1ce46fabc2958fc5f7644a
val md5:String = MD5Hash.digest(FileSystem.get(hadoopConfiguration).open(new Path("/project1/file.txt"))).toString
Option 2: for the value 3e50be59553b2ddaf401c575f8df6914
val md5:String = FileSystem.get(hadoopConfiguration).getFileChecksum(new Path("/project1/file.txt"))).toString.split(":")(0)
It does crc check. For each and everyfile it create .crc to make sure there is no corruption.

Checking filesize and its distribution in HDFS

Is it possible to know filesize in blocks and its distribution over DataNodes in Hadoop?
Currently I am using:
frolo#A11:~/hadoop> $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop dfs -stat "%b %o %r %n" /user/frolo/input/rmat-*
318339 67108864 1 rmat-10.0
392835957 67108864 1 rmat-20.0
Which does not show actual number of blocks created after uploading file to HDFS. And I dont know any way how to find out its distribution.
The %r in your stat command shows the replication factor of the queried file. If this is 1, it means there will only be only a single replica across the cluster for blocks belonging to this file. The hadoop fs -ls output also shows this value for listed files as one of its numeric columns, as replication factor is a per file FS attribute.
If you are looking to find where the blocks reside instead, you are looking for hdfs fsck (or hadoop fsck if using a dated release) instead. The below, for example, will let you see the list of block IDs and their respective set of resident locations, for any file:
hdfs fsck /user/frolo/input/rmat-10.0 -files -blocks -locations
