fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals for assembly language using VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

Comment #
Using Programming Exercise 6 in Chapter 4 as a starting point,
write a program that generates the first 47 values in the Fibonacci
series, stores them in an array of doublewords, and writes the
doubleword array to a disk file.
INCLUDE c:\Irvine\Irvine32.inc
FIB_COUNT = 47 ; number of values to generate
fileHandle DWORD ?
filename BYTE "fibonacci.bin",0
main2sub PROC
; Generate the array of values
mov esi, OFFSET array
mov ecx, LENGTHOF array
call generate_fibonacci
; Create the file, call CreateOutputFile
mov edx,OFFSET filename
call CreateOutputFile
mov fileHandle, eax
; Write the array to the file, call WriteToFile
mov eax, fileHandle
mov edx, OFFSET array
mov ecx, FIB_COUNT * 4
call WriteToFile
; Close the file, call CloseFile
mov eax, fileHandle
call CloseFile
main2sub ENDP
generate_fibonacci PROC USES eax ebx ecx edx
; Generates fibonacci values and stores in an array.
; Receives: ESI points to the array,
; ECX = count
; Returns: nothing
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, 0
add ebx, ecx
mov [esi], eax
call WriteDec
call Crlf
inc esi
xchg ebx, eax
loop L1 ;end of looping
generate_fibonacci ENDP
END main2sub
It is my first semester learning about Assembly Language. Im not sure what to do with this error message "fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals". Can anyone help me out?

The linker couldn't find the library-files Irvine32.lib, Kernel32.Lib and/or User32.Lib. They are in the same folder as Irvine32.inc
The easiest way is to inform ML about those libraries with a MASM-directive. Insert following three lines right behind the INCLUDE c:\Irvine\Irvine32.inc:
INCLUDELIB c:\Irvine\Irvine32.lib
INCLUDELIB c:\Irvine\Kernel32.lib
INCLUDELIB c:\Irvine\User32.lib


Sorting a list through a procedure in flat assembly

I'm pretty new to fasm and I just recently started learning about procedures. My problem is that I have a proc and I want it to sort my list in a certain way. But when I run my code it just seems to sort some random numbers from memory. I don't quite know why it happens and I would appreciate any help.
Here's the code:
format PE gui 5.0
include 'D:\Flat Assembler\INCLUDE\win32a.inc'
entry start
section '.data' data readable writable
mas1 dw 2, -3, 1, -1, 3, -2, 5, -5, -4, 4
N = ($ - mas1) / 2
numStr db N dup('%d '), 0
strStr db '%s', 0
undefStr db 'undefined', 0
buff db 50 dup(?)
Caption db 'Result', 0
section '.code' code readable executable
stdcall bubble, mas1
cinvoke wsprintf, buff, numStr
invoke MessageBox, 0, buff, Caption, MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
proc bubble, mas:word
mov ecx, 0
mov ebx, 0
cmp ecx, 10
je done
mov ebx, 2
mov eax, 0
mov edx, 0
cmp [mas+ebx], 0 ;if(mas[j] > 0)
jge continue ;continue
mov ax, [mas+ebx-2]
cmp ax, [mas+ebx]
jle continue
mov dx, [mas+ebx]
mov [mas+ebx-2], dx
mov [mas+ebx], ax
cmp ebx, 18 ;10
je innerDone
add ebx, 2 ;inc ebx
jmp innerLoop
inc ecx
jmp outerLoop
mov ecx, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov ebx, 18
mov ecx, N
mov eax, 0
mov ax, [mas+ebx]
push eax
sub ebx, 2
loop print
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
include 'D:\Flat Assembler\INCLUDE\API\kernel32.inc'
include 'D:\Flat Assembler\INCLUDE\API\user32.inc'
Error 1
stdcall bubble, mas1
proc bubble, mas:word
The parameter mas1 is an address and is pushed to the stack as a dword. Therefore you should not limit the argument mas to a word.
What your bubble procedure needs is the full address of the array. You get this via mov esi, [mas] that FASM will encode as if you would have written mov esi, [ebp+8]. EBP+8 is where the first argument (and in your program the only argument) resides, when the standard prologue push ebp mov ebp, esp is used.
Error 2
In your bubble procedure you push the resulting array to the stack hoping to have wsprintf use it from there, but once the bubble procedure executes its ret instruction, the epilogue code as well as the ret instruction itself will start eating your array and even return to the wrong address in memory!
If you're going to return an array via the stack, then store it above the return address and the argument(s). That's why I wrote in my program below:
sub esp, N*4 ; Space for N dwords on the stack
stdcall bubble, mas1
Error 3
cmp [mas+ebx], 0 ;if(mas[j] > 0)
jge continue ;continue
Your BubbleSort is wrong because you don't allow positive numbers to get compared!
Furthermore you make too many iterations that also continu for too long.
I tested below program on FASM 1.71.22 Don't forget to change the paths!
format PE gui 5.0
include 'C:\FASM\INCLUDE\win32a.inc'
entry start
section '.data' data readable writable
mas1 dw 2, -3, 1, -1, 3, -2, 5, -5, -4, 4
N = ($ - mas1) / 2
numStr db N-1 dup('%d, '), '%d', 0
;strStr db '%s', 0
;undefStr db 'undefined', 0
buff db 50 dup(?)
Caption db 'Result', 0
section '.code' code readable executable
sub esp, N*4 ; Space for N dwords on the stack
stdcall bubble, mas1
cinvoke wsprintf, buff, numStr
invoke MessageBox, 0, buff, Caption, MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION
invoke ExitProcess, 0
proc bubble uses ebx esi, mas
mov esi, [mas] ; Address of the array
mov ecx, (N-1)*2 ; Offset to the last item; Max (N-1) compares
xor ebx, ebx
mov ax, [esi+ebx]
mov dx, [esi+ebx+2]
cmp ax, dx
jle continue
mov [esi+ebx+2], ax
mov [esi+ebx], dx
add ebx, 2
cmp ebx, ecx
jb innerLoop
sub ecx, 2
jnz outerLoop
mov ebx, (N-1)*2
movsx eax, word [esi+ebx]
mov [ebp+12+ebx*2], eax
sub ebx, 2
jnb toStack
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
include 'C:\FASM\INCLUDE\API\kernel32.inc'
include 'C:\FASM\INCLUDE\API\user32.inc'
Error 2 revisited
IMO returning the resulting array through the stack would make better sense if your bubble procedure didn't modify the original array.
But in your present code you do, so...
Once you strike the toStack snippet from the bubble procedure, you can simply (after returning from the bubble procedure) push the word-sized elements of the array to the stack as dwords followed by using wsprintf.
stdcall bubble, mas1
mov ebx, (N-1)*2
movsx eax, word [mas1+ebx]
push eax
sub ebx, 2
jnb toStack
cinvoke wsprintf, buff, numStr
sub ecx, 2
jnz outerLoop
; See no more toStack here!

WriteConsole returns false in MASM

I am trying to make an array, and access it's values and print them out
After calling the WriteConsole subroutine, it is returning false, however, all the values are supplied. Here we can see that - https://imgur.com/a/vUfwOo6
Eax register is 0 after calling WriteConsole. Here you can see the register values, that are being pushed to the stack. https://imgur.com/a/gv6s4uG
Considering, that WriteConsole is WINAPI subroutine, that means it's stdcall. So, I am passing values right to left.
lpReserved -> 0
lpNumberOfCharsWritten -> offset to 00403028 (CharsWritten variable)
nNumberOfCharsToWrite -> Just 2, because in array only ints are present of length 2
*lpBuffer -> ebx register, which contains array lvalue
hConsoleOutput -> Output from GetStdHandle (In this case -> edx register -> A0)
My MASM code:
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
include C:\masm32\include\masm32.inc
includelib C:\masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib ; Some default includes :P
dArray dd 10 dup (?) ; Main array
CharsWritten dd ?
LoopCounter dd 0
StdHandle dd ?
PrintArrayToScreen proc
push eax
call GetStdHandle
mov StdHandle,eax
mov eax,[LoopCounter]
mov ecx,offset dArray
mov eax, [LoopCounter]
mov ebx,[ecx + eax * 4]
mov esi,offset CharsWritten
push 0
push esi
push 2
push ebx
mov edx,StdHandle
push edx
call WriteConsole
mov eax,[LoopCounter]
inc eax
mov LoopCounter,eax ; Storing the Loop Counter in the variable
cmp eax,11 ; +1 because of loop counter increment
jnz innerPrintLoop
PrintArrayToScreen endp
arrayLoop proc ; Subroutine for the array filling
mov eax,offset dArray
mov bx,10
mov ecx,0
mov [eax + ecx * 4],bx ; ecx * 4 => counter * 4 bytes
inc bx
add ecx,1
cmp ecx,10
jne innerLoop
mov eax,offset dArray
arrayLoop endp
call arrayLoop
call PrintArrayToScreen
mov eax,0
push eax
call ExitProcess
end start
From the documentation for WriteConsole:
lpBuffer [in]
A pointer to a buffer that contains characters to be written to the console screen buffer.
So you should be passing the address of the data to be written, but you're actually passing the data itself.
You could "fix" that by changing the line mov ebx,[ecx + eax * 4] to lea ebx,[ecx + eax * 4]. But note that WriteConsole doesn't do any integer-to-string conversion for you, so you still probably wouldn't get the result you expected. If you want that sort of functionality, use printf.

ESI and EDI change values after function call

I'm trying to convert some strings representing binary numbers into their actual values, using a conversion function defined in a different file.
Here's my code:
bits 32
global start
%include 'convert.asm'
extern exit, scanf, printf
import exit msvcrt.dll
import scanf msvcrt.dll
import printf msvcrt.dll
section data use32 class=data
s DB '10100111b', '01100011b', '110b', '101011b'
len EQU $ - s
res times len DB 0
segment code use32 class=code
mov ESI, s ; move source string
mov EDI, res ; move destination string
mov ECX, len ; length of the string
mov EBX, 0
lodsb ; load current byte into AL
inc BL
cmp AL, 'b' ; check if its equal to the character b
jne end ; if its not, we need to keep parsing
push dword ESI ; push the position of the current character in the source string to the stack
push dword EDI ; push the position of the current character in the destination string to the stack
push dword EBX ; push the current length to the stack
call func1 ; call the function
loop repeat
push dword 0
call [exit]
mov ECX, [ESP] ; first parameter is the current parsed length
mov EDI, [ESP + 4] ; then EDI
mov ESI, [ESP + 8] ; and ESI
sub ESI, ECX
mov EDX, [ESI]
sub EDX, '0'
mov [EDI], EDX
shl dword [EDI], 1
inc ESI
loop parse
ret 4 * 3
I noticed that I keep getting access violation errors after the function call though. ESI has some random value after the call. Am I doing something wrong? I think the parameter pushing part should be alright. Inside the conversion function, the parameters should be accessed in the reverse order. But that's not happening for some reason.
I'm also pretty sure that I did the compiling/linking part alright using nasm and alink.
nasm -fobj main.asm
nasm -fobj convert.asm
alink main.obj convert.obj -oPE -subsys console -entry start

masm call procedure access violation

So I am working on an assignment in assembly to generate a fibonacci sequence. I've written the code successfully in the main procedure but when I try to wrap it in it's own procedure and call that procedure I run into an access violation error. Here's my code:
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
array DWORD 47 DUP(?)
main proc
mov esi, OFFSET array
call generate_fibonacci
invoke ExitProcess,0
main endp
generate_fibonacci PROC
mov DWORD PTR [esi], 1h
add esi, 4
mov DWORD PTR [esi], 1h
push [esi]
push [esi - 4]
add esi, 4
mov ecx, 45
pop eax
pop ebx
add eax, ebx
mov DWORD PTR [esi], eax
add esi, 4
push [esi - 4]
push [esi - 8]
loop L1
generate_fibonacci ENDP
end main
The error looks like this: "Exception thrown at some memory location in Project...: Access violation executing location same memory location.
I noticed that the memory location listed in the error message was being loaded onto the EIP register when the call generate_fibonacci instruction is executed. I'm not sure how to fix this.
The pushes and pops in your PROC are not balanced.
Before loop L1: you make 2 pushes. Within the loop L1: you make 2 pops and 2 pushes. When loop L1: ends, that leaves 2 items still on the stack when ret attempts to pull off the return address. So the code tries to resume execution somewhere that causes an access violation.
Please add two lines of code before the ret instruction to clean up the stack
pop eax
pop eax
If the same code worked when it was in main, it worked because main does not end with ret.
EDIT. You could simplify it considerably by keeping the recent terms in registers. The last three terms will be in eax, ebx, edx.
generate_fibonacci PROC
mov eax, 1 ;init first two terms
mov DWORD PTR [esi], eax ;store first two terms
add esi, 4
mov DWORD PTR [esi], eax
add esi, 4
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx, 45 ;init loop count
mov edx, ebx ;move terms along
mov ebx, eax
add eax, edx ;sum last two terms
mov DWORD PTR [esi], eax
add esi, 4
loop L1
generate_fibonacci ENDP

Printing values of arrays in MASM assembly

I'm new to writing assembly code and I'm having trouble printing out the values of my array using a loop. The code I have prints out the value of the counter and the not the values in the array, can someone please explain what I'm doing wrong, also how do I point to the top of the array? I have tried using different registers, but nothing seems to be working. My professor asks that I do it this way (if it seems inefficient):
.model flat
ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:dword
Include io.h
cr equ 0DH
Lf equ 0AH
.stack 4096
newline byte CR, LF, 0
whitespace byte 32,32,0
arr dword 10 dup(?)
n dword 2
string byte 40 dup(?)
prompt byte "Please enter a value: ", 0
origArr byte "Original Array", 0
mov ecx,n ; number of values in the array
lea ebx,arr ; address of the array
sub edi, edi
top: cmp ecx, 0
je done
output prompt
input string, 40
atod string
mov [arr+edi], ecx
add edi, 4
loop top
done: output origArr
mov ecx, n
call myproc
INVOKE ExitProcess, 0
PUBLIC _start
myproc proc near32
val_str byte 11 dup(?), 0
push eax
push edi
push ecx
sub edi,edi ; index register
top2: mov eax, [ebx+edi]
dtoa val_str, eax
output val_str
add edi,4 ; modify esi rather than ebx
loop top2
pop ecx
pop edi
pop eax
myproc endp
Any suggestions are appreciated.
mov [arr+edi], ecx
You're storing the loop counter, rather than the return value of atod.
