Sorting/accessing through an array of nested hashes - ruby

I have an array of hashes with names and ages:
array = [ {"bill" => 12}, {"tom" => 13}, {"pat" => 14} ]
I realize that, by calling the first method, this happens:
array.first # => {"bill" => 12}
Without defining a class, I'd like to do: # => "bill"
How can I do that?
def name
will define a private method, which can't be called on the receiver.

You have:
h = array.first #=> {"bill" => 12}
h.class #=> Hash
so if you want to create a method first, such that: #=> "bill"
you must define name on the class of its receiver (h), which is Hash. #shivam has shown you how to that, but (as #AndrewMarshall points out in a comment) that it pollutes the class Hash. A better way is to use Refinements.
Refinements was an experimental addition to v2.0, then modified and made permanent in v2.1. It provides a way to avoid "monkey-patching" by providing "a way to extend a class locally".
We can do that as follows. First, refine Hash within a module M:
module M
refine Hash do
def name
The refinement has no effect until the keyword using is invoked on the module:
h = {"bill" => 12}
#-> undefined method `name' for {"bill"=>12}:Hash (NoMethodError)
After activating the refinement we can invoke name on h:
using M
#-> bill
The refinement applies to the remainder of the file, but does not apply to to code in other files. Suppose we were to add the following to the present file:
class A
def greeting(h)
puts "Hello, #{}"
Then:{"bill" => 12})
#-> Hello, bill

Since your Array array consists of Hashes, when you do array.first a Hash is returned {"bill" => 12}.
You can now define a method Hash#name that can be applied to array.first
(a Hash)
class Hash
def name
# => "bill"
#to print all names
array.each{|a| puts}
# bill
# tom
# pat
# or collect them in an Array
# => ["bill", "tom", "pat"]


How to recursively send a nested hash the :[] method for any amount of levels?

What I'm trying to do is make an Rspec shared_example called something like update response that checks a rails json response of an object and verifies that certain attributes are updated. The json response may or may not have nested attributes. The keys cannot be known ahead of time.
Say I have a hash, hsh = {one_deep: 123, nested: {a: 1, b: 2}}:
I can dynamically send the hash a key if it's one level deep.
def get_value(some_key)
hsh.send(:[], some_key)
get_value(:one_deep) # => 123
I can access a nested hash if I hard code the method chain:
def get_value(some_key, another_key)
hsh.send(:[], some_key).send(:[], another_key)
get_value(:nested, :a) # => 1
get_value(:nested, :b) # => 2
Desired Endstate:
# The hash key could be 'n' levels deep
# This doesn't work... maybe use recursion somehow?
def get_value(*some_keys)
some_keys.each do |key|
hsh.send(:[], key)
get_value(:nested, :a) # => should output 1
get_value(:nested, :b) # => should output 2
If you are using, Ruby 2.3.1, then you can use #dig method to fetch the value of a key from nested Hash.
For Ruby versions prior to 2.3.1 it's easy to implement Hash#dig.
class Hash
def dig(*keys)
keys.reduce(self) { |obj, k| obj && obj[k] }
If obj[k] is nil, obj will be set to nil and remain equal to nil.
Let's try it.
h = { a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: { e: "cat" } } }
h.dig(:a) #=> 1
h.dig(:dog) #=> nil
h.dig(:b, :c) #=> 2
h.dig(:b, :d) #=> {:e=>"cat"}
h.dig(:b, :d, :e) #=> "cat"
h.dig(:b, :pig, :e) #=> nil

using a string or key-val pair as a method argument

Is there a better way to write this? basically I want to add an argument to a hash. if the argument is a key-val pair, then id like to add it as is. if the argument is a string i'd like to add it as a key with a nil value. the below code works, but is there a more appropriate (simple) way?
2nd question, does calling an each method on an array with two arguments |key, val| automatically convert an array to a hash as it appears to?
#some_hash = {}
def some_method(input)
if input.is_a? Hash
input.each {|key, val| #some_hash[key] = val}
input.split(" ").each {|key, val| #some_hash[key] = val}
some_method("key" => "val")
This gives the result as instructed in the question, but it works differently from the code OP gave (which means that the OP's code does not work as it says):
#some_hash = {}
def some_method(input)
case input
when Hash then #some_hash.merge!(input)
when String then #some_hash[input] = nil
some_method("foo" => "bar")
#some_hash # => {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => nil}
Second question
An array is never automatically converted to a hash. What you are probably mentioning is the fact that the elements of an array within an array [[:foo, :bar]] can be referred to separately in:
[[:foo, :bar]].each{|f, b| puts f; puts b}
# => foo
# => bar
That is due to destructive assignment. When necessary, Ruby takes out the elements of an array as separate things and tries to adjust the number of variables. It is the same as:
f, b = [:foo, :bar]
f # => :foo
b # => :bar
Here, you don't get f # => [:foo, :bar] and b # => nil.

Cloning a Hash in Ruby2 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to create a deep copy of an object in Ruby?
(9 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Im trying to clone a hash, to make a new copy of the original hash but it seems that when I set a value in the new hash, I have the same effect on the original hash.
rr =
command = "/usr/local/bin/aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id EXAMPLEID --max-items 1"
puts rr
if rr["ResourceRecordSets"][0]["TTL"] != 60
new_rr = rr.clone
new_rr["ResourceRecordSets"][0]["TTL"] = 60
puts rr
puts new_rr
{"NextRecordType"=>"MX", "NextRecordName"=>"", "ResourceRecordSets"=>[{"ResourceRecords"=>[{"Value"=>""}], "Type"=>"A", "Name"=>"", "TTL"=>1800}], "MaxItems"=>"1", "IsTruncated"=>true}
{"NextRecordType"=>"MX", "NextRecordName"=>"", "ResourceRecordSets"=>[{"ResourceRecords"=>[{"Value"=>""}], "Type"=>"A", "Name"=>"", "TTL"=>60}], "MaxItems"=>"1", "IsTruncated"=>true}
{"NextRecordType"=>"MX", "NextRecordName"=>"", "ResourceRecordSets"=>[{"ResourceRecords"=>[{"Value"=>""}], "Type"=>"A", "Name"=>"", "TTL"=>60}], "MaxItems"=>"1", "IsTruncated"=>true}
I dont see Hash.clone documented in Ruby 2.0, should I be using another method to create a Hash copy now?
Thanks in advance.
Hash is a collection of keys and values, where values are references to objects. When duplicating a hash, new hash is being created, but all object references are being copied, so as result you get new hash containing the same values. That is why this will work:
hash = {1 => 'Some string'} #Strings are mutable
hash2 = hash.clone
hash2[1] #=> 'Some string'
hash2[1].upcase! # modifying mutual object
hash[1] #=> 'SOME STRING; # so it appears modified on both hashes
hash2[1] = 'Other string' # changing reference on second hash to another object
hash[1] #=> 'SOME STRING' # original obejct has not been changed
hash2[2] = 'new value' # adding obejct to original hash
hash[2] #=> nil
If you want duplicate the referenced objects, you need to perform deep duplication. It is added in rails (activesupport gem) as deep_dup method. If you are not using rails and don;t want to install the gem, you can write it like:
class Hash
def deep_dup
Hash[map {|key, value| [key, value.respond_to?(:deep_dup) ? value.deep_dup : begin
hash = {1 => 'Some string'} #Strings are mutable
hash2 = hash.deep_dup
hash2[1] #=> 'Some string'
hash2[1].upcase! # modifying referenced object
hash2[1] #=> 'SOME STRING'
hash[1] #=> 'Some string; # now other hash point to original object's clone
You probably should write something similar for arrays. I would also thought about writing it for whole enumerable module, but it might be slightly trickier.
The easiest way to make a deep copy of most Ruby objects (including strings, arrays, hashes and combinations thereof) is to use Marshal:
def deep_copy(obj)
For example,
h = {a: 1, b: [:c, d: {e: 4}]} # => {:a=>1, :b=>[:c, {:d=>{:e=>4}}]}
hclone = h.clone
hdup = h.dup
hmarshal = deep_copy(h)
h[:b][1][:d][:e] = 5
h # => {:a=>1, :b=>[:c, {:d=>{:e=>5}}]}
hclone # => {:a=>1, :b=>[:c, {:d=>{:e=>5}}]}
hdup # => {:a=>1, :b=>[:c, {:d=>{:e=>5}}]}
hmarshal # => {:a=>1, :b=>[:c, {:d=>{:e=>4}}]}

Accessing Ruby Array as my_array.new_field = "abc"

I need to create a new empty object and access its attributes like my_object.title = 'abc' as opposed to my_object[:title] = 'abc'. How could I do this?
my_object =
my_object.title = "abc"
# => undefined method `title=' for []:Array
An Array in Ruby is not like an Array in JavaScript - you can't reference elements by name, but only by index. What you probably want is a Hash.
my_object = {}
my_object['title'] = "abc"
Or you can set it at initialization:
my_object = {'title' => 'abc'}
Alternatively, you can use OpenStruct to assign using dynamic attribute setters as you are doing:
my_object =
my_object.title = "abc"
It depends on what properties you want the object to have. You gave the example
my_object =
my_object.title = "abc"
If you want your objects to effectively be arrays, having access to all the methods available to arrays, but in addition you want to add additional properties, the way to do that is to create a subclass of Array:
class MyArray < Array
attr_accessor :title
def initialize(*args)
MyArray.ancestors # => [MyArray, Array, Enumerable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
a =,2) # => [2,2,2]
b = # => []
b << 4 << 5 << 6 # => [4,5,6]
e = a+b # => [2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6]
e.class # => Array
a.title = "This is array a"
puts a.title # => "This is array a"
e.title = "me, e" # => NoMethodError: undefined method `title='
b.class # => MyArray
b.is_a? Array # => true
c = [7,8,9] # => [7, 8, 9]
c.is_a? MyArray # => false
d = a+c # => [2, 2, 2, 7, 8, 9]
super, in initialize, is what gives your class instances the properties of an array. When super is invoked within any method, it invokes the parent class method of the same name. So here it calls Array#initialize. Moreover, super passes along all the parameters its method received; that is, you don't need to write
super args
You can do this with most most Ruby objects (e.g., hashes and strings), but there are some exceptions. In particular, you cannot subclass Fixnum or Symbol.

Ruby Style: How to check whether a nested hash element exists

Consider a "person" stored in a hash. Two examples are:
fred = {:person => {:name => "Fred", :spouse => "Wilma", :children => {:child => {:name => "Pebbles"}}}}
slate = {:person => {:name => "Mr. Slate", :spouse => "Mrs. Slate"}}
If the "person" doesn't have any children, the "children" element is not present. So, for Mr. Slate, we can check whether he has parents:
slate_has_children = !slate[:person][:children].nil?
So, what if we don't know that "slate" is a "person" hash? Consider:
dino = {:pet => {:name => "Dino"}}
We can't easily check for children any longer:
dino_has_children = !dino[:person][:children].nil?
NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
So, how would you check the structure of a hash, especially if it is nested deeply (even deeper than the examples provided here)? Maybe a better question is: What's the "Ruby way" to do this?
The most obvious way to do this is to simply check each step of the way:
has_children = slate[:person] && slate[:person][:children]
Use of .nil? is really only required when you use false as a placeholder value, and in practice this is rare. Generally you can simply test it exists.
Update: If you're using Ruby 2.3 or later there's a built-in dig method that does what's described in this answer.
If not, you can also define your own Hash "dig" method which can simplify this substantially:
class Hash
def dig(*path)
path.inject(self) do |location, key|
location.respond_to?(:keys) ? location[key] : nil
This method will check each step of the way and avoid tripping up on calls to nil. For shallow structures the utility is somewhat limited, but for deeply nested structures I find it's invaluable:
has_children = slate.dig(:person, :children)
You might also make this more robust, for example, testing if the :children entry is actually populated:
children = slate.dig(:person, :children)
has_children = children && !children.empty?
With Ruby 2.3 we'll have support for the safe navigation operator:
has_children now could be written as:
has_children = slate[:person]&.[](:children)
dig is being added as well:
has_children = slate.dig(:person, :children)
Another alternative:
dino.fetch(:person, {})[:children]
You can use the andand gem:
require 'andand'
fred[:person].andand[:children].nil? #=> false
dino[:person].andand[:children].nil? #=> true
You can find further explanations at
One could use hash with default value of {} - empty hash. For example,
dino ={})
dino[:pet] = {:name => "Dino"}
dino_has_children = !dino[:person][:children].nil? #=> false
That works with already created Hash as well:
dino = {:pet=>{:name=>"Dino"}}
dino.default = {}
dino_has_children = !dino[:person][:children].nil? #=> false
Or you can define [] method for nil class
class NilClass
def [](* args)
nil[:a] #=> nil
Traditionally, you really had to do something like this:
structure[:a] && structure[:a][:b]
However, Ruby 2.3 added a feature that makes this way more graceful:
structure.dig :a, :b # nil if it misses anywhere along the way
There is a gem called ruby_dig that will back-patch this for you.
def flatten_hash(hash)
hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h|
if v.is_a? Hash
flatten_hash(v).map do |h_k, h_v|
h["#{k}_#{h_k}"] = h_v
h[k] = v
irb(main):012:0> fred = {:person => {:name => "Fred", :spouse => "Wilma", :children => {:child => {:name => "Pebbles"}}}}
=> {:person=>{:name=>"Fred", :spouse=>"Wilma", :children=>{:child=>{:name=>"Pebbles"}}}}
irb(main):013:0> slate = {:person => {:name => "Mr. Slate", :spouse => "Mrs. Slate"}}
=> {:person=>{:name=>"Mr. Slate", :spouse=>"Mrs. Slate"}}
irb(main):014:0> flatten_hash(fred).keys.any? { |k| k.include?("children") }
=> true
irb(main):015:0> flatten_hash(slate).keys.any? { |k| k.include?("children") }
=> false
This will flatten all the hashes into one and then any? returns true if any key matching the substring "children" exist.
This might also help.
dino_has_children = !dino.fetch(person, {})[:children].nil?
Note that in rails you can also do:
dino_has_children = !dino[person].try(:[], :children).nil? #
Here is a way you can do a deep check for any falsy values in the hash and any nested hashes without monkey patching the Ruby Hash class (PLEASE don't monkey patch on the Ruby classes, such is something you should not do, EVER).
(Assuming Rails, although you could easily modify this to work outside of Rails)
def deep_all_present?(hash)
fail ArgumentError, 'deep_all_present? only accepts Hashes' unless hash.is_a? Hash
hash.each do |key, value|
return false if key.blank? || value.blank?
return deep_all_present?(value) if value.is_a? Hash
Simplifying the above answers here:
Create a Recursive Hash method whose value cannot be nil, like as follows.
def recursive_hash {|key, value| key[value] = recursive_hash}
> slate = recursive_hash
> slate[:person][:name] = "Mr. Slate"
> slate[:person][:spouse] = "Mrs. Slate"
> slate
=> {:person=>{:name=>"Mr. Slate", :spouse=>"Mrs. Slate"}}
=> {}
If you don't mind creating empty hashes if the value does not exists for the key :)
You can try to play with
dino.default = {}
Or for example:
empty_hash = {}
empty_hash.default = empty_hash
dino.default = empty_hash
That way you can call
empty_hash[:a][:b][:c][:d][:e] # and so on...
dino[:person][:children] # at worst it returns {}
x = {:a => {:b => 'c'}}
y = {}
you could check x and y like this:
(x[:a] || {})[:b] # 'c'
(y[:a] || {})[:b] # nil
Thks #tadman for the answer.
For those who want perfs (and are stuck with ruby < 2.3), this method is 2.5x faster:
unless Hash.method_defined? :dig
class Hash
def dig(*path)
val, index, len = self, 0, path.length
index += 1 while(index < len && val = val[path[index]])
and if you use RubyInline, this method is 16x faster:
unless Hash.method_defined? :dig
require 'inline'
class Hash
inline do |builder|
builder.c_raw '
VALUE dig(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
rb_check_arity(argc, 1, UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS);
self = rb_hash_aref(self, *argv);
if (NIL_P(self) || !--argc) return self;
return dig(argc, argv, self);
You can also define a module to alias the brackets methods and use the Ruby syntax to read/write nested elements.
UPDATE: Instead of overriding the bracket accessors, request Hash instance to extend the module.
module Nesty
def []=(*keys,value)
key = keys.pop
if keys.empty?
super(key, value)
if self[*keys].is_a? Hash
self[*keys][key] = value
self[*keys] = { key => value}
def [](*keys)
class Hash
def nesty
self.extend Nesty
Then you can do:
irb> a = {}.nesty
=> {}
irb> a[:a, :b, :c] = "value"
=> "value"
irb> a
=> {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>"value"}}}
irb> a[:a,:b,:c]
=> "value"
irb> a[:a,:b]
=> {:c=>"value"}
irb> a[:a,:d] = "another value"
=> "another value"
irb> a
=> {:a=>{:b=>{:c=>"value"}, :d=>"another value"}}
I don't know how "Ruby" it is(!), but the KeyDial gem which I wrote lets you do this basically without changing your original syntax:
has_kids = !dino[:person][:children].nil?
has_kids = !dino.dial[:person][:children].call.nil?
This uses some trickery to intermediate the key access calls. At call, it will try to dig the previous keys on dino, and if it hits an error (as it will), returns nil. nil? then of course returns true.
You can use a combination of & and key? it is O(1) compared to dig which is O(n) and this will make sure person is accessed without NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
fred[:person]&.key?(:children) //=>true
