Make "email" for PFUser private - parse-platform

Is there a way to set private the email property of a PFUser class, without having to set private the entire class?

It's been requested for a few years over and over again to add the ability to do this but the Parse team has yet to release anything.

If you place the email in a PrivateUserData subclass, the email can be private, but the password reset function can no longer work. Unless you set the email of the User object to be your own email and do something about it... :)
The following could make it work:
You could make a PublicUserData subclass and place all the user information that you intend to be able to be publicly read in that class, such as the username. Then, make the User subclass private. Anytime you want to access the User subclass to modify information, just log in the user.
var PublicUserData = Parse.Object.extend("PublicUserData");
var publicData = new PublicUserData();
publicData.set("username", username);
publicData.set("userId",;, {
success: function(projectData) {
error: function(projectData, error) {


Migrating User to Cognito on Sign In

I am trying to migrate users to Cognito when they sign in the first time. For this I wrote a lambda function that does call an API to check if the users exist in db or not ? if the user exists, it will be created in cognito but I am not sure how do I tell the application that user is created and it should allow the user to login .
Here is the code in c#:
public async Task<Stream> FunctionHandlerAsync(Stream stream, ILambdaContext context)
RootObject rootObj = DeserializeStream(stream);
User user = new User(rootObj.userName, rootObj.request.password);
ApiResponse apiResponse = await MobileAuthenticateAsync(user.UserName, user.Password);
// Considering apiResponse returns "user authenticated", we create the user in //cognito. This is working.
// How do I send response back to Application so it knows that user is // //created and authenticated and should be allowed to login.
//Before returning stream, I am setting following 2 status.
rootObj.response.finalUserStatus = "CONFIRMED"; // is this correct ?
rootObj.response.messageAction = "SUPPRESS";
return SerializeToStream(rootObj);;
You're pretty close.
You can see the full documentation on the Migrate User Lambda Trigger page, however in short you need your response to look like:
response: {
userAttributes: {
email: '',
email_verified: true,
custom:myAttribute: 123,
finalUserStatus: 'CONFIRMED',
messageAction: 'SUPPRESS',
forceAliasCreation: false,
userAttribute: this is a dictionary/map of the user's attributes keys in cognito (note that any custom attributes need to be prefixed with custom:), to the values from the system you're migrating from. You do not need to provide all of these, although if you're using an email alias you may want to set email_verified: true to prevent the user having to re-verify their e-mail address.
finalUserStatus: if you set this to CONFIRMED then the user will not have to re-confirm their email address/phone number, which is probably a sensible default. If you are concerned that the password is given as plain-text to cognito this first-time, you can instead use RESET_REQUIRED to force them to change their password on first sign-in.
messageAction: should probably be SUPPRESS unless you want to send them a welcome email on migration.
forceAliasCreation: is important only if you're using email aliases, as it stops users who manage to sign-up into cognito being replaced on migration.
If you respond with this (keeping the rest of the original rootObj is convenient but not required then the user will migrated with attributes as specified.
If you throw (or fail to respond with the correct event shape) then the migration lambda fails and the user is told that they couldn't migrated. For example, because they do not exist in your old user database, or they haven't provided the right credentials.

Parse Server Access PFUser in BeforeSave Trigger

I need to check a property of my PFUser's in beforeSave triggers for each of my classes to determine if that user should be allowed to edit the piece of data they are attempting to edit.
For example, if a non-admin PFUser is attempting to edit or add to a class they shouldn't be allowed to, I want to prevent that in the beforeSave trigger. I access the keys being edited using dirtyKeys.
Parse-Server doesn't support .currentUser() like the old Parse server used to. How can I access the PFUser who is making the request? Is there a way to do it besides through session tokens?
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Class", function(request, response) {
//Get the keys that're being edited and iterate through them
var dirtyKeys = request.object.dirtyKeys();
for (var i = 0; i < dirtyKeys.length; ++i) {
var dirtyKey = dirtyKeys[i];
//Allow or don't allow editing of each key
if (userObject.get("<KEY>")) {
console.log('Class before save trigger IS key');
} else {
console.log('Class before save trigger NOT key');
Turns out the answer is much more obvious than I anticipated and was in the docs but I overlooked it despite my searching.
Since Parse.User.current() isn't working in Parse Server, the replacement is simply request.user. I was able to easily access all the data I needed from this and am good to go.
var user = request.user; // request.user replaces Parse.User.current()

How to store PreRequestFilter information in AuthUserSession

I am building a web service using ServiceStack which has to support multiple vendors. The web service provides largely the same functionality to all vendors with some exceptions here and there.
In order to re-use as much functionality as possible I have come up with the following URL scheme:
"brand1" and "brand2" are not services but "templates" is. The Templates service's request DTO's will have a property called "Brand" like so:
[Route("/{Brand}/templates", "GET")]
public class GetTemplates
public Brand Brand { get; set; }
So in the Templates service I know which brand I am dealing with. This scheme works well.
What I cannot figure out though is this. The user of the service has to be authenticated and I cannot figure out how to handle the redirection of the service after the user has been authenticated since I have to pass along the brand information. I have created my own CustomAuthProvider class that inherits CredentialsAuthProvider. In the TryAuthenticate method I can set the authService.GetSession().ReferrerUrl property to the correct brand if I know what it was.
The only way I have found so far to get this information is to register a PreRequestFilter. My thinking here was that since the URL (e.g. http://localhost/brand1/templates) contains the brand I can store it in my own AuthUserSession class. I can't figure out how to do this. I have a "SessionFactory" method that I pass to the AuthFeature constructor. But what should I do in there? How do I get to the brand that I've obtained in the PreRequestFilter? Is it safe to store it in a field of the AppHost? I think not because of concurrency issues. How do I tie the PreRequestFilter to the SessionFactory method?
I hope I am explaining my problem clearly enough?
I was overthinking the solution because I didn't realize that I had all the information I needed in the IServiceBase parameter of the TryAuthenticate method of the CredentialsAuthProvider class.
In the end I came to the following solution:
public class CustomCredentialsAuthProvider : CredentialsAuthProvider
public override bool TryAuthenticate(IServiceBase authService,
string userName, string password)
var session = authService.GetSession();
var origQuery = authService.Request.UrlReferrer.Query;
session.ReferrerUrl = "/error";
var queryString = origQuery.Substring(10); // strip "redirect="
var decodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(queryString);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(decodedUrl))
var query = new Uri(decodedUrl);
session.ReferrerUrl = query.AbsolutePath;
return DoAuthentication(userName, password);
The different places where you can set the Url to redirect to during ServiceStack Authentication, in order of precedence are:
The Session.ReferrerUrl Url if it's populated
The Continue QueryString, FormData param when making the request to /auth (i.e Authenticate.Continue property)
The HTTP Referer HTTP Header
The CallbackUrl of the current AuthProvider used not returning emailVerified value on User object

I've set up my app to enable email verification and the emails come through fine. Trouble is, when I make a call to retrieve a User object, either with Parse.User.current() or by querying by id, the response does not contain the emailVerified field. I can't therefore check if the user is email verified or not.
I've tried this both in client side code and in cloud code with the same result.
You can try this out in your own code with a very simple snippet in the console:
var user = Parse.User.logIn("your_username", "your_password", {
success: function(user) {
That field seems to be protected, the only solution I can think of would be to query for where the value is true using some variant of where and check if you get a user back or not. If user is null, they haven't verified their email.

ASP.NET MVC, Forms Authentication, and Session

I would like to execute the below line when the user logs in so that I have access to the MembershipUser object. However I am having a hard time figuring out when to set it.
Session["User"] = Membership.GetUser();
So far I've tried...
For each the session state isn't necessarily available.
Manually calling it in the log-in page is easy, but I need to have it work when automatically logging in using cookies as well.
If all you want do is store arbitrary data along with the username, there is an open source project called FormsAuthenticationExtensions that allows you to do exactly this in a very simple manner:
In your Login action you would store your data like this:
var ticketData = new NameValueCollection
{ "name", user.FullName },
{ "emailAddress", user.EmailAddress }
new FormsAuthentication().SetAuthCookie(user.UserId, true, ticketData);
And you read it back like this:
var ticketData = ((FormsIdentity) User.Identity).Ticket.GetStructuredUserData();
var name = ticketData["name"];
var emailAddress = ticketData["emailAddress"];
Data is stored in the same cookie holding the authentication ticket, so it will be available for as long as the user is logged in.
Project page:
Why? You can access Membership.GetUser from anywhere. It's a static method. What is the point of placing a value you can access from anywhere in a place you can access from anywhere?
