Can't Query Pushed Images on Remote Registry - image

First, I push an image to a remote, private repository (not
I can pull that image back
I can search for it and see it in a list of pushed images
When I log into the remote server, I cannot see those pushed images in the regular CLI (i.e., sudo docker images)
If I'm logged into the remote server, how do I query those pushed images?

I do it in two ways.
First is the registry API:
(Sample call to list images:
Second - if you have control of the private registry - you can install a web UI that makes things even easier:


How can I push docker compose based images for Gitlab Registry Using CI/CD

I've linked Postgres DB & API images using docker-compose, its working in local, I've to push both image for gitlab registry Using CI/CD.
enter image description here
The gitlab docs cover how to build and push Docker images during CI quite well.
It is important to note/use the CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE variable. If the image name you try to push is different from CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE, the push will fail. If you want to have multiple images, you either need to label them in the tag ($CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:db-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG) or create a separate repo and manage the images there.

Where can I create images from? Locally at all? (Docker remote API)

May/may not be an easy question here, but where can I pull images from to create a new docker image via the API?
My (unsuccessful) attempts have been trying to build an image from something local. Using docker images to get a list of images, then trying to use their Image ID or Repository has not worked for me while using the fromImage query param like so:
curl --data '' host:port/images/create?fromImage=test/hello-world&tag=webTesting
I consistently get the following error:
{"errorDetail":{"message":"Error: image test/hello-world not found"},"error":"Error: image test/hello-world not found"}
In running docker images, we can very clearly see the following:
test/hello-world latest 6d9bd5e6da4e 2 days ago 556.9 MB
In all combinations of using the repository/tag/id the error still displays. I understand that we can create images from urls with fromSrc, and there are alternative create image routes by uploading .tar files, but is it possible in the case to create an image from one that already exists locally? I've had success in compiling images from ubuntu or centos, but I'm looking basically to replicate something local with new tags/repository.
I do see in the documentation that fromImage parameter may only be used when pulling an image -- does this mean we can only import images that are hosted on Dockerhub?
As you noted, the Docker remote API documentation clearly states that a pull operation must be triggered for this image reference.
This does not require that you use DockerHub, but it means that the image must be located on a registry and not simply in your daemon's local cache. If you were running a Docker registry instance on your host (which is easily done with the public registry image in DockerHub) on port 5000, then you could use "localhost:5000/test/hello-world" as the fromImage, and it will pull it from your locally hosted registry (after you push it locally of course).

Delete docker image from remote repo

I have the following
docker registry :http://myPrivateRegistry:5000
repository : myRepo
Image : myImage
I pushed this image to the remote repo by the following
docker push http://myPrivateRegistry:5000/myRepo/myImage
How do I delete this image from the 'remote repo' not just locally??
docker rmi http://myPrivateRegistry:5000/myRepo/myImage untags the image but does not remove it from teh remote repo
After some time googling I've found that you could use Curl command to delete images, e.g:
curl -X DELETE registry-url/v1/repositories/repository-name/
As far as I can see, this is still being debated in issue 422
While deletes are part of the API, they cannot be safely implemented on top of an eventually consistent backend (read: s3).
The main blocker comes from the complexity of reference counting on top of an eventually consistent storage system.
We need to consider whether it is worth facing that complexity or to adopt a hybrid storage model, where references are stored consistently.
As long as the registry supports varied backends, using an eventually consistent VFS model, safe deletions are not really possible without more infrastructure.
Issue 210 does mention
Soft delete have been implemented as part of the API, and more specialized issues have been opened for garbage collection.

updating files while app runs on heroku

suppose if i open my heroku webpage, it update a file, like a database.
now i want to retrieve it.
i tried git pull, when done, i checked, it is the old file what i pushed last time.
i tried heroku run bash and "cat"-ed the file, it gives old outputs. :/
but i can assure, the file is getting update, coz if i output the file content through server, like if i request for a particular path on my address, it will show the contents of that file on browser, then it shows updated data.
i have no idea why is this happening. any clue ?
i am using python3 with wsgiref module.
You shouldn't use the dyno filesystem for persistent file storage (like databases). The dyno filesystems are ephemeral and changes are not reflected in the git repository associated with you app. Use one of the data storage add-ons instead:

Blobstore Images Disappearing on Google App Engine Development Server

I'm using App Engine's high performance image serving on my site, and I'm able to get everything working properly on both my local machine and in production i.e. I can upload an image and successfully display the images using get_serving_url on the blob key. However, these images don't seem to persist on my development server, i.e. after I come back from a computer restart, the images no longer show up. The development server spits out:
which I'm guessing is actually because the underlying blobs are no longer there (although this is just a hunch). The rest of my datastore is still intact though, as I'm using the launch setting "--datastore_path" to ensure my data persists. Is there a separate flag I need to be using to persist the blobs as well? Or is there a separate problem here that I'm missing?
You must use --blobstore_path=DIR:
--blobstore_path=DIR Path to directory to use for storing Blobstore
file stub data.
You can see all options typing --help in the command line.
