XA transactions using spring and activemq - jms

I am trying to prove I don't need the activemq rar deployed to JBoss EAP 6.3 in order to use XA transactions...I'd like to use just the active mq client jar. I created a simple spring-boot project and exposed a method which gets exposed via a restful web service. The following code correctly rolls back if I have the active-mq rar deployed.
public void work() throws Exception {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) this.context
// Send a message
MessageCreator messageCreator = new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
return session.createTextMessage("Test message!");
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = new JmsTemplate(connectionFactory);
System.out.println("Sending a new message.");
jmsTemplate.send("test-destination", messageCreator);
throw new Exception("Something bad happened!!");
However, when I create my own ConnectionFactory via JNDI, the code doesn't rollback and the message still gets sent.
public void work() throws Exception {
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = null;
try {
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:/ConnectionFactory");
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Send a message
MessageCreator messageCreator = new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
return session.createTextMessage("Test message!");
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = new JmsTemplate(connectionFactory);
System.out.println("Sending a new message.");
jmsTemplate.send("test-destination", messageCreator);
throw new Exception("Something bad happened!!");
What I'd like to understand is what spring-boot is doing at boot time to provide XA support when the activemq rar is deployed as a resource adaptor on EAP. If I understand that, I think I should be able to just package the active-mq client jar and my database jar in my spring app (not spring-boot based) and still provide XA support i.e. get spring to manage the XA transactions by delegating to the PlatformTransactionManager.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Will

Spring Boot is all about conventions. You need to indicate Spring Boot that you are connecting to a XA connection factory.
According to Spring Boot documentation (32.3 Using a Java EE managed transaction manager) :
Spring Boot will attempt to auto-configure JMS by looking for a ConnectionFactory at the JNDI path java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory


Configure dead letter queue. DLQ for a jms consumer

It is a rather simple question... I have a spring project where I consume queues (CONSUMER).
Now I want to configure individual dead letter queues for each queue I am consuming.
However, in my mind, the individual dead letter queues configuration must be done in the broker service (SERVER), not in the CONSUMER. Is it really so?
My code below WILL NOT work, correct?
public DeadLetterStrategy deadLetterStrategy(){
IndividualDeadLetterStrategy dlq = new IndividualDeadLetterStrategy();
return dlq;
public ActiveMQConnectionFactory consumerActiveMQConnectionFactory() {
var activeMQConnectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory();
RedeliveryPolicy policy = activeMQConnectionFactory.getRedeliveryPolicy();
return activeMQConnectionFactory;
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory() {
var factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;
public BrokerService broker() throws Exception {
final BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();
return broker;
public PolicyMap policyMap() {
PolicyMap destinationPolicy = new PolicyMap();
List<PolicyEntry> entries = new ArrayList<PolicyEntry>();
PolicyEntry queueEntry = new PolicyEntry();
queueEntry.setQueue(">"); // In activemq '>' does the same thing as '*' does in other languages
return destinationPolicy;
} }
#JmsListener(destination = "myqueue")
public void onMessage(Message message, Session session) throws JMSException {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
A JMS consumer in ActiveMQ 5.x cannot configure the broker side dead letter strategy, this must be done at the broker in the configuration XML or via programmatic broker configuration. You could configure it in spring as you've done if your broker is simply an in memory broker however that is of little use for most applications.
Refer to the broker documentation for more help on configuration of the broker.

Spring Tomcat configuration for JMS (IBM MQ, Tomcat, Spring)

I have a relatively old application that uses Websphere MQ for messaging. It runs on WAS (Websphere Application Server) and uses MDBs (Message Driven Beans). I have to migrate that application from Websphere so Tomcat
I tried something using springboot and was able to write a sample JMS application that connects to queues and read messages and is able to process them but have not implemented transaction management with JMS.
Now I have been asked to configure the application so that it runs on tomcat.
Can anyone please help, how and where I have to setup configuration in tomcat.
Or what all changes will be required if package my springboot application as war and deploy it on Tomcat.
This is how my code in applicationconfig.java looks like
#Bean(name = "mqQueueConnectionFactory")
public MQQueueConnectionFactory mqQueueConnectionFactory() {
MQQueueConnectionFactory mqQueueConnectionFactory = new MQQueueConnectionFactory();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("MQQueueConnectionFactory bean exception" + e);
return mqQueueConnectionFactory;
UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter userCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter(
MQQueueConnectionFactory mqQueueConnectionFactory) {
UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter userCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter = new UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter();
return userCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter;
public CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory(
UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter userCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter) {
CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory();
return cachingConnectionFactory;
public JmsOperations jmsOperations(CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory) {
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = new JmsTemplate(cachingConnectionFactory);
return jmsTemplate;
#Bean(name = "wmq")
public JmsComponent wmQ(#Value(AppConstants.WMQ_CONNECTION_TYPE) int connType,
#Value(AppConstants.WMQ_HOST) String hostName,
#Value(AppConstants.WMQ_PORT) Integer port,
#Value(AppConstants.WMQ_QUEUE_MANAGER) String queueManager,
#Value(AppConstants.WMQ_CHANNEL) String channel,
#Value(AppConstants.WMQ_CONCURRENT_CONSUMERS) int concurrentConsumers,
#Value(AppConstants.WMQ_USERNAME) String username,
#Value(AppConstants.WMQ_PASSWORD) String password
) throws JMSException {
JmsComponent jmsComponent = new JmsComponent();
MQConnectionFactory mqConnectionFactory = new MQConnectionFactory();
try {
JmsConfiguration jmsConfiguration = new JmsConfiguration(mqConnectionFactory);
} catch (JMSException e) {
String msg = "Error while creating IBM MQ Connection Factory";
throw new JMSException(msg);
return jmsComponent;

Spring JMS HornetQ user is null

I am trying to connect to a remote HornetQ broker in a spring boot/spring jms application and setup a #JmsListener.
HornetQ ConnectionFactory is being fetched from JNDI registry that HornetQ instance hosts. Everything works fine as long as HornetQ security is turned off but when it is turned on I get this error
WARN o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer : Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination 'jms/MI/Notification/Queue' - trying to recover. Cause: User: null doesn't have permission='CONSUME' on address jms.queue.MI/Notification/Queue
I ran a debug session to figure out that ConnectionFactory instance being returned is HornetQXAConnectionFactory but user and password fields are not set, which I believe is why user is null. I verified that user principal and credentials are set in JNDI properties but somehow it is not being passed on to ConnectionFactory instance. Any help on how I can get this setup working would be greatly appreciated.
This is my jms related config
public class JmsConfig {
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> jmsListenerContainerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
#Bean // Serialize message content to json using TextMessage
public MessageConverter jacksonJmsMessageConverter() {
MappingJackson2MessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
return converter;
private String jndiProviderURL;
private String jndiPrincipal;
private String jndiCredential;
public JndiTemplate jndiTemplate() {
Properties env = new Properties();
env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
env.put("java.naming.provider.url", jndiProviderURL);
env.put("java.naming.security.principal", jndiPrincipal);
env.put("java.naming.security.credentials", jndiCredential);
return new JndiTemplate(env);
public DestinationResolver destinationResolver() {
JndiDestinationResolver destinationResolver = new JndiDestinationResolver();
return destinationResolver;
private String connectionFactoryJNDIName;
public JndiObjectFactoryBean connectionFactoryFactory() {
JndiObjectFactoryBean jndiObjectFactoryBean = new JndiObjectFactoryBean();
return jndiObjectFactoryBean;
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory(JndiObjectFactoryBean connectionFactoryFactory) {
return (ConnectionFactory) connectionFactoryFactory.getObject();
JNDI and JMS are 100% independent as they are completely different specifications implemented in potentially completely different ways. Therefore the credentials you use for your JNDI lookup do not apply to your JMS resources. You need to explicitly set the username and password credentials on your JMS connection. This is easy using the JMS API directly (e.g. via javax.jms.ConnectionFactory#createConnection(String username, String password)). Since you're using Spring you could use something like this:
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory(JndiObjectFactoryBean connectionFactoryFactory) {
UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter cf = new UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter();
cf.setTargetConnectionFactory((ConnectionFactory) connectionFactoryFactory.getObject());
return cf;
Also, for what it's worth, the HornetQ code-base was donated to the Apache ActiveMQ project three and a half years ago now and it lives on as the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis broker. There's been 22 releases since then with numerous new features and bug fixes. I strongly recommend you migrate if at all possible.
Wrap the connection factory in a UserCredentialsConnectionFactoryAdapter.
* An adapter for a target JMS {#link javax.jms.ConnectionFactory}, applying the
* given user credentials to every standard {#code createConnection()} call,
* that is, implicitly invoking {#code createConnection(username, password)}
* on the target. All other methods simply delegate to the corresponding methods
* of the target ConnectionFactory.
* ...

activeMQ does not participate in Weblogic XA transactions

I try to get XA transactions involving a jdbc and jms DataSource working in a Spring webapp deployed to Weblogic.
Using a local Atomikos TransactionManager, this works - I see XA debug messages in ActiveMQ, and stuff stays consistent. In Weblogic however, the database and ActiveMQ are not transactionally consistent.
I have added a foreign JMS server in Weblogic
JNDI Initial Context Factory:
JNDI Connection URL:
JNDI Properties:
To that server, I have added a ConnectionFactory (Remote JNDI Name = XAConnectionFactory). Lookups work, so far so good.
In my code, this is how I setup the Spring JTA:
public JtaTransactionManager transactionManager()
WebLogicJtaTransactionManager tx = new WebLogicJtaTransactionManager();
return tx;
And this is my JMS config:
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory()
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, env.getProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY));
props.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, env.getProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL));
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(props);
ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory) ctx
return connectionFactory;
catch(NamingException e)
throw new RuntimeException("XAConnectionFactory lookup failed", e);
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory() throws JMSException
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
factory.setBackOff(new FixedBackOff());
return factory;
#Bean(name = "jmsTemplate")
public JmsTemplate jmsTemplate() throws JMSException
JmsTemplate t = new JmsTemplate();
return t;
My JMS consumer is annotated with:
#JmsListener(destination = "test.q1")
Is there anything I am missing?
Turns out this only works via the Resource Adapter, its not possible solely via the JNDI ConnectionFactory.
It is possible, using the undocumented ActiveMQ JNDI property "xa=true" in the foreign JMS server definition, see here:
Deployment of ActiveMQ resource adapter fails
ActiveMQInitialConnectionFactory cannot return an
ActiveMQInitialConnectionFactory returns XA
connection factory

Ensuring Spring Integration deployment's JMS listener threads are cleaned up on Tomcat undeploy

I have a simple Spring Integration application which runs on Tomcat (v7.0.x) and consumes messages off a Websphere MQ Queue. When I un-deploy the WAR from the Tomcat server, the WAR un-deploys okay but, a JMS listener thread is left running on the Tomcat server which will still consume messages off the Websphere MQ Queue. I am therefore assuming that I am not handling the JMS listener clean up part of the application properly?
Here is the stack I am using:
Java 8
Tomcat 7.0.55
Spring Integration 4.0.4
Spring Integration Java Dsl 1.0.0.M3
In terms of my SI application's configurations, I have a JmsConfig class:
public class JmsConfig {
private Properties jndiProperties;
private ConnectionFactory mqConnectionFactory() throws NamingException {
Context ctx = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
try {
MQQueueConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (MQQueueConnectionFactory)
return connectionFactory;
} finally {
public ConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory() throws NamingException {
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory();
return connectionFactory;
I have an Integration config class:
public class IntegrationConfig {
private ConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory;
public IntegrationFlow requestFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
Web Initialiser config class:
public class WebInitialiser implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext)
throws ServletException {
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext rootContext =
new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
rootContext.register(ApplicationConfig.class, JmsConfig.class,
IntegrationConfig.class, DatabaseConfig.class);
servletContext.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(rootContext));
During the un-deploy stage I see the following in the catalina logs which may or may not be related:
SEVERE: The web application [/service-a] appears to have started a thread named [Thread-7] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
Is there anything that I have yet NOT set or configured or annotated in order to ensure that the deployment's JMS listener thread is cleaned up from Tomcat's JVM during the WAR's un-deploy stage?
Thanks in advance,
To ensure that JMS listener threads are cleared up upon the application's un-deploy stage, I simply created a CachingConnectionFactory bean with its targetConnectionFactory being that of the MQConnectionFactory. Then, in the Spring Integration flows, I simply pass in the cachingConnectionFactory bean to the JMS adapters instead. I've updated the configs in this post to show this. Cheers, PM.
