What is the actual role of XMPP - websocket

I am new in XMPP. I want to use it for my chatting application which can be accessible from web and mobile. I have searched a lot about background working of XMPP but could not found much clear. What is the actual role of XMPP. XMPP is not a protocol for transferring data because it uses BOSH or Websockets, XMPP is not for storing data because many server side implementations are using external databases. Then what is XMPP doing exactly in the process of chatting ?

XMPP is a protocol.
Protocols can be and usually are layered. You can build a protocol layered on a protocol layered on a protocol.
XMPP is layered on BOSH or Websockets
Websockets/BOSH is layered on HTTP(S)
HTTP(S) is layered on TCP
TCP is layered on IP
IP is layered on Ethernet
For further reading I recommend to familiarize yourself with the OSI model.
When you want to create an application which implements the XMPP protocol, you also need an implementation of every layer below it. When you are smart, you will try to find a library which provides you with an implementation of the highest layer you can find and all layers below it.
Or when you really want to learn how each of these protocols works exactly, it would be a great exercise to read the protocol specifications and build your own protocol stack starting as low as your environment allows and working up. But do not do this when you have the goal to create a market-ready product. An implementation created and tested by people who knew what they were doing will likely work much better than what you will build and save you a lot of time.


Web Sockets Protocol - Clarification needed here

I was reading the the official RFC for the Web Sockets protocol in order to implement it for learning purposes, I wanted to make things a bit different somehow but I was not sure what to make different. While I was reading the document, I came across this:
The Web Socket Protocol attempts to address the goals of existing bidirectional HTTP technologies in the context of the existing HTTP infrastructure; as such, it is designed to work over HTTP ports 80 and 443 as well as to support HTTP proxies and intermediaries, even if this implies some complexity specific to then current environment. However, the design does not limit Web Socket to HTTP, and future implementations could use a simpler handshake over a dedicated port without reinventing the entire protocol.
Does this imply a custom web socket protocol can be implemented with a non http based handshake?.
If so, does it mean a the regular Java Script Web Socket client will not work with this and I would need to implement a custom client to communicate using this protocol?

What exactly does a XMPP server do?

Besides federation (talking to other XMPP server), what's the role of an XMPP server in the communication between two peers?
Wikipedia says that
The XMPP network uses a client–server architecture; clients do not
talk directly to one another.
In that case, they must talk through the server, so messages must go through the server, correct?
Does it role change if we're using XMPP over Websockets, BOSH, or bare TCP?
For instance if we use XMPP over Websockets, is there a Websocket between client1 and the server, and another Websocket between client2 and the server?
An XMPP server provides basic messaging, presence, and XML routing features. This page lists Jabber/XMPP server software that you can use to run your own XMPP service, either over the Internet or on a local area network. Wikipedia is also right. According to wikipedia it means that it uses server client system. It is a system in which a computing system composed of two logical parts: a server, which provides information or services, and a client, which requests them. On a network, for example, users can access server resources from their personal computers using client software. Server client system is widely used for communication purpose and also in DBMS
actually it is a communication protocol for message oriented middle ware ( lies between software and application ) based on xml (extensible markup language ) It enables the near-real-time exchange of structured yet extensible data between any two or more network entities.

can you provide information about websocket

I am doing research on websocket in the world of IoT, but the scope of information I have is quite small. I like the suggestion, if you can share information about the website, if you can, thank you.
I read several papers about IoT, including the application of websocket in the queuing system, there is also a comparative analysis of the performance of Xbee and Websocket.
WebSocket is a communications protocol which facilitates a full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection. WebSocket WebSocket communication presents a suitable protocol for the IoT environments. Since it offers a lightweight communication between server and client also bundles of data can be transmitted continually between multiple devices. For this we need to have a server that needs WebSocket library installed and also a WebSocket Client and web browser installed on the client or the device that supports WebSocket.
There are both the advantages and caveats of using WebSockets and IoT.
Please refer the below links for more information:
1) https://www.hcltech.com/blogs/unleashing-power-html5-websocket-internet-things-iot
2) https://medium.com/#krishna.thokala2010/websocket-fever-for-iot-f662498ff1d2
3) https://webofthings.org/tag/websockets/
4) https://readwrite.com/2017/10/31/websockets-iot-two-dont-go-together/
Hope this information helps. Please comment if you need more assistance on specific details.

p2p direct data exchange...via HTTPS?

Is there any protocol, API or software in existence that can send data/IM/etc directly from one device to another with no server?
Can you not use HTTP GET/POST/DELETE directly between two devices when their device data is known to the user(s)?
I would very much like to know if there is ANY software/protocols that can do this.
thank you!
The internet is build on the Internet Protocol suite. This suite has 5 different layers of protocols: The physical layer, the link layer, the network layer, the transport layer and the application layer. Each depends on the one before.
If you just use the browser, by default HTTP (application layer) is used, which relies on TCP (transport layer), which relies on IP (v4 or v6, network layer), which relies on ethernet (link layer), which finally relies on the actual cable that's plugged into your computer (for WiFi, the first three are the same but the last two differ if I'm not mistaken).
Now to your question: Is there any protocol, API or software in existence that can send data/IM/etc directly from one device to another with no server?
Yes there is. I suggest you start looking at protocols that are in the application layer. To highlight a few standards next to HTTP(S): FTP is for file transfer, IMAP is for emails clients, SMTP is for email servers and SSH is a secure shell which can also be used to tunnel data through.
For your specific case, I think either FTP (FTPS if you want it over SSL), or SSH can be a solution, but it's hard to know for sure without the specifics.
The only thing that these protocols have in common is that one of the two computers will act like server and the other computer as client. This has as downside that port-forwarding might be necessary.
If you've chosen the protocol you'd like to use, then you're up for the next step, selecting a program that can do that for you. For HTTP(S), I'd recommend Apache. If you're using Linux and chose SSH, then you're in luck, there is a build in SSH server in Linux, you can use that. For other protocols, you might just want to search yourself, as I do not have any suggestions.
I hope this answers most of your questions!
In browser context, WebRTC is probably what you are looking for: It allows user to user communications.

STOMP or XMPP - Over websocket

I am working on a project which involves real time chat (messaging, including group chats).
I have worked with websockets before, So I started working on this using spring-websockets and I did some reading about what is the best way to implement it. Then I came across STOMP (as a sub-protocol for websockets)and as there is direct support for STOMP in spring it was bit easy to achieve what I was supposed to do.
But my doubt is as far as my understanding STOMP and XMPP are similar protocols(messaging protocols) but I could not find any questions/blogs where the differences are explained and why somebody would prefer one over another?
It will be really helpful if somebody explains how these two protocols differ?
Thank you.
As the successor of Jabber, XMPP is more focused on instant messaging instead of STOMP. XMPP is an extensible protocol and could be used for other purposes, but there are plenty of built-in mechanism and implementations regarding IM. STOMP offers a more general mechanism and "message" here refers a broad meaning.
Let's say you choose STOMP for your project. Then you will probably need to define basic messages for certain scenarios (peer-to-peer, group chat) which are already offered by XMPP.
To compare two protocols;
STOMP message is carried as plain text (as its name indicates) whereas XMPP is structured as XML.
STOMP connections can be established via TCP or WebSockets. XMPP supports TCP or HTTP (WebSocket standard is also propopsed).
In Java world, Spring has the ability to talk STOMP and it's very easy to implement. However, XMPP support can be added by adding 3rd Party APIs (i.e. Smack)
