magento set drop down as readonly not working - magento

I need to set a drop down as readonly. I put it as;
<select readonly="readonly" name="name" >
But this is not working. Since it is readonly, we can change the drop down value.
Please help.Thank You.

The select tag doesn't have a readonly attribute. It does have a disabled.
The problem with disabled is that form inputs don't get included in the POST / GET data.
To get around this, add another hidden input with the same name and value.

You can use something like this:
<option disabled="disabled">1</option>
<option selected="selected">2</option>


thymeleaf replacing th:field to comply with th:selected

I appreciate your passing by my post. I have searched here in StackOverFlow and google as well to fix my following code:
My HTML code:
<form th:action="#{/surgerywaitinglist/saveToWaitinList}"
th:object="${waitinglistDTO}" method="POST">
<select name="departmentName"
th:with="departmentName = ${waitinglistDTO.department.departmentName}"
class="form-control" id="departmentJS">
<option value="" th:selected="selected"
th:disabled="disabled">select option
<option th:each="department: ${departments}"
<input type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-primary" />
form other posts like this post I found out that th:field and th:selected do not work together; in fact, th:field needs to be replace with something else. Notice that the th:object holds another object (from Department class) ...
My DTO class:
public class WaitinglistDTO {
private Long waitingListId;
#NotBlank(message = "Please enter a procedure")
private String waitingListProcedure;
private String waitingListDiagnosis;
private Long waitingListPatientId;
private Long waitingListSurgeonId;
private Long waitingListDepartmentId;
private Date waitingListAdditionDate;
private Date waitingListActualBookingDate;
private Patient patient;
private Surgeon surgeon;
private Department department;
Could you help me figure this out?
Many thanxxxxx :)
The following image explains how it should look,,, however, the default option should be the select option which should be somehow disabled
This is the result I get when I apply the suggested code of Rafael da Silva ,, you can see the pre-selected option is the first option rather than the select option option :)
you can do like this:
<select name="departmentName" th:field="*{department.departmentName}" th:with="departmentName = ${waitinglistDTO.department.departmentName}" class="form-control" id="departmentJS">
<option selected="selected" disabled="disabled">select option</option>
<option th:each="department : ${departments}" th:value="${department.departmentName}" th:text="${department.departmentName}"></option>
this worked for me.
I don't see why you would add the selected to the blank option, the first option is always selected if your model object has nothing set and if it does normal behaviour would be to have that item selected, which th:field should resolve.
In case you want the select to always start at the default option, even if the model has another value or want to set it some other way. you can set th:id="*{department.departmentName}" and th:name="*{department.departmentName}" and than manualy handle th:selected.
As a side note theres no need to use the th version th:selected="selected" if using static values just selected or selected="selected would sufice in that case
Edit with code, not tested as i don't have my work pc where i am.
If you want to always have the first option selected even when editing with previous data
<select name="departmentName" th:name="*{department.departmentName}" th:id="*{department.departmentName}" class="form-control" id="departmentJS">
<option selected disabled>select option</option>
<option th:each="department : ${departments}" th:value="${department.departmentName}" th:text="${department.departmentName}"></option>
If you want to fill with existing data but default to the first option
<select name="departmentName" th:field="*{department.departmentName}" class="form-control" id="departmentJS">
<option disabled>select option</option>
<option th:each="department : ${departments}" th:value="${department.departmentName}" th:text="${department.departmentName}"></option>
I'm not 100% sure on the use of disabled but i think it should work, personally i would just leave it selectable and enforce a #notnull on your bean in controller validation.
the th:with annotation does nothing asfar i can see, what th:with is used for is defining a new variable for all elements nested inside the elment you define it on. example:
<div th:with="newVar='someString'">
<span th:text="${newVar}"></span>

How can I use a list of object in the model to automatically populate the options of a select in Thymeleaf view?

I am working on a Spring MVC application that use Thymeleaf for the view.
I am absolutly new in Thymeleaf and I have the following problem.
At this stage of the work into a view I have a select which options values are hard coded into the code, something like this:
<select id="selReg" class="form-control">
<option value="" >--SELEZIONARE UN'AREA--</option>
<option value="areaUmanistica" >Area Umanistica</option>
<option value="areaLinguistica" >Area Linguistica</option>
<option value="areaScientifica" >Area Scientifica</option>
<option value="areaPsicoMotoria" >Area Psico-Motoria</option>
Now, into my controller, I retrieve a list of Tad1005Tipodisciplina objects using a service and I put this list into the model.
List<Tad1005Tipodisciplina> listaTipoDisciplina = tipoDisiplinaService.getListaTipoDisciplina();
model.addAttribute("listaTipoDisciplina", listaTipoDisciplina);
This Tad1005Tipodisciplina class contain this field:
private String desTipDis;
that I want to use in my view to dinamically show the content of the previous select.
How can I use this list putted into the model to dinamically populate my select options?
You need to iterate through your list using th:each in the select statement. This is where you define a variable that will represent each object in the list, which in turn you can use in each of the option tags like this:
<select id="selReg" class="form-control" th:each="object: ${listaTipoDisciplina}" th:field="*{listaTipoDisciplina}">
<option th:value="${listObject.desTipDis}" th:text="${object.desTipDis}"></option>
/Edit: A minute too late :)
Solved by myself, in this way:
<select id="selReg" class="form-control">
<option value="" >--SELEZIONARE UN'AREA--</option>
<option th:each="tipoDisciplina: ${listaTipoDisciplina}"
Posted because maybe it could be util to someone in the future

how to make a select box which has a particular value preselected using grails2.0

I have the following line in my gsp
<g:select name="platform" from="['Date','Time','Place','Calendar']"/>
I want the Time option to be automatically selected while loading the page.
<option value="Date">Date</option>
<option value="Time" selected="selected">Time</option>
<option value="Place">Place</option>
<option value="Calendar">Calendar</option>
This is what i need when my gsp page got rendered into html.
Please help me
Thanks in advance
You can do it by setting the g:select value
<g:select name="platform" from="['Date','Time','Place','Calendar']" value="'Time'"/>
but it would be better to bind it to an model.

Watir question regarding selecting a hidden dropdown

I have two dropdowns, the second dropdown does not show until a choice is made from the first one. Using watir, i can select the first dropdown, and when i watch it, the second one becomes active, but it cannot select it. i just tried the regular select_list using name and id. Here is the code for the second drop down.
<input type="hidden" value="1" name="list" id="list">
<script type="text/JavaScript" language="JavaScript"></script>
<option value="">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
I've also notice the value for the hidden field change as i select different options.
Thanks for any help
The way that I usually access drop down lists is by using this string:
#browser.select_list(:name, "list").set("3")
Does this help?
I usually select hidden dropdowns this way
Try this:
browserObj =
browserObj.goto('you html in browser')
browserObj.select_list(:name, "list").select_value('2')

dropdown menu question, may be simple may not be

I have a webpage containing input tags like the one below eg.
<input value='Cut' name='container_cut_button' type='submit/>
<input value='Copy' name='container_copy_button' type='submit/>
I want to put these into a dropdown, I was hoping it would be something simple like
<select onchange='submit()'>
<option name='container_cut_button'>Cut</option>
<option name='container_copy_button'>Copy</option>
but no such luck,
Anyone have any ideas about how this could be done?
Thanks in advance
Use the "value" attribute of the options rather than their name.
<select name="action">
<option value="cut_item">Cut</option>
<option value="save_item">Save</option>
On the server, you'll check the value of the variable "action." It will be either "cut_item" or "save_item".
I called a javascript function in the select tag ie. onchange="exec(value)", the function gets the select id and inserts the proper name attribute based on it value.
function exec(val){
document.getElementById("action").setAttribute("name", "cut")
This worked out ok
