Xcode 6 swift sample app memory usage - xcode

I'm just starting to learn swift for the first time and I was running the sample spritekit project that comes with xcode 6 when you start a new game, the hello world app with a little spaceship spinning when you tap. When the app is executed in the ios simulator I can see the memory usage on xcode. The memory was about 56MB just for the hello world app. Is there any reason is using so much memory? or is this a normal amount of memory for such apps?

I assume you are running it in the simulator, which will have different memory usage characteristics than running it on an actual device. You'll also have slightly different memory usage when running it in debug vs running it in release mode. In other words, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the memory usage when running debug in a simulator.


Is there a min amount of ram to run create react app?

I find when I run create react app on my laptop then begin to code in VSCODE my laptop heats up a lot more than usual to the point its burning to the touch.
I have a macbook pro 2018 macos mojave fully upto date i5 8gb ram.
Is the reason for this low ram of 8gb?
Any information would be amazing.
Not sure what to try?
npx create-react-app
Not expecting laptop to get unusually hot. Only happens when running create react app. also sometimes happens when running Atom IDE but does anyone even use that anymore?
No, the amount of ram you have should be more than sufficient to to VSCode and a create-react-app. Ram also has little impact on heat so I don't think that is causing the issue.
What you could try is to open the activity monitor to check if any processes are using more CPU than they should. Also check under the Energy-tab, that could give you a good guidance to what is causing your heating problem. As an example, I've had problems before where some of my VSCode plugins have had a bug that causes them to run at 100% CPU constantly.

Can Xcode utilize 64GB RAM or greater?

I have a MBP with 16GB of RAM. As projects grow in Xcode, the compile time does take longer. I'm looking into starting a hackintosh project purely for shortening Xcode compilation time. Since RAM is cheap, I wanna push the normal boundaries. But the biggest question is will Xcode be capable of using all the RAM greater than 32GB? I know there will be some diminishing marginal returns at some point of RAM increase.
RAM usage is mostly governed by the OS, because the Mac Pro does support up to 64GB of RAM, so should OSX (and by extension XCode).
Although I wonder if your compile time issues are actually RAM-related. I have Xcode projects that take minutes to build and it's all because my CPU is pegged at 100% (using a mid-2015 15" retina MBP). Not many software projects are RAM-constrained past 16GB.

Xcode quits my application say 'Finished running App' when testing on ipad

my app built in cocos2d. it works fine on simulator (ipad,iphone,iphone5) and also debug fine in my devices ipod 5th and 4rth generation but not working fine on ipad device(ios 5.1). i did recieve warrnings two times in my rootview controller. when i hit play button on ipad ipad just quits my without anything in xcode 'log'.
it just display 'Finished running APP'.
any suggetion about how or which is the best way to figuring out the bug.
Use Instruments and figure out how much memory you are using. Look at how much RAM you're using but also video memory with the Open GL ES Driver Profiler.
Check those numbers against the device specs. You will need to do different things depending on which type of memory you are running out.
Cocos2d manages a lot of objects especially Graphic objects and releases them automatically. If you are running low on RAM you should look at what big unmanaged objects you are using but also tiny ones that you allocate extremely often.
For Video Memory, do not use big 'empty' images (like background frames for menus), you can use a Scale9Sprite (http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/18/topics/8335) which will tile the center of that image.
This happens when your app runs out of memory; you need to reduce its memory usage and try again.

Android Dev Kit in Eclipse

So I have a few issues with Eclipse and Android Dev Kit.
First of all Eclipse is being unbelievably slow and sometimes it renders it really useless. (It even lags switching the tabs!!!.)
I tried modifying the .ini file and tried allocating it even as much as 2gb-3gb ram. Still no improvement.
Is there any way to get it up to Visual Studio efficiency? When I'm debugging and I want to view a value inside a class in the watch it lags to display a simple 2 digit integer! Seriously W*F is up with that? VS instantineously displays 100s of objects in a collection with no lagging.
Also debugging is really slugish and it is really annoying! Steping from one line to another takes about 2 seconds!
My laptops has this spec:
Core i7-2670QM 2.2GHz (turbo up to 3.1GHz)
GeForce GT630M 1GB (Dedicated)
This laptop handles some of the most demanding software and games without an issue and Eclipse lags!
Another issue, when I launch the Android Emulator my sound drops by around a half (for everything.) I use the internal sound card (integrated.) Any idea of how to fix it?
Thanks very much
Daniel Wardin
I fixed the issue after deleting everything to do with Eclipse and installing the x86 version instead of the x64 and the performance is a LOT better now!
It must be a design fault in the IDE.

Memory performance difference between Activity Monitor and Instruments

My xcode project uses OpenGL 3.2 to draw. When running the profiler the allocation instruments shows a healthy behaviour (allocating and deallocating) but when observing the Activity Monitor the memory usage rises rapidly to ~ 2GB in 3 mins. I run the same program on other macs and the Activity Monitor shows only a 40MB memory usage. I run the same project on the same OS version 10.8 and same Xcode version 4.4.
