Get SGE jobid to make a pipeline - cluster-computing

Suppose I want to write a pipeline of tasks to submit to Sun/Oracle Grid Engine.
qsub -cwd touch a.txt
qsub -cwd -hold_jid touch wc -l a.txt
Now, this will run the 2nd job (wc) only after the first job (touch) is done. However, if a previous job with the name touch had run earlier, the 2nd job won't be held since the condition is already satisfied. I need the jobid of the first job.
I tried
myjid=`qsub -cwd touch a.txt`
But it gave $ echo $myjid
Your job 1062487 ("touch") has been submitted

You just need to add the -terse option to the first qsub so that it only displays the jobid rather than the whole string.
JID=`qsub -terse -cwd touch a.txt`


Read job name from bash script parameters in SGE

I am running Sun Grid Engine for submitting jobs, and I want to have a bash script that sends in any file I need to run, instead of having to run a different qsub command with a different bash file for each of the jobs. I have been capable of generating output and error files that share the name of the input file, but now I am struggling with setting a different name for each file. My approach has been the following:
#$ -cwd
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -N $1
python -u $1 >/output_dir/$1.out 2>/error_dir/$1.error
This way, running qsub foo executes the program, and creates the files foo.error and foo.out with the errors and printouts, respectively. However, the job appears with the name $1 in the SGE queue. Instead, I would like to have foo as the job name. Is there any way to achieve what I am seeking?

Hold remainder of shell script commands until PBS qsub array job completes

I am very new to shell scripting, and I am trying to write a shell pipeline that submits multiple qsub jobs, but has several commands to run in between these qsubs, which are contingent on the most recent job completing. I have been researching multiple ways to try and hold the shell script from proceeding after submission of a qsub job, but none have been successful.
The simplest chunk of code I can provide to illustrate the issue is as follows:
THREADS=`wc -l < list1.txt`
qsub -V -t 1-$THREADS
echo " completed"
There are obviously other lines of code after this that are actually contingent on finishing, but I have omitted them here for clarity. I have tried the following methods of pausing/holding the script:
1) Only using wait, which is supposed to stop the script until all background programs are completed. This pushed right past the wait and printed the echo statement to the terminal while the array job was still running. My guess is this is occurring because once the qsub job is submitted, is exits and wait thinks it has completed?
qsub -V -t 1-$THREADS
echo " completed"
2) Setting the job to a variable, echoing that variable to submit the job, and using the the entire job ID along with wait to pause. The echo command should wait until all elements of the array job have completed.The error message is shown following the code, within the code block.
job1=$(qsub -V -t 1-$THREADS
echo "$job1"
wait $job1
echo " completed"
-bash: wait: `4585057[].cluster-name.local': not a pid or valid job spec
3) Using the -sync y for qsub. This should prevent it from exiting the qsub until the job is complete, acting as an effective pause...I had hoped. Error in comment after the commands. For some reason it is not reading the -sync option correctly?
qsub -V -sync y -t 1-$THREADS
echo " completed"
qsub: script file 'y' cannot be loaded - No such file or directory
4) Using a dummy shell script (the dummy just makes an empty file) so that I could use the -W depend=afterok: option of qsub to pause the script. This again pushes right past to the echo statement without any pause for submitting the dummy script. Both jobs get submitted, one right after the other, no pause.
job1=$(qsub -V -t 1-$THREADS
echo "$job1"
check=$(qsub -V -W depend=afterok:$job1
echo "$check"
echo " completed"
Some further details regarding the script:
Each job submission is an array job.
The pipeline is being run in the terminal using a command resembling the following, so that I may provide it with 3 inputs: source -r list1.txt -d /workingDir/ -s list2.txt
I am certain that the has not actually completed running because I see them in the queue when I use showq.
Perhaps there is an easy fix in most of these scenarios, but being new to all this, I am really struggling. I have to use this method in 8-10 places throughout the script, so it is really hindering progress. Would appreciate any assistance. Thanks.
Here is the code contained in doubtful that it will help. Everything in here functions as expected, always produces the correct results.
\#! /bin/bash
\#PBS -S /bin/bash
\#PBS -N demux
\#PBS -l walltime=72:00:00
\#PBS -j oe
\#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
\#PBS -l mem=15gb
module load biotools
cd ${WORKDIR}/rawFQs/
INFILE=`head -$PBS_ARRAYID ${WORKDIR}${RAWFQ} | tail -1`
BASE=`basename "$INFILE" .fq.gz`
zcat $INFILE | --bcfile ${WORKDIR}/rawFQs/DemuxLists/${BASE}_sheet4splitter.txt --prefix ${WORKDIR}/fastqs/ --bol --suffix ".fq"
I just tried using -sync y, and that worked for me, so good idea there... Not sure what's different about your setup.
But a couple other things you could try involve your main script knowing the status of the qsub jobs you're running. One idea is that you could have your main script check the status of your job using qstat and wait until it finishes before proceeding.
Alternatively, you could have the first job write to a file as its last step (or, as you suggested, set up a dummy job that waits for the first job to finish). Then in your main script, you can test to see whether that file has been written before going on.

Pass command line arguments via sbatch

Suppose that I have the following simple bash script which I want to submit to a batch server through SLURM:
#SBATCH -o "outFile"$1".txt"
#SBATCH -e "errFile"$1".txt"
exit 0
In this script, I simply want to write the output of hostname on a textfile whose full name I control via the command-line, like so:
login-2:jobs$ sbatch -D `pwd` 1
Submitted batch job 203775
Unfortunately, it seems that my last command-line argument (1) is not parsed through sbatch, since the files created do not have the suffix I'm looking for and the string "$1" is interpreted literally:
login-2:jobs$ ls
errFile$1.txt outFile$1.txt
I've looked around places in SO and elsewhere, but I haven't had any luck. Essentially what I'm looking for is the equivalent of the -v switch of the qsub utility in Torque-enabled clusters.
Edit: As mentioned in the underlying comment thread, I solved my problem the hard way: instead of having one single script that would be submitted several times to the batch server, each with different command line arguments, I created a "master script" that simply echoed and redirected the same content onto different scripts, the content of each being changed by the command line parameter passed. Then I submitted all of those to my batch server through sbatch. However, this does not answer the original question, so I hesitate to add it as an answer to my question or mark this question solved.
I thought I'd offer some insight because I was also looking for the replacement to the -v option in qsub, which for sbatch can be accomplished using the --export option. I found a nice site here that shows a list of conversions from Torque to Slurm, and it made the transition much smoother.
You can specify the environment variable ahead of time in your bash script:
$ var_name='1'
$ sbatch -D `pwd` --export=var_name
Or define it directly within the sbatch command just like qsub allowed:
$ sbatch -D `pwd` --export=var_name='1'
Whether this works in the # preprocessors of is also another question, but I assume that it should give the same functionality found in Torque.
Using a wrapper is more convenient. I found this solution from this thread.
Basically the problem is that the SBATCH directives are seen as comments by the shell and therefore you can't use the passed arguments in them. Instead you can use a here document to feed in your bash script after the arguments are set accordingly.
In case of your question you can substitute the shell script file with this:
sbatch <<EOT
#SBATCH -o "outFile"$1".txt"
#SBATCH -e "errFile"$1".txt"
exit 0
And you run the shell script like this:
bash [script_name].sh [suffix]
And the outputs will be saved to outFile[suffix].txt and errFile[suffix].txt
If you pass your commands via the command line, you can actually bypass the issue of not being able to pass command line arguments in the batch script. So for instance, at the command line :
sbatch --error=$var1 --output=$var2
The lines starting with #SBATCH are not interpreted by bash but are replaced with code by sbatch.
The sbatch options do not support $1 vars (only %j and some others, replacing $1 by %1 will not work).
When you don't have different sbatch processes running in parallel, you could try
touch outFile${1}.txt errFile${1}.txt
rm link_out.sbatch link_err.sbatch 2>/dev/null # remove links from previous runs
ln -s outFile${1}.txt link_out.sbatch
ln -s errFile${1}.txt link_err.sbatch
#SBATCH -o link_out.sbatch
#SBATCH -e link_err.sbatch
# I do not know about the background processing of sbatch, are the jobs still running
# at this point? When they are, you can not delete the temporary symlinks yet.
exit 0
As you said in a comment yourself, you could make a masterscript.
This script can contain lines like
cat | sed -e 's/File.txt/File'$1'.txt/' >
# I do not know, is the following needed with sbatch?
chmod +x
In your template the #SBATCH lines look like
#SBATCH -o "outFile.txt"
#SBATCH -e "errFile.txt"
This is an old question but I just stumbled into the same task and I think this solution is simpler:
Let's say I have the variable $OUT_PATH in the bash script launch_analysis.bash and I want to pass this variable to which is my SLURM file to send the computation to a batch server. I would have the following in launch_analysis.bash:
`sbatch --export=OUT_PATH=$OUT_PATH`
Which is directly accessible in
In #Jason case we would have:
sbatch -D `pwd` --export=hostname=$hostname
Reference: Using Variables in SLURM Jobs
Something like this works for me and Torque
echo "$(pwd)/slurm.qsub 1" | qsub -S /bin/bash -N Slurm-TEST
hostname > outFile${1}.txt 2>errFile${1}.txt
exit 0

Holding job on qsub

I need help on launching a job using qsub which is dependent on multiple previous jobs. Say I have submitted following jobs
qsub -N job1 -cwd job1_script
qsub -N job2 -cwd job2_script
qsub -N job3 -cwd job3_script
I need to hold a job dependent on all three jobs above.
I know we can do this as :
qsub -hold_jid job1,job2,job3 -cwd job4_script
Is there a way where to pass job ids to -hold_jid as pattern .Something like this
qsub -hold_jid job* -cwd job4_script
I will be submitting N number of jobs and needs to hold the last one till N jobs are complete, hence I am looking for a way to do it.

How to know the PBS batch job submit time inside the script being excuted?

I'm using the PBS qsub to run a script on a cluster that must output a report file named with the batch job submit time.
The batch job submit time is the time it joins the PBS batch job que.
I checked all PBS default variables but I didn't find anything related to the job submit time.
I would like to know how can I get this time without creating a new input variable.
I figured out this by myself.
Add the following function into your PBS batch job script to get the job submit time.
local datestring=`qstat -f $PBS_JOBID | grep -F qtime | awk '{for(i=3;i<8;i++) printf $i" "}'`;
local result=`date -d "$datestring" +%Y%m%d` ;
local outputvar=$1 ;
if [[ "$outputvar" ]] ; then
eval $outputvar="'$result'"
echo "$result"
getsubmitdate SUBMITDATE
