Accounting Program Error - oracle

I have Oracle Application R12 running on 11g.
The error occurs in Accounting Program when we are running Create Accounting session in Payable Module.
When we click on Diagnostics it gives this message :
This request finished with an error and produced the following
completion message: An internal error occurred. Please inform your
system administrator or support representative that:
An internal error has occurred in the program
xla_ap_acct_hooks_pkg.main. Technical problem : Error encountered in
product API for extrac
The processing began on 24-MAR-2015 09:11:13
and ended on 24-MAR-2015 09:12:16. You may find more information on
the cause of the error in the request log or the concurrent manager
and if we click on View log it gives this :
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Subledger Accounting: Version : 12.0.0
Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
XLAACCUP module: Accounting Program
Current system time is 25-MAR-2015 11:09:05
Starts25-MAR-2015 11:09:06
Ends25-MAR-2015 11:10:43 An internal error occurred. Please inform your system administrator or support representative that:
An internal error has occurred in the program
xla_ap_acct_hooks_pkg.main. Technical problem : Error encountered in
product API for extract An internal error occurred. Please inform
your system administrator or support representative that:
An internal error has occurred in the program
xla_ap_acct_hooks_pkg.main. Technical problem : Error encountered in
product API for extract
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Start of log messages from FND_FILE
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 25-MAR-2015 11:25:17 - Executing Unit Processor ... 25-MAR-2015
11:25:17 - Initializing variables 25-MAR-2015 11:25:17 - Security
Context Set 25-MAR-2015 11:25:17 - Ready to cache the Application and
Ledger Level Sources ... 25-MAR-2015 11:25:21 - Cached the Application
and Ledger Level Sources 25-MAR-2015 11:25:22 - Entering the loop to
read document units from the queue ... 25-MAR-2015 11:25:22 - Checking
status of the parent Accounting Program 25-MAR-2015 11:25:22 -
Dequeuing the unit from the queue 25-MAR-2015 11:25:22 - Fetching
event information for the documents in the unit 25-MAR-2015 11:26:00 -
executing extract hook event key =
527717-11312076-1219A353A3BA70B9E05400144F2BF644 25-MAR-2015 11:26:03
- extract hook executed successfully
*************************************************************************************************** The following REVERSAL events could not be processed. The
event/process status is U/U: Note: this warning may be ignored for
any events whose ledger is a cash-basis ledger
-------NO SUCH EVENTS-----------
*************************************************************************************************** 25-MAR-2015 11:26:40 - executing postprocessing hook event key =
527717-11312076-1219A353A3BA70B9E05400144F2BF644 25-MAR-2015 11:26:40
- postprocessing hook executed successfully 25-MAR-2015 11:26:40 - Completing Journal Entries 25-MAR-2015 11:26:41 - Checking status of
the parent Accounting Program 25-MAR-2015 11:26:41 - Dequeuing the
unit from the queue 25-MAR-2015 11:26:41 - Fetching event information
for the documents in the unit 25-MAR-2015 11:26:43 - executing extract
hook event key = 527717-11312076-1219A353A3BB70B9E05400144F2BF644
25-MAR-2015 11:26:47 - extract hook executed successfully
*************************************************************************************************** The following REVERSAL events could not be processed. The
event/process status is U/U: Note: this warning may be ignored for
any events whose ledger is a cash-basis ledger
-------NO SUCH EVENTS-----------
*************************************************************************************************** 25-MAR-2015 11:26:51 - executing postprocessing hook event key =
527717-11312076-1219A353A3BB70B9E05400144F2BF644 25-MAR-2015 11:26:51
- postprocessing hook executed successfully 25-MAR-2015 11:26:51 - Completing Journal Entries 25-MAR-2015 11:26:51 - Checking status of
the parent Accounting Program 25-MAR-2015 11:26:51 - Dequeuing the
unit from the queue 25-MAR-2015 11:26:51 - Fetching event information
for the documents in the unit 25-MAR-2015 11:26:52 - executing extract
hook Technical problem : Error encountered in product API for extract
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ End of log messages from FND_FILE
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Executing request completion options...
Finished executing request completion options.
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Concurrent request completed Current system time is 25-MAR-2015
Screenshots are in the attachment to get better idea !!
Thanks in advance !!
![enter image description here][1]

Referencing MOS Doc ID 1964046.1 it appears as though you will need a patch.
Note: While it is typically SO best practice to include quotes from whatever source you are linking it is actually violating the ToS with Oracle to quote their MOS documentation. I like my support contract, TYVM.
Also there could be an issue with this, please reference MOS Doc ID 1582378.1 :
*************************************************************************************************** The following REVERSAL events could not be processed. The
event/process status is U/U: Note: this warning may be ignored for any
events whose ledger is a cash-basis ledger -------NO SUCH
If this is a production environment I highly recommend opening an SR to confirm that this is the only issue you are seeing.

It could be because of the following reason.
There is some orphan record exists in xla_transaction_entities table. Delete those lines from the table. It will be Ok. To identify the record, you can use the below query:
FROM xla.xla_transaction_entities xla_tran_ent
WHERE 1 = 1
AND application_id = 200
FROM xla_ae_headers xla_header
WHERE 1 = 1
AND xla_header.application_id = xla_tran_ent.application_id
AND xla_header.entity_id = xla_tran_ent.entity_id)
FROM ap_invoices_all ap_inv
WHERE xla_tran_ent.source_id_int_1 = ap_inv.invoice_id
AND xla_tran_ent.entity_code = 'AP_INVOICES')
FROM ap_checks_all ap_inv
WHERE xla_tran_ent.source_id_int_1 = ap_inv.check_id
AND xla_tran_ent.entity_code = 'AP_PAYMENTS')


Start observer ORA-16814

The following error was reported when starting the Observer
DGMGRL> start observer
Error: ORA-16814: duplicate name specified for observer
Database version 19.11.0
Patterns are: MaxPerformance
GMGRL> show configuration
Configuration - xxx
Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
xxx - Primary database
xxx - Physical standby database
The mode before operation was MaxAvailability, changed to MaxPerformance, and still failed to start observer.
ORA-16814: Alternate database AlternateLocation retransmission setting is incorrect
I do not know how to check this. How can I fix the problem?

(Weird) - ORA-12516 - TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack [with only one active connection]

I am trying to run a Spring loader. That loader will take the data from the csv file and insert into oracle database. It starts well, after processing some records, i am getting the below error.
'ORA-12516 - TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack'
Note : No other jobs were running at that time. Only this job was running.
show parameter processes (processes - integer - 300)
show parameter session (sessions - integer - 480)
The thing is, the same batch program is running fine in another server, which has the same set of above configurations.
Since its a new server, anything i am missing in regards to oracle.? Can someone guide.

Error while trying to obtain information from source and destination in table RSBASIDOC

There is a package which is used to extract data from SAP systems to SQL, but we are getting the below error while running the package.
Error while trying to obtain information from source and destination in table RSBASIDOC
But I was not able to understand why I got this error and reason too.
Help me address the issue.
Thanks in advance.
Full log:
7/5/2021 2:04:43 PM Data Flow Task BW -> SQL Error
XtractKernel.Extractors.XtractException Errors occurred
during extraction
at XtractIS.XtractSourceDeltaQ.PrimeOutput(lnt32
outputs, Int32[] outputlDs. PipelineBuffer[] buffers)
Microsoft SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost
.HostPrimeOutput(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper 100
Wrapper. Int32 outputs, Int32[] outputIDs.IDTSBuffer100[]
buffers, IntPtr ppBufferWirePacket)
7/5/2021 2:04:43 PM Data Flow Task BW -> SQL:Error: [2021-07-
XtractKernel Extractors.XtractException: Error while trying
to obtain information about source and destination in table
RSBASIDOC. This is an indication that the customizing in
SAP is not done property. --->
XtractKernel.Extractors.XtractException: Found != 1 rows
in table RSBASIDOC
eters(R3Connection connection)
--- End Of inner exception stack trace ---
eters(R3Connection connection)
at XtractKernel.Extractors.DeltaQExtractor.Extract()
at XtractKernel.Extractors.ExtractorBase`1.Extract
(ProcessResultCallback processResult, LoggerBase
at XtractIS.XtractSourceDeltaQ.PrimeOutput(lnt32
outputs, Int32[] outputlDs, PipelineBuffer[] buffers)

Invalid Engine ID error in SNMP v3 microchip with manage engine MIB browser

I'm getting error for "SNMPv3" of invalid engine ID? what causes this error usually?
it perfectly works when i select no auth,no priv. but for other two options of auth,no priv and auth,priv it gives error of invalid engine id.
ManageEngine MibBrowser supports auto-discovery of SnmpEngineID, EngineBoots and EngineTime from an Authoritative SNMP Engine.
If user has enabled the "Set EngineID For Adding V3 entry" and entered SNMPV3 user details with EngineID parameter, MibBrowser displays the message received from Agent.
As per RFC3414, If the value of the msgAuthoritativeEngineID
field in the securityParameters is unknown then:
a) a non-authoritative SNMP engine that performs discovery may
optionally create a new entry in its Local Configuration Datastore
(LCD) and continue processing;
b) the usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs counter is incremented, and an error
indication (unknownEngineID) together with the OID and value of the
incremented counter are returned to the calling module.
Note in the event that a zero-length or other illegally sized
msgAuthoritativeEngineID is received,b) should be chosen to facilitate
engineID discovery. Otherwise, the choice between a) and b) is an
implementation issue.
If Authoritative SNMP Engine returns "unKnownEngineID OID"(. with incremental counter value to manager. Then, Mibbrowser displays the "Invalid EngineID" error.

OAS 10g - forms and reports server, opmn.log is not getting updated

Hi Can you tell which way to drive the analysis for my issue opmn.log is not getting updated. All the instances are working fine and individual instances logs are getting updated but $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/logs/opmn.log is always 0kb since a week time. I could not find any statements reg opmn.log on opmn.xml.
There is a difference in Logging mechanism between (9.0.2 to 10.1.2) and (10.1.3 to later).
(9.0.2 to 10.1.2) log-file path="x" level="x" rotation-size="x"
(10.1.3 to later) log path="x" comp="x;y;z" rotation-size="x"
(9.0.2 to 10.1.2) :
Review the error codes and messages that are shown in the ipm.log file. The PM portion of OPMN generates and outputs the error messages in this file. The ipm.log file tracks command execution and operation progress. The level of detail that gets logged in the ipm.log can be modified by configuration in the opmn.xml file. Refer to Chapter 3, "opmn.xml Common Configuration" for examples of debug levels.
Use the ons.log file to debug the ONS portion of OPMN or for early OPMN errors. The ONS portion of OPMN is initialized before PM, and so errors that occur early in OPMN initialization will show up in the ons.log file.
The opmn.log file contains output generated by OPMN when the ipm.log and ons.log files are not available. Typically, the only output written to the opmn.log file will be the exit status of a child OPMN process. A status code of 4 indicates a normal reload of OPMN. All other status codes indicate an abnormal termination of the child OPMN process.
ipm.log(10.1.2) similar to opmn.log(10.1.3)
ons.log(10.1.2) similar to opmn.dbg(10.1.3)
