Invalid MEX-file, "Access is denied" using matlab - windows

I've come across the following error:
"Invalid MEX-file
Reading\CFAN_Code_v1.0\resize.mexw64': Access is denied."
My permissions for the file are set to full control.
I'm trying to run it using the same version of matlab the file was compiled on (in fact, it works fine with this version of matlab on Linux!) and I'm using the same OS it was compiled on (64 bit Windows). Though I'm not sure whether it was compiled on Windows XP, 7, or 8. Could that be the reason?
When I run depends.exe on the file, it tells me:
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.
And highlights the files:
Thank you very much for your time!!


runtime error ‘symbol not found in flat namespace’ on macOS 12 but not macOS 10.15, with both Xcode and CMake builds

I have problems building an executable file for a simple disease-transmission model implemented in C++, using cmake under macOS Monterey (v12.6.1). When I build the executable file, I obtain the following error when I try running it:
dyld[5281]: symbol not found in flat namespace (_cblas_caxpy) Abort trap: 6
The problem persists when I try to use XCode (v14.0.1) instead, resulting in the same error message.
Interestingly, my friend is able to build (& run) the executable file under macOS v10.15.7 without any problems.
Does anybody know what is going on here and how this issue can be resolved? The C++ project is publicly available on GitHub:
Any help would be very much appreciated.
tried: build an executable file with cmake, and Xcode under MacOS v12.16.1
expected: executable file
the program runs fine when launched under Xcode itself, but if I try to run the built executable from Xcode on the command line, that fails with the same error as for the CMake executable. So Xcode itself is, somehow, magically able to get this linker issue to resolve.
Your title/post is very confusing, however the issue isn't with cmake. It's with your cblas library and/or your linker. Look at the bug closely:
dyld[5281]: symbol not found in flat namespace (_cblas_caxpy) Abort trap: 6
Your linker is telling you that it can't find a function (symbol) in the given namespace. This is either due to the fact that your linker doesn't know where to find the correct library or you are linking against a wrong version of the library that doesn't have the symbols. The other issues might be related to how the library was built and with what it was built (architecture, compiler, etc...). This we can't answer because we don't have enough information to know for sure.

GTK 3 setup: Procedure entry point deflateSetHeader could not be located DLL libgio-2.0.0.dll

I am attempting to set up GTK3 for development on Windows 10 following the instructions on
using the 64bit 3.6.4 bundle from here. The test program currently builds without errors, using the generated options. When I run the program a dialog appears displaying the error message:
Procedure entry point deflateSetHeader could not be located in the
synamic link library C:\Gtk\bin\libgio-2.0.0.dll
From what I can tell so far, deflateSetHeader is a function in zlib that was not present in older versions - a possible cause for the error. Looking in the header file of zlib that came with Gtk, it lists the function.
I have copies of zlib1 in my Gtk bin dir and MinGW (GCC v7.2.0) bin dir.
I tried swapping the versions between directories, but no joy. Don't have much else in my environment path variable, except for a vanilla Python 3.6 install. Don't have zlib1 in SysWOW64. I tried adding -lzlib1 to my gcc compiler options, but that didn't seem to make a difference. I'm running out of ideas now.
Anyone know what might be causing this?
Found the cause by searching my C drive for zlib and found a copy in
C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin that was causing the problem.

build a .exe for Windows from a python 3 script importing theano with pyinstaller

edit September, 2, 2017, 1pm
I eventually managed to build a .exe with pyinstaller after many episodes.
Unfortunately I failed to deal with the ‘theano’ module (that is required in my case by the ‘pymc3’ module) and I had to modify the .py files and give up part of the application. My description below has two aims: first it may help; second could anyone help me building a .exe for windows 7+, with the ‘theano’ module ?
reminder: My python 3 script opens a simple GUI made with Qt Designer in a ‘.ui’ file and imports pyqtgraph (with pyqt5), pymc3 (and thus theano that is required by pymc3), scipy, numpy, os, sys. It will be distributed on machines with Windows 7+. I tried to build a ‘.exe’ with py2exe, cx_freeze, pynsist and pyinstaller (I opened and updated several posts, this one is still opened: build a .exe for Windows from a python 3 script importing pyqtgraph and opening a GUI) but all failed. My best result (with pyinstaller) is described below after I had to give up theano.
the command line I ended up with is: pyinstaller —noupx —onefile —add-data “toto.ui;.” But strangely:
1 the qt designer file ‘toto.ui’ is not included and must be distributed together with the .exe. Otherwise there is an error message when running the .exe saying toto.ui not found;
2 the ‘platforms’ directory from the ‘Library/plugin’ directory of the python environment must also be distributed along with the .exe. Otherwise there is an error message when running the .exe ‘this application has failed to start because it could not find the qt
platform plugin windows’ (but there is no error message from pyinstaller when building !)
3 the .exe is 220MB big ! it seems pyinstaller includes a bunch of useless things during the building.
pyqtgraph problem:
At first sight, the module ‘pyqtgraph’ seems to be incompatible with pyinstaller. Indeed, when the python code imports pyqtgraph, pyinstaller gives a SyntaxError: ‘yield’ inside async function. This seems to me very awkward (is this a bug in pyinstaller ?) because I had the impression from forums this is related to asynchronous generators that are only compatible with python 3.6, while pyinstaller works only with python 3.5- that is not compatible with asynchronous generators… so why does pyinstaller use this ? It turns out this bug-like feature is disabled in a new version of pyinstaller that is not released (and so not installed by default): pip install git+, thanks to 9dogs (in comments). I also found it may help to explicitly write os.environ[‘PYQTGRAPH_QT_LIB'] = 'PyQt5’ or ‘PyQt4’ before importing pyqtgraph in the py file(s)
theano problem:
theano turns out to make several implicit imports that are not detected by pyinstaller. Thus the building looks ok but when running the .exe you get error messages like ‘no module theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams’. Unfortunately I failed to use the '--hidden-import' option of pyinstaller so I added explicitly the imports in the py file(s) (in this example ’import theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams’ ).
But this is not the end: after that, the file ‘…\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI35682\theano\gpuarray\blockgemv.c' is missing, leading to [4128] Failed to execute script. I don’t know what this file is and didn’t find information. I gave up and removed part of the GUI to avoid theano. Can anyone help me using theano with pyinstaller ?

"cannot execute binary file" on Cygwin

Preface: Using cygwin on a Win7 machine.
I have some old (very old) f77 code (45,000 lines in 25 files) written by someone else that I am trying to use.
Yesterday I compiled, linked and ran it OK (using f77 compiler). I then made some mods (increasing array sizes) and kept getting segmentation faults when executing. Wondering if there was a compatibility problem I then fiddled with the settings in Windows (to no avail).
Now I cannot even run the compiled program - I get a "cannot execute binary file" error. I cannot even compile and run the original version of the code.
There were only some minor warnings during the compiling and none during the linking.
I have:
Checked permissions (all OK:- user::rwx)
Checked via file and get: "PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows".
Written a test program to check my compiler commands and it ran as expected.
Copied all source code to another directory to see if that was problem (it didn't help).
Tried to run the executable from a windows command prompt and get "not a valid Win32 application" (and yet a previous executable executes OK).
What may have happened between yesterday and today that is stopping this program executing. Is it related to my fiddling with the compatibility settings? Or is it something in the code that lets it compile and link OK but not execute?
Any ideas appreciated.

cobc: Invalid argument error when compiling

I'm currently taking up a course in COBOL and recently I have only been using an online compiler. When I decided to install the OpenCOBOL IDE. I keep getting the error "cobc: Invalid argument" whenever i try to compile. I tried multiple re-installs still to no avail. I also tried installing just the compiler itself and compiling my files using cmd, but still it gives that error. Any help? I really need to get it working.
OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit
You need an "-x" option to tell the compiler build an executable with the same name as the program source (but without the .cbl or a "-o progname" option to tell the compile to produce an executable named progname.
