PL/SQL - How can I check if a Package / Procedure / Function is being used? - oracle

Hello to whoever sees this.
First of all, my knowledge on PL/SQL is pretty much basic to layman. I can read the code, do queries and use PL/SQL Developer to do my research. That's all I'm needed to do.
All I need to know is if a Package/Procedure/Function is being used and/or, last time it was used. Is there a way to see it through queries or functionality of PL/SQL Developer?
Side note: I've found the question bellow, but it didn't fit my needs/ didn't fully understand how the awnsers there could be of use:
How can you tell if a PL/SQL Package, Procedure, or Function is being used?

You have a choice between homespun and use Oracle's built-in facility.
The most reliable and accessible way I have come across for this type of stat is the home-spun code logging into into the procedures of interest by a simple NOLOGGING INSERT into a suitable table. Don't bother trying a complex summing as that will add overhead, just a simple INSERT and then use the reporting side to summarize as required. You can add timestamps and basic session info too .
Another novel approach I have seen which I quite liked was where they created a sequence corresponding to each procedure of interest and simply selected NEXTVAL at the start of each procedure. This won't give you historic/time based stats; you would add that to the reporting side, and you will need to understand the effect the CACHE on the sequence could have.
Personally, I like to see some sort of logging in code as it helps with support/debug issues, providing real insight into the day-in-the-life of production system. Such information can drive improvements.
Having said all that, Oracle does maintain a rich set of stats but the extraction and interpretation can be esoteric. If you have access to OEM/Grid COntrol (or whatever they call the web-based management console these days), you can see stats between time-frames, and drill down to individual statements and procedures. But this takes a little practice and know-how before you know what to look for and how to get it.
You can try rolling your own queries specifically targeting the procedures of interest. You would start with V$SQL to get the SQL_ID of the statements, then link this to DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT which maintains a snapshot history of statistics including total executions and executions since last snapshot.
If you search for DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT and execution I'm sure you will soon find a query to get you started. You will need to be granted access to these views if you are not the DBA.

If all you want is the number of times it has been used (from some arbitrary reset time) and the date it was last used, create a couple of private package variables.
package body package_name as
F1_Use_Count integer := 0;
F1_Last_Used timestamp;
function F1 ...
F1_Use_Count := F1_Use_Count + 1;
F1_Last_Used := SysTimestamp;
... the rest of the function
end F1;
-- You also want to add
function Get_F1_Use_Count return integer is begin
return F1_Use_Count;
function Get_F1_Last_Used return timestamp is begin
return F1_Last_Used;
proc Reset_F1_Stats is begin
F1_Use_Count := 0;
F1_Last_Used := null;
-- Or all three above could be done with
proc Get_Reset_F1_Stats( Use_count out integer, Use_Date out timestamp ) is begin
Use_count := F1_Use_Count;
Use_Date := F1_Last_Used;
F1_Use_Count := 0;
F1_Last_Used := null;
end package_name;
To "session-proof" the action, write the values into a table instead of package variables.
CREATE TABLE Access_Stats(
Proc_Id VARCHAR2( 32 ) NOT NULL,
Inside the package body:
Proc Set_Stats( PName Access_Stats.Proc_Id%type ) is begin
MERGE INTO Access_Stats a
SELECT 1 FROM dual ) tt
ON( a.Proc_Id = Upper( PName ))
SET access_count = access_count + 1,
access_date = SYSDATE
INSERT( Proc_Id, access_count )
VALUES( Upper( PName ), 1 );
Then in all the functions and procedures you want to track, just make sure they start out with a call to the Set_Stats proc:
Proc WhatEver...
Set_Stats( 'whatever' );
The getters would also have to be changed to read from the table. I would change the Get_Reset_F1_Stats proc to a more general Get_Reset_Stats version:
proc Get_Reset_Stats(
PName Access_Stats.Proc_Id%type,
Use_count out integer,
Use_Date out timestamp )
is begin
Select Access_Count, Access_Date
into Use_count, Use_Date
From Access_Stats
where Proc_Id = Upper( PName );
update Access_Stats
set Access_Count = 0
where Proc_Id = Upper( PName );
The Get_Reset_Stats could just delete the row for the procedure being tracked, but by resetting the count to zero, the date of the reset is maintained. If you add other fields such as the user who executed the proc, the person who last executed (or reset) the procedure/function being tracked can also be maintained.
My standard caveat applies: the code shown above is designed more for illustration and is not presented as production-ready code. Modify to fit your own particular standards.

You cannot tell with 100% certainty
You can see the last time a package/procedure was compiled.
you can see what other objects depend on it
you can search through the packaged code for dynamic sql that refers to it as this will not show up in the dependencies
you cannot tell if a report calls the object unless you look in the reports
you cannot tell if an external script calls it unless you search in the scripts
you cannot tell if the object is called by an external program


Is there a hint to generate execution plan ignoring the existing one from shared pool?

Is there a hint to generate execution plan ignoring the existing one from the shared pool?
There is not a hint to create an execution plan that ignores plans in the shared pool. A more common way of phrasing this question is: how do I get Oracle to always perform a hard parse?
There are a few weird situations where this behavior is required. It would be helpful to fully explain your reason for needing this, as the solution varies depending why you need it.
Strange performance problem. Oracle performs some dynamic re-optimization of SQL statements after the first run, like adaptive cursor sharing and cardinality feedback. In the rare case when those features backfire you might want to disable them.
Dynamic query. You have a dynamic query that used Oracle data cartridge to fetch data in the parse step, but Oracle won't execute the parse step because the query looks static to Oracle.
Misunderstanding. Something has gone wrong and this is an XY problem.
The simplest way to solve this problem are by using Thorsten Kettner's solution of changing the query each time.
If that's not an option, the second simplest solution is to flush the query from the shared pool, like this:
--This only works one node at a time.
for statements in
select distinct address, hash_value
from gv$sql
where sql_id = '33t9pk44udr4x'
order by 1,2
) loop
sys.dbms_shared_pool.purge(statements.address||','||statements.hash_value, 'C');
end loop;
If you have no control over the SQL, and need to fix the problem using a side-effect style solution, Jonathan Lewis and Randolf Geist have a solution using Virtual Private Database, that adds a unique predicate to each SQL statement on a specific table. You asked for something weird, here's a weird solution. Buckle up.
-- Create a random predicate for each query on a specific table.
create table hard_parse_test_rand as
select * from all_objects
where rownum <= 1000;
dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 'hard_parse_test_rand');
create or replace package pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand is
function force_hard_parse (in_schema varchar2, in_object varchar2) return varchar2;
end pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand;
create or replace package body pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand is
function force_hard_parse (in_schema varchar2, in_object varchar2) return varchar2
s_predicate varchar2(100);
n_random pls_integer;
n_random := round(dbms_random.value(1, 1000000));
-- s_predicate := '1 = 1';
s_predicate := to_char(n_random, 'TM') || ' = ' || to_char(n_random, 'TM');
-- s_predicate := 'object_type = ''TABLE''';
return s_predicate;
end force_hard_parse;
end pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand;
DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY (USER, 'hard_parse_test_rand', 'hard_parse_policy', USER, 'pkg_rls_force_hard_parse_rand.force_hard_parse', 'select');
alter system flush shared_pool;
You can see the hard-parsing in action by running the same query multiple times:
select * from hard_parse_test_rand;
select * from hard_parse_test_rand;
select * from hard_parse_test_rand;
select * from hard_parse_test_rand;
Now there are three entries in GV$SQL for each execution. There's some odd behavior in Virtual Private Database that parses the query multiple times, even though the final text looks the same.
select *
from gv$sql
where sql_text like '%hard_parse_test_rand%'
and sql_text not like '%quine%'
order by 1;
I think there is no hint indicating that Oracle shall find a new execution plan everytime it runs the query.
This is something we'd want for select * from mytable where is_active = :active, with is_active being 1 for very few rows and 0 for maybe billions of other rows. We'd want an index access for :active = 1 and a full table scan for :active = 0 then. Two different plans.
As far as I know, Oracle uses bind variable peeking in later versions, so with a look at the statistics it really comes up with different execution plans for different bind varibale content. But in older versions it did not, and thus we'd want some hint saying "make a new plan" there.
Oracle only re-used an execution plan for exactly the same query. It sufficed to add a mere blank to get a new plan. Hence a solution might be to generate the query everytime you want to run it with a random number included in a comment:
select /* 1234567 */ * from mytable where is_active = :active;
Or just don't use bind variables, if this is the problem you want to address:
select * from mytable where is_active = 0;
select * from mytable where is_active = 1;

Converting function from Oracle PL/SQL to MS SQL Server 2008

I have several Oracle functions that are similar to the one below. I don't know much about Oracle and although I have made in roads on a major query re-write. I'd like to ask for some help on how to convert this function to SQL Server 2008.
I have tried using the online conversion tool at and benefited from many pages there... but not successful in converting this function....
Thanks in advance, John
Oracle source:
function OfficeIDMainPhoneID(p_ID t_OfficeID)
return t_OfficePhoneID
wPhID t_OfficePhoneID;
wPhID1 t_OfficePhoneID;
cursor cr_phone
from Office_PHONE
where Office_ID = p_ID
order by SEQ_NUMBER;
for wp in cr_phone
if wPhID is NULL
then wPhID1:=wp.Office_PHONE_ID;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
if wPhID is NULL
then wPhID:=wPhID1;
end if;
end OfficeIDMainPhoneID;
SQL Server attempt:
create function OfficeIDMainPhoneID(#p_ID t_OfficeID)
returns t_OfficePhoneID
declare #wPhID t_OfficePhoneID;
declare #wPhID1 t_OfficePhoneID;
declare cr_phone cursor local
from Office_PHONE
where Office_ID = #p_ID
order by SEQ_NUMBER;
set #wPhID =NULL;
set #wPhID1=NULL;
declare wp cursor for cr_phone
open wp;
fetch wp into;
while ##fetch_status=0
if #wPhID is NULL
begin set #wPhID1=wp.Office_PHONE_ID;
set #wPhID=wp.Office_PHONE_ID;
fetch wp into;
close wp;
deallocate wp;
if #wPhID is NULL
begin set #wPhID=#wPhID1;
end ;
To answer the question about the functions as written
If you just want to fix the cursor so it works, one problem is the two "fetch wp into;" statements. You are saying "fetch the data and put it into" and then not giving it anything to put it into. Declare a couple of variables, put the data into them, then later use the variables, not the code. You need one variable per item returned in your cursor definition, so one each for Office_PHONE_ID and IS_PHONE_PRIMARY.
Also, you are trying to declare variables (and the function) as t_OfficePhoneID, I suspect that should be something like INT OR BIGINT instead (whatever the table definition for the column is).
Declare #OP_ID INT, #ISPRIMARY CHAR(1) --Or whatever the column is
later (in two locations),
fetch wp into (#OP_ID, #ISPRIMARY);
then use #OP_ID instead of wp.Office_PHONE_ID, and so on.
HOWEVER, I would throw away all the code in the function after declaring #wPhID, and do something else. Cursors suck if you can get what you want with a simple set based request. If you work your way through the oracle code, it is doing the following:
Get the id of the first phone number marked primary (in sequence order). If it didn't find one of those, just get the id of the first non-primary phone number in sequence order. You can do that with the following
set #wPhID = select TOP 1 Office_PHONE_ID
from Office_PHONE
where Office_ID = #p_ID
Return #wPhID and you're done.
I used "CASE WHEN IS_PHONE_PRIMARY = 'Y' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END" in the order by because I don't know what other values are possible, so this will always work. If you know the only possible values are 'Y' and 'N', you could use something like the following instead

ORACLE PL SQL : Select all and process every records

I would like to have your advise how to implement the plsql. Below is the situation that i want to do..
select * from table A
loop - get each records from #1 step, and execute the store procedure, processMe(a.field1,a.field2,a.field3 || "test",a.field4);
i dont have any idea how to implement something like this. Below is sample parameter for processMe
number_name IN VARCHAR,
location IN VARCHAR,
name_test IN VARCHAR,
gender IN VARCHAR )
select objId into obj_Id from tableUser where name = number_name ;
select locId into loc_Id from tableLoc where loc = location;
insert into tableOther(obj_id,loc_id,name_test,gender)
values (obj_Id ,loc_Id, name_test, gender)
FROM table a)
processMe( rec.field1,
rec.field3 || 'test',
rec.field4 );
does what you ask. You probably want to explicitly list the columns you actually want in the SELECT list rather than doing a SELECT * (particularly if there is an index on the four columns you actually want that could be used rather than doing a table scan or if there are columns you don't need that contain a large amount of data). Depending on the data volume, it would probably be more efficient if a version of processMe were defined that could accept collections rather than processing data on a row-by-row bases as well.
i just add some process. but this is just a sample. By the way, why
you said that this is not a good idea using loop? i interested to know
Performance wise, If you can avoid looping through a result set executing some other DMLs inside a loop, do it.
There is PL/SQL engine and there is SQL engine. Every time PL/SQL engine stumbles upon a SQL statement, whether it's a select, insert, or any other DML statement, it has to send it to the SQL engine for the execution. It calls context switching. Placing DML statement inside a loop will cause the switch(for each DML statement if there are more than one of them) as many times as many times the body of a loop has to be executed. It can be a cause of a serious performance degradation. if you have to loop, say, through a collection, use foreach loop, it minimizes context switching by executing DML statements in batches.
Luckily, your code can be rewritten as a single SQL statement, avoiding for loop entirely:
insert into tableOther(obj_id,loc_id,name_test,gender)
select tu.objId
, tl.locid
, concat(a.field3, 'test')
, a.field4
from table a
join tableUser tu
on (a.field1 =
join tableLoc tl
on (tu.field2 = tl.loc)
You can put that insert statement into a procedure, if you want. PL/SQL will have to sent this SQL statement to the SQL engine anyway, but it will only be one call.
You can use a variable declared using a cursor rowtype. Something like this:
cursor my_cursor is
select * from table;
reg my_cursor%rowtype;
for reg in my_cursor loop
processMe(reg.field1, reg.field2, reg.field3 || "test", reg.field4);
end loop;

PL/SQL issue concerning Frequent Itemset

I'm trying to build a PL/SQL application to mine frequent item sets out of a set of given data and I've run into a bit of a snag. My PL/SQL skills aren't as good as I'd like them to be, so perhaps one of you can help me understand this a bit better.
So to begin, I'm using the Oracle data mining procedure: *DBMS_FREQUENT_ITEMSET.FI_TRANSACTIONAL*
While reading the documentation, I came across the following example which I have manipulated to query over my data set:
itemset FI_VARCHAR_NT,
support NUMBER,
length NUMBER,
total_tranx NUMBER
CREATE TYPE fi_coll AS TABLE OF fi_res;
create or replace
PROCEDURE freq_itemset_test is
cursor freqC is
SELECT itemset
FROM table(
CAST(DBMS_FREQUENT_ITEMSET.FI_TRANSACTIONAL(CURSOR(SELECT sale.customerid, sale.productid FROM Sale INNER JOIN Customer ON customer.customerid = sale.customerid WHERE customer.region = 'Canada' )
,0,2, 2, NULL, NULL) AS fi_coll));
coll_nt FI_VARCHAR_NT;
num_rows int;
num_itms int;
num_rows := 0;
num_itms := 0;
OPEN freqC;
FETCH freqC INTO coll_nt;
num_rows := num_rows + 1;
num_itms := num_itms + coll_nt.count;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows: ' || num_rows || ' Columns: ' || num_itms);
CLOSE freqC;
My reasoning for using the Oracle FI_TRANSACTIONAL over straight SQL is that I will need to repeat this analysis for multiple dynamic values of K, so why reinvent the wheel? Ultimately, my goal is to reference each individual item sets returned by the procedure and return the set with the highest support based on some query logic. I will be incorporating this block of PL/SQL into another that basically changes the literal in the query from 'Canada' to multiple other regions based on the content of the data.
My question is: How can I actually get a programmatic reference on the data returned by the cursor (freqC)? Obviously I do not need to count the rows and columns, but that was part of the example. I'd like to print out the item sets with DBMS print line after I've found the most occurring item set. When I view this in a debugger, I see that each fetch of the cursor actually returns an item set (in this case, k=2, so two items). But how do I actually touch them programmatically? I'd like to grab the sets themselves as well as
As always, thanks to everyone for sharing their brilliance!
You are fetching your data into a nested table. So to see the data in there, you would need to loop over the nested table:
FOR i IN coll_nt.FIRST .. coll_nt.LAST
dbms_output.put_line(i||': '||coll_nt(i));
For much more information on nested tables and other types of collections, see the presentation at:

Oracle indexes "breaking"

I am working on a data warehousing project, and therefore, I have been implementing some ETL Functions in Packages. I first encountered a problem on my developing laptop and thought it had something to do with my oracle installation, but now it has "spread" over to the production servers.
Two functions "sometimes" become incredible slow. We have implemented a logging system, giving us output on a logging table each x rows. When the function usually needs like 10 seconds per chunk, "sometimes" the functions needs up to 3 minutes. After rebuilding some indexes and restarting the function, it is as quick again as it used to be.
Unfortunately, I can't tell which index it is exactly, since restarting the function and building up the cursor it uses for its work takes some time and we do not have the time to check each index on its own, so I just rebuild all indexes that are potentially used by the function and restart it.
The functions that have the problem use a cursor to select data from a table with about 50 million to 200 million entries, joined by a small table with about 50-500 entries. The join condition is a string comparison. We then use the primary key from the small table we get from the join to update a foreign key on the main table. The update process is done by a forall loop, this has proven to save loads of time.
Here is a simplified version of the table structure of both tables:
CREATE TABLE "maintable"
( "pkmid" NUMBER(11,0) NOT NULL ENABLE,
"fkid" NUMBER(11,0),
CREATE TABLE "smalltable"
( "pksid" NUMBER(11,0) NOT NULL ENABLE,
Both tables have indexes on their string columns. Adding the primary keys, I therefore rebuild 4 indexes each time the problem happens.
We get our data in a way, that we only have the fkstring in the maintable available and the fkid is set to null. In a first step, we populate the small table. This only takes minutes and is done the following way:
INSERT INTO smalltable (pksid, pkstring)
FROM maintable mt
SELECT st.pkstring
FROM smalltable st
This function never causes any trouble.
The following function does (it is a simplified version of the function - I have removed logging and exception handling and renamed some variables):
function f_set_fkid return varchar2 is
cursor lCursor_MAINTABLE is
SELECT MT.PKmID, st.pksid
FROM maintable mt
JOIN smalltable st ON (mt.fkstring = st.pkstring)
WHERE mt.fkid IS NULL;
lIndex number := 0;
lExitLoop boolean := false;
type lCursorType is table of lCursor_MAINTABLE%rowtype index by pls_integer;
lCurrentRow lCursor_MAINTABLE%rowtype;
lTempDataArray lCursorType;
lCommitEvery constant number := 1000;
open lCursor_MAINTABLE;
-- get next row, set exit condition
fetch lCursor_MAINTABLE into lCurrentRow;
if (lCursor_MAINTABLE%notfound) then
lExitLoop := true;
end if;
-- in case of cache being full, flush cache
if ((lTempDataArray.count > 0) AND (lIndex >= lCommitEvery OR lExitLoop)) then
forall lIndex2 in lTempDataArray.FIRST..lTempDataArray.LAST
UPDATE maintable mt
set fkid = lTempDataArray(lIndex2).pksid
WHERE mt.pkmid = lTempDataArray(lIndex2).pkmid;
lIndex := 0;
end if;
-- data handling, fill cache
if (lExitLoop = false) then
lIndex := lIndex + 1;
lTempDataArray(lIndex). := lCurrentRow;
end if;
exit when lExitLoop;
end loop;
close lCursor_MAINTABLE;
return null;
I would be very thankful for any help.
P.S. I do know that bulk collect into would speed up the function and probably also ease up the code a bit too, but at the moment we are content with the speed of the function it usually has. Changing the function to use bulk collect is on our plan for next year, but at the moment it is not an option (and I doubt it would solve this index problem).
If you have a table where the number of rows fluctuates wildly (as in when doing ETL loads) I would use the statistics of the fully loaded table throughout the load process.
So, generate statistics when your table is fully loaded and then use those statistics for subsequent loads.
If you use statistics from when the table is half-loaded the optimizer may be tricked into not using indexes or not using the fastest index. This is especially true if data is loaded in order so that low value, high value and density are skewed.
In your case, the statistics for columns fkstring and fkid are extra important since those two columns are heavily involved in the procedure that has performance issues.
function f_set_fkid return varchar2 is
cursor lCursor_MAINTABLE is
SELECT MT.PKmID, st.pksid
FROM maintable mt
JOIN smalltable st ON (mt.fkstring = st.pkstring)
WHERE mt.fkid IS NULL;
commit_every INTGER := 1000000;
commit_counter INTEGER :=0;
for c in lCursor_MAINTABLE
UPDATE maintable mt
set fkid = c.pksid
WHERE mt.pkmid = c.pkmid;
commit_counter := commit_counter+1;
if mod(commit_every,commit_counter) = 0
commit_counter := 0;
end if;
end loop;
return null;
