Maximise the minimum difference [duplicate] - algorithm

This question already has answers here:
Take K elements and maximise the minimum distance
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
We are given N elements in form of array A , Now we have to choose K indexes from N given indexes such that for any 2 indexes i and j minimum value of |A[i]-A[j]| is as large as possible. We need to tell this maximum value.
Lets take an example : Let N=5 and K=2 and array be [1,5,3,7,11] then here answer is 10 as we can simply choose first and last position and differ = 11-1=10.
Example 2 : Let N=10 and K=3 and array A be [3 9 6 11 15 20 23] then here answer will be 8. As we can select [3,11,23] or [3,15,23].
Now given N , K and Array A we need to find this maximum difference.
We are given that 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5 and 1 ≤ S ≤ 10^7

Let's sort the array.
Now we can do a binary search over the answer.
For a fixed candidate x, we can just pick the elements greedily(iterating over the sorted array and taking each element if we can). If the number of elements we have picked is not less than K, x is feasible. Otherwise, it is not.
The time complexity is O(N * log N + N * log (MAX_ELEMENT - MIN_ELEMENT))
A pseudo code:
bool isFeasible(int x):
cnt = 1
last = a[0]
for i <- 1 ... n - 1:
if a[i] - last >= x:
last = a[i]
return cnt >= k
low = 0
high = a[n - 1] - a[0] + 1
while high - low > 1:
mid = low + (high - low) / 2
if isFeasible(mid):
low = mid
high = mid

I think this can be dealt with as a dynamic programming problem. Start off by sorting A, and then the problem is to mark K elements in A such that the minimum difference between adjacent marked items is as large as possible. As a starter, you can always mark the first and last elements.
Moving from left to right, at each position for i=1..N work out the largest minimum difference you can get by marking i elements in the sub-array terminating at this position. You can work out the largest minimum difference for k items terminating at this position by considering the largest minimum difference for k-1 items terminating at each position to the left of the position you are working on. The obvious thing to do is to consider each possible position up to the position you are currently working on as ending a stretch of k-1 items with minimum difference, but you may be able to do a binary search here to speed things up.
Once you have worked all the way to the right hand end you know the maximum possible value for the original problem. If you need to know where to put the K elements, you can take notes as you go along so that you can backtrack to find out the elements chosen that lead to this solution, working from right to left.


Number of different marks

I came across an interesting problem and I can't solve it in a good complexity (better than O(qn)):
There are n persons in a row. Initially every person in this row has some value - lets say that i-th person has value a_i. These values are pairwise distinct.
Every person gets a mark. There are two conditions:
If a_i < a_j then j-th person cant get worse mark than i-th person.
If i < j then j-th person can't get worse mark than i-th person (this condition tells us that sequence of marks is non-decreasing sequence).
There are q operations. In every operation two person are swapped (they swap their values).
After each operation you have tell what is maximal number of diffrent marks that these n persons can get.
Do you have any idea?
Consider any two groups, J and I (j < i and a_j < a_i for all j and i). In any swap scenario, a_i is the new max for J and a_j is the new min for I, and J gets extended to the right at least up to and including i.
Now if there was any group of is to the right of i whos values were all greater than the values in the left segment of I up to i, this group would not have been part of I, but rather its own group or part of another group denoting a higher mark.
So this kind of swap would reduce the mark count by the count of groups between J and I and merge groups J up to I.
Now consider an in-group swap. The only time a mark would be added is if a_i and a_j (j < i), are the minimum and maximum respectively of two adjacent segments, leading to the group splitting into those two segments. Banana123 showed in a comment below that this condition is not sufficient (e.g., 3,6,4,5,1,2 => 3,1,4,5,6,2). We can address this by also checking before the switch that the second smallest i is greater than the second largest j.
Banana123 also showed in a comment below that more than one mark could be added in this instance, for example 6,2,3,4,5,1. We can handle this by keeping in a segment tree a record of min,max and number of groups, which correspond with a count of sequential maxes.
Example 1:
(1,6,1) // (min, max, group_count)
(3,6,1) (1,4,1)
(6,6,1) (3,5,1) (4,4,1) (1,2,1)
6 5 3 4 2 1
Swap 2 and 5. Updates happen in log(n) along the intervals containing 2 and 5.
To add group counts in a larger interval the left group's max must be lower than the right group's min. But if it's not, as in the second example, we must check one level down in the tree.
(2,6,1) (1,5,1)
(6,6,1) (2,3,2) (4,4,1) (1,5,1)
6 2 3 4 5 1
Swap 1 and 6:
(1,3,3) (4,6,3)
(1,1,1) (2,3,2) (4,4,1) (5,6,2)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Example 2:
(3,6,1) (1,4,1)
(6,6,1) (3,5,1) (4,4,1) (1,2,1)
6 5 3 4 2 1
Swap 1 and 6. On the right side, we have two groups where the left group's max is greater than the right group's min, (4,4,1) (2,6,2). To get an accurate mark count, we go down a level and move 2 into 4's group to arrive at a count of two marks. A similar examination is then done in the level before the top.
(1,5,2) (2,6,2)
(1,1,1) (3,5,1) (4,4,1) (2,6,2)
1 5 3 4 2 6
Here's an O(n log n) solution:
If n = 0 or n = 1, then there are n distinct marks.
Otherwise, consider the two "halves" of the list, LEFT = [1, n/2] and RIGHT = [n/2 + 1, n]. (If the list has an odd number of elements, the middle element can go in either half, it doesn't matter.)
Find the greatest value in LEFT — call it aLEFT_MAX — and the least value in the second half — call it aRIGHT_MIN.
If aLEFT_MAX < aRIGHT_MIN, then there's no need for any marks to overlap between the two, so you can just recurse into each half and return the sum of the two results.
Otherwise, we know that there's some segment, extending at least from LEFT_MAX to RIGHT_MIN, where all elements have to have the same mark.
To find the leftmost extent of this segment, we can scan leftward from RIGHT_MIN down to 1, keeping track of the minimum value we've seen so far and the position of the leftmost element we've found to be greater than some further-rightward value. (This can actually be optimized a bit more, but I don't think we can improve the algorithmic complexity by doing so, so I won't worry about that.) And, conversely to find the rightmost extent of the segment.
Suppose the segment in question extends from LEFTMOST to RIGHTMOST. Then we just need to recursively compute the number of distinct marks in [1, LEFTMOST) and in (RIGHTMOST, n], and return the sum of the two results plus 1.
I wasn't able to get a complete solution, but here are a few ideas about what can and can't be done.
First: it's impossible to find the number of marks in O(log n) from the array alone - otherwise you could use your algorithm to check if the array is sorted faster than O(n), and that's clearly impossible.
General idea: spend O(n log n) to create any additional data which would let you to compute number of marks in O(log n) time and said data can be updated after a swap in O(log n) time. One possibly useful piece to include is the current number of marks (i.e. finding how number of marks changed may be easier than to compute what it is).
Since update time is O(log n), you can't afford to store anything mark-related (such as "the last person with the same mark") for each person - otherwise taking an array 1 2 3 ... n and repeatedly swapping first and last element would require you to update this additional data for every element in the array.
Geometric interpretation: taking your sequence 4 1 3 2 5 7 6 8 as an example, we can draw points (i, a_i):
|7 |
| 6|
4 |
3 |
1 |
In other words, you need to cover all points by a maximal number of squares. Corollary: exchanging points from different squares a and b reduces total number of squares by |a-b|.
Index squares approach: let n = 2^k (otherwise you can add less than n fictional persons who will never participate in exchanges), let 0 <= a_i < n. We can create O(n log n) objects - "index squares" - which are "responsible" for points (i, a_i) : a*2^b <= i < (a+1)*2^b or a*2^b <= a_i < (a+1)*2^b (on our plane, this would look like a cross with center on the diagonal line a_i=i). Every swap affects only O(log n) index squares.
The problem is, I can't find what information to store for each index square so that it would allow to find number of marks fast enough? all I have is a feeling that such approach may be effective.
Hope this helps.
Let's normalize the problem first, so that a_i is in the range of 0 to n-1 (can be achieved in O(n*logn) by sorting a, but just hast to be done once so we are fine).
function normalize(a) {
let b = [];
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
b[i] = [i, a[i]];
b.sort(function(x, y) {
return x[1] < y[1] ? -1 : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
a[b[i][0]] = i;
return a;
To get the maximal number of marks we can count how many times
i + 1 == mex(a[0..i]) , i integer element [0, n-1]
a[0..1] denotes the sub-array of all the values from index 0 to i.
mex() is the minimal exclusive, which is the smallest value missing in the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
This allows us to solve a single instance of the problem (ignoring the swaps for the moment) in O(n), e.g. by using the following algorithm:
// assuming values are normalized to be element [0,n-1]
function maxMarks(a) {
let visited = new Array(a.length + 1);
let smallestMissing = 0, marks = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
visited[a[i]] = true;
if (a[i] == smallestMissing) {
while (visited[smallestMissing])
if (i + 1 == smallestMissing)
return marks;
If we swap the values at indices x and y (x < y) then the mex for all values i < x and i > y doesn't change, although it is an optimization, unfortunately that doesn't improve complexity and it is still O(qn).
We can observe that the hits (where mark is increased) are always at the beginning of an increasing sequence and all matches within the same sequence have to be a[i] == i, except for the first one, but couldn't derive an algorithm from it yet:
0 6 2 3 4 5 1 7
3 0 2 1 4 6 5 7

Sorting as much as possible: values can travel no more than k positions to their left

Given an array of length N and an integer K, sort the array as much as possible such that no element travels more than K positions to its left. An element however can travel as much as it likes to its right.
Let's define sortedness as the number of disordered pairs, i.e.: sortedness(1,2,3) = 0 and sortedness(3,1,2) = 2.
Clarification: If the first k+1 items of the array are moved to the end of the array, the other ones should be considered moved k+1 positions to the left.
This is an interview question. I thought of using a bubble sort. The outer loop would run K times with a run-time of O(nk). The smallest integer would be the only integer shifted to the left K times. The other integers would be shifted to the left less than K times.
Is there a more efficient way to approach this problem?
Use a min heap to sort the list of n elements in O(n log k).
Add the first k+1 unsorted elements to the heap.
Repeat this step: pop off the min element from the heap. Add it to the end of the sorted list. add the next unsorted element to the heap.
Because the heap always has at most k+1 elements regardless of n, all heap operations are O(log k), and the total running time is O(n log k)
Why is this correct?
Suppose it isn't. Then for some inputs my algorithm gives non-optimal sorts. Let I be such an input, let A be the output of my algorithm on I, and let B be the optimal sort.
Let i be the first index where A and B disagree. Let x = A[i], y = B[i], and let j be the index of x in B.
I claim that swapping x and y in B improve the sortedness of B, which is a contradiction.
Because A and B are identical for positions before i, the same set of k+1 elements are eligible to go into position i for both. Because my algorithm chose x to be the min of those elements, we know that x is less than y. We also know j is greater than i.
What happens when we swap x and y in B?
First, note that the change in sortedness is unaffected by anything to the left of i or to the right of j, because their positions relative to both x and y are unchanged by the swap.
We know there are no elements between i and j that are less than x, because my sort chose the smallest available element. Therefore all elements between i and j are at least as large as x.
For each element between i and j equal to x, swapping x and y improves sortedness by 1 because we improve y relative to these elements and x is unaffected.
For each element between i and j greater than x, the sortedness of x relative to these is improved by 1, and in the worst case the sortedness of y relative to these is degraded by 1, so the net effect is at worst 0.
Furthermore, swapping x and y improves the sortedness of x relative to y by 1, so this swap strictly improves overall sortedness.
Naive approach:
iterate the array from left to right.For each position i we consider a subarray from i to i+k. Then we have to get the minimum valued element in this subarray and swap the 1st element of this subarray with this element. Now, go to position i+1 and do the same.
Optimized Approach:
We can use segment tree to solve this. Using this data structure you can find the minimum value between any range of an array and also edit any data online in O(logn). In your problem, we can get the solution array using following steps,
arr[1] = minimum value between position 1 to min(k,n), then edit this position with infinity
arr[2] = min value between position 1 to min(k+1,n), then edit this position with infinity
arr[3] = min value between position 1 to min(k+2,n), then edit this position with infinity
arr[4] = min value between position 1 to min(k+3,n), then edit this position with infinity
arr[n] = min value between position 1 to min(k+n,n), then edit this position with infinity
Overall complexity O(nlogn)
for example:
given array = 5 3 4 7 8 2 1 0 and K = 2
using this algorithm you will get the solution array as this:
3 4 5 2 1 0 7 8 sortedness value = 12
Hope it helps!
Best regards,

Generate a random integer from 0 to N-1 which is not in the list

You are given N and an int K[].
The task at hand is to generate a equal probabilistic random number between 0 to N-1 which doesn't exist in K.
N is strictly a integer >= 0.
And K.length is < N-1. And 0 <= K[i] <= N-1. Also assume K is sorted and each element of K is unique.
You are given a function uniformRand(int M) which generates uniform random number in the range 0 to M-1 And assume this functions's complexity is O(1).
N = 7
K = {0, 1, 5}
the function should return any random number { 2, 3, 4, 6 } with equal
I could get a O(N) solution for this : First generate a random number between 0 to N - K.length. And map the thus generated random number to a number not in K. The second step will take the complexity to O(N). Can it be done better in may be O(log N) ?
You can use the fact that all the numbers in K[] are between 0 and N-1 and they are distinct.
For your example case, you generate a random number from 0 to 3. Say you get a random number r. Now you conduct binary search on the array K[].
Initialize i = K.length/2.
Find K[i] - i. This will give you the number of numbers missing from the array in the range 0 to i.
For example K[2] = 5. So 3 elements are missing from K[0] to K[2] (2,3,4)
Hence you can decide whether you have to conduct the remaining search in the first part of array K or the next part. This is because you know r.
This search will give you a complexity of log(K.length)
EDIT: For example,
N = 7
K = {0, 1, 4} // modified the array to clarify the algorithm steps.
the function should return any random number { 2, 3, 5, 6 } with equal probability.
Random number generated between 0 and N-K.length = random{0-3}. Say we get 3. Hence we require the 4th missing number in array K.
Conduct binary search on array K[].
Initial i = K.length/2 = 1.
Now we see K[1] - 1 = 0. Hence no number is missing upto i = 1. Hence we search on the latter part of the array.
Now i = 2. K[2] - 2 = 4 - 2 = 2. Hence there are 2 missing numbers up to index i = 2. But we need the 4th missing element. So we again have to search in the latter part of the array.
Now we reach an empty array. What should we do now? If we reach an empty array between say K[j] & K[j+1] then it simply means that all elements between K[j] and K[j+1] are missing from the array K.
Hence all elements above K[2] are missing from the array, namely 5 and 6. We need the 4th element out of which we have already discarded 2 elements. Hence we will choose the second element which is 6.
Binary search.
The basic algorithm:
(not quite the same as the other answer - the number is only generated at the end)
Start in the middle of K.
By looking at the current value and it's index, we can determine the number of pickable numbers (numbers not in K) to the left.
Similarly, by including N, we can determine the number of pickable numbers to the right.
Now randomly go either left or right, weighted based on the count of pickable numbers on each side.
Repeat in the chosen subarray until the subarray is empty.
Then generate a random number in the range consisting of the numbers before and after the subarray in the array.
The running time would be O(log |K|), and, since |K| < N-1, O(log N).
The exact mathematics for number counts and weights can be derived from the example below.
Extension with K containing a bigger range:
Now let's say (for enrichment purposes) K can also contain values N or larger.
Then, instead of starting with the entire K, we start with a subarray up to position min(N, |K|), and start in the middle of that.
It's easy to see that the N-th position in K (if one exists) will be >= N, so this chosen range includes any possible number we can generate.
From here, we need to do a binary search for N (which would give us a point where all values to the left are < N, even if N could not be found) (the above algorithm doesn't deal with K containing values greater than N).
Then we just run the algorithm as above with the subarray ending at the last value < N.
The running time would be O(log N), or, more specifically, O(log min(N, |K|)).
N = 10
K = {0, 1, 4, 5, 8}
So we start in the middle - 4.
Given that we're at index 2, we know there are 2 elements to the left, and the value is 4, so there are 4 - 2 = 2 pickable values to the left.
Similarly, there are 10 - (4+1) - 2 = 3 pickable values to the right.
So now we go left with probability 2/(2+3) and right with probability 3/(2+3).
Let's say we went right, and our next middle value is 5.
We are at the first position in this subarray, and the previous value is 4, so we have 5 - (4+1) = 0 pickable values to the left.
And there are 10 - (5+1) - 1 = 3 pickable values to the right.
We can't go left (0 probability). If we go right, our next middle value would be 8.
There would be 2 pickable values to the left, and 1 to the right.
If we go left, we'd have an empty subarray.
So then we'd generate a number between 5 and 8, which would be 6 or 7 with equal probability.
This can be solved by basically solving this:
Find the rth smallest number not in the given array, K, subject to
conditions in the question.
For that consider the implicit array D, defined by
D[i] = K[i] - i for 0 <= i < L, where L is length of K
We also set D[-1] = 0 and D[L] = N
We also define K[-1] = 0.
Note, we don't actually need to construct D. Also note that D is sorted (and all elements non-negative), as the numbers in K[] are unique and increasing.
Now we make the following claim:
CLAIM: To find the rth smallest number not in K[], we need to find right most occurrence of r' in D (which occurs at position defined by j), where r' is the largest number in D, which is < r. Such an r' exists, because D[-1] = 0. Once we find such an r' (and j), the number we are looking for is r-r' + K[j].
Proof: Basically the definition of r' and j tells us that there are exactlyr' numbers missing from 0 to K[j], and more than r numbers missing from 0 to K[j+1]. Thus all the numbers from K[j]+1 to K[j+1]-1 are missing (and these missing are at least r-r' in number), and the number we seek is among them, given by K[j] + r-r'.
In order to find (r',j) all we need to do is a (modified) binary search for r in D, where we keep moving to the left even if we find r in the array.
This is an O(log K) algorithm.
If you are running this many times, it probably pays to speed up your generation operation: O(log N) time just isn't acceptable.
Make an empty array G. Starting at zero, count upwards while progressing through the values of K. If a value isn't in K add it to G. If it is in K don't add it and progress your K pointer. (This relies on K being sorted.)
Now you have an array G which has only acceptable numbers.
Use your random number generator to choose a value from G.
This requires O(N) preparatory work and each generation happens in O(1) time. After N look-ups the amortized time of all operations is O(1).
A Python mock-up:
import random
class PRNG:
def __init__(self, K,N):
self.G = []
kptr = 0
for i in range(N):
if kptr<len(K) and K[kptr]==i:
def getRand(self):
rn = random.randint(0,len(self.G)-1)
return self.G[rn]
prng=PRNG( [0,1,5], 7)
for i in range(20):
print prng.getRand()

Find subset with elements that are furthest apart from eachother

I have an interview question that I can't seem to figure out. Given an array of size N, find the subset of size k such that the elements in the subset are the furthest apart from each other. In other words, maximize the minimum pairwise distance between the elements.
Array = [1,2,6,10]
k = 3
answer = [1,6,10]
The bruteforce way requires finding all subsets of size k which is exponential in runtime.
One idea I had was to take values evenly spaced from the array. What I mean by this is
Take the 1st and last element
find the difference between them (in this case 10-1) and divide that by k ((10-1)/3=3)
move 2 pointers inward from both ends, picking out elements that are +/- 3 from your previous pick. So in this case, you start from 1 and 10 and find the closest elements to 4 and 7. That would be 6.
This is based on the intuition that the elements should be as evenly spread as possible. I have no idea how to prove it works/doesn't work. If anyone knows how or has a better algorithm please do share. Thanks!
This can be solved in polynomial time using DP.
The first step is, as you mentioned, sort the list A. Let X[i,j] be the solution for selecting j elements from first i elements A.
Now, X[i+1, j+1] = max( min( X[k,j], A[i+1]-A[k] ) ) over k<=i.
I will leave initialization step and memorization of subset step for you to work on.
In your example (1,2,6,10) it works the following way:
1 2 6 10
1 - - - -
2 - 1 5 9
3 - - 1 4
4 - - - 1
The basic idea is right, I think. You should start by sorting the array, then take the first and the last elements, then determine the rest.
I cannot think of a polynomial algorithm to solve this, so I would suggest one of the two options.
One is to use a search algorithm, branch-and-bound style, since you have a nice heuristic at hand: the upper bound for any solution is the minimum size of the gap between the elements picked so far, so the first guess (evenly spaced cells, as you suggested) can give you a good baseline, which will help prune most of the branches right away. This will work fine for smaller values of k, although the worst case performance is O(N^k).
The other option is to start with the same baseline, calculate the minimum pairwise distance for it and then try to improve it. Say you have a subset with minimum distance of 10, now try to get one with 11. This can be easily done by a greedy algorithm -- pick the first item in the sorted sequence such that the distance between it and the previous item is bigger-or-equal to the distance you want. If you succeed, try increasing further, if you fail -- there is no such subset.
The latter solution can be faster when the array is large and k is relatively large as well, but the elements in the array are relatively small. If they are bound by some value M, this algorithm will take O(N*M) time, or, with a small improvement, O(N*log(M)), where N is the size of the array.
As Evgeny Kluev suggests in his answer, there is also a good upper bound on the maximum pairwise distance, which can be used in either one of these algorithms. So the complexity of the latter is actually O(N*log(M/k)).
You can do this in O(n*(log n) + n*log(M)), where M is max(A) - min(A).
The idea is to use binary search to find the maximum separation possible.
First, sort the array. Then, we just need a helper function that takes in a distance d, and greedily builds the longest subarray possible with consecutive elements separated by at least d. We can do this in O(n) time.
If the generated array has length at least k, then the maximum separation possible is >=d. Otherwise, it's strictly less than d. This means we can use binary search to find the maximum value. With some cleverness, you can shrink the 'low' and 'high' bounds of the binary search, but it's already so fast that sorting would become the bottleneck.
Python code:
def maximize_distance(nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
"""Given an array of numbers and size k, uses binary search
to find a subset of size k with maximum min-pairwise-distance"""
assert len(nums) >= k
if k == 1:
return [nums[0]]
def longest_separated_array(desired_distance: int) -> List[int]:
"""Given a distance, returns a subarray of nums
of length k with pairwise differences at least that distance (if
one exists)."""
answer = [nums[0]]
for x in nums[1:]:
if x - answer[-1] >= desired_distance:
if len(answer) == k:
return answer
low, high = 0, (nums[-1] - nums[0])
while low < high:
mid = (low + high + 1) // 2
if len(longest_separated_array(mid)) == k:
low = mid
high = mid - 1
return longest_separated_array(low)
I suppose your set is ordered. If not, my answer will be changed slightly.
Let's suppose you have an array X = (X1, X2, ..., Xn)
Energy(Xi) = min(|X(i-1) - Xi|, |X(i+1) - Xi|), 1 < i <n
j <- 1
while j < n - k do
X.Exclude(min(Energy(Xi)), 1 < i < n)
j <- j + 1
n <- n - 1
end while
$length = length($array);
sort($array); //sorts the list in ascending order
$differences = ($array << 1) - $array; //gets the difference between each value and the next largest value
sort($differences); //sorts the list in ascending order
$max = ($array[$length-1]-$array[0])/$M; //this is the theoretical max of how large the result can be
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; i < $length-1; $i++){
$count += $differences[i];
if ($length-$i == $M - 1 || $count >= $max){ //if there are either no more coins that can be taken or we have gone above or equal to the theoretical max, add a point
$count = 0;
return min($result)
For the non-code people: sort the list, find the differences between each 2 sequential elements, sort that list (in ascending order), then loop through it summing up sequential values until you either pass the theoretical max or there arent enough elements remaining; then add that value to a new array and continue until you hit the end of the array. then return the minimum of the newly created array.
This is just a quick draft though. At a quick glance any operation here can be done in linear time (radix sort for the sorts).
For example, with 1, 4, 7, 100, and 200 and M=3, we get:
$differences = 3, 3, 93, 100
$max = (200-1)/3 ~ 67
then we loop:
$count = 3, 3+3=6, 6+93=99 > 67 so we push 99
$count = 100 > 67 so we push 100
min(99,100) = 99
It is a simple exercise to convert this to the set solution that I leave to the reader (P.S. after all the times reading that in a book, I've always wanted to say it :P)

given a sorted array of numbers, how do i find the size of numbers less than x [duplicate]

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Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
finding all numbers less than x in a BST
How would I modify a binary search to find the number of numbers in a sorted array that are less than a certain number?
If you have an already sorted array of numbers simply find the insertion point for your item in the sorted array usng a binary search algorithm. The index of the insertion point gives you the number of elements that are less than your target number.
In your comments you raised two good questions:
What if the number is not in the list?
To handle this you keep searching until you find the point where the number should be if it were present, that is the index where the current element is greater than x and the previous element is less than x.
What if there are duplicates?
To handle this, instead of stopping when you first find an element, continue searching until you lower bound and upper bound meet. If you hit a value that is equal to x treat it in the same way as if you found a number that was too high and continue bisecting.
Return all numbers less than the index of the value returned by the binary search.
Find number and check index.
Since this is specifically an array of numbers and not just comparable objects, you might want to look at interpolation search. If the numbers are uniformly distributed, it can find the index in O(log log n) time instead of O(log n).
Binary search for the largest number lower than your given number. Once you have its position, that position also directly relates to the count you're interested in.
This pseudocode should get you on the right track, but I haven't tested it. k = given number
while left < right
mid = (left + right) / 2
if arr[mid] >= k // too big, not interested
right = mid;
else // maybe too small, try bigger values
left = mid + 1
right - 1 or left - 1 (they're equal) is the position you're after.
For example: 8 11 13 20 50, k = 19
left = 1, right = 5
mid = 3
arr[3] = 13 < 19 => left = 4
left = 4, right = 5
mid = 4
arr[4] = 20 >= 19 => right = 4
left >= right => left - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3 is the position you're after
