How can I add a method to an existing function in Julia? - methods

So within Julia, every function has methods.
The following makes sense:
f(x, y) = x + y
f(x) = x + 2
This provides two methods attached to this function.
But let's say I want to add a method to an existing Julia function, instead of overriding it.
For example:
a = [2, 3]
push!(a, 4)
a == [2, 3, 4] # true
type Node
children :: Array{Node}
function push!(base :: Node, child :: Node)
push!(base.children, child)
This is what I want to do; extend existing functions to act appropriately with new types. But this throws an error. Is this possible?

I just solved it, so I thought to still post the question, in case people have trouble in the future.
You have to explicitly import a function in order to extend it.
So this would work:
import Base.push!
function push!(base :: Node, child :: Node)
push!(base.children, child)


Retrieve method content as an `Expr`ession

I have a function f defined as follows.
f(x, y) = 3x^2 + x*y - 2y + 1
How can I retrieve the following quote block for this method, which includes the function contents?
quote # REPL[0], line 2:
((3 * x ^ 2 + x * y) - 2y) + 1
As folks have mentioned in the comments, digging through the fields of the methods like this isn't a stable or officially supported API. Further, your simple example is deceiving. This isn't, in general, representative of the original code you wrote for the method. It's a simplified intermediate AST representation with single-assignment variables and drastically simplified control flow. In general, the AST it returns isn't valid top-level Julia code. It just so happens that for your simple example, it is.
That said, there is a documented way to do this. You can use code_lowered() to get access to this intermediate representation without digging through undocumented fields. This will work across Julia versions, but I don't think there are official guarantees on the stability of the intermediate representation yet. Here's a slightly more complicated example:
julia> f(X) = for elt in X; println(elt); end
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> code_lowered(f)[1]
LambdaInfo template for f(X) at REPL[17]:1
SSAValue(0) = X
#temp# = (Base.start)(SSAValue(0))
unless !((Base.done)(SSAValue(0),#temp#)) goto 13
SSAValue(1) = (,#temp#)
elt = (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(1),1)
#temp# = (Core.getfield)(SSAValue(1),2) # line 1:
goto 4
julia> code_lowered(f)[1] == methods(f).ms[1].lambda_template
If you really want to see the code exactly as it was written, the best way is to use the embedded file and line information and refer to the original source. Note that this is precisely the manner in which Gallium.jl (Julia's debugger) finds the source to display as it steps through functions. It's undocumented, but you can even access the REPL history for functions defined interactively. See how Gallium does it through here.
First, retrieve the method using methods(f).
julia> methods(f)
# 1 method for generic function "f":
f(x, y) at REPL[1]:1
julia> methods(f).ms
1-element Array{Method,1}:
f(x, y) at REPL[1]:1
julia> method = methods(f).ms[1]
f(x, y) at REPL[1]:1
From here, retrieving the Expression is straightforward; simply use the lambda_template attribute of the method.
julia> method.lambda_template
LambdaInfo template for f(x, y) at REPL[1]:1
return ((3 * x ^ 2 + x * y) - 2 * y) + 1
Edit: This does not work in Julia v0.6+!

Julia: Passing Multiple Arguments to Anonymous Functions

In the Julia Manual under the Anonymous Functions section one of the examples that is offered is (x,y,z)->2x+y-z.
Could someone please show me how one would pass a set of arguments to this function?
Say x=(1,2,3); y=(2,3,4); z=(1,3,5).
If you define x,y and z to be arrays then you can just call the function and pass them in:
fun = (x,y,z)->2x+y-z
fun(x, y, z)
giving the result:
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
But if you want to do this with tuples, as per your example, you will need to use map:
map(fun, x, y, z)
this gives the same result, but this time as a tuple:
(3, 4, 5)
This is because the *, + and - operators are not defined for tuples so the formula 2x+y-z can't work. Using map gets around this by calling the function multiple times passing in scalars.
You have to assign the anonymous function to a variable, in order to call it.
julia> fun = (x,y,z)->2x+y-z
(anonymous function)
julia> fun((1,2,3),(2,3,4),(1,3,5))
ERROR: no method *(Int64, (Int64,Int64,Int64))
in anonymous at none:1
It does not work, because the tuples you set for x, does not implement the * function.

Higher order function to apply many functions to one argument

I want the common name of a higher order function that applies a list of functions onto a single argument.
In this sense it is a converse of map. map takes a function and a list of arguments and applies that function to the entire list. In Python it might look like this
map = lambda fn, args: [fn(arg) for arg in args]
I'm thinking of the function that does the same but has the alternate argument as a list type
??? = lambda fns, arg: [fn(arg) for fn in fns]
I suspect that this function exists and has a common name. What is it?
Actually, what you describe is not the converse of map, but just map applied in another way. Consider, e.g.,
map(lambda f: f(2), [lambda x: x + 1, lambda x: x, lambda x: x * x])
which in effect applies three functions (plus 1, identity, and squaring) to the argument 2. So what you wanted is just
alt_map = lambda x, fns: map(lambda f: f(x), fns)
which is still an ordinary map.

Is there a name for the function that returns a positionally-expanding version of its argument?

Consider splatter in this Python code:
def splatter(fn):
return lambda (args): fn(*args)
def add(a, b):
return a + b
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [4, 5, 6]
print map(splatter(add), zip(list1, list2))
Mapping an n-ary function over n zipped sequences seems like a common enough operation that there might be a name for this already, but I have no idea where I'd find that. It vaguely evokes currying, and it seems like there are probably other related argument-centric HOFs that I've never heard of. Does anyone know if this is a "well-known" function? When discussing it I am currently stuck with the type of awkward language used in the question title.
Wow, Python's map does this automatically. You can write:
map(add, list1, list2)
And it will do the right thing, saving you the trouble of splattering your function. The only difference is that zip returns a list whose length is the the length of its shortest argument, whereas map extends shorter lists with None.
I think zipWith is the function that you are searching (this name is at least used in Haskell). It is even a bit more general. In Haskell zipWith is defined as follows (where the first line is just the type):
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith f (a:as) (b:bs) = f a b : zipWith f as bs
zipWith _ _ _ = []
And your example would be something like
zipWith (+) [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]
Since I do not know python very well I can only point to "zipWith analogue in Python?".
I randomly saw this in my list of "Questions asked," and was surprised that I now know the answer.
There are two interpretations of the function that I asked.
The first was my intent: to take a function that takes a fixed number of arguments and convert it into a function that takes those arguments as a fixed-size list or tuple. In Haskell, the function that does this operation is called uncurry.
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c)
(Extra parens for clarity.)
It's easy to imagine extending this to functions of more than two arguments, though it can't be expressed in Haskell. But uncurry3, uncurry4, etc. would not be out of place.
So I was right that it "vaguely evokes currying," as it is really the opposite.
The second interpretation is to take a function that takes an intentionally variable number of arguments and return a function that takes a single list.
Because splat is so weird as a syntactic construct in Python, this is hard to reason about.
But if we imagine, say, JavaScript, which has a first-class named function for "splatting:"
varFn.apply(null, args)
var splatter = function(f) {
return function(arg) {
return f.apply(null, arg);
Then we could rephrase that as merely a partial application of the "apply" function:
var splatter = function(f) {
return Function.prototype.apply.bind(f, null);
Or using, Underscore's partial, we can come up with the point-free definition:
var splatter = _.partial(Function.prototype.bind.bind(Function.prototype.apply), _, null)
Yes, that is a nightmare.
(The alternative to _.partial requires defining some sort of swap helper and would come out even less readable, I think.)
So I think that the name of this operation is just "a partial application of apply", or in the Python case it's almost like a section of the splat operator -- if splat were an "actual" operator.
But the particular combination of uncurry, zip, and map in the original question is exactly zipWith, as chris pointed out. In fact, HLint by default includes a rule to replace this complex construct with a single call to zipWith.
I hope that clears things up, past Ian.

Anonymous Scala function syntax

I'm learning more about Scala, and I'm having a little trouble understanding the example of anonymous functions in I've copied the entire code block below:
object CurryTest extends Application {
def filter(xs: List[Int], p: Int => Boolean): List[Int] =
if (xs.isEmpty) xs
else if (p(xs.head)) xs.head :: filter(xs.tail, p)
else filter(xs.tail, p)
def modN(n: Int)(x: Int) = ((x % n) == 0)
val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
println(filter(nums, modN(2)))
println(filter(nums, modN(3)))
I'm confused with the application of the modN function
def modN(n: Int)(x: Int) = ((x % n) == 0)
In the example, it's called with one argument
modN(2) and modN(3)
What does the syntax of modN(n: Int)(x: Int) mean?
Since it's called with one argument, I'm assuming they're not both arguments, but I can't really figure out how the values from nums get used by the mod function.
This is a fun thing in functional programming called currying. Basically Moses Schönfinkel and latter Haskell Curry (Schonfinkeling would sound weird though...) came up with the idea that calling a function of multiple arguments, say f(x,y) is the same as the chain of calls {g(x)}(y) or g(x)(y) where g is a function that produces another function as its output.
As an example, take the function f(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y. A call to f(2,3) would produce 5, as expected. But what happens when we curry this function - redefine it as f(x:Int)(y: Int)and call it as f(2)(3). The first call, f(2) produces a function taking an integer y and adding 2 to it -> therefore f(2) has type Int => Int and is equivalent to the function g(y) = 2 + y. The second call f(2)(3) calls the newly produced function g with the argument 3, therefore evaluating to 5, as expected.
Another way to view it is by stepping through the reduction (functional programmers call this beta-reduction - it's like the functional way of stepping line by line) of the f(2)(3) call (note, the following is not really valid Scala syntax).
f(2)(3) // Same as x => {y => x + y}
{y => 2 + y}(3) // The x in f gets replaced by 2
2 + 3 // The y gets replaced by 3
So, after all this talk, f(x)(y) can be viewed as just the following lambda expression (x: Int) => {(y: Int) => x + y} - which is valid Scala.
I hope this all makes sense - I tried to give a bit of a background of why the modN(3) call makes sense :)
You are partially applying the ModN function. Partial function application is one of the main features of functional languages. For more information check out these articles on Currying and Pointfree style.
In that example, modN returns a function that mods by the particular N. It saves you from having to do this:
def mod2(x:Int): Boolean = (x%2) == 0
def mod3(x:Int): Boolean = (x%3) == 0
The two pairs of parens delimit where you can stop passing arguments to the method. Of course, you can also just use a placeholder to achieve the same thing even when the method only has a single argument list.
def modN(n: Int, x: Int): Boolean = (x % n) == 0
val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
println(nums.filter(modN(2, _)))
println(nums.filter(modN(3, _)))
