Golang most efficient way to invoke method`s together - go

im looking for the most efficient way to invoke couple of method
Basically what im trying to to is invoke those method together and if something went wrong return error else return the struct Type.
This code is working but i can't get the struct type or error and im not sure if its the correct way.
go func()(struct,err) {
struct,err= sm.MethodA()//return struct type or error
err = sm.MethodB()//return error or nill
return struct,err

In Go, it's idiomatic to return the two values and check for nil against the error
For example:
func myFunc(sm SomeStruct) (MyStruct, error) {
s, err := sm.MethodA()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := sm.MethodB(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
One thing to note, is that you're running your function in a goroutine. Any return value inside that goroutine won't be returned to your main goroutine.
In order to get the return values for that go routine you must use channels that will wait for the values.
In your case
errChan := make(chan error)
retChan := make(chan SomeStructType)
go func() {
myVal, err := sm.MethodA()
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
if err := sm.MethodB(); err != nil {
errChan <- err
retChan <- myVal
select {
case err := <-errChan:
case val := <-retChan:
fmt.Printf("My value: %v\n", val)
You can mess around with it here to make more sense out of it:


Best approach to getting results out of goroutines

I have two functions that I cannot change (see first() and second() below). They are returning some data and errors (the output data is different, but in the examples below I use (string, error) for simplicity)
I would like to run them in separate goroutines - my approach:
package main
import (
func first(name string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("empty name is not allowed")
fmt.Println("processing first")
return fmt.Sprintf("First hello %s", name), nil
func second(name string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("empty name is not allowed")
fmt.Println("processing second")
return fmt.Sprintf("Second hello %s", name), nil
func main() {
firstCh := make(chan string)
secondCh := make(chan string)
go func() {
defer close(firstCh)
res, err := first("one")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to run first: %v\n", err)
firstCh <- res
go func() {
defer close(secondCh)
res, err := second("two")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to run second: %v\n", err)
secondCh <- res
resultsOne := <-firstCh
resultsTwo := <-secondCh
// It's important for my app to do error checking and stop if errors exist.
if resultsOne == "" || resultsTwo == "" {
fmt.Println("There was an ERROR")
fmt.Println("ONE:", resultsOne)
fmt.Println("TWO:", resultsTwo)
I believe one caveat is that resultsOne := <- firstCh blocks until first goroutine finishes, but I don't care too much about this.
Can you please confirm that my approach is good? What other approaches would be better in my situation?
The example looks mostly good. A couple improvements are:
declaring your channels as buffered
firstCh := make(chan string, 1)
secondCh := make(chan string, 1)
With unbuffered channels, send operations block (until someone receives). If your goroutine #2 is much faster than the first, it will have to wait until the first finishes as well, since you receive in sequence:
resultsOne := <-firstCh // waiting on this one first
resultsTwo := <-secondCh // sender blocked because the main thread hasn't reached this point
use "golang.org/x/sync/errgroup".Group. The program will feel "less native" but it dispenses you from managing channels by hand — which trades, in a non-contrived setting, for sync'ing writes on the results:
func main() {
var (
resultsOne string
resultsTwo string
g := errgroup.Group{}
g.Go(func() error {
res, err := first("one")
if err != nil {
return err
resultsOne = res
return nil
g.Go(func() error {
res, err := second("two")
if err != nil {
return err
resultsTwo = res
return nil
err := g.Wait()
// ... handle err

how to return values in a goroutine

I have the code:
go s.addItemSync(ch, cs.ResponseQueue, user)
This calls the func:
func (s *Services) addItemSync(ch types.ChannelInsertion, statusQueueName, user string) {
//func body here
I would however like to do this:
if ok, err := go s.addItemSync(ch, cs.ResponseQueue, user); !ok {
if err != nil {
log.Log.Error("Error adding channel", zap.Error(err))
Which would change the other func to this
func (s *Services) addItemSync(ch types.ChannelInsertion, statusQueueName, user string) (bool, error) {
As in, I would like to be able to declare a go func but this errors out every time. Any idea how you can declare a variable while able to call the go func ability for synchronous calls? as seen in the if ok, err := go s.addItemSync(ch, cs.ResponseQueue, user); !ok { line?
If you want to wait until a go-routine has completed, you need to return results in a channel. The basic pattern, without complicating with wait groups, etc. is:
func myFunc() {
// make a channel to receive errors
errChan := make(chan error)
// launch a go routine
go doSomething(myVar, errChan)
// block until something received on the error channel
if err := <- errChan; err != nil {
// something bad happened
// your async funciton
func doSomething(myVar interface{}, errChan chan error) {
// Do stuff
if something, err := someOtherFunc(myVar); err != nil {
errChan <- err
// all good - send nil to the error channel
errChan <- nil
In your case if you just want to fire off a go-routine and log if an error happens, you can use an anonymous function:
go func() {
if ok, err := s.addItemSync(ch, cs.ResponseQueue, user); !ok {
if err != nil {
log.Log.Error("Error adding channel", zap.Error(err))
Or if you want to wait for the result:
errChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
if ok, err := s.addItemSync(ch, cs.ResponseQueue, user); !ok {
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
errChan <- nil
// do some other stuff while we wait...
// block until go routine returns
if err := <- errChan; err != nil {
log.Log.Error("Error adding channel", zap.Error(err))
Your code as written, may have unexpected results if it is possible that a response where ok == false would not return an error. If this is a concern, I would suggest creating and returning a new error for cases where !ok && err == nil

gomock, Go,mango package ,MongoMock

I am trying to mock the below method using gomock
func GetS(tenantName string) (*mgo.Session, error) {
ctx := apiContext.TContext{}
url, err := connectionURLList.get(tenantName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Sprintf("connection to %s not yet created, creating one: %v", tenantName, err), nil)
if err := connectMongo(tenantName); err == nil {
return GetS(tenantName) //singleton recursion to again call GetS
return nil, err
// ignoring error, expected we will always setting session in session map
session, _ := connectionList.get(url)
return session.Copy(), err
My Interface
type MongoManager interface {
GetS(tenantName string)
func TestGetS(t *testing.T) {
//var mgoCall *mgo.Session
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockManagerObj := mocks.NewMockMongoManager(mockCtrl)
I am Getting the below error . Can someone help
$ go test
--- FAIL: TestGetS (0.00s)
mongoManager_test.go:20: missing call(s) to *mocks.MockMongoManager.GetS(is equal to cacargroup) /Users/charles/workspace/src/bitbucket.org/tekion/tbaas/mongoManager/mongoManager_test.go:16
mongoManager_test.go:20: aborting test due to missing call(s) FAIL exit status 1
You see actually the method in your interface implemented with return type of an error. But you are using like it returns nothing and chaining the implementation. Just remove the return type of GetS.
type fn func(string) (*mgo.Session, error)
type MongoManager interface {
NewFunction(GetS, "cascade")
func TestGetS(t *testing.T) {
//var mgoCall *mgo.Session
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockManagerObj := mocks.NewMockMongoManager(mockCtrl)
Also you have to remove it from GetS function too
func NewFunction(GetS fn, value string){
func GetS(tenantName string) (*mgo.Session, error){
ctx := apiContext.TContext{}
url, err := connectionURLList.get(tenantName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Sprintf("connection to %s not yet created, creating one: %v", tenantName, err), nil)
if err := connectMongo(tenantName); err == nil {
return GetS(tenantName) //singleton recursion to again call GetS
return nil, err
// ignoring error, expected we will always setting session in session map
session, _ := connectionList.get(url)

multiple-value in single-value context no return func

I have a func in Go that simply writes to a buffer. I have no return type set on the func so I am not sure why I am seeing this error. Here is my code:
func Write(buffer *bytes.Buffer, values ...string) {
for _, val := range values
_, err := *buffer.WriteString(val)
if err != nil {
// print error
_, err := *buffer.WriteString(" ")
if err != nil {
// print error
It complains at both lines where I have buffer.WriteString. This leads me to believe it has something to do with the return types of the WriteString method on the buffer but I am not experienced enough in Go to know for sure.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Updated code.
You don't need to dereference pointers to call methods in Go. The * operator before buffer.WriteString is applied to the returned values. To dereference buffer you would need to write (*buffer).WriteString, but that's not needed at all:
func Write(buffer *bytes.Buffer, values ...string) {
for _, val := range values {
_, err := buffer.WriteString(val)
if err != nil {
// print error
_, err := buffer.WriteString(" ")
if err != nil {
// print error

Go wait4 function

I want to test wait4 function, but I'm not really familiar with child processes and so on, but I need to keep it working and during this time send it some signal and see reaction. Can you give me a little example of using wait4 in Go?
wait4 is deprecated on Linux, the proper way is to use exec.Command and call .Wait().
An example with signals:
func bgProcess(app string) (chan error, *os.Process, error) {
cmd := exec.Command(app)
ch := make(chan error, 1)
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
go func() {
ch <- cmd.Wait()
return ch, cmd.Process, nil
func main() {
ch, proc, err := bgProcess("/usr/bin/cat")
if err != nil {
log.Println("Signal(os.Kill):", proc.Signal(os.Kill))
log.Println("cat returned:", <-ch)
