How can one efficiently test if an axis-aligned rectangle R
intersects a nice quadrilateral Q?
Nice means: Q is convex (not a chevron) and non-selfintersecting (not a bowtie, not degenerate).
Just 2D.
Just yes/no. I don't need the actual region of intersection.
Edit: Q and R may be open or closed, whatever's convenient.
Obviously one could test, for each edge of Q, whether it intersects R.
That reduces the problem to
How to test if a line segment intersects an axis-aligned rectange in 2D?.
But just like R's axis-alignedness is exploited by Liang-Barsky
to be faster than Cohen-Sutherland,
Q's properties might be exploited to get something faster than running Liang-Barsky multiple times.
Thus, the polygon-rectangle intersection algorithms
Sutherland–Hodgman, Vatti, and Greiner-Hormann, all of which let Q be nonconvex, are unlikely to be optimal.
Area of rectangle-rectangle intersection looks promising, even though it doesn't exploit R's axis-alignedness.
Be careful not to neglect the case where Q entirely covers R, or vice versa, as the edge test then would give a false negative.
One approach, conceptually:
Regard R as the intersection of two axis-aligned infinite bands, a vertical band [x0,x1] and a horizontal band [y0,y1].
Let xmin and xmax represent the extent of the intersection of Q with the horizontal band [y0,y1]; if [xmin,xmax] ∩ [x0,x1] is non-empty, then Q intersects R.
In terms of implementation:
Initialise xmin := +inf; xmax := -inf
For each edge pq of Q, p=(px,py) q=(qx,qy), with py ≥ qy:
a. If qy > y1 or y0 > py, ignore this edge, and examine the next one.
b. If py > y1, let (x,y1) be the intersection of pq with the horizontal line y = y1; otherwise let x be px.
c. Update xmin = min(xmin,x); xmax = max(xmax,x).
d. If y0 > qy, let (x,y0) be the intersection of pq with the horizontal line y = y0; otherwise let x be qx.
e. Update xmin = min(xmin,x); xmax = max(xmax,x).
Q intersects R if xmin < x1 and xmax > x0.
1) Construct Q's axis-aligned bounding box. Test that it does not intersect R.
2) For every edge E of Q, test that all four vertices of R lie on the outer side of E's supporting line. (Use the implicit equation of the edge, A.x + B.y + c <> 0.)
If and only if either of these tests succeeds, there is no intersection.
Given two line segments on a 2D grid (horizontal or vertical), how can I determine if they are adjacent?
Two line segments A, B are adjacent if there exists at least one pair of points (ax, ay) in A and (bx, by) in B that are adjacent.
Two points are adjacent if they are adjacent in the horizontal or vertical direction. Diagonals do not count.
It can be assumed that the line segments do not intersect and the length is >= 1.
Clearly a naive solution would be to loop through the points and check for adjacency but I'm looking for a closed form solution in constant time.
For example these line segments are adjacent:
as are these
but these are not (note the space)
A horizontal or vertical line segment on a 2d grid can be represented as a tuple (x, y, length, vertical) where vertical is a boolean indicating the length of the line. Alternatively, such a line segment could be represented as (x0, y0, x1, y1) where either x0 = x1 or y0 = y1.
We can reduce this problem to computing the Manhattan distance between two axis-aligned rectangles.
The key observation is that the dimensions are separable, specifically, the Manhattan distance is the Manhattan distance of the x intervals (in 1D) plus the Manhattan distance of the y intervals.
The Manhattan distance between 1D intervals [a, b] and [c, d] is max(max(a, c) − min(b, d), 0).
The overall test is max(max(x0, x0′) − min(x1, x1′), 0) + max(max(y0, y0′) − min(y1, y1′), 0) = 1.
For any line the line itself and its adjacent (including diagonally) points form a rectangle as e.g.:
++++++ +++
+----+ +|+
++++++ +|+
For a line (x0, y0, x1, y1) this rectangle is defined by the coordinates (x0 - 1, y0 - 1, x1 + 1, y1 + 1), let's name them (X0, Y0, X1, Y1). You now just need to check if these rectangles intersect:
A:X0 <= B:X1 and B:X0 <= A:X1
and A:Y0 <= B:Y1 and B:Y0 <= A:Y1
This yet includes diagonal adjacency, though, so you need to check this case explicitly:
A:X0 == B:X1
A:X1 == B:X0
A:Y0 == B:Y1
A:Y1 == B:Y0
Just count how many of these equations apply, if exactly two of do so (more is not possible...), then the rectangles only intersect in a pair of corners, thus the lines are only diagonally adjacent.
Given set of points (x[1]; y[1]), (x[2]; y[2]), ..., (x[n]; y[n]) . We need to find maximum area of rectangle that we can get. Rectangle's vertexes should be in points set. Also, rectangle is not necessary be axis-aligned. For example, answer for (1; 1), (2; 2), (2; 0); (3; 1) is 2.
n <= 1300; -10^9 <= x[i], y[i] <= 10^9.
Can someone help me with this problem? My solution is brute-force O(N^3), it's giving TLE. I select some three points and find fourth.
Every pair of points determines a line L, which has a slope m and an intercept c. (Ignore vertical lines for now.) Instead of considering the intercept, let's work with a different quantity that gives much the same information: The distance d(L) between the line and the origin, i.e., the length of a line segment R perpendicular to L and connecting L to the origin. Additionally, we can talk about the "displacement" of a point along L: We can say that the point p on L where it meets R has displacement 0, and the point on L that is x "above" p (has distance x from p and higher y coordinate) has displacement x, with negative displacements for points "below" p. In fact, we don't need the intercept or d(L) to define the displacement of a point with respect to a line L -- just the line's slope. Define disp(m, q) to be the displacement of point q on a line with slope m.
Suppose a, b, c, d are the vertices of a rectangle, with sides ab, bc, cd and da. Observe that the line containing ab has the same slope m as the line containing cd, and (disp(m, a), disp(m, b)) = (disp(m, d), disp(m, c)). So the only 4-tuples of vertices that we need to test are those comprised of pairs of vertex pairs like ab and cd -- vertex pairs having the same slope and displacement pairs. Furthermore, one side length (shared by ab and cd) is equal to |disp(m, b) - disp(m, a)|, and the other side length will be |d(Lab) - d(Lcd)|, where Lab and Lcd are the lines containing the line segments ab and cd, respectively.
To find these 4-tuples of vertices efficiently:
For all pairs of vertices i, j:
Let L be the line passing through i and j. Compute its slope m and distance d(L) from the origin. Also compute disp(m, i) and disp(m, j). If disp(m, i) <= disp(m, j), add the tuple (m, disp(m, i), disp(m, j), d(L)) to an array Z.
Sort Z lexicographically. This will place all point pairs lying on lines of the same slope and having equal displacements in a contiguous block, ordered by increasing d(L).
Scan through the array, looking for block boundaries -- positions k at which any of the first three tuple elements changes. Let prev be the last such k found (initially, prev = 0). For each such k:
Compute (Z[k-1][3] - Z[prev][3]) * (Z[k-1][2] - Z[k-1][1]). This is the area of the largest rectangle having a pair of sides with slope Z[k-1][0] and length (Z[k-1][2] - Z[k-1][1]). If this is greater than the maximum rectangle size found so far, update it.
This algorithm takes O(n^2 log n) time and O(n^2) space.
You have given N points in 2D plane ,i need to find out the smallest radius of a circle that contain at least M points .
Approach I am using :-
I will do binary search on radius of circle .
Pick an arbitrary point P from the given set. We rotate a circle C with radius R using P as the "axis of rotation" (by convention, in the counter-clockwise direction), i.e. we keep C to touch P any time during the rotation. While C is being rotated, we maintain a counter to count the number of points C encloses.
Note that this counter only changes when some point Q enters (or leaves) the region of the circle C. Our goal is to come up with an algorithm that will increment (or decrement) this counter, whenever some other point Q ≠ P enters (or leaves) the region of C.
The state of the (rotating) circle C can be described by a single parameter θθ, where (r,θ) are the polar coordinates of the center of the circle C, if we pick P as the fixed point of the polar coordinate system. With this system, rotating C means increasing θ.
For each other point Q (≠ P), we can actually compute the range of θ for which C covers Q. Put more formally, C encloses Q whenever (iff) θ∈[α,β].
So, up to this point, the original problem has been reduced to:
What is an optimal value of θ that lies in the most number of [α,β] intervals?
The reduced problem can be solved with a pretty standard O(NlogN) algorithm.[3] This reduced problem has to be solved N times (one for each point P), hence the time complexity O(N2logN).
I am able to get the how to do this step :
For each other point Q (≠ P), we can actually compute the range of θ for which C covers Q. Put more formally, C encloses Q whenever (iff) θ∈[α,β].
So, up to this point, the original problem has been reduced to:
What is an optimal value of θ that lies in the most number of [α,β]intervals?
can you please suggest how to implement that part .
When Q enters or leaves the circle C (with radius R):
The distance between P and C's center is R (because it always is); and
The distance between Q and C's center is also R
So, if you draw a circle of radius R around Q, and a circle of radius R around P. The two points at which they intersect are the centers of C when Q enters or leaves.
Let ±θ be the angles between those centers of C and line PQ. If you draw it out you can easily see that |PQ|/2R = cos(θ), which makes it pretty easy to find the angles you're looking for.
Recently I have started doing some research on the SAT (Separating Axis Theorem) for collision detection in a game I am making. I understand how the algorithm works and why it works, what I'm puzzled about is how it expects one to be able to so easily calculate the projection of the shape onto different axes.
I assume the projection of a polygon onto a vector is represented by line segment from point A to point B, so my best guess to find points A and B would be to find the angle of the line being projected onto and calculate the min and max x-values of the coordinates when the shape is rotated to the angle of the projection (i.e. such that it is parallel to the x-axis and the min and max values are simply the min and max values along the x-axis). But to do this for every projection would be a costly operation. Do any of you guys know a better solution, or could at least point me to a paper or document where a better solution is described?
Simple way to calculate the projection of the polygon on line is to calculate projection of all vertex onto the line and get the coordinates with min-max values like you suggested but you dont need to rotate the polygon to do so.
Here is algorithm to find projection of point on line :-
line : y = mx + c
point : (x1,y1)
projection is intersection of line perpendicular to given line and passing through (x1,y1)
perdenicular line :- y-y1 = -1/m(x-x1) slope of perpendicular line is -1/m
y = -1/m(x-x1) + y1
To find point of intersection solve the equation simultaneously :-
y = mx + c , y = -1/m(x-x1) + y1
mx + c = -1/m(x-x1) + y1
m^2*x + mc = x1-x + my1
(m^2+1)x = x1 + my1 - mc
x = (x1-my1 - mc)/(m^2+1)
y = mx + c = m(x1-my1-mc)/(m^2+1) + c
Time complexity : For each vertex it takes O(1) time so it is O(V) where V is no of vertex in the polygon
If your polygon is not convex, compute its convex hull first.
Given a convex polygon with n vertices, you can find its rotated minimum and maximum x-coordinate in n log n by binary search. You can always test whether a vertex is a minimum or a maximum by rotating an comparing it and the two adjacent vertices. Depending on the results of the comparison, you know whether to jump clockwise or counterclockwise. Jump by k vertices, each time decreasing k by half (at the start k=n/2).
This may or may not bring real speed improvement. If your typical polygon has a dozen or so vertices, it may make little sense to use binary search.
I have encountered the following interesting problem while preparing for a
You have a triangle with sides of length a, b, c and a rope of length L. You need to find
the surfaced enclosed by the rope that has the maximum surface area and it has to be entirely inside the triangle.
So, if L = a + b + c, then it's the area of the triangle.
Else, we know that the circle has the biggest surface to perimeter area, so if L is smaller or equal to the perimeter of the inscribed circle of the triangle, then the area will be the area of the circle of perimeter L.
So, the remaining case is alfa < L < a + b + c, where alfa is the perimeter of the inscribed circle .
Any ideas would be great!
EDIT: I would like to know if I should focus on some kind of algorithm for solving this
or trying to figure it out a mathematical formula. The contest contains somehow a combination of both. The edges can be as long as 100 and the precision of a,b,c,L is of 4 digits after the decimal point .
After reading the answers to this question:, I agree with n.m., and think the optimal curve verifies:
Curvature is either constant, or flat when it touches the triangle, meaning it is composed of segments lying on the triangle sides, and circle arcs, all sharing the same radius.
There are no angles, meaning the arcs are tangent to the triangle sides.
With these conditions, the solution is obtained by three circles of same radius R, each tangent to two sides of the triangle (see below). When R varies between 0 and the radius of the inscribed circle, we start from the triangle itself, and end to the inscribed circle, where all three circles coincide. The length of the curve is the perimeter of the circle of radius R + the perimeter (p) of the smaller triangle: L = 2*PiR + p. The area is the area (a) of the smaller triangle + one disc of radius R + the remaining rectangles: A = PiR^2 + p*R + a.
Since a circle has the largest Area/Perimeter, start with the inscribed circle. If L is less than that circumference, then shrink appropriately. If L is longer, grow whichever of the 3 arcs maximizes dA/dL. I don't know if there's a closed form, but the largest arc will be in the 3rd of the triangle with the sides most approaching parallel.
It should be trivial to solve this algorithmically. With 4 decimals of precision, increment by 0.0001 checking each arc to see which has the greatest dA/dL for that single increment.
I worked up a drawing of the geometry overnight:
The inscribed circle is constructed by bisecting each of the angles and finding the intersections of the bisectors. I've labeled the half-angle "a1" (and all related variables have '1'). The area of the non-circular portion is two trapezoids (one denoted with the red outline). We can calculate the area for a single trapezoid as L1 * (m1 + R)/2 (note that when L1, L2, L3 are all zero, these trapezoids are all zero, and we just get the inscribed circle area). The circular cap has a radius of m1 to remain tangent with the side of the triangle. For a given choice of L1, m1 = R(x1-L1)/x1.
From here you can easily calculate the perimeter and area of each of the three sectors and solve numerically.
I cannot prove that this is the largest area, just that this is how to calculate the area and perimeter of this construction.
..answering my own comment/question, it can be proved that the radii must be equal,
Here is a useful formula:
the gray area A is
A = r^2 ( alpha - Pi + 2/tan(alpha/2) ) /2
but even more useful..the arc length is simply:
s = 2 ( b - A/r )
from here it is straightforward to show the three radii must be equal to each other:
writing the rope length and enclosed area:
ropelength = trianglelength - 2 Sum[r[i] a[i] ]
ropearea = trianglearea - Sum[r[i]^2 a[i] /2 ]
a[i]=( alpha[i] - Pi + 2/tan(alpha[i]/2) )
after a bit of manipulation maximizing the area leads to all r[i] equal. Note the three a[i], ropelength,trainglearea,trianglelength are all constants that you do not need to work out. Pedantically solve for r[l] = f( constants, r[2],r[3] ) sub into the second expression and solve for d ropearea /d r[2] = 0 and d /d r[3] = 0 with the result:
r =(1/2) (triangle_length - rope_length) /(Sum(1/tan(alpha[i]/2)) - Pi)
(the messy expression for a[i] is substituted only at the last step ) finally..
ropearea = trianglearea - (trianglelength-ropelength)^2/(8 Sum[a[i])
= trianglearea - (1/2)(trianglelength-ropelength) r
edit -- a useful identity ..with a,b,c, the lengths of the sides.
Sum(1/tan(alpha[i]/2)) = Sqrt( S^3 / ((S-a)(S-b)(S-c)) )
S = 1/2 (a+b+c) ! S is semiperimeter not to be confused with arc length s
the above expressions then can be used to reproduce the formula for an inscribed circle,
rinscribed = Sqrt( ((S-a)(S-b)(S-c)) / S )
If the perimeter of the rope is too small or too large, the answers are trivial. The interesting case is a shape with 6 vertices that goes line-arc-line-arc-line-arc. The arc are all tangent to their neighbouring lines and their radii are equal. I don't have a rigorous proof, but imagine a 2D balloon filled with air and squeezed between the sides of the triangle.
It is easy to express the overall shape and thus the perimeter given the radius; the opposite direction (perimeter to radius) is then easily found numerically.