Kyestone client commands fails when called inside bash script - bash

I am making a small bash script that tries to install keystone and create the initial admin user, tenant, etc..
I tried it with various keystone subcommands and they all fail saying:
Unable to establish connection to httx://
I tried sourcing the env variables via a file, using export and in last resort even running the command with --os-token and --os-endpoint. Here is the latest version that I used inside the script:
keystone --debug --os-token secret --os-endpoint httx:// tenant-list
The full message with debug is the following:
WARNING: Bypassing authentication using a token & endpoint (authentication credentials are being ignored).
DEBUG:keystoneclient.session:REQ: curl -i -X GET httx:// -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" -H "X-Auth-Token: secret"
INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
Unable to establish connection to httx://
But if I ran the same command directly on the bash shell I have no issues. Here is the debug output for it:
keystone --debug --os-token secret --os-endpoint httx:// tenant-list
WARNING: Bypassing authentication using a token & endpoint (authentication credentials are being ignored).
DEBUG:keystoneclient.session:REQ: curl -i -X GET httx:// -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" -H "X-Auth-Token: secret"
INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Setting read timeout to 600.0
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /v2.0/tenants HTTP/1.1" 200 256
DEBUG:keystoneclient.session:RESP: [200] {'date': 'Tue, 17 Mar 2015 14:28:20 GMT', 'vary': 'X-Auth-Token', 'content-length': '256', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-distribution': 'Ubuntu'}
RESP BODY: {"tenants_links": [], "tenants": [{"description": "Admin Tenant", "enabled": true, "id": "17008f66b9b54ca39654846e0b5e7af2", "name": "admin"}, {"description": "Service Tenant", "enabled": true, "id": "3a6823c10e454f4294aebdfec8b0c5dd", "name": "service"}]}
| id | name | enabled |
| 17008f66b9b54ca39654846e0b5e7af2 | admin | True |
| 3a6823c10e454f4294aebdfec8b0c5dd | service | True |
So it seems that only when the script tries to run the command it fails...
I cannot figure out why...Any help is appreciated.
PS. I had to replace http with httx in order to be able to post as I do not have enough reputation points.

A few hours later... I have finally figured out what is wrong. In my script I first restart the keystone service so that the changes to the "/etc/keystone/keystone.conf" file would be taken into account and I run the keystone commands right after. It seems that it does take some time for keystone to be up before answering my commands. I added "sleep 1" in between the two commands and now it works. Maybe it will be useful to somebody :-)


AWX REST API - List Inventory returning null

AWX: 3.0.1
Ansible: 2.7.8
Greetings fellows. Having a problem listing organization in AWX via REST API. This is a brand-new installation. What has been done so far:
Organization Created
Users created
Users added to Organization
Users assigned Permissions ('admin' here)
Now, I can obtain a token ,no problem. Using this $token, I am trying to list inventories:
$ curl -H "Authorization:Token $token" -f -k -H "content-Type: application/json" -X GET | jq .
...and getting null. I don't understand what is going on. It is authenticating me.
Any feedback or direction is greatly appreciated.
Answering my own question: in prior versions of AWX when it used authtoken instead of oauth2, the cURL directive was "Authorization: Token <your token>". Now that AWX is using oauth2, I must have used "Bearer <token>" instead.

upload zip file to google drive using curl

I am trying to upload a zip file to Google drive account using curl.
The file is uploaded successfully but the filename is not getting updated. It gets uploaded with default filename i.e. "Untitled".
I am using below command.
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer cat /tmp/token.txt" -F "metadata={name : ''} --data-binary ""
You can use Drive API v3 to upload the zip file. The modified curl code is as follows.
curl -X POST -L \
-H "Authorization: Bearer `cat /tmp/token.txt`" \
-F "metadata={name : ''};type=application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
-F ";type=application/zip" \
In order to use this, please include in the scope.
The answer above works fine and was the command I used in uploading my file to Google Drive using Curl. However, I didn't understand what scope was and all of the initial setup required to make this command work. Hence, for documentation purposes. I'll give a second answer.
Valid as at the time of writing...
Visit the Credentials page and create a new credential (this is assuming you have created a project). I created credentials for TVs and Limited devices, so the work flow was similar to:
Create credentials > OAuth client ID > Application Type > TVs and Limited Input devices > Named the client > Clicked Create.
After doing this, I was able to copy the Client ID and Client Secret when viewing the newly created credential.
NB: Only the variables with double asterisk from the Curl commands should be replaced.
Next step was to run the Curl command:
curl -d "client_id=**client_id**&scope=**scope**"
Scope in this situation can be considered to be the kind of access you intend to have with the credential having the inputted client_id. More about scope from the docs For the use case in focus, which is to upload files, the scope chosen was
On running the curl command above, you'll get a response similar to:
{ "device_code": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "user_code": "ABCD-EFGH",
"expires_in": 1800, "interval": 5, "verification_url":
"" }
Next step is to visit the verification_url in the response in your browser, provide the user_code and accept requests for permissions. You will be presented with a code when all prompts have been followed, this code wasn't required for the remaining steps (but there may be some reasons to use it for other use cases).
Next step is to use the Curl command:
curl -d client_id=**client_id** -d client_secret=**client_secret** -d device_code=**device_code** -d grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Adevice_code
You will get a response similar to:
{ "access_token": "XXXXXXXXX", "expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "XXXXXXXXX", "scope":
"", "token_type": "Bearer"
Now you can use the access token and follow the accepted answer with a Curl command similar to:
curl -X POST -L \
-H "Authorization: Bearer **access_token**" \
-F "metadata={name : ''};type=application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
-F ";type=application/zip" \

Unable to get Cognitive Services access token from subscription key

I have tried both key 1 and key 2 from the Azure Resource Management > Keys page with the following, where foo is a direct copy/paste:
curl -X POST "" --data ""
curl -X POST "" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: foo" --data ""
In both cases I get:
{ "statusCode": 401, "message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription." }
Is there something I need to configure so I can I retrieve access tokens for my subscription? My ultimate goal is to use the access token to authenticate with a Custom Speech Service Endpoint. Thanks!
For some reason this URL worked instead of the one in the documentation:
Here's the complete command:
curl -X POST --header "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:foo" --data "" ""

How to set ENV var in Heroku preview app postdeploy script

I want to set the HOST env var to $ on a preview app. It doesn't look like I can do this in app.json since this is a computed value.
I was hoping to do it in a "postdeploy" script like this
heroku config:set HOST="`heroku config:get HEROKU_APP_NAME -a neon-dev-pr-520`"
but it wants to authenticate me as a Heroku user. Alas, this doesn't work either:
export HOST=$
Any suggestions?
Worked out with the assistance of Heroku's awesome support team a few years ago. We needed to set a reflexive environment variable for a middleware (parse-server) to know what to connect to. It's set manually on our Staging and Production apps, but to get it set on our review apps:
My app.json incldues:
"scripts": {
"postdeploy": "bin/bootstrap"
"env": {
"required": true
"required": true
bin/bootstrap is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export SERVER_URL=https://$
SERVER_URL is available (and correct) in my review apps. It's been 👍no problems since we implemented.
I found this post which suggests that you can use the Heroku PlatformAPI.
In this case as a Rails Rake task which is run as the postdeploy:
desc 'Bootstrap review app'
task bootstrap: ['db:schema:load', 'db:seed'] do
heroku = PlatformAPI.connect_oauth(ENV['HEROKU_API_TOKEN'])
heroku.config_var.update(ENV['HEROKU_APP_NAME'], 'WWW_HOSTNAME' => "#{ENV['HEROKU_APP_NAME']}")
Take a look at the documentation for review apps
As long as you declare HEROKU_APP_NAME or HEROKU_PARENT_APP_NAME as required or optional in your app.json file, they will be available for you to use in your postdeploy script so you can just do:
Using python requests within a postdeploy script:
import requests
result = requests.patch(f"{os.environ.get('HEROKU_APP_NAME')}/config-vars",
data=json.dumps({"YOUR_KEY": "SOME_VALUE"}),
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {os.environ.get("HEROKU_API_KEY")}"}
Or using curl when logged:
curl -n -X PATCH$HEROKU_APP_NAME/config-vars \
-d '{
"FOO": "bar",
"BAZ": "qux"
}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3"
And when not logged in add the header, where an app token has been generated:
-H "Authorization: Bearer $HEROKU_API_KEY"

Google App Scripts curl authorization

Just trying to play with google app scripts. In anonymous mode things seem fine. Except that anyone can call my script simply like that snippet shows:
curl "\"$myIp\""
I used this manual for tips on how to authenticate through GoogleLogin. The problem is "401 Unauthorized" I received when sent auth token and "Me(owner)/Only myself" options were set on google side. (The token seems correct itself. If I omit password or mistype it, then I receive "Bad auth") If I set "Anyone, even anonymous" again, it works, but auth stuff seems like ignored. What's the correct way to do the trick?
GoogleAuthToken=`curl --silent --data-urlencode Email=$gmail \
--data-urlencode Passwd=$password -d accountType=GOOGLE -d source=YouDontSay -d service=lh2`
echo $GoogleAuthToken
GoogleAuthToken=$(echo "$GoogleAuthToken" | grep 'Auth=' | sed s/Auth=//)
echo $GoogleAuthToken
curl -L --silent --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$GoogleAuthToken" "\"$myIp\""
You use ClientLogin
This is google error :
Important: ClientLogin has been officially deprecated since April 20,
2012 and is now no longer available. Requests to ClientLogin will fail
with a HTTP 404 response. We encourage you to migrate to OAuth 2.0 as
soon as possible.
