Jstl tag link . Manual upload of tld or taglib - jstl

every time i try linking it give me error . plus addition to this i even tried to get the tld file but every time i get is jar for that . I just want to use the jstl tags like <c:out> and such.

You need to have jstl.jar included in your classpath.
Additionally, the URI should be http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core (unless you're on an on extremely old version, in which case you should update anyways).
See our JSTL info page for more detailed information, including where to download the jar.


How to generate html documentation with a prefix?

I want to generate documentation to put on the web with a certain path prefix. But I can't figure out how to generate the documentation so that the links are absolute instead of relative. The html_baseurl parameter doesn't work at all.
Let's say I want to place documentation in the /docs prefix when deploying to the production. How can I do that?

Loading local ckeditor plugins when a CDN is used, and Chrome cache

Writing an asp.net mvc app and playing with ckeditor (4.7.2) as a newbie. I load ckeditor from the cdn so I have to configure it to be able to load plugins locally, as per the doc:
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('name', '#Url.Content("~/scripts/ckeditor/plugins/name")',
But if I do this, the browser tries to load this:
Checking in the browser console, I see also that all ckeditor files are loaded that way, with this appended ?t=H7HD query string.
The only workaround I found was to use this form instead:
'#Url.Content("~/scripts/ckeditor/plugins/name/plugin.js")', '');
which loads the file correctly:
Is this a bug? Should the first form build the URL in the correct order? Or is there something I missed?
Update: realized that the doc puts a final slash to the path. If I add it, this also fixes the issue, keeping the query string at the end. But this does not explain why this query string exists and why ckeditor does not check for this ending slash.
And this brings me to a secondary question. During development, modifying files in Visual Studio is enough to make Chrome reload them without any action from me. But in the case of plugins loaded by ckeditor, Chrome keeps the old version. I have to clear the cache of the browser, each time I want to be sure I have the latest version. Is there any way to fix this? I think this is a related question because I first thought this ?t=... was a mechanism to reload the files by bypassing the cache, except that here, the value behing 't' does not change.
The second parameter in the addExternal() method as per documentation is:
path : String
The path of the folder containing the resource.
If the path is /scripts/ckeditor/plugins/name?t=H7HD then the last parameter (plugin file, plugin.js) is concatenated with it.
as per the documentation, this is a timestamp property:

Correct path in PrimeFaces View [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to reference CSS / JS / image resource in Facelets template?
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm using PrimeFaces version 5.2 and Glassfish as server to deploy my results.
I've coded a short example in order to download a file from the server and I'm getting problems showing the GIF image related to a progress bar.
The problem itself is that I can't find the correct path to the image. My folder structure looks like this image:
I'm going to give you more details in the next images you can see below:
This image shows you the xhtml fragment related to the path, in this case:
You can see the GIF is not properly displayed, and the other code appended is the html generated and presented by Inspect element option of Chrome Web browser.
I noticed that I achieve my goal removing javax.faces.resource and the last xhtml extension (See 3rd image).
Knowing this behavior I tried some variants in the image path and I'm still struggling with this issue. The following are some of those paths I tried without luck.
Unable to find or serve resource, images/ajaxloadingbar.gif.
Unable to find or serve resource, /images/ajaxloadingbar.gif.
Unable to find or serve resource, ../../images/ajaxloadingbar.gif.
Unable to find or serve resource, ../images/ajaxloadingbar.gif.
Unable to find or serve resource, Pack_Encrypt/images/ajaxloadingbar.gif.
Unable to find or serve resource, /Pack_Encrypt/images/ajaxloadingbar.gif.
Unable to find or serve resource, /WebContent/images/ajaxloadingbar.gif.
I really appreciate any help or idea regarding this tricky path. I would like to use a relative path rather than an absolute path.
Kind regards,
Luis A.
Move folder "images" into new folder "resources".
Full path should be "...\WebContent\resources\images"
Check out the following page:
What is the JSF resource library for and how should it be used?

How can I override the URL writing mechanism for .script <include-script> tags in Tapestry 4?

Previously on StackOverflow, I wrote this question where I asked how to append a build number parameter to the generated URLs for Tapestry assets to solve caching problems. I ultimately answered my own question: replace Tapestry's default asset source with a custom one which wraps the generated assets to tack on the build number. But I've found out that .js files imported by the <include-script> tag in .script files are not using this mechanism and are therefore not getting the build number on them. So I'd like to accomplish the same objective with them. How?

Which template engine and Ajax framework/toolkit can load templates from JAR files?

Which Template-Engine and Ajax-Framework/-Toolkit is able to load template information from JAR-Files?
If you mean server-side template engines, you can get Velocity to load its templates from the classpath (which includes JAR files). Check out the section "Configuring the Resource Loaders (template loaders)" in the Developer Guide.
Take a look at http://www.ztemplates.org which is simple and easy to learn. This one allows you to put all related templates, javascript and css into one jar and use it transparently. Means you even have not to care about declaring the needed javascript in your page when using a provided component, as the framework does it for you.
