Heroku running rails 2.x Puma error - heroku

I'm getting the error below in my heroku logs. The Puma line and config file are the defaults as supplied by Heroku.
Starting process with command bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb invalid option: -C
Has anyone seen this before?

Turns out it was a puma version issue. I was running an older version that does not support the -C option.


How to start the rails console on Heroku with a multi-buildpack?

I'm deploying to heroku with the multi-buildpack on the cedar stack using a custom procfile:
web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -E $RACK_ENV -c ./config/unicorn.rb
worker: bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C config/sidekiq.yml
console: bundle exec irb -r ./console
When I boot my console with heroku run console I get LoadError: cannot load such file -- ./console and a virgin irb session.
How can I initialize the console with rails and my application environment loaded?
So running irb is obviously wrong.
What I needed was console: bundle exec rails console

Heroku: where did my gems go?

I have been deploying a Rails 3.2 application to heroku for several weeks now. I have also been executing rake tasks on the Cedar stack where my application is located.
One day after a deploy I noticed that rake was no longer working. I get, for example, the following:
$:~/dev/my_project$ heroku run rake -T
Running `rake -T` attached to terminal... up, run.7566
bundler: command not found: rake
Install missing gem executables with `bundle install`
Trying to run commands with bundle exec yields the same results.
What I've tried:
heroku run bundle install. This works and informs me that gems were installed into ./vendor/bundle. However, heroku run ls ./vendor/bundle yields only the following:
$:~/dev/my_project$ heroku run ls ./vendor/bundle/
Runningls ./vendor/bundle/attached to terminal... up, run.3458
bin ruby
bundle package. Although the deployment works it does not help my problem.
fiddling around with the rubygems-bundler gem (although I think this is now part of core bundler). This does not seem to have any effect.
On Heroku, gems are installed within the vendor/bundle/ruby/<version>/gems directory. I just checked my Heroku instance and confirmed this.
You are going to want to use bundle exec rake task because the gems are not in the users PATH.

Why is my middleman heroku app ignoring the Procfile?

I've been struggling trying to launch my middleman repo to heroku. I've followed a tutorial http://randomerrata.com/post/56163474367/middleman-on-heroku, but have had continued issues. Although installing the puma gem, for some reason the procfile is being ignored and the heroku app keeps pointing to
web bundle exec sudo unicorn_rails -c ./config/unicorn.rb -p $PORT -D --env production
Any idea how to get this thing to stop pointing to the unicorn rails and use puma?
Perhaps it would be worth checking out middleman-heroku as a different route to take. Alternatively I would check that your Gemfile.lock is up to date and committed.
I would try tailing the logs with heroku logs -t to see if you can see what's happening.
Is your Procfile called Procfile with a capital P?
What does it look like, can you post it here?
My Procfile has web: bundle exec puma -p $PORT. Is Puma listed in your Gemfile?

bundle command not found heroku

I am trying to use ruby 1.8.7 in my heroku application but the application does not launch. Heroku shows following errors in the console:
2012-10-30T13:29:08+00:00 app[web.2]: bash: bundle: command not found
heroku run "bundle --version" also returns in command not found:
heroku run "bundle --version"
Running `bundle --version` attached to terminal... up, run.1
bash: bundle: command not found
Any ideas on what might be issue here ?
The code will look like this with the newest version:
heroku config:add GEM_PATH=vendor/bundle/1.8
Have you installed a new ruby version? Good chance that ruby version doesnt have bundler installed, use
heroku run 'gem install bundler'
after installing a new ruby!
You need to have the supported Ruby buildpack set:
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby

rackup: command not found

I am currently working on a project that requires the rackup command on ubuntu 11.04, but I am getting an error: -bash: rackup: command not found. I have installed both the rails and rack ruby gems.
Any help with this would be awesome!
if you're using bundler then perhaps you need to use bundle exec
bundle exec rackup
Looks like rackup was really rackup1.8. Problem was solved right after that! Anybody who runs into a similar issue, be sure to try rackup[version] along with just rackup.
