I'm trying to find how to make this to work with various types.
Thanks in advance for the help!
public static void Main()
GetKeySelector("String01"); // OK
GetKeySelector("Date01"); // ArgumentException: Expression of type 'System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]' cannot be used for return type 'System.String'
GetKeySelector("Integer01"); // ArgumentException: Expression of type 'System.Int32' cannot be used for return type 'System.String'
private static Expression<Func<Project,string>> GetKeySelector(string propertyName)
var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof (Project), "p");
var property = Expression.Property(paramExpr, propertyName);
var finalLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Project, string>>(property, paramExpr);
return finalLambda;
class Project
public DateTime? Date01 {get;set;}
public int Integer01 {get;set;}
public string String01 {get;set;}
The problem is that you are trying to use properties of types other than string in an expression that produces a string. This is not allowed without a conversion.
One way to solve this issue would be changing the code to produce objects instead of strings, like this:
private static Expression<Func<Project,object>> GetKeySelector(string propertyName) {
var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof (Project), "p");
var property = Expression.Property(paramExpr, propertyName);
var cast = Expression.Convert(property, typeof(object));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<Project,object>>(cast, paramExpr);
Alternatively you could call Convert.ToString through an expression.
Here is the enum extension method to get its description attribute.
public static string GetDescription(this Enum enumeration)
if (enumeration == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
var value = enumeration.ToString();
var type = enumeration.GetType();
var descriptionAttribute =
(DescriptionAttribute[]) type.GetField(value).GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DescriptionAttribute), false);
return descriptionAttribute.Length > 0 ? descriptionAttribute[0].Description : value;
Here is the source object:
public class Account {
public int AccountId {get;set;}
public int AccountStatusId {get;set;}
Here is the enum:
public enum AccountStatus {
[Description("BAD CREDIT")
Here is the destination object:
public class GetAccountResponse {
public int AccountId {get;set;}
public string Status {get;set;}
Here is my attempt to map (using the latest non-static automapper version). Remember this is during an EF queryable projection.
_config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Account, GetAccountsResponse>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Status,
opts => opts.MapFrom(src => ((AccountStatus) src.AccountStatusId).GetDescription())));
Here is the projection where query is an IQueryable<Account>:
This is the exception I get:
Can't resolve this to Queryable Expression
If you check out the signature of the MapFrom method, you'll notice that one of the overloads takes a parameter of type Expression<Func<TSource, TMember>>.
This suggests that you could write a method which builds an expression tree from ternary expressions that can convert any possible value of your enum to its appropriate string. AutoMapper would then convert this into the appropriate SQL expression via LINQ.
Here's an example which just uses the Enum names themselves: you should be able to adapt it straightforwardly to use your Descriptions:
public static class EnumerableExpressionHelper
public static Expression<Func<TSource, String>> CreateEnumToStringExpression<TSource, TMember>(
Expression<Func<TSource, TMember>> memberAccess, string defaultValue = "")
var type = typeof(TMember);
if (!type.IsEnum)
throw new InvalidOperationException("TMember must be an Enum type");
var enumNames = Enum.GetNames(type);
var enumValues = (TMember[])Enum.GetValues(type);
var inner = (Expression)Expression.Constant(defaultValue);
var parameter = memberAccess.Parameters[0];
for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.Length; i++)
inner = Expression.Condition(
Expression.Equal(memberAccess.Body, Expression.Constant(enumValues[i])),
var expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource,String>>(inner, parameter);
return expression;
You would use it as follows:
CreateMap<Entry, EntryListItem>()
.ForMember(e => e.ReviewStatus,
c => c.MapFrom(EnumerableExpressionHelper.CreateEnumToStringExpression((Entry e) => e.ReviewStatus)))
I'm trying to find a string from the List....seems like its not working and if I have just List<string> it does work.. meaning like the below code...
List<string> c = new List<string>();
c.Add("John Doe"));
c.Add("Erich Schulz"));
//I think the problem with the Criterion class?
here is my class structure:
public class Criterion
public Criterion(String propertyName, object value)
this.PropertyName = propertyName;
this.Value = value;
//here is the method...
public static List<Criterion> LoadNames()
List<Criterion> c = new List<Criterion>();
c.Add(new Criterion("Name1", "John Doe"));
c.Add(new Criterion("Name2", "Erich Schulz"));
return c;
here is the code I'm trying to make it work:
bool isExists = LoadNames.Any(s=> "Erich Schulz".Contains(s));
does not contain a definition for 'Any' and the best extension method overload 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Any<TSource>(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>, System.Func<TSource,bool>)' has some invalid arguments
When you call .Contains(s), s isn't a string, it's Criterion. Use .Contains(s.propertyName).
bool isExists = LoadNames().Any(s=> "Erich Schulz".Contains(s.PropertyName));
Also you're using LoadNames as a method, you need to execute it first.
You're attempting to compare a string to a Criterion object, which just doesn't work.
Here is the fixed code:
bool isExists = LoadNames.Any(criterion => String.Equals(criterion.PropertyName, "Erich Schulz", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
I have pasted my entire test app below. It's fairly compact so I am hoping that it's not a problem. You should be able to simply cut and paste it into a console app and run it.
I need to be able to filter on any one or more of the Person objects' properties, and I don't know which one(s) until runtime. I know that this has beed discussed all over the place and I have looked into and am also using tools such as the PredicateBuilder & Dynamic Linq Library but the discussion aroung them tends to focus more on Sorting and ordering, and each have been struggling with their own issues when confronted with Nullable types. So I thought that I would attempt to build at least a supplemental filter that could address these particular scenarios.
In the example below I am trying to filter out the family members who were born after a certain date. The kick is that the DateOfBirth field on the objects being filterd is a DateTime property.
The latest error I am getting is
No coercion operator is defined between types 'System.String' and 'System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]'.
Which is the problem. I have attempted several different means of casting and converting but to varying degrees of failure. Ultimately this will be applied against an EF database whcih has also balked at conversion methods such as DateTime.Parse(--).
Any assistence would be greatly appreciated!
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
people.Add(new Person { FirstName = "Bob", LastName = "Smith", DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("1969/01/21"), Weight=207 });
people.Add(new Person { FirstName = "Lisa", LastName = "Smith", DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("1974/05/09") });
people.Add(new Person { FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Smith", DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("1999/05/09") });
people.Add(new Person { FirstName = "Lori", LastName = "Jones", DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("2002/10/21") });
people.Add(new Person { FirstName = "Patty", LastName = "Smith", DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("2012/03/11") });
people.Add(new Person { FirstName = "George", LastName = "Smith", DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("2013/06/18"), Weight=6 });
String filterField = "DateOfBirth";
String filterOper = "<=";
String filterValue = "2000/01/01";
var oldFamily = ApplyFilter<Person>(filterField, filterOper, filterValue);
var query = from p in people.AsQueryable().Where(oldFamily)
select p;
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> ApplyFilter<T>(String filterField, String filterOper, String filterValue)
// Get the property that we are attempting to filter on. If it does not exist then throw an exception
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop = typeof(T).GetProperty(filterField);
if (prop == null)
throw new MissingMemberException(String.Format("{0} is not a member of {1}", filterField, typeof(T).ToString()));
Expression convertExpression = Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(filterValue), prop.PropertyType);
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(prop.PropertyType, filterField);
ParameterExpression[] parameters = new ParameterExpression[] { parameter };
BinaryExpression body = Expression.LessThanOrEqual(parameter, convertExpression);
Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, parameters);
return predicate;
public class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public DateTime? DateOfBirth { get; set; }
string Nickname { get; set; }
public int? Weight { get; set; }
public Person() { }
public Person(string fName, string lName)
FirstName = fName;
LastName = lName;
Update: 2013/02/01
My thought was then to convert the Nullabe type to it's Non-Nullable type version. So in this case we want to convert the <Nullable>DateTime to a simple DateTime type. I added the following code block before the call Expression.Convert call to determine and capture the type of the Nullable value.
Type propType = prop.PropertyType;
// If the property is nullable we need to create the expression using a NON-Nullable version of the type.
// We will get this by parsing the type from the FullName of the type
if (prop.PropertyType.IsGenericType && prop.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
String typeName = prop.PropertyType.FullName;
Int32 startIdx = typeName.IndexOf("[[") + 2;
Int32 endIdx = typeName.IndexOf(",", startIdx);
String type = typeName.Substring(startIdx, (endIdx-startIdx));
propType = Type.GetType(type);
Expression convertExpression = Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(filterValue), propType);
This actually worked in removing the Nullable-ness from the DateTime but resulted in the following Coercion error. I remain confused by this as I thought that the purpose of the "Expression.Convert" method was to do just this.
No coercion operator is defined between types 'System.String' and 'System.DateTime'.
Pushing on I explicitly parsed the value to a DateTime and plugged that into the mix ...
DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(filterValue);
Expression convertExpression = Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(dt), propType);
... which resulted in an exception that outpaces any knowledge I have of Expressions, Lambdas and their related ilk ...
ParameterExpression of type 'System.DateTime' cannot be used for delegate parameter of type 'ConsoleApplication1.Person'
I am not sure what's left to try.
The problem is that when generating binary expressions, the operands have to be of compatible types. If not, you need to perform a conversion on one (or both) until they are compatible.
Technically, you cannot compare a DateTime with a DateTime?, the compiler implicitly promotes one to the other which allows us to do our comparisons. Since the compiler is not the one generating the expression, we need to perform the conversion ourself.
I've tweaked your example to be more general (and working :D).
public static Expression<Func<TObject, bool>> ApplyFilter<TObject, TValue>(String filterField, FilterOperation filterOper, TValue filterValue)
var type = typeof(TObject);
ExpressionType operation;
if (type.GetProperty(filterField) == null && type.GetField(filterField) == null)
throw new MissingMemberException(type.Name, filterField);
if (!operationMap.TryGetValue(filterOper, out operation))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("filterOper", filterOper, "Invalid filter operation");
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type);
var fieldAccess = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, filterField);
var value = Expression.Constant(filterValue, filterValue.GetType());
// let's perform the conversion only if we really need it
var converted = value.Type != fieldAccess.Type
? (Expression)Expression.Convert(value, fieldAccess.Type)
: (Expression)value;
var body = Expression.MakeBinary(operation, fieldAccess, converted);
var expr = Expression.Lambda<Func<TObject, bool>>(body, parameter);
return expr;
// to restrict the allowable range of operations
public enum FilterOperation
// we could have used reflection here instead since they have the same names
static Dictionary<FilterOperation, ExpressionType> operationMap = new Dictionary<FilterOperation, ExpressionType>
{ FilterOperation.Equal, ExpressionType.Equal },
{ FilterOperation.NotEqual, ExpressionType.NotEqual },
{ FilterOperation.LessThan, ExpressionType.LessThan },
{ FilterOperation.LessThanOrEqual, ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual },
{ FilterOperation.GreaterThan, ExpressionType.GreaterThan },
{ FilterOperation.GreaterThanOrEqual, ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual },
Then to use it:
var filterField = "DateOfBirth";
var filterOper = FilterOperation.LessThanOrEqual;
var filterValue = DateTime.Parse("2000/01/01"); // note this is an actual DateTime object
var oldFamily = ApplyFilter<Person>(filterField, filterOper, filterValue);
var query = from p in people.AsQueryable().Where(oldFamily)
select p;
I don't know if this will work as-is for all cases but it certainly works for this particular case.
If you interrogate your body variable, you can see that the body of the expression you're creating is essentially DateOfBirth <= '2000/01/01'.
While on the face this may seem correct, you are trying to assign that body to a function that takes a Person (that's what T would be in your example) and returns a bool. You need to alter your logic such that the body reflects the input as a Person object, accesses the DateOfBirth property on that instance of the Person, and then performs the comparison.
In other words, the body of your expression has to take a T, find the right property on it, and then compare.
I want to retrieve a specific record using IQueryable. But i get error 'No generic method 'Where' on type 'System.Linq.Queryable' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic.'. I got the selected row id, but I cannot display it out. Here is my code.
internal static IQueryable GetRecordsFromPrimaryKeys(this IQueryable datasource, List<FilterDescriptor> primaryKeys)
IQueryable data = datasource;
ParameterExpression paramExp = null;
bool firstLoop = false;
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression predicate = null;
var RecordType = datasource.GetObjectType();
paramExp = RecordType.Parameter();
foreach (FilterDescriptor primaryKey in primaryKeys)
if (!(firstLoop))
predicate = data.Predicate(paramExp, primaryKey.ColumnName, primaryKey.Value, FilterType.Equals, false, RecordType);
firstLoop = true;
predicate = predicate.AndPredicate(data.Predicate(paramExp, primaryKey.ColumnName, primaryKey.Value, FilterType.Equals, false, RecordType));
if (paramExp != null && predicate != null)
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(predicate, paramExp);
data = data.Provider.CreateQuery(
new Type[] { data.ElementType },
return data;
My Code works well for IEnumerable/IQueryable/ICollection . But it throws the exception when i specify the class with the keyword virtual and type as ICollection. My code is
public class RoomType
public int ID { get; set; }
[MaxLength(10, ErrorMessage = "Room code cannot be longer than 10 characters.")]
public string Code { get; set; }
[MaxLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Room name cannot be longer than 50 characters.")]
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<RoomCategory> RoomCategories { get; set; }
Some random values gets appended to 'RecordType' while using the keyword 'virtual'. I think this leads to the exception. Still searching for the solution.
I don't know what is going wrong . Any suggestions welcome.
I just ran into a similar situation. The problem stems from the fact that in some cases you're dealing with the "proxy" not the actual entity. So, you want to make sure that RecordType matches data.ElementType.
var recordType = datasource.GetObjectType();
// make sure we have the correct type (not the proxy)
if (recordType.BaseType.Name != "Object")
recordType = recordType.BaseType;
Or better yet, try:
var recordType = data.ElementType
Try to use typeof(Enumerable) instead of typeof(Queryable)
If I have following type hierarchy:
abstract class TicketBase
public DateTime PublishedDate { get; set; }
class TicketTypeA:TicketBase
public string PropertyA { get; set; }
class TicketTypeB:TicketBase
public string PropertyB { get; set; }
and many more TicketTypes : TicketBase
and want to create a function which selects any property e.g. PropertyA from any ticket type e.g. TicketTypeA
I wrote this function:
private Func<TicketBase, String> CreateSelect(Type t, String FieldName)
var parameterExp = Expression.Parameter(t, "sel");
var fieldProp = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameterExp, FieldName);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TicketBase, String>>(fieldProp, parameterExp);
return lambda.Compile();
and call it on a List<TicketBase> Tickets like so:
Type typeToSelectFrom = typeof(TicketTypeA);
String propertyToSelect = "PropertyA";
Tickets.Select(CreateSelect(typeToSelectFrom, propertyToSelect));
I get the following ArgumentException:
ParameterExpression of type 'TicketTypes.TicketTypeA' cannot be used for delegate parameter of type 'Types.TicketBase'
Anyone know how to fix this?
Well, one option is to include a cast, e.g.
private Func<TicketBase, String> CreateSelect(Type t, String FieldName)
var parameterExp = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TicketBase), "sel");
var cast = Expression.Convert(parameterExp, t);
var fieldProp = Expression.PropertyOrField(cast, FieldName);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TicketBase, String>>(fieldProp,
return lambda.Compile();
So that calling CreateSelect(typeof(TicketTypeA), "PropertyA") is equivalent to:
Func<TicketBase, string> func = tb => ((TicketTypeA)tb).PropertyA;
Obviously that's going to fail if you apply it to a TicketBase value which refers to (say) a TicketTypeB, but it's hard to avoid that, if you've got a List<TicketBase> or something similar.