dc.js add multiple filters at once - dc.js

Is it possible to add a set of filters at once on a dc chart? For instance, say I have a pieChart, and an array of filter values to apply.
var osChart = dc.pieChart('#oschart');
And an input set of filters, say
var filters = ["linux", "mac osx", "windows", "solaris"]
How can I apply filters so that only one "filtered" event is generated?
I can do something like
for (var i=0; i < filters.length; i++) {
However that would generate 4 filtered event.
I am applying filters based on what a user typed on a text box. When a filter is applied, I am making some ajax calls, and this tends to slow down if I apply filters one by one. I can avoid extra ajax calls if the filters can be set at once.
crossfilter has a function filterFunction which can get this task done, but I am not sure how I can apply that on a dc chart. Apply filterFunction on osChart.dimension() did not work. With the latest dc release, I saw some functions like addFilterHandler and removeFilterHandler however I cannot test and deploy that version right now.
What other options do I have?

From looking at the code, which is somewhat convoluted, you can pass the array inside another array to .filter() (or the undocumented but unmagical .replaceFilter()) without a performance penalty, because it will apply all of the filters before invoking the filtered event.
From the latest .filter() source, which uses handlers but has the same behavior:
if (_ instanceof Array && _[0] instanceof Array && !_.isFiltered) {
_[0].forEach(function (d) {
if (_chart.hasFilter(d)) {
_removeFilterHandler(_filters, d);
} else {
_addFilterHandler(_filters, d);
} else if (_ === null) {
_filters = _resetFilterHandler(_filters);
} else {
if (_chart.hasFilter(_)) {
_removeFilterHandler(_filters, _);
} else {
_addFilterHandler(_filters, _);
So if it finds an array that does not have an isFiltered method, and that array's first element is also an array, it will iterate over the elements in the nested array.
For example, pass [["linux", "mac osx", "windows", "solaris"]] to filter on those four values. (Thanks #marcin for clarifying!)


Use full group record within title in dc-js geoChoropleth chart

I have a group for which elements after reduction look like this pseudocode :
value: {
sum: the_total,
a: a_number,
b: b_number,
In my dc-js geoChoropleth graph the valueAccessor is (d) => d.value.sum
In my title, I would like to use the names component of my reduction. But when I use .title((d) => {...}), I can onjly access the key and the value resulting from the valueAccessor function instead of the original record.
Is that meant to be ?
This is a peculiarity of the geoChoropleth chart.
Most charts bind the group data directly to chart elements, but since the geoChoropleth chart has two sources of data, the map and the group, it binds the map data and hides the group data.
Here is the direct culprit:
_renderTitles (regionG, layerIndex, data) {
if (this.renderTitle()) {
regionG.selectAll('title').text(d => {
const key = this._getKey(layerIndex, d);
const value = data[key];
return this.title()({key: key, value: value});
It is creating key/value objects itself, and the value, as you deduced, comes from the valueAccessor:
_generateLayeredData () {
const data = {};
const groupAll = this.data();
for (let i = 0; i < groupAll.length; ++i) {
data[this.keyAccessor()(groupAll[i])] = this.valueAccessor()(groupAll[i]);
return data;
Sorry this is not a complete answer, but I would suggest adding a pretransition handler that replaces the titles, or alternately, using the key passed to the title accessor to lookup the data you need.
As I noted in the issue linked above, I think this is a pretty serious design bug.

How to filter record by custom value from any dimension in dc.js?

How to remove custom records from any dimension. In the below case how do I filter only category 'S' and allow rest of them in dimension ?
let data = [
let ndx = crossfilter(data);
let dim= ndx.dimension(function(d){
if(d.category != "S") return d.category;
This above code runs into loop and the application crashes. I don't want to create separate data for this dimension rather link it with other cross filters.
I guess its pretty simple, I did little research after posting the question.
Just manipulate the group parameter being passed to the chart. The code goes something like this.
Since I am trying to remove the value by key lets first write a function for further uses as well.
function removeByKey(source_group, value) {
return {
all: function() {
return source_group.all().filter(function(d) {
return d.key != value;
Once this is done the place where you call the group method for the charts call this method. The first parameter of removeByKey method is the group itself the second is the key value which is supposed to be removed from the chart.
.group(removeByKey(dimension_data_group, 'S'))
Thanks :)

manually trigger observable to run again using last value

I have an observable containing all data. I want to create a new observable which will return the filteredData.
So the filtering part must run if the data or global filter changes.
then I started like:
function setFilter(filter) {
this.filter = filter;
this.filteredData = this.data.pipe(map(todos => {
// the filtering inside here will only run if data changed.
// and not if "this.filter" changes..
But the problem was it did just returned the filtererData if the data changed and not if the filter changed.
So I found the following solution:
function setFilter(filter) {
this.filter = filter;
this.filteredData = combineLatest(this.data, filterObs, (data, filter) => {
// this works but I've got the feeling that there is a nicer way
Now this works but just because I made another unnecessary BehaviorSubject and abuse it to trigger the "filtering part".
Isn't there a better cleaner way?
The way to do it is to user ReplaySubject. Either as your data field or as the target of the pipe:
const filtered = new ReplaySubject(1);
// ... your other code, including updating the filter

check if d3.select or d3.selectAll

I have a method on a reusable chart that can be passed a selection and return a value if it is passed a d3.select('#id') selection or an array of values if it is passed a d3.selectAll('.class') selection. I'm currently interrogating the passed argument with context._groups[0] instanceof NodeList, but it feels a little fragile using an undocumented property, as that may change in future versions. Is there a more built in way of determining if a selection comes from select or selectAll?
selection.size() will not help here, as it only tells us the result of the selection, not how it was called.
Here's the context of the use. I'm using Mike Bostock's reusable chart pattern and this instance includes a method for getting/setting a label for a donut.
To me, this API usage follows the principle of least astonishment, as it's how I would expect the result to be returned.
var donut = APP.rotatingDonut();
// set label for one element
.call(donut.label, 'Donut 1')
.call(donut.label, 'Donut 2')
// set label for multiple elements
.call(donut.label, 'Group 1 Donuts')
// get label for one donut
var donutOneLabel = d3.select('#donut1').call(donut.label)
// donutOnelabel === 'Donut 1'
// get label for multiple donuts
var donutLables = d3.selectAll('.donut').call(donut.label)
// donutLabels === ['Donut 1', 'Donut 2', 'Group 1 Donuts', 'Group 1 Donuts']
and the internal method definition:
App.rotatingDonut = function() {
var label = d3.local();
function donut() {}
donut.label = function(context, value) {
var returnArray;
var isList = context._groups[0] instanceof NodeList;
if (typeof value === 'undefined' ) {
// getter
returnArray = context.nodes()
.map(function (node) {return label.get(node);});
return isList ? returnArray : returnArray[0];
// settter
context.each(function() {label.set(this, value);});
// allows method chaining
return donut;
return donut
Well, sometimes a question here at S.O. simply doesn't have an answer (it has happened before).
That seems to be the case of this question of yours: "Is there a more built in way of determining if a selection comes from select or selectAll?". Probably no.
To prove that, let's see the source code for d3.select and d3.selectAll (important: those are not selection.select and selection.selectAll, which are very different from each other).
First, d3.select:
export default function(selector) {
return typeof selector === "string"
? new Selection([[document.querySelector(selector)]], [document.documentElement])
: new Selection([[selector]], root);
Now, d3.selectAll:
export default function(selector) {
return typeof selector === "string"
? new Selection([document.querySelectorAll(selector)], [document.documentElement])
: new Selection([selector == null ? [] : selector], root);
As you can see, we have only two differences here:
d3.selectAll accepts null. That will not help you.
d3.selectAll uses querySelectorAll, while d3.select uses querySelector.
That second difference is the only one that suits you, as you know by now, since querySelectorAll:
Returns a list of the elements within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that match the specified group of selectors. The object returned is a NodeList. (emphasis mine)
And querySelector only...:
Returns the first Element within the document that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors.
Therefore, the undocumented (and hacky, since you are using _groups, which is not a good idea) selection._groups[0] instanceof NodeList you are using right now seems to be the only way to tell a selection created by d3.select from a selection created by d3.selectAll.

Ordering backbone views together with collection

I have a collection which contains several items that should be accessible in a list.
So every element in the collection gets it own view element which is then added to the DOM into one container.
My question is:
How do I apply the sort order I achieved in the collection with a comparator function to the DOM?
The first rendering is easy: you iterate through the collection and create all views which are then appended to the container element in the correct order.
But what if models get changed and are re-ordered by the collection? What if elements are added? I don't want to re-render ALL elements but rather update/move only the necessary DOM nodes.
model add
The path where elements are added is rather simple, as you get the index in the options when a model gets added to a collection. This index is the sorted index, based on that if you have a straightforward view, it should be easy to insert your view at a certain index.
sort attribute change
This one is a bit tricky, and I don't have an answer handy (and I've struggled with this at times as well) because the collection doesn't automatically reshuffle its order after you change an attribute the model got sorted on when you initially added it.
from the backbone docs:
Collections with comparator functions will not automatically re-sort
if you later change model attributes, so you may wish to call sort
after changing model attributes that would affect the order.
so if you call sort on a collection it will trigger a reset event which you can hook into to trigger a redraw of the whole list.
It's highly ineffective when dealing with lists that are fairly long and can seriously reduce user experience or even induce hangs
So the few things you get walking away from this is knowing you can:
always find the index of a model after sorting by calling collection.indexOf(model)
get the index of a model from an add event (3rd argument)
After thinking about if for a bit I came up with something like this:
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.bind('change:name', this.onChangeName, this);
onChangeName: function ()
var index, newIndex;
index = this.collection.indexOf(this);
this.collection.sort({silent: true});
newIndex = this.collection.indexOf(this);
if (index !== newIndex)
this.trigger('reindex', newIndex);
// or
// this.collection.trigger('reindex', this, newIndex);
and then in your view you could listen to
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.model.bind('reindex', this.onReindex, this);
onReindex: function (newIndex)
// execute some code that puts the view in the right place ilke
$("ul li").eq(newIndex).after(this.$el);
Thanks Vincent for an awesome solution. There's however a problem with the moving of the element, depending on which direction the reindexed element is moving. If it's moving down, the index of the new location doesn't match the index of what's in the DOM. This fixes it:
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.bind('change:name', this.onChangeName, this);
onChangeName: function () {
var fromIndex, toIndex;
fromIndex = this.collection.indexOf(this);
this.collection.sort({silent: true});
toIndex = this.collection.indexOf(this);
if (fromIndex !== toIndex)
this.trigger('reindex', fromIndex, toIndex);
// or
// this.collection.trigger('reindex', this, fromIndex, toIndex);
And the example listening part:
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.model.bind('reindex', this.onReindex, this);
onReindex: function (fromIndex, toIndex) {
var $movingEl, $replacingEl;
$movingEl = this.$el;
$replacingEl = $("ul li").eq(newIndex);
if (fromIndex < toIndex) {
} else {
