generating an .exe file using py2exe that generated .exe is not running if we place exe out side of dist folder - py2exe

when i generate .exe using py2exe one dist Folder will be created with exe and dependent dll and pyd files.this .exe will run only the exe is inside dist folder. Is it possible to generate the exe containg all dlls and pyds with it can run by placing anywhere in my system??


How to add header file of MITK in my CPP program of VS 2010?

I have compiled and build using CMAke and VS 2010. But now I want to try some basic program using MITk library, but I can't find where is the header file, DLL, Lib file? Same as like in OpenCv when we compile and build it, then in install folder we have bin folder that contain DLL file, Lib folder contain lib file and include folder contain header file of CPP program.
So, where is the header file of MITK build library ?
If anybody have idea then suggest to me.
It seems you want to use MITK as a toolkit. As the documentation suggests, you can (must?) use cmake. The generated VS2010 .sln file will handle all the include and library files for you. Use the .bat file if there's one.
There's probably a way to use it without cmake, but I'm pretty sure it's a bad idea.

environment variable .. why is that?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and I want to code with DLL files.
I adjusted the system environment Path, like C:~~, but execute file can't find DLL files. So I moved the DLL files to c:windows\system32. Then I can use it.
Why can't that find DLL files? I want to know how the computer loads DLL files by using the system environment path.
My path setting is:
(there are DLL files in bin folder)
(OPENCV_DIR = C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10)
and i'm testing Opencv

Accessing loose files from Windows Installer

I've built a .msi Installer which has some 'loose files' ie files not in the .msi
For simplicity, assume I have:
It works fine if run from a regular folder that contains the Installer + loose file.
But if its from a Zipped folder (, Windows quietly unzips to a Temp folder before running the .msi installer. The installer then can't find the loose files its looking for because its being run from some random place in the Temp folder. I get an error:
Source file not found:
Is there any way of building an Installer that can determine where its been unpacked to? Or somehow say the loose file is in the same folder as the .msi?

How to package stand alone exe inside Visual Studio Installer maker?

Im currently using Visual Studio Installer to package my dll program. How to include stand alone executable program inside my installer project? Since my dll is using the exe(s) in order to run.
Note: For my development platform, I already have the exe(s) inside my c:\ directory. So I would like my installer to also copy the exe(s) to c: drive of other user's platform when they run my installer.
Add the required exe during making the installer to the Application Folder.
Then change all the path that points to those required exe(s) so that it points to the exe(s) in the Application Folder. Shown below:
Instead of "C:\directory\file.exe" to Application.StartupPath & "\file.exe"
Application.StartupPath returns the path of the executable file that started the application.
So if you app is installed in "C:\Program Files\MyApp\program.exe" this would return "C:\Program Files\MyApp"
I hope this helps.

Cannot add folders and files to Windows Installer package

I' m using Visual Studio to create windows installer package, i can't add the folders and data files needed for the application. I create the folders needed for the application in the 'application folder'(under 'File System on Target Machine'), then add files into the appropriate folders, and when i install the application and go to the installation folder there are no folders...there is only the application exe file, hm...
Ooops, i forgot to put the files in the folders actually, that was the problem, so if the folder is empty it is not created in the installer package.
