I need to link my SO against libbfd, for the purpose of having human-readable backtraces.
Static linking against libbfd.a fails, because it's not compiled with -fPIC, so as I understand, it can participate in executable only.
Though linking against libbfd.so also gives some troubles.
I need to compile on both Ubuntu-14.04 and Debian Wheezy 7.8
And they have non-intersecting sets of binutils versions. In particular, Ubuntu has 2.24, and Debian has 2.22 and 2.25. And the problem is, gcc doesn't want to take symlink's name libbfd.so to reference it, and uses SONAME instead. So i end with either libbfd-2.24-system.so or libbfd-2.25-system.so in dependencies.
For now I see several approaches:
There's some hidden flag which allows to override SONAME during linking. This is the preferred path
I have no way other than compile libbfd by hand. I would evade this as much as possible.
Manual dlopen+dlsym for everything I need.
I read answer gcc link shared library against symbolic link, but it suggests to change SONAME I'm not able to do.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: it seems that virtually all static libs in Ubuntu repos are not position-independent. Can't guess why. With the inability to override SONAME it makes things much more complicated.
Not sure whether i understand your (4 years old problem) correctly, but having similar problems with libbfd, I found this solution:
Using the linker flag -lbfd seems to work.
It is a linker flag that specifies g++ to link against libbfd.
My full command was g++ loader.cc -lbfd.
At least for me, errors at link-time a la "unknown function" are solved.
How to compile srlua?
How do I Make an executable Lua script using srlua?
The first link is the exact question I am asking here. However, the sole answer is unsatisfactory as it assumes multiple things, namely that the OP is already using Cmake (a fact disproved by the OP's comment on the answer). The second link seems to already be most of the way through a tutorial, and while a link to precompiled binaries for both srlua.exe and srglue.exe are provided, the link no longer contains binaries but instead the source.
I have found several other threads on various websites all asking the same thing, but all of them either assume that you essentially already know how, or explain nothing (many have potentially helpful links, but they are old and no longer work).
I have already tried to compile srlua, and got a srglue.exe, but when I tried srlua.c I ended up with a list of undefined references (such as "lua_type" or "lua_getfield").
lua_getfield, lua_type, lua_settop, lua_getfield, lua_type, lua_settop, lua_pushstring, lua_pushinteger, lua_call, lua_pushfstring, lua_load, lua_tolstring, lua_tointeger, lua_touserdata, luaL_openlibs, lua_createtable, lua_pushstring, lua_rawseti, lua_setfield, luaL_checkstack, lua_pushstring, lua_call, lua_tolstring, luaL_callmeta, lua_type, lua_type, lua_typename, lua_pushfstring, luaL_newstate, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushinteger, lua_pushlightuserdata, lua_pcall, lua_tolstring, lua_close
My question is this:
How does one use a C compiler (I know the basics of gcc) to compile srlua specifically? Or, if anyone has a functioning link to either precompiled binaries or a tool to compile the binaries, could they share it?
Important: I am on Windows. Thus, I cannot just use make. I must actually compile the .c files to .exe files. I am asking how. If you simply provide links to threads with the aforementioned problems, you are not helping. If you give an answer that assumes in-depth prior knowledge of a particular tool that does not have good documentation, you are not being helpful. If you tell me tools to use, but not the specific procedure for compiling srlua, you are not being helpful. If there is a better place for this, tell me and I can move it there.
I don't know any Windows pre-compiled binaries for srLua.
To compile srLua, you should first install the Mingw compiler to use GCC as a C compiler : you can install TDM-GCC (https://jmeubank.github.io/tdm-gcc) or http://winlibs.com.
You can then open a Console prompt. Enter the "gcc" command to be sure that the compiler is working (and that the PATH is correctly set).
Then go to the directory you extracted the srLua source files and type the command :
Cross your fingers and it should compile everything :)
When linking, you should include the Lua libraries with the -l Switch : -llua54 for Lua 5.4 library for examples.
I found this already compiled release on webarchive, it's kinda old but works:
I am working on a project that uses a GCC library (SFML), which is not available for clang, as far as I know. I am using COC with vim for code completions, but for C++ it needs clangd. Is there a way to use GCC as my compiler, but still use the clangd language server?
I have also heard that there may be a way to make clang recognize GCC libraries/headers, but I've never been able to make it work right. If somebody could point me in the right direction there that would be helpfull too. But I'm used to GCC (I've been using it since I started programming C++), so being able to use clangd and GCC would be preferable.
Yes it is. I do it with ccls (which is clang based as well).
Given my installation of clang is not the standard one (I compile it, tune it to use libc++ by default, and I install it somewhere in my personal space) I have to inject paths to header files known by clang but unknown by other clang based tools.
I obtain them with
clang++ -E -xc++ - -Wp,-v < /dev/null
Regarding the other options related to the current project, I make sure to have a compile_commands.json compilation database (generated by CMake, or bear if I have no other choice), and ccls can work from there. I expect clangd to be quite similar in these aspects.
Ops, answered the wrong question.
But for those who use ccls:
create a .ccls file in your project directory and append --gcc-toolchain=/usr to it.
use this tool to generate a compile_commands.json file
see https://github.com/MaskRay/ccls/wiki/FAQ#compiling-with-gcc
Here's the issue: the code I'm using uses a big library which links against boost. When I compile with static linking, everything works fine. However, when I try dynamic linking I get a bunch of undefined reference errors. The first thought was obviously "I am not linking the boost program_options" library, but I looked, and it is there in the linking command (and it comes after the library that needs it). Among the different errors, though, this stood out:
undefined reference to `_ZN5boost15program_options3argB5cxx11E
In my daily experience, linking errors are usually of the form "undefined reference to somefunction(...)". So I went to the installation folder of my boost library and used readelf to see what symbols I have in the library libboost_program.so. And in fact, that symbol does not appear. Instead, the closest I found is _ZN5boost15program_options3argE.
Google-ing a little bit, I found out that the extra part B5cxx11 is a new addition to the name mangling since C++11. It appears that boost (at least version 1.59.0) does not yet support this new name mangling.
So my question is: Is this a known issue? What workaround are there? And why does this issue not show up with static linking?
Edit: In case someone stumbles on this question in the future, I just tried boost 1.60.0, and the symbols contain the string B5cxx11. I believe (read: hope) this will solve the issue. As a double check, though, I am going to recompile again boost 1.59.0 to see if this is due to something I changed in my environment (although I doubt it).
This question was asked many moons ago, but since I already landed on this page I will pitch in with a possible solution.
You could try to compile your code with the -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 flag or define this macro: #define _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI 0. See answers for this question for more details.
It's not that boost has to support it, your compiler/linker has. Probably your library was compiled with C++11 support and so was your boost, but your current program isn't. Try with the --std=c++11 option if you're on GCC.
Or maybe it's the other way around, and you're instantiating a template in your C++11 which uses C++11 name mangling and can't find library functions in the non-C++11-compiled boost (though that would border on compiler bug).
I have a similar problem recently. I recompile my boost library using the following commands
./b2 --build-dir=build/x86 address-model=32 threading=multi --toolset=gcc --layout=versioned --stagedir=./stage/x86 -j 8
./b2 --build-dir=build/x64 address-model=64 threading=multi --toolset=gcc --layout=versioned --stagedir=./stage/x64 -j 8
Then compile my program using
g++ main.cpp -L/home/research/boost_library/boost_1_68_0/stage/x64/lib/ -lboost_program_options-gcc82-mt-x64-1_68
This solves my problem. I am using gcc 8.2 on redhat linux
I am trying to compile some code for an STM32 chip using CodeBench G++ Lite tools. However, it generates an error.
startup.o: In function `LoopFillZerobss':
(.text.Reset_Handler+0x2a): undefined reference to `__libc_init_array'
I have googled and it appears that libc_init_array is probably part of some standard gcc library...but I am not sure how to fix this error?
I also have errors such as this
arm-none-eabi-ld: cannot find libc.a
and similarly for libgcc.a and libm.a
The function __libc_init_array is part of CodeSourcery's 'CS3' mechanism for 'start up' code which ensures all of a programs static initialisation happens before main is executed.
Start by ensuring all of the libraries are found. That might be enough to fix all your problems.
One approach is to use arm-none-eabi-g++, and not use arm-none-eabi-ld directly, to do the linking because g++ should correctly pass some important parameters to arm-none-eabi-ld. In some case, that might be all that is needed to find and link the correct libraries.
If you aren't sure how to build on the command line, or arm-none-eabi-g++ isn't doing everything to resolve the missing libraries, go and have a look at LeafLabs web site, where they show how build from the command line using Makefiles
They provide a free, Open Source, IDE for STM32, built for Windows, Linux and Mac, which includes a working gcc-based toolchain for each of those platforms, and enough of the libraries to get started http://leaflabs.com/docs/maple-ide-install.html
Even if you'd prefer to use your toolchain for the actual build, it may be worth using theirs, with their Makefiles, to sanity check the process you are using to build your program.
I am not a member of LeafLabs staff, and have no relationship with the company other than I have bought some of their products, and try to answer questions on their forum.
This question must apply to so few people...
I am busy mrigrating my ARM C project from Winarm GCC 4.1.2 to Yagarto GCC 4.3.3.
I did not expect any differences and both compile my project happily using the same makefile and .ld files.
However while the Winarm version runs the Yagarto version doesn't. The processor is an Atmel AT91SAM7S.
Any ideas on where to look would be most welcome. i am thinking that my assumption that a makefile is a makefile is incorrect or that the .ld file for Winarm is not applicable to Yagarto.
Since they are both GCC toolchains and presumably use the same linker they must surely be compatable.
I agree that the gcc's and the other binaries (ld) should be the same or close enough for you not to notice the differences. but the startup code whether it is your or theirs, and the C library can make a big difference. Enough to make the difference between success and failure when trying to use the same source and linker script. Now if this is 100% your code, no libraries or any other files being used from WinARM or Yagarto then this doesnt make much sense. 3.x.x to 4.x.x yes I had to re-spin my linker scripts, but 4.1.x to 4.3.x I dont remember having problems there.
It could also be a subtle difference in compiler behavior: code generation does change from gcc release to gcc release, and if your code contains pieces which are implementation-dependent for their semantics, it might well bite you in this way. Memory layouts of data might change, for example, and code that accidentally relied on it would break.
Seen that happen a lot of times.
Try it with different optimization options in the compile and see if that makes a difference.
Both WinARM and YAGARTO are based on gcc and should treat ld files equally. Also both are using gnu make utility - make files will be processed the same way. You can compare the two toolchains here and here.
If you are running your project with an OCD, then there is a difference between the implementation of the OpenOCD debugger. Also the commands sent to the debugger to configure it could be different.
If you are producing an hex file, then this could be different as the two toolchains are not using the same version of newlib library.
In order to be on the safe side, make sure that in both cases the correct binutils are first in the path.
If I were you I'd check the compilation/linker flags - specifically the defaults. It is very common for different toolchains to have different default ABIs or FP conventions. It might even be compiling using an instruction set extension that isn't supported by your CPU.