Bash does not detect that file exists - bash

I have made a bash alias to execute scripts before and after the cd command. The only issue is it does not execute the files.
Here is my code
if [ -d "./.dinit" ]
echo "dinit file exists"
source ./.dinit
builtin cd $#
if [ -d "./.init" ]
echo "init file exists"
source ./.init
In the .init file I have the command echo hello and in the .dinit I have echo goodbye
When I get this working I am going to put PATH= statements in the files along with alias.
Does anyone know how I can get the commands to execute?

Your checks right now look for directories, which you then try to source. That doesn't really make any sense, so I'm assuming that those are really the files you want to source. In which case, you should use -f to check for a regular file instead:
if [ -f "./.dinit" ]
echo "dinit file exists"
source ./.dinit
builtin cd "$#"
if [ -f "./.init" ]
echo "init file exists"
source ./.init


Check if file exist relative to current script (one level up)

How to check/get file path relative to current script?
Script is running from ..../app/scripts/
File to check from ..../app/dist/file.js
if [ -f ${dir} ]; then
echo "file exists. ${dir}"
echo "file does not exist. ${dir}"
There are three problems in your script.
To store the output of a command in a variable, use $(), not ${}.
[ -f "$dir" ] checks if $dir is a a file, which will never happen, because dirname outputs a directory.
Your script can be executed from any other working directory as well. Just because the script is stored in ยทยทยท/app/scripts/ does not mean it will always run from there.
file=$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")/../dist/file.js
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
echo "file exists."
echo "file does not exist."

Can not locate a file in a bash script?

I am running a shell script which expects a file in a directory but I can not seem to locate it.
This is my shell script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# expects a file to be present in current directory called INPUT_FILE
# this is the value set in the jenkins config
if [ ! -f INPUT_FILE ] ;then
echo "file ${INPUT_FILE} does not exist"
exit 1
And in windows I am running a shell script from a directory like this
D:\scripts> ./all/
I tried to put INPUT_FILE.csv in scripts folder and also in all folder but it does not seem to work. Where should this file be present?
Make sure you have the correct filename.
Windows hides the extension of a file, when you look for INPUT_FILE.csv use
if [ ! -f INPUT_FILE.csv ] ;then
echo "file INPUT_FILE.csv does not exist"
exit 1
You tried to use the variable INPUT_FILE. When you want this, try
if [ ! -f "${input_file}" ]; then
echo "file ${input_file} does not exist"
exit 1
Also note that bash is case sensitive, so INPUT_FILE.csv is different from input_file.csv.
It's better to list files first to verify the extension and all file names in the directory then check for the existence of the files.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ALL_FILES=$(ls -I "*.sh") # This will list all file except .sh
echo "Files in current Directory $ALL_FILES"
if [ ! -f $INPUT_FILE ] ;then
echo "file ${INPUT_FILE} does not exist"
exit 1
echo "file exist ${INPUT_FILE}"
exit 0
The first advantage, It will list all the file and the second one, If exist you will get the output.

Bash script not recognizing file

I am attempting to write a bash script. In a test, I wrote a script to check for the existence of test.txt. However, no matter how many times I try to change the formatting, the code still does not recognize the file.
while [ "$INPUT" != "quit" ]; do
read INPUT
if [ -f $COMMANDFILE ]; then
echo "Found file!"
I am 100% positive text.txt exists and is in the same folder as my script.
in this case I would add some debug lines to my script to make sure my thinking is correct. For instance:
while [ "$INPUT" != "quit" ]; do
read INPUT
echo "debug: now I'm in $( pwd ) directory. dir listing:"
ls -la
if [ -f $COMMANDFILE ]; then
echo "Found file!"
also, please note that linux filenames are case sensitive (meaning you can have test.txt and TeSt.txt in the same directory). So, for instance if you have the file named TEST.TXT, [ -f test.txt ] will evaluate to false (unless test.txt exists as well)

Unix while loop to test command line argument if it is a directory

Trying to make a script that will take a command line argument as a pathname and then test if it is a working directory. Then I wish to run commands (tests) on the directory such as how many files in what sub directories etc.
I am unable to think of a logic to test this with. How would you determine if the argument is a directory?
This is what I have tried
if [ -d "$1" ]
echo "It works"
I dont get "It works" when I try this. So I switched it to -a for a file because it is easier to test. And again, I do not get the echo output.
Use the -d option to the test command.
if [ -d "$1" ]
then ...
The title mentions a while loop, but none of the previous commentary seems to mention that. You might try a simple script like:
for arg; do
if test -d "$arg";
echo "$arg is a directory"
echo "$arg is not a directory"
For variety, you could rewrite that as:
for arg; do
not=$(test -d "$arg" || echo "NOT ")
echo "$arg is ${not}a directory"

Bash script - Nested If Statement for If File Doesn't Exist

I'm trying to compile a script that will read user input, and check if the file after the y/n statement. Then it will make files executable. I think the problem with my script is conditional ordering but check it out yourself:
cd $target
read -p "This will make the command executable. Are you sure? (y/n)" CONT
if [ "$CONT" == "y" ];
chmod +x $1
echo "File $1 is now executable."
if [ "$(ls -A /home/user/bin/)" ];
echo "File not found."
echo "Terminating..."
As I said, I need the script to scan for the file after the y/n statement is printed. The script works fine how it is but still gives the "file is now executable" even if the argument file doesn't exist (but just gives the standard system "cannot find file" message after the echo'd text).
Your script is mostly correct, you just need to check if the file exists first. Also, it's not the best practice to use cd in shell scripts and not needed here.
So re-writing it
if [[ ! -f $target ]]; then
echo "File not found."
read -p "This will make the command executable. Are you sure? (y/n) " CONT
if [[ $CONT == "y" ]]; then
chmod +x "$target"
echo "File $1 is now executable."
echo "Terminating..."
To get an understanding:
Your script will take one argument (a name of a file).
You ask if you want to make that file executable.
If the answer is 'yes', you make the file executable.
Otherwise, you don't.
You want to verify that the file exists too?
I'm trying to understand your logic. What does this:
if [ "$(ls -A /home/user/bin/)" ];
suppose to do. The [ ... ] syntax is a test. And, it has to be one of the valid tests you see here. For example, There's a test:
-e file: True if file exists.
That mean, I can see if your file is under /home/user/bin:
if [ -e "$target/$file" ] # The "-e" test for existence
echo "Hey! $file exists in the $target directory. I can make it executable."
echo "Sorry, $file is not in the $target directory. Can't touch it."
Your $(ls -A /home/user/bin/) will produce a file listing. It's not a valid test like -e unless it just so happens that the first file in your listing is something like -e or -d.
Try to clarify what you want to do. I think this is something more along the lines you want:
#! /bin/bash
if [ -z "$1" ] # Did the user give you a parameter
echo "No file name given"
exit 2
# File given, see if it exists in $target directory
if [ ! -e "$target/$1" ]
echo "File '$target/$1' does not exist."
exit 2
# File was given and exists in the $target directory
read -p"Do you want $target/$1 to be executable? (y/n)" continue
if [ "y" = "$continue" ]
chmod +x "$target/$1"
Note how I'm using the testing, and if the testing fails, I simply exit the program. This way, I don't have to keep embedding if/then statements in if/then statements.
