Plotting a line graph from a starting point other than the origin - s3.js - c3.js

I'm trying to plot data on a line graph where the x-axis are the months January to December.
The issue is: I can't seem to commence the line graph from anything other than the x-axis origin - which would be January.
Question - How can I set a start point, so the data line is plotted from March to December. I could set the data to be 0 for Jan and Feb, but I don't want the line to appear at these months.
Via - I can see you can set start and end regions to specify different types of lines (in this case dashes). Is there a similar way to set a start and end so January and February are hidden.

You can just use a null data point.
Here's sample code:
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
columns: [
['data', null, null, 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250]
Here's the working fiddle:


Wrong year assigned to a ticklabel in plotly.js

The following image contains a part of a scatter plot generated with plotly.js:
The red arrow shows the wrong value in ticklabel. It should be 53 2020.
If a zoom is made, then the right ticklabels are obtained:
The layout for xaxis.tickformat gives Week / Year.
This problem appears just when the ticklabel is generated when date is December 31st of any year.
The layout for xaxis is set as:
xaxis: {
type: 'date',
tickformat: '%V\n%Y',
ticks: 'outside',
ticklabelmode: 'period',
tickmode: 'auto',
autorange: true,
After a little research, the issue seems to be related to:
Plotly uses Date.getUTCFullyear to calculate ticklabels,
For a date given on December 31st, the result may be different according to getUTCFullYear in MDN.
One attention calling point is that the value of data showed in the first image when the mouse is over the point (following the green arrow), is the right one: 53, 2020!
The code for this issue can be found at:
Please, can anyone help to solve this issue? Thanks.

How to remove weekends dates from x axis in dc js chart

I have data for every date from Jan 2018 and I am creating a stacked line chart out of that data. Every weekend the count of my data is zero, so every weekend it shows a dip in my graph (as data reaches to zero). I want to avoid that dip. I have a Date column as well as a Day column. The Day column has values from 1 to 7 representing each day of week (1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday). Can I modify my x axis or graph to show only weekdays data?
var data = [
{ Type: 'T', Date: "2018-01-01", DocCount: 10, Day: 1},
{ Type: 'E', Date: "2018-01-01", DocCount: 10, Day: 1},
.margins({top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 5, left: 35})
.stack(eGroup, "E")
.valueAccessor( function(d) {
return d.value.count;
.x(d3.time.scale().domain([minDateTime, maxDateTime]))
A time scale is always going to be very literal about how it maps dates to x coordinates. It has no notion of "skipping dates".
Instead, I would suggest using an ordinal scale for this purpose. With an ordinal scale, you decide exactly what the input and output values will be. dc.js will also help you out by automatically determining the input (domain) values.
Tell the chart to use an ordinal scale like this:
Remove any empty dates like this. remove_empty_bins is from the FAQ but I modified it to look at the count element.
function remove_empty_bins(source_group) {
return {
all:function () {
return source_group.all().filter(function(d) {
//return Math.abs(d.value) > 0.00001; // if using floating-point numbers
return d.value.count !== 0; // if integers only
var nz_tGroup = remove_empty_bins(tGroup),
nz_eGroup = remove_empty_bins(eGroup);
.stack(nz_eGroup, "E")
Only question is, what if there is a weekday that happens not to have any data? Do you still want that to drop to zero? In that case I think you'd probably have to modify the filter in remove_empty_bins above.
Fork of your fiddle.

D3 line chart plotting backwards despite y axis being incremental in nature

I have a mix of a line chart and bar chart in D3. Though the y-axis(dates) mapped to 'usageDate' is incremental in nature, the resulting line graph seems to plot in the reverse direction.
The Line chart plots 'usageTrendDetails' on the X and usageDate on Y. Attaching a link with the code.
The line chart is plotting from left to right, however as highlighted in the image, it suddenly begins plotting from right to left and then goes back in the right direction. Any idea why this happening?
Sort your data before making the line:
data = data.sort(function(a,b){return -;})
working code here
The data is sorted, the issue was with the way dates were being formatted after September. The logic for pre-pending a zero for months 0(Jan) to 8(Sep) wasn't handling Oct, Nov and Dec correctly, resulting in the months after September plotting backwards.
if(month<= 8){
month = "0"+(month+1);
NEW CODE : Handling Oct - Dec
if(month<= 8){
month = "0"+(month+1);
month = month + 1;
Here's the graph after the issue is fixed.
Click Here

Trouble displaying hourly data from a multi-dimensional array in d3js

I am trying to display a multi-line chart of temperatures for 5 days on an hourly basis. I was able to create the both axes but I'm having trouble displaying the lines.
I have a JSON like so where x is a date object for every 3 hours and y is the temperature.
var dataset = [
//day 1
{x: Date 2015-09-07T21:00:00.000Z, y: 30.75},
{x: Date 2015-09-08T00:00:00.000Z, y: 29.32},
{x: Date 2015-09-08T03:00:00.000Z, y: 25.67},
{x: Date 2015-09-08T06:00:00.000Z, y: 22.7}
//day 2
{x: Date 2015-09-08T09:00:00.000Z, y: 23.69},
{x: Date 2015-09-08T12:00:00.000Z, y: 24.18},
{x: Date 2015-09-08T15:00:00.000Z, y: 26.69},
{x: Date 2015-09-08T18:00:00.000Z, y: 22.36},
{x: Date 2015-09-08T21:00:00.000Z, y: 23.91},
{x: Date 2015-09-09T00:00:00.000Z, y: 22.98}
//day 3
//day 4
//day 5
When initialize the graph like below, instead of a multi-line graph, I get one line containing all 4 days.
var chart = lineChart("graph")
dataset[0][0].x, dataset[3][7].x
.y(d3.scale.linear().domain([min, max]));
dataset.forEach(function (series) {
If I change the domain to,
dataset[4][0].x, dataset[4][7].x
it only draws the line for that day.
The strange thing is that when I "Inspect Elemet" via the browser, I can see that all 5 paths have been drawn out but they just dont show up on the UI. I think this has something to do with the way I'm setting the domain but I'm not sure what.
How do I set the domain so that d3js plots each days array on a 24-hour x-axis?
If I understand correctly, you want to have the x-axis from midnight to midnight, as if everything is happening "on one day", like so:
NOTE: something is a bit weird with the timestamps in the source. I have no idea how dt and dt_text are related. Please adjust my examples accordingly...
How can you get that?
The problem in your code is indeed related to the domain. How?
If you set the domain to be from the very first timestamp to the last, like:
dataset[0][0].x, dataset[3][7].x
then the chart will span over 4 days (by the way: these hard-coded indices are not very robust coding...)
So the chart will then obviously plot over all days, it has no way of knowing that you only want hourly time-stamps.
If you, on the other hand, just use the most recent day as domain:
dataset[3][0].x, dataset[3][7].x
It will plot just that, i.e. the last day. The other lines will be plotted too (what you see in the inspector), but the will be hidden away on the left (as you clip the stuff).
So: the problem is, that the x-coordinates are different, as they occur on different dates. There is plenty of ways to work around that (I personally always use moment.js for dates), but to show the effect, here's a quick hack to achieve the graph above:
-> JSFiddle
What did I do? I added a new helper function to calculate the x time-stamp:
function gDate2(date) {
var now = new Date();
var hours = (new Date(date * 1000)).getHours();
var date = now.getDate();
var month = now.getMonth();
var d = new Date(2015, month, date, hours, 0, 0, 0);
return d;
Yes, it's not pretty. Personally, I like moment.js to calculate dates and stuff. The important part is that I return all dates as if it's all today (or any other arbitrary day). Then I extract the hour of the timestamp of the according data point and add that (as in the note: maybe you need minutes, seconds too?)
If you are going to use it, please make sure you have timezones, day-light saving etc. under control! I hate dates...)
And again: I am not sure about dt and dt_text. Make sure you got that right!
I hope this helps.

Dimple.js line chart with composite axis, no links between points on series

I've been playing with the newly released version 2.0.0 and I'm trying to replicate the composite axis example with some simple opinion poll data - 3 series (Yes,No,Unsure) against a single Y-axis.
I'm clearly making a basic error somewhere... the basic principle is you define one y-axis then pass that as a reference each time you want to layer on another set of data, but it doesn't appear to be treating them as three distinct series (there are no lines between points except in cases linking a couple of identical, but non-adjacent values, e.g. "No" 30% in 2002 and 2004, despite there being a different value in between).
Also, as per the commented-out line, I'm getting a D3 error if I try and switch the x-axis to Time instead.
JSFiddle live example
pollData = [
{ Year : 2001, Yes: 50, No: 40, Unsure: 10 },
{ Year : 2002, Yes: 60, No: 30, Unsure: 10 },
{ Year : 2003, Yes: 65, No: 25, Unsure: 5 },
{ Year : 2004, Yes: 75, No: 30, Unsure: 4 },
{ Year : 2005, Yes: 80, No: 10, Unsure: 5 }
var svg = dimple.newSvg("#chartContainer", 590, 400);
var myChart = new dimple.chart(svg, pollData);
myChart.setBounds(75, 30, 490, 330)
// Why won't a time axis working...? ("undefined is not a function" in D3)
// var dateAxis = myChart.addTimeAxis("x", "Year", "%Y");
var dateAxis = myChart.addCategoryAxis("x", "Year");
var yesAxis = myChart.addMeasureAxis("y", "Yes");
var noAxis = myChart.addMeasureAxis(yesAxis, "No");
var unsureAxis = myChart.addMeasureAxis(yesAxis, "Unsure");
myChart.addSeries("Yes", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, yesAxis]);
myChart.addSeries("No", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, noAxis]);
myChart.addSeries("Unsure", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, unsureAxis]);
yesAxis.title = '%';
The issue here isn't the composite axes, which you are using correctly. It's the series definition. The first parameter of the addSeries either takes dimensions to disaggregate by or a field which is not in the data, which it uses as a label. The only limitation of this approach is that you cannot label your series by a dimension name in the data. In this case the first series for example (it applies to all), is disaggregated by "Yes" which for the line series means it tries to draw a line for each value of "Yes", meaning 1 line per row, hence all the single unconnected points. The fix is to just name your lines something different. For example:
myChart.addSeries("Y", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, yesAxis]);
myChart.addSeries("N", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, noAxis]);
myChart.addSeries("U", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, unsureAxis]);
Here's your updated fiddle:
If you want the names to look like they match you can just add a trailing space to the series names:
myChart.addSeries("Yes ", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, yesAxis]);
myChart.addSeries("No ", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, noAxis]);
myChart.addSeries("Unsure ", dimple.plot.line, [dateAxis, unsureAxis]);
This will also work
