Composer executes without any output - composer-php

I'm running composer on Mac OS Yosemite. It worked well but suddenly I got no output at all (including any error).
For an example, when I run:
composer --version
terminal executes that without any output. No error as well. It happens with all composer command options. I did Google search but without relevant results.
Any idea?

Found a reason. Timezone must be set in (date.timezone = UTC). I'm not sure what update caused composer to stop working, but that has solved a problem).


When I use a terminal or zsh I can't run commands, And this is what appears: /dev/fd/14:18: command not found: compdef

When I use a terminal or zsh I can't run commands, And this is what appears:
# /dev/fd/14:18: command not found: compdef #
Does anyone know how to reset the terminal to normal mode?
I tried to solve it and the only thing that got my terminal back to normal is the elapsed time, but the problem is not solved because this line keeps repeating again, and then I'm stuck
I understood what the problem was, I just installed the latest version of Node js, and that's why I had this problem, when I reverted to a previous version it solved the problem
I had a similar situation today, and after looking up the information, it was the reason why I installed Angular

Docker invalid reference format error when installing laravel sail

I am trying to install a new Laravel project using the code provided in the official Laravel documentation
curl -s "" | bash
However, I keep receiving this error:
docker: invalid reference format.
See 'docker run --help'.
bash: line 16: cd: example-app: No such file or directory
I have tried both resetting my Docker application to default factory settings and uninstalling and reinstalling it, but the error keeps reappearing. What makes it even weirder, roughly a month ago I was doing the same thing when first experimenting with Laravel and Docker and everything was working fine. Does anybody know what could be the case?
if you are working with Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL), try executing bash, because it seems like your device doesnt recognize the docker container.
if that doesnt work, check if php, composer and docker are installed correctly, and if you have downloaded and configured a distro such as Ubuntu.
If the issue still is not fixed, execute wsl --setdefault -(NAMEOFDISTRO) in the terminal.
I ran into this same issue a couple of weeks ago and fixed it by using combinations of the solutions above.
I hope this helped!

.local/share/autojump/autojump_errors: No such file or directory

I've got autojump installed but, after upgrading homebrew, every time I issue a shell command (e.g. ls) I now get this:
-bash: /Users/snowcrash/.local/share/autojump/autojump_errors: No such file or directory
Any ideas on how to fix this?
I believe this used to be an issue but according to this GitHub Issue it should be fixed.
Otherwise I recommend you quit your current terminal application and restart. It took that for mine to stop throwing the error after I upgraded.

Is there a way to permanently turn off ANSI for Composer?

When I run Composer in my shell, it renders all of the text with a background color of dark yellow, so that it is almost impossible to read.
There's an option to supply the --no-ansi argument with every command I run, but this really seems like a pain. Is there a way to turn it off of the default? Or even change the color to something more readable?
Just to give a real answer to this question, because I still have the requirement to call composer with --no-ansi (on a Windows server), because of such output in Putty via SSH:
You can edit the batch file of composer:
(edit its content)
php "%~dp0composer.phar" %* --no-ansi
So it turns out that it was because I was using an "old" version of Composer. When I tried to run an install, I was getting the
Warning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is
recommended to update it by running "/usr/local/bin/composer self-update"
to get the latest version.
I ran self-update, and it saw that there hadn't even been a new version in the last 30 days, but it is now rendering in a readable color scheme.

Got "filename.settings cannot be locked because it is read-only" error running iReport 4.0.2 at Ubuntu

I just installed iReport yesterday and it was working fine. But when I try to run it today it is not working properly.
Here is what I have done;
Downloaded iReport-4.0.2
Extracted it in my downloads folder
Try running though terminal
adm#linux:~/Downloads/iReport-4.0.2/bin$ sudo ./ireport
this gives the No protocol specified error in terminal.
adm#linux:~/Downloads/iReport-4.0.2/bin$ ./ireport
without sudo, this show many error messages in terminal and starts iReport. But again shows popup several errors. Still I cannot create or edit reports.
Here are the errors. I can post the output in terminal if needed. But its quite lengthy.
I also tried moving the iReport-4.0.2 to the /opt/ folder. Even that resulted the same thing.
Also my JasperServer is up and running. But when I run a report it returns the following error;
com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser
Do not know whether there is any connection between these two issues.
$ sudo chmod 775 -R iReport-4.0.2/
if don't work you should use "sudo" to open iReport
$ sudo ./ireport
Yusuf Firdaus
you must login with root user in terminal means
$ sudo su
Enter password
After that run the ireport
