How to Generate Facebook User Access Token from Cloud Code - parse-platform

I'm a novice developer and use to power the backend of my iPhone app.
I was wondering if it was possible to manage Facebook OAuth issues from Parse's cloud code (my backend) using http requests or the Facebook JS SDK.
For example: a user's long-term access token becomes invalidated due to expiration. I would like to be able to generate a new access token on the backend, given that I have access to: the old access token, my app_id, my app_secret, and the user's facebookID.
Q1: is it possible to generate a user access token using an http request? I know that I can generate an app access token, but this is not what I want ( If it is possible, what is the correct structure for the http request (I've spent several hours trying to find an example and haven't been able to).
Q2: if #1 is not possible, is it possible to use the Facebook JS SDK in Parse Cloud code? Parse has previously stated this is not supported since the Facebook JS SDK assumes/necessitates being executed from a browser, but wouldn't it be possible to mimic a browser and still have this function correctly? If so, please provide example code.

Looks like this question has been answered already here:


Users log in to Facebook on my React Native app, but I also need authentication for the API calls to my own server. How do I do this?

I'm using the Expo Facebook login on my React Native app. In my app they can create and join events, which is done via API calls to my Laravel backend. I need these API calls to be authenticated (so some random person can't submit requests on someone else's behalf), but I don't want them to have to login twice. How can I ensure the person making API calls is who they say they are?
When they auth with Facebook they get their unique Facebook user ID, but I'm not sure if that is a secret they would only know after authenticating with FB or if anyone could get it. For my alpha version it's just sending their FB user ID with the request to ensure it's coming from the right person, but that seems really insecure because if anyone gets that ID they can forge requests.
One idea I had was to pass the auth token the React Native app got from Facebook to my API, and then on my server use that auth token to ensure it's really them. That just seems sort of complicated and it's hard to find a package that helps facilitate this, though.
It seems like this has to be a common problem. Any resources on how other apps handle this? Tinder, for example, must have this same problem.

Validate a google Authentication Code in Net Core API

I want to validate a google Authentication Code in my Net Core API with a Google's API or Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Google. I've seen people usually make a http call to validate the one-time Code following this guide but I think to make the application more robust the validation should be executed with the a proper Google API however I can't find an example code doing it except processing all OAuth flow that's not my case because I already have one-time Code (Authentication Code) gotten by my android application. Is it possible for these Google APIs to validate just the one-time Code? If I can which API should I use and how do I do it?
Btw my android application will be using the back end service a lot so I'm thinking on creating another token for the user not to be prompted with google login every time he uses the service but shouldn't be easier to use the same google's Access Token? I think that they advice to use one-time Code to avoid been caught with man in the middle attack in the future, but if I'm already giving another token for the user access my service shouldn't I use the google's instead already?

using google API for user identification and authentication

I tried to build a mobile app (client(mobile) <-> server) and i'm going to use google API to authenticate and identify my user and to sync to my server.
which is the best method to achieve this?
I was thinking to use below method:
Mobile app get authorization code
send the code to server
server contact google server to get access token
both server and mobile client use the access token to access data from google. <-- is this access token generated portable? means: i can use it in server as well as in mobile app?
i'm not sure if above method is the right method that i should use, if it the right method, is there any reference that i can follow (esp. in python) - i tried to read but it's quite humongous type of API there and i got lost...
Thanks for the kind advise

User data through Google APIs without authorization flow

I'm writing a web application that reads my personal calendar data, crunches stats, and then spits them out for the world to see. I don't need an authorization flow. Is it possible to leverage the Google APIs without going through a user sign-in flow? In other words, I want my personal Google account permanently and securely signed in to my server without the risk of my token invalidating or having to re-auth.
Right now I'm signing myself in with an offline token, then uploading the authorization file onto my server, basically spoofing the server that I already auth'd. Is there not a cleaner way?
I've spent hours reading through the API docs and Auth docs, but haven't found and answer. If there is a page I've missed, please point me to it!
PS. I'm using the Calendars API through Python/Flask on Heroku, but that shouldn't matter.
An alternative approach is using a service account while sharing your calendar with that service account. See
So, you want to be remembered.
If you want to dispose of any kind of authenticacion but yet the user needs to be recognized you should be using a cookie.
On the server side that cookie should be used to select the offline token.
Of course, without that cookie the user needs to be authenticated in any way. I would make them reauth by Google so you get a new offline token.
Hope that it helps.

How to keep user authenticated long term using google api client library

I'm working on an app that will run on a device which does not contain a browser, but I want to get the users google tasks through the google api.
Because of the lack of browser, they can't authenticate on the device, so I have it set up in such a way that they visit a website and authenticate there, then the device makes http requests to the website to get the data it needs.
Once I got everything working this system works out OK, the problem is it only works for a day or so before the user has to visit the website again to refresh their access token.
It would be great if the user could be authenticated for very long periods of time, or even forever (not sure if that's possible or secure). Can I get some suggestions on what people think is the best way to accomplish this kind of long term athentication?
Refresh tokens?
I've heard there is a way to store the user's refresh token in a database and somehow use that to refresh their access token. If this sounds like a good way, can anyone point me in the direction of an example to get this to work?
I've been using the google api client library for ruby
Thanks a lot!
You're on the right track with the refresh tokens. I can't help too much with the Ruby API, and honestly I just did this calling the REST api directly, but this doc should help you understand the actual calls you need to make.
Note that for a lot of their examples you need to remove the newlines for them to work.
Basically like you said, you need to send the user to with the access-type=offline parameter for them to give consent. This comes back with an authorization code, which you send to /o/oauth2/token. This comes back with an access token and a refresh token. You can use the access token immediately, and you store the refresh token, which never expires. When the access token expires you send the refresh token to /o/oauth2/token (note that the grant_type changes to refresh_token) to get a new access token.
