Go Gorilla Mux Session Name - session

I am having a hard time understanding Gorilla mux's session name.
var store = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("something-very-secret"))
func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get a session. We're ignoring the error resulted from decoding an
// existing session: Get() always returns a session, even if empty.
session, _ := store.Get(r, "session-name")
// Set some session values.
session.Values["foo"] = "bar"
session.Values[42] = 43
// Save it.
session.Save(r, w)
I want to use session to avoid using global variables between two handlers. So I save the key-value in the shared session and retrieve the value from the session.
And I wonder if I want each user to have its own unique session and its Values, do I need to assign unique session name(session id)? Or the gorilla session handles by itself that each user gets its own session and values?
I wonder if I need to generate session names with unique identifiers.

The session data is stored in the client's cookies. So the session you retrieve with store.Get(r, "session-name") is reading that particular client't (request) cookies. You do not need unique names. The name in this case is the name of the cookie so it will be unique to the request.


How to start & stop heartbeat per session using context.WithCancel?

I'm implementing currently the Golang client for TypeDB and struggle with their session based heartbeat convention. Usually, you implement heartbeat per client so that's relatively easy, just run a gorountine in the background and send a heartbeat every few seconds.
TypeDB, however, chose to implement heartbeat (they call it pulse) on a per session base. which means, every time a new session gets created, I have to start monitoring that session with a separate GoRoutine. Conversely, if the client closes a session, I have to stop the monitoring. What's particularly ugly, I also have to check for stalled session every once in a while. There is is GH issue to switch over to per client heartbeat, but no ETA so I have to make session heartbeat work to prevent serve side session termination.
So far, my solution:
Create a new session
Open that session & check for error
If no error, add session to a hashmap keyed by session ID
This seems to work for now. Code, just for context is here:
For monitoring each session, I am mulling over two issues:
Chanel close over multiple gorountines is a bit tricky and may lead to race conditions.
I would need some kind of error group to catch heartbeat failures i.e. in case the server shuts down or a network link error.
With all that in mind, I believe a context.WithCancel might be safe & sane solution.
What I came up so far is this:
Pass the global context as parameter to the heartbeat function
Create a new context WithCancel for each session calling heartbeat
Run heartbeat in a GoRoutine until either cancel gets called (by stopMonitoring) or or error occurs
What's not so clear to me is, how do I track all the cancel functions returned from each tracked session as to ensure I am closing the right GoRotuine matching the session to close ?
Thank you for any hint to solve this.
The code:
func (s SessionManager) startMonitorSession(sessionID []byte) {
// How do I track each goRoutine per session
func (s SessionManager) stopMonitorSession(sessionID []byte) {
// How do I call the correct cancel function to stop the GoRoutine matching the session?
func (s SessionManager) runHeartbeat(ctx context.Context, sessionID []byte) context.CancelFunc {
// Create a new context, with its cancellation function from the original context
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
fmt.Println("Stopped monitoring session: ")
err := s.sendPulseRequest(sessionID)
// If this operation returns an error
// cancel all operations using this local context created above
if err != nil {
// return cancel function for call site to close at a later stage
return cancel
func (s SessionManager) sendPulseRequest(sessionID []byte) error {
mtd := "sendPulse: "
req := requests.GetSessionPulseReq(sessionID)
res, pulseErr := s.client.client.SessionPulse(s.client.ctx, req)
if pulseErr != nil {
dbgPrint(mtd, "Heartbeat error. Close session")
return pulseErr
if res.Alive == false {
dbgPrint(mtd, "Server not alive anymore. Close session")
closeErr := s.CloseSession(sessionID)
if closeErr != nil {
return closeErr
// no error
return nil
Thanks to the comment(s) I managed to solve the bulk of the issue by wrapping session & CancelFunc in a dedicated struct, called TypeDBSession.
That way, the stop function simply pulls the CancelFunc from the struct, calls it, and stops the monitoring GoRoutine. With some more tweaking, tests seems to pass although this is not concurrency safe for the time being.
That being said, this was a non-trivial issue to solve. Again, but thanks to the comments!
If any one is open to suggesting some code improvements especially w.r.t to make this concurrency safe, feel free to comment here or fill a GH issue / PR.
My two cents:
You may need run the hearbeat repeatedly. Use a for with a time.Ticker around the select
Store a map session id —> func() to track all cancellable context. Perhaps you should convert the id to string

Golang looping through redis store to delete gorilla sessions

I am using gorilla sessions.
I have a redis store which has sessions:
here is a sample one:
getting an existing session:
store := redisSessionInstance.Store
session, err := store.Get(c.Request(), "session_")
if err != nil {
return c.String(http.StatusNotAcceptable, "failed getting session")
on these sessions is stored an id which identifies the owner.
session.Values["userID"] = existingUser.ID.Hex()
what is the best way to delete all sessions for a user?
I could loop through all the sessions in a for loop and then query the stored value to see if it matches the owners id.
Is there a faster way?

Should there be a new datastore.Client per HTTP request?

The official Go documentation on the datastore package (client library for the GCP datastore service) has the following code snippet for demonstartion:
type Entity struct {
Value string
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a datastore client. In a typical application, you would create
// a single client which is reused for every datastore operation.
dsClient, err := datastore.NewClient(ctx, "my-project")
if err != nil {
// Handle error.
k := datastore.NameKey("Entity", "stringID", nil)
e := new(Entity)
if err := dsClient.Get(ctx, k, e); err != nil {
// Handle error.
old := e.Value
e.Value = "Hello World!"
if _, err := dsClient.Put(ctx, k, e); err != nil {
// Handle error.
fmt.Printf("Updated value from %q to %q\n", old, e.Value)
As one can see, it states that the datastore.Client should ideally only be instantiated once in an application. Now given that the datastore.NewClient function requires a context.Context object does it mean that it should get instantiated only once per HTTP request or can it safely be instantiated once globally with a context.Background() object?
Each operation requires a context.Context object again (e.g. dsClient.Get(ctx, k, e)) so is that the point where the HTTP request's context should be used?
I'm new to Go and can't really find any online resources which explain something like this very well with real world examples and actual best practice patterns.
You may use any context.Context for the datastore client creation, it may be context.Background(), that's completely fine. Client creation may be lengthy, it may require connecting to a remote server, authenticating, fetching configuration etc. If your use case has limited time, you may pass a context with timeout to abort the operation. Also if creation takes longer than the time you have, you may use a context with cancel and abort the mission at your will. These are just options which you may or may not use. But the "tools" are given via context.Context.
Later when you use the datastore.Client during serving (HTTP) client requests, then using the request's context is reasonable, so if a request gets cancelled, then so will its context, and so will the datastore operation you issue, rightfully, because if the client cannot see the result, then there's no point completing the query. Terminating the query early you might not end up using certain resources (e.g. datastore reads), and you may lower the server's load (by aborting jobs whose result will not be sent back to the client).

golang/gorilla: updating session expiry?

I know how to use gorilla under golang to manage sessions. But what I'm trying to accomplish is to optionally set the session expiry time to a later date at run time, depending upon various application conditions. I haven't been able to figure out how to update this expiry time.
Consider the following code fragment ...
skey := "some sort of secret key"
sname := "some sort of session name"
session_store := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(skey))
session_store.Options = &sessions.Options{
MaxAge: 300,
// `r` is previously defined as the current *http.Request
sess, err := session_store.Get(r, sname)
As written, sess will expire 300 seconds after it was initialized. But how can I extend the lifetime of sess before this much time passes, so that its expiry will then occur at a later time?
Thank you in advance.

how to set the expiry of the redis keys in golang

I am using golang as my backend.I am storing some token values in redis.I m setting the values HSET and getting the values in HGETALL.I would like to know if there is any function to set the expiry for the keys that i m storing in the redis database.i want the token and its data to be deleted after 1hour. I m using Redigo package for redis. Thanks.Appreciate any help.
I use this to set the struct with has token as key
redisCon.Do("HMSET", redis.Args{}.Add(hashToken).AddFlat(&dataStruct)...)
For those who use go-redis library, you can set expiration by calling
_, err = redisClient.Expire("my:redis:key", 1 * time.Hour).Result()
Alternatively, you can do that upon insertion
_, err = redisClient.Set("my:redis:key", "value", 1 * time.Hour).Result()
Redis documentation does not support a command like "HMSETEX".
"HMSET" modifies the hashkeys and not the root key. TTL is supported at root key level and not at the hash key level. Hence, in your case you must be doing something like this in a separate call:
redisCon.Do("EXPIRE", key, ttl)
Which client are you using to connect to redis?
For redigo you can use this - https://github.com/yadvendar/redigo-wrapper
In that use call
func Expire(RConn *redigo.Conn, key string, ttl int)
For goredis - https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/redis.v5#Client.TTL
In this use:
func (c *Client) TTL(key string) *DurationCmd
