Cocos2d-JS, cpBodyFree and cpShapeFree? - chipmunk

I'm using Cocos2d-JS with Chipmunk and I want release a body and a shape. I see in the chipmunk documentation the functions cpBodyFree and cpShapeFree, but I don't know how call them in my javascript code ( and are not defined).
I'm already using space.removeBody and space.removeShape, but I've read that it is not enough (in fact my game gets slow on my iphone after a while because I create and delete a lot of objects).
Any help?


GUI basics in Smalltalk

I'm quite new to Smalltalk and I've been searching a whole day how I could write a GUI. I've found loads of information on how to work with Morphs and what Halos are, but I don't seem to be able to find what I need (It's only a table with the entries from a Dictionary).
Next to Morphs, I also found quite something on how smalltalk introduced the MVC-principle. I even found the ST-80 Views Category, containing everything I would need, but again I am not sure on how to use it correctly and somehow I don't seem to find the right sources to get me started.
Therefore my question(s): Where to start to build a simple GUI? How should I choose from the billion Morphs available and how do I combine them to a solid interface? Should MVC only be used when it gets more complex or are they also useful for simple GUIs? Is there any general overview on what to use in which cases?
To illustrate what I would like to do, I added some pseudo-code of how I would have it in mind:
d := Dictionary new.
"add data to the dictionary..."
view := DictionaryView new.
view addDictionary: d.
button := SimpleButtonMorph new.
"e.g. change label to sum of values"
button target: [button label: d sum.].
window := SystemWindow labelled: test.
window addMorph: view.
window addMorph: button.
Any help to get me started with this is highly appreciated.
I recently found a chapter from a book that helped me understand morphic better with some nice explanation and example code and for people who want to know more, there is a whole list of free books too. Also useful were the tutorials from the squeak wiki. Especially the one on Pluggable Morphs helped me to understand this concept better. Note that this tutorial is hidden in the list of unreviewed tutorials (possibly because there is a little error in the project that can be downloaded).
In Squeak (I presume you use Squeak, because you speak of Morphs and ST80),
there are several ways to build GUIs.
Plain Morphs
You can just put together Morphs. Typically, you need some Widget, like a SimpleHierarchicalListMorph. But this process gets tedious fast.
If you're creating an application that somehow resembles a tool, of whatever kind, the ToolBuilder might be your friend. Tools like the System Browser, the Debugger, or more recently, the FontImporter are built with ToolBuilder. It requires a Model with the #buildWith: message. Search for implementers of this message to get an idea how to use ToolBuilder.
But probably the easiest way:
Morphic Designer
The Morphic Designer lets you put together your Application UI graphically. You can re-use the design and do not need too many code to hook you program up to the UI. Examples included.
Note: You also found the MVC implementation. It has come out of fashion in Squeak, but it still should be usable. However, you must create a new Project to use MVC. It is, by the way, possible to create tools that can run in both Morphic and MVC projects when you use ToolBuilder.

Load a Windows predefined icon with wxIcon

I'm trying to use IDI_INFORMATION with wxWidgets 2.8.11 (from wx/version.h) (for wxMemoryDC::DrawIcon). But first I have to load the icon: wxICON(IDI_INFORMATION) fails, LoadFile(wxT("IDI_INFORMATION")) also fails ( but LoadFile(IDI_INFORMATION) compiles and crashes, IDI_INFORMATION is a fake string pointer too tricky for wxWidgets). Hmmm, then I add some ifdefs to use Windows API: ::LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_INFORMATION) works, then wxIcon::SetHICON. While DrawIcon apparently works, the nasty surprise is that wxIcon::GetWidth, wxIcon::GetHeight return 0. Hmmm, let's get the size and use wxIcon::SetSize. Now it is finally done... wait!, but who's gonna destroy my icon? Not sure, so add the ifdef, SetHICON(NULL) and DestroyIcon.
The small question: do I have to destroy the icon myself?
The big question: is wxIcon entirely useless in this case?
PS After some debugging I discover that LoadFile(wxT("wxICON_INFORMATION")) works, wow!, but is it really multi-platform? Do I have read all the wx sources for drawing a standard icon?
The cross-platform solution is provided by wxArtProvider, just use its GetIcon() method with wxART_INFORMATION argument.

Load package in Scheme48, how to get first, word variable, etc

I just installed the scheme48 package from macports and have started experiencing. I was watching this youtube video, link here and was attempting to perform some of the examples. In the lecture the professor is running scheme on a Sun terminal. For example, I attempt to do '(first 473)' and get 'Error: undefined variable first'. Now, I'm assuming I haven't loaded the correct package / library or what ever it is called in scheme but am not sure what the syntax and library is. I believe that scheme48 and the scheme version on that sun terminal in the video are not the same and could be part of the problem.
So, what library do I need to use and how do I load it?
Those lecture notes are based on a book called Simply Scheme, and you can find the library code that is used in the book here. Specifically, you need simply.scm.
(But whether it is a good idea to have these kind of overloading functions is debatable. Specifically, note that first is used in a way that is different from many other languages.)

In What Windows Library is glCreateProgramObjectARB Defined?

I'm trying to do some shader programming on windows. All the code I've been able to find online says you have to use wglGetProcAddress to figure out where these functions are, but i'm not sure what library to link against.
Ben Voigt's answer is nearly correct, with two exceptions:
All OpenGL 1.0 and 1.1 functionality is inlcuded in opengl32.lib, only 1.3 and upwards and all extension must be loaded dynamically.
WGL guarantees that all contexts sharing the same pixel format share identical function pointers. This is an important detail, as otherwise any application using either OpenGL 3.x/4.x or multisampling would necessarily be malformed.
However, in short, forget all this blah blah. Download GLEW and be done in 5 minutes. It just works and you need not care about petty implementation details. Call one init function at program start, and everything is good.
You link against opengl32.lib to get wglGetProcAddress. All the rest must be dynamically obtained via wglGetProcAddress after you have made a context current, since different contexts can use different implementations of the various functions.
An extension loader such as GLee or GLEW can do the function-pointer details for you, but you still need to be linking opengl32.lib.

VB6 app controlling Word behaves differently during debug than when compiled

I have a vb6 app that uses Word interop to create a few reports. In the introduction of these reports, there are some instructions in 4 textboxes around an image.
Recently and suddenly the top two textboxes started appearing on the next page, and I can't figure out why. When I step through the code and watch the word document getting built, everything positions itself correctly, however, if I compile the application, the error reappears.
Any suggestions?
Use late-bound calls to Word. This does not mean to remove reference to Microsoft Word Xxx Object Library, just alter your Dims like this
Dim oWord As Object '--- was Word.Application'
Dim oDoc As Object '--- was Word.Document'
oDoc.Protect wdAllowOnlyReading '--- keep using enums'
Could it be some 'rounding' difference? For instance if you compare two float point values for equality, the result can subtly depend on the specific compiler/interpreter implementation.
I would like to suggest to trim down your code to the minimum showing the different behaviors. That might clear things up already. If not, please post it here to let us help you.
Maybe you are running the compiled version as a different user than the one running VB when you debug? Maybe this could cause what you are describing, if the two users have some different Word settings.
Is it possible that the compiled version finds a different version of the .dot file?
It may be very helpful if you show the code you use to create the Word document, because then someone here might notice something that can be sensible to moving to a compiled version.
Do you have any code in events that rely on timing, such as Form_Activate, Load, or Unload? I've seen those things behave very differently when stepping through code and when compiled, especially on newer, faster machines.
