How do I grep non-zero words in a file? - bash

I want to grep all strings that are not 0 in a file. Is there a way to do that?
The file looks something like the following:
and I would like the output to be:

You can with awk do:
awk '$1' file
This will skip all lines with 0 in it.
If you like print all words without 0 then try this:
awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i!~/0/) printf "%s ",$i;print ""}' file


Most efficient way to use first column of file1 as prefix for all lines in file2

I have two files with equal amount of lines. I want to add each value of column 1 to become the prefix of each line in file 2 and separate each value of file2 by one whitespace.
File2 is very large and has more than 70 million columns.
Input file 2
Input file 1
Ind1 1 0 0 0 0
Ind2 1 0 0 1 9
Q: How can this be done efficiently?
EDIT I : I already looked for solutions to add different prefixes to each line e.g. here but was unable to adjust the solution so that I can iterate over the values of the first column of another file.
Using the answer from #Gilles I came up with this:
awk ' { print $1 } ' file1 <(sed 's/./& /g' file2) > output
I tried the solution from #Gilles and it failed with a regex input buffer error:
paste -d ' ' file1 <(sed 's/./& /g' file2) > file3
sed: regex input buffer length larger than INT_MAX
I also tried the solution from #Ed Morton but this ended in an OOM error. AWK states that it needs 1.8TB RAM for this operation.
awk '{head=$0} (getline tail < "file2") > 0{gsub(/./," &",tail); print head tail}' file1 > file3
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=file1.txt FNR=1) fatal: builtin.c:3058:sub_common: buf: cannot reallocate 1949336035328 bytes of memory: Cannot allocate memory.
Using sed & paste:
$ paste -d '' file2 <(sed 's/./& /g' file1)
Ind1 1 0 0 0 0
Ind2 1 0 0 1 9
Using any awk:
$ awk '{head=$0} (getline tail < "file2") > 0{gsub(/./," &",tail); print head tail}' file1
Ind1 1 0 0 0 0
Ind2 1 0 0 1 9
or if the whole contents of file1 fit in memory:
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[FNR]=$0; next} {gsub(/./," &"); print a[FNR], $0}' file1 file2

Modify the column of a text file

I would like to change the second column of a text file,named as subject.txt, containing "1" and "2" to "0" and "1" using bash. Any suggestion? I am new to bash and any help would appreciate it.
Subj1 1
Subj2 2
Subj3 1
I would like to change it to:
Subj1 0
Subj2 1
Subj3 0
You can use awk:
cat subject.txt | awk '{ $2=$2-1; print $1" "$2 }'
restrict modifications only for 1 and 2
$ awk '$2==1 || $2==2 {$2--}1' file

How can I use awk to detect lines that have only one field and print it together with the next line?

I've a file.txt written in this way:
0.421915 0.420615 192000
0.420397 0.420802 192000
0.423915 0.423681 768000
0.421658 0.421474 768000
and I'd like to take the line with only one column and the following one.
Is it ok to use awk and how can I do it?
Thank you!
Short awk approach:
awk 'NF==1 && (getline nl)>0{print $0 ORS nl}' file
The output:
0.421915 0.420615 192000
0.423915 0.423681 768000
NF==1 - considering only lines with one column
getline nl - getting the next line and assigning it to variable nl (next line)
(getline nl)>0 - the getline command returns 1 if it finds a record and 0 if it encounters the end of the file
print $0 ORS nl - print the line with only one column and the following one (as required)
I would do it with grep :
grep -E -A 1 "^[0-9]+$" yourfile.txt
You should be able to do it with:
awk 'NF==1{p=1;print$0;}NF!=1{if(p==1){print$0;p=0}}' file.txt
0.421915 0.420615 192000
0.423915 0.423681 768000
$ awk 'NF==1{c=2} c&&c--' file
0.421915 0.420615 192000
0.423915 0.423681 768000
See for an explanation of that and more awk range idioms.

How to find negaive numbers from each line and print only once using shell script

I want to find the negative numbers (same value) from each row of an input file.
If there is no negative numbers in a row it will print 0. If there is more than one occurrence of a negative number it will print the negative number once. For example
the input file is (input.txt):
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 -1 0 -1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 -1
1 1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0
The desired output is :
Currently I am using
awk '{for(i=1; i<=NF;i++)if($i ~ /^-/) {printf "%s\n",$i}}' input.txt > output
But it does not produce the 0 in the 1st line and it prints all the -1s.
Is there a smart solution to this problem?
You can do this with simple pattern matching in bash, no need for awk.
while read line; do
if [[ $line = *-1* ]]; then
echo -1
echo 0
do < inputfile
Or shortened to a one-liner:
while read l; do [[ $l = *-1* ]] && echo -1 || echo 0; done < inputfile
Or sed could do this:
sed '/-/s/.*/-1/;/-/!s/.*/0/' inputfile
Or if you're willing to trade simplicity for performance:
sed -e '/-/s/.*/-1/;t' -e 's/.*/0/' inputfile
You can use this awk:
awk '{p=0; for(i=1; i<=NF;i++) if ($i<0) {p=$i; break} print p}' file
$ awk '{print (/-/?-1:0)}' file
I assume that either:
you can't have a row with, say, -2s instead of -1s, or
if that does occur you still want -1 output
since if it could happen that you have rows of -2s instead of -1s and want -2 to be output in that case then that would have been a glaringly obvious thing to include in your sample input/output.
Based on your problem description, you may use this:
awk '/-/{print "-1"}!/-/{print "0"}' file

awk show just digits

I have command in awk:
awk '$0 !~ /[a-z]/ && $0 != 0' input.txt >> output.txt
So my input is something like this:
And my output is:
I think I am doing something wrong with awk.
I want awk just show me digits, What should I do?
This !#!###% does not contain a-z and its not 0
That is why you get hits on it.
To get only numbers, use anchor:
awk '/^[[:digit:]]+$/' file
awk '/^[0-9]+$/' file
try this:
awk '/^[0-9]+$/ && $0 != 0 {print}' input.txt >> output.txt
