I am using SWI Prolog, the following code is used in my homework(the code is not the homework but needed to write the methods the course requires):
nat(s(X)) :-
plus(0,N,N) :-
plus(s(M),N,s(Z)) :-
times(0,N,0) :-
times(s(M),N,Z) :-
exp(s(M),0,0) :-
exp(0,s(M),s(0)) :-
exp(s(N),X,Z) :-
exp(a,b,c) means c=b^a.
It is copied directly from the book: "The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming Techniques".
When I run the following query:
I get an answer:
L = s(s(0))
But when I ask for another answer by entering ;
L = s(s(0)) ;
I get an infinite loop(ending in an out of stack error), I was expecting to get false.
What is the problem in the code? is there a code that does the same(with the same representation of natural numbers) but behaves the way I described? and if so, a few pointers or suggestions would be of great help.
Thanks in advance.
It's normal that it runs in to an infinite loop for the given program: if you call exp/3, With the second element being uninstantiated, it starts branching over all possible values for L. In other words, if you query:
It acts as:
I instantiate L to s(0), is s(0) (thus 1) correct?
No! I instantiate L to s(s(0)) is 2 correct?
Yes return 2. Hold on, the user asks for more answers....
Is 3 correct? No
Is 4 correct? No
Is ... correct? (you get the idea)
Each time you make an attempt, the stack is risen one level deeper (because it requires one more level to construct s(X) over X...
You could try to use another way: there is a logical upperbound: the result (third argument), so you could first instantiate the second argument as the third and test and then decrement the second argument until you find the correct result.
I'm currently studying Prolog, and in one of the notes I'm reading an example is given of how to use the cut operator correctly. Consider the following function to remove all elements of a particular value from a list.
rm(A,[A|L],R) :- rm(A,L,R).
rm(A,[B|L],[B|R]) :- rm(A,L,R).
Due to backtracking, this is not a correct definition of the function, and the function will return all sublists of the list obtained from removing some elements of a particular value, but not necessarily all of them. The notes I'm reading say that a correct way to fix this is to replace the second line by the line
rm(A,[A|L],R) :- !, rm(A,L,R)
But that replacing the line by
rm(A,[A|L],R) :- rm(A,L,R), !
is not correct. I'm not sure why the second example is an incorrect way to fix the function. In swipl, replacing the second term by these fixes seems to always return the same answer on the test cases I consider. What am I missing here?
Your example is a perfect example to illustrate why using the cut here is never a good idea.
Using rm(A,[A|L],R) :- !, rm(A,L,R). makes only sense if both the first and second argument are sufficiently instantiated. But if they are insufficiently instantiated, you get an incomplete answer like:
?- rm(X, [a], R).
X = a, R = []. % incomplete
This clearly misses an answer, as it constrains X to be a only. But if X is anything else, we get a different result, namely:
?- X = b, rm(X,[a],R).
R = [a].
Using the cut at the end as in rm(A,[A|L],R) :- rm(A,L,R), !. is even worse: First, all our assumptions so far must hold, and then additionally the third argument must not be instantiated. Otherwise we get additional incorrect solutions.
?- rm(a,[a],R).
R = [].
?- rm(a,[a],[a]).
true, unexpected. % incorrect
Just recall what we are asking here:
User: When removing a from the list [a] what do we get?
Prolog: Nothing, nil, nada.
User: But can't I have instead of nothing just [a]? Please!
Prolog: OK, I give in.
That's not the way you want to implement an accounting system.
So both uses of cuts are bad. But the second one is clearly worse for it has many more preconditions to remember and is also inefficient.
On the other hand there are some cases where you can use these predicates. But typically it is quite difficult to remember when this is safe. Thus such cuts are a permanent source of errors.
Is there any hope to get rid of all this fine print? Fortunately, there is a way out using if_/3 from library(reif) for SICStus|SWI. Download it and say:
:- use_module(reif).
rm(A,[X|Xs], Ys0) :-
if_(A = X, Ys0 = Ys, Ys0 = [X|Ys]),
rm(A, Xs, Ys).
This program is comparably efficient but does not have any of the aforementioned defects:
?- rm(X, [a], R).
X = a, R = []
; R = [a], dif(X, a).
Note the second new answer! It says that for all X that are different to a, the list remains unchanged.
This is probably the most trivial implementation of a function that returns the length of a list in Prolog
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :- count(B, U), T is U + 1.
one thing about Prolog that I still cannot wrap my head around is the flexibility of using variables as parameters.
So for example I can run count([a, b, c], 3). and get true. I can also run count([a, b], X). and get an answer X = 2.. Oddly (at least for me) is that I can also run count(X, 3). and get at least one result, which looks something like X = [_G4337877, _G4337880, _G4337883] ; before the interpreter disappears into an infinite loop. I can even run something truly "flexible" like count(X, A). and get X = [], A = 0 ; X = [_G4369400], A = 1., which is obviously incomplete but somehow really nice.
Therefore my multifaceted question. Can I somehow explain to Prolog not to look beyond first result when executing count(X, 3).? Can I somehow make Prolog generate any number of solutions for count(X, A).? Is there a limitation of what kind of solutions I can generate? What is it about this specific predicate, that prevents me from generating all solutions for all possible kinds of queries?
This is probably the most trivial implementation
Depends from viewpoint: consider
count(L,C) :- length(L,C).
Shorter and functional. And this one also works for your use case.
library CLP(FD) allows for
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :- U #>= 0, T #= U + 1, count(B, U).
?- count(X,3).
X = [_G2327, _G2498, _G2669] ;
(further) answering to comments
It was clearly sarcasm
No, sorry for giving this impression. It was an attempt to give you a synthetic answer to your question. Every details of the implementation of length/2 - indeed much longer than your code - have been carefully weighted to give us a general and efficient building block.
There must be some general concept
I would call (full) Prolog such general concept. From the very start, Prolog requires us to solve computational tasks describing relations among predicate arguments. Once we have described our relations, we can query our 'knowledge database', and Prolog attempts to enumerate all answers, in a specific order.
High level concepts like unification and depth first search (backtracking) are keys in this model.
Now, I think you're looking for second order constructs like var/1, that allow us to reason about our predicates. Such constructs cannot be written in (pure) Prolog, and a growing school of thinking requires to avoid them, because are rather difficult to use. So I posted an alternative using CLP(FD), that effectively shields us in some situation. In this question specific context, it actually give us a simple and elegant solution.
I am not trying to re-implement length
Well, I'm aware of this, but since count/2 aliases length/2, why not study the reference model ? ( see source on SWI-Prolog site )
The answer you get for the query count(X,3) is actually not odd at all. You are asking which lists have a length of 3. And you get a list with 3 elements. The infinite loop appears because the variables B and U in the first goal of your recursive rule are unbound. You don't have anything before that goal that could fail. So it is always possible to follow the recursion. In the version of CapelliC you have 2 goals in the second rule before the recursion that fail if the second argument is smaller than 1. Maybe it becomes clearer if you consider this slightly altered version:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :-
T #> 0,
U #= T - 1,
count(B, U).
Your query
?- count(X,3).
will not match the first rule but the second one and continue recursively until the second argument is 0. At that point the first rule will match and yield the result:
X = [_A,_B,_C] ?
The head of the second rule will also match but its first goal will fail because T=0:
X = [_A,_B,_C] ? ;
In your above version however Prolog will try the recursive goal of the second rule because of the unbound variables B and U and hence loop infinitely.
I'm new to Prolog and I'm trying to resolve this exercise:
Define a predicate greater_than/2 that takes two numerals in the notation that we introduced in this lecture (i.e. 0, succ(0), succ(succ(0))...) as arguments and decides whether the first one is greater than the second one. E.g:
?- greater_than( succ(succ(succ(0))), succ(0) ).
?- greater_than( succ(succ(0)), succ(succ(succ(0))) ).
This is my answer so far:
greater_than(X, 0).
greater_than( succ(succ(X)), succ(Y) ).
but of course doesn't work properly, so I'm asking anyone for help.
As you are looking for a recursive solution, you have to provide a base case and a recursive step.
The base case you provided is almost right. However it fails because it will succeed for example when both numbers are zero. It should succeed only when the left side is of the form succ(_) and the right side is zero.
The recursive step should take an element from each side and apply recursion.
Therefore this should work:
greater_than(succ(_), 0).
greater_than(succ(X), succ(Y)):-
greater_than(X, Y).
I'm new to Prolog and I'm stuck on a predicate that I'm trying to do. The aim of it is to recurse through a list of quads [X,Y,S,P] with a given P, when the quad has the same P it stores it in a temporary list. When it comes across a new P, it looks to see if the temporary list is greater than length 2, if it is then stores the temporary list in the output list, if less than 2 deletes the quad, and then starts the recursion again the new P.
Heres my code:
NextP =\= P,
Z > 1, !,
listlen([], 0).
listlen([_|T],N) :-
N is N1 + 1.
Thanks for any help!
Your problem description talks about storing, recursing and starting. That is a very imperative, procedural description. Try to focus first on what the relation should describe. Actually, I still have not understood what minimal length of 2 is about.
Consider to use the predefined append/3 and length/2 in place of your own definitions. But actually, both are not needed in your example.
You might want to use a dedicated structure q(X,Y,S,P) in place of the list [X,Y,S,P].
The goal appends([X,Y,S,P],Temp,Temp) shows that you assume that the logical variable Temp can be used like a variable in an imperative language. But this is not the case. By default SWI creates here a very odd structure called an "infinite tree". Forget this for the moment.
?- append([X,Y,S,P],Temp,Temp).
Temp = [X, Y, S, P|Temp].
There is a safe way in SWI to avoid such cases and to detect (some of) such errors automatically. Switch on the occurs check!
?- set_prolog_flag(occurs_check,error).
?- append([X,Y,S,P],Temp,Temp).
sto. % ERROR: lists:append/3: Cannot unify _G392 with [_G395,_G398,_G401,_G404|_G392]: would create an infinite tree
The goal =\=/2 means arithmetical inequality, you might prefer dif/2 instead.
Avoid the ! - it is not needed in this case.
length(L, N), N > 1 is often better expressed as L = [_,_|_].
The major problem, however, is what the third and fourth argument should be. You really need to clarify that first.
Prolog variables can't be 'modified', as you are attempting calling appends: you need a fresh variables to place results. Note this code is untested...
deleteUP(P, Rest, Temp1,Output). % was deleteUP(P,[Rest],Temp,Output).
% NextP =\= P, should be useless given the test in clause above
Z > 1, !, % else ?
I start to learn Prolog and first learnt about the successor notation.
And this is where I find out about writing Peano axioms in Prolog.
See page 12 of the PDF:
sum(0, M, M).
sum(s(N), M, s(K)) :-
prod(s(N), M, P) :-
I put the multiplication rules into Prolog. Then I do the query:
?- prod(X,Y,s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))).
Which means finding the factor of 6 basically.
Here are the results.
X = s(0),
Y = s(s(s(s(s(s(0)))))) ? ;
X = s(s(0)),
Y = s(s(s(0))) ? ;
X = s(s(s(0))),
Y = s(s(0)) ? ;
infinite loop
This result has two problems:
Not all results are shown, note that the result X=6,Y=1 is missing.
It does not stop unless I Ctrl+C then choose abort.
So... my questions are:
WHY is that? I tried switching "prod" and "sum" around. The resulting code gives me all results. And again, WHY is that? It still dead-loops though.
HOW to resolve that?
I read the other answer on infinite loop. But I'd appreciate someone answer basing on this scenario. It greatly helps me.
If you want to study termination properties in depth, programs using successor-arithmetics are an ideal study object: You know a priori what they should describe, so you can concentrate on the more technical details. You will need to understand several notions.
Universal termination
The easiest way to explain it, is to consider Goal, false. This terminates iff Goal terminates universally. That is: Looking at tracers is the most ineffective way - they will show you only a single execution path. But you need to understand all of them at once! Also never look at answers when you want universal termination, they will only distract you. You have seen it above: You got three neat and correct answers, only then your program loops. So better "turn off" answers with false. This removes all distraction.
Failure slice
The next notion you need is that of a failure slice. Take a pure monotonic logic program and throw in some goals false. If the resulting failure slice does not terminate (universally), also the original program won't. In your exemple, consider:
prod(0,M,0) :- false.
prod(s(N), M, P) :-
prod(N,M,K), false,
These false goals help to remove irrelevant adornments in your program: The remaining part shows you clearly, why prod(X,Y,s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))). does not terminate. It does not terminate, because that fragment does not care about P at all! You are hoping that the third argument will help to make prod/3 terminate, but the fragment shows you it is all in vain, since P does not occur in any goal. No need for chatty tracers.
Often it is not so easy to find minimal failure slices. But once you found one, it is next to trivial to determine its termination or rather non-termination properties. After some time you can use your intuition to imagine a slice, and then you can use your reason to check if that slice is of relevance or not.
What is so remarkable about the notion of a failure slice is this: If you want to improve the program, you have to modify your program in the part visible in above fragment! As long as you do not change it, the problem will persist. A failure slice is thus a very relevant part of your program.
Termination inference
That is the final thing you need: A termination inferencer (or analyzer) like cTI will help you to identify the termination condition rapidly. Look at the inferred termination conditions of prod/3 and the improved prod2/3 here!
Edit: And since this was a homework question I have not posted the final solution. But to make it clear, here are the termination conditions obtained so far:
prod(A,B,C)terminates_if b(A),b(B).
prod2(A,B,C)terminates_if b(A),b(B);b(A),b(C).
So the new prod2/3 is strictly better than the original program!
Now, it is up to you to find the final program. Its termination condition is:
prod3(A,B,C)terminates_if b(A),b(B);b(C).
To start with, try to find the failure slice for prod2(A,B,s(s(s(s(s(s(0)))))))! We expect it to terminate, but it still does not. So take the program and add manuallyfalse goals! The remaining part will show you the key!
As a final hint: You need to add one extra goal and one fact.
Edit: Upon request, here is the failure slice for prod2(A,B,s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))):
prod2(0,_,0) :- false.
prod2(s(N), M, P) :-
sum(M, K, P),
prod2(N,M,K), false.
sum(0, M, M).
sum(s(N), M, s(K)) :- false,
Please note the significantly simplified definition of sum/3. It only says: 0 plus anything is anything. No more. As a consequence even the more specialized prod2(A,0,s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))) will loop whileprod2(0,X,Y) elegantly terminates ...
The first question (WHY) is fairly easy to spot, specially if know about left recursion. sum(A,B,C) binds A and B when C is bound, but the original program prod(A,B,C) doesn't use that bindings, and instead recurse with still A,B unbound.
If we swap sum,prod we get 2 useful bindings from sum for the recursive call:
sum(M, K, P)
Now M is bound, and will be used to terminate the left-recursion. We can swap N and M, because we know that product is commutative.
sum(0, M, M).
sum(s(N), M, s(K)) :-
sum(N, M, K).
prod3(0, _, 0).
prod3(s(N), M, P) :-
sum(M, K, P),
prod3(M, N, K).
Note that if we swap M,K (i.e. sum(K,M,P)), when prod3 is called with P unknown we again have a non terminating loop, but in sum.
?- prod3(X,Y,s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))).
X = s(s(s(s(s(s(0)))))),
Y = s(0) ;
X = s(s(s(0))),
Y = s(s(0)) ;
X = s(s(0)),
Y = s(s(s(0))) ;
X = s(0),
Y = s(s(s(s(s(s(0)))))) ;
OT I'm perplexed by cTI report: prod3(A,B,C)terminates_if b(A),b(B);b(A),b(C).