query for one field doesn't equal another field in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

How can I query for, or filter for, one field doesn't equal another field? i.e. where document1.city1.name not equal document1.city2.name.
Some version of this?

Yes , you will need to use script filter to achieve this
"bool": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": "doc['field1'].value != doc['field2'].value"
You can find more information here


How to compare two date fields in same document in elasticsearch

In my elastic search index, each document will have two date fields createdDate and modifiedDate. I'm trying to add a filter in kibana to fetch the documents where the modifiedDate is greater than createdDate. How to create this filter in kibana?
Tried Using below query instead of greater than it is considering as gte and fetching all records
GET index/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script" : {
"inline" : "doc['modifiedTime'].value.getMillis() > doc['createdTime'].value.getMillis()",
"lang" : "painless"
There are a few options.
Option A: The easiest and most performant one is to store the difference of the two fields inside a new field of your document, e.g.
"createDate": "2022-01-11T12:34:56Z",
"modifiedDate": "2022-01-11T12:34:56Z",
"diffMillis": 0
"createDate": "2022-01-11T12:34:56Z",
"modifiedDate": "2022-01-11T12:35:58",
"diffMillis": 62000
Then, in Kibana you can query on diffMillis > 0 and figure out all documents that have been modified after their creation.
Option B: You can use a script query
GET index/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": """
return doc['createdDate'].value.millis < doc['modifiedDate'].value.millis;
Note: depending on the amount of data you have, this option can potentially have disastrous performance, because it needs to be evaluated on ALL of your documents.
Option C: If you're using ES 7.11+, you can use runtime fields directly from the Kibana Discover view.
You can use the following script in order to add a new runtime field (e.g. name it diffMillis) to your index pattern:
emit(doc['modifiedDate'].value.millis - doc['createdDate'].value.millis)
And then you can add the following query into your search bar
diffMillis > 0

Compare two fields in same document without using script elasticsearch

We are using elastic version 7.10.2. I want to compare two fields from a same document.Scripting is disabled in my organization.
Kindly help in building below query without using script.
Here my query is : nickname is null or nickname is empty or nickname is equal to firstname.
Hard part is how to build query to get the records which have nickname is equal to firstname
Relevant script query to be converted to normal query :
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"script": {
"script": {
"inline": "doc['nickname.keyword'].value==null || doc['nickname.keyword'].value =='' || doc['nickname.keyword'].value == doc['firstname.keyword'].value",
"lang": "painless",
I see you are already comparing the nickname.keyword to your firstname also mentioned this is the hard part, for this why you need a script, you can simply use the search query on this keyword field and get the result you want.
You can use below term query for it.
"query": {
"term": {
"nickname.keyword": {
"value": "your-nickname", // provide your nickname as value

Filtering documents by an unknown value of a field

I'm trying to create a query to filter my documents by one (can be anyone) value from a field (in my case "host.name"). The point is that I don't know previously the unique values of this field. I need found these and choose one to be used in the query.
I had tried the below query using a painless script, but I have not been able to achieve the goal.
"sort" : [{"#timestamp": "desc"}, {"host.name": "asc"}],
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": {
"source": """
String k = doc['host.name'][0];
return doc['host.name'].value == k;
"lang": "painless"
I'll appreciate if any can help me improving this idea of suggesting me a new one.
TL;DR you can't.
The script query context operates on one document at a time and so you won't have access to the other docs' field values. You can either use a scripted_metric aggregation which does allow iterating through all docs but it's just that -- an aggregation -- and not a query.
I'd suggest to first run a simple terms agg to figure out what values you're working with and then build your queries accordingly.

ElasticSearch how to get docs with 10 or more fields in them?

I want to get all docs that have 10 or more fields in them. I'm guessing something like this:
"query": {
"range": {
"fields": {
"gt": 1000
What you can do is to run a script query like this
"query": {
"script": {
"script": {
"source": "params._source.size() >= 10"
However, be advised that depending on the number of documents you have and the hardware that supports your cluster, this can negatively impact the performance of your cluster.
A better idea would be to add another integer field that contains the number of fields that the document contains, so you can simply run a range query on it, like in your question.
As Per Documentation of _source field, you can do this like that or can't get results based on fields count.

How to use multifield search in elasticsearch combining should and must clause

This may be a repeted question but I'm not findin' a good solution.
I'm trying to search elasticsearch in order to get documents that contains:
- "event":"myevent1"
- "event":"myevent2"
- "event":"myevent3"
the documents must not contain all of them in the same document but the result should contain only documents that are only with those types of events.
And this is simple because elasticsearch helps me with the clause should
which returns exactly what i want.
But then, I want that all the documents must contain another condition that is I want the field result.example.example = 200 and this must be in every single document PLUS the document should be 1 of the previously described "event".
So, for example, a document has "event":"myevent1" and result.example.example = 200 another one has "event":"myevent2" and result.example.example = 200 etc etc.
I've tried this configuration:
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"event": "bank.account.patch"
"match": {
"event": "bank.account.add"
"match": {
"event": "bank.user.patch"
but is not working 'cause I also get documents that not contain 1 of the should field.
Hope I explained well,
Thanks in advance!
As is, your query tells ES to look for documents that must have "operation.result.http_status":200 and to boost those that have a matching event type.
You're looking to combine two must queries
one that matches one of your event types,
one for your other condition
The event clause accepts multiple values and those values are exact matches : you're looking for a terms query.
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"terms" : {
"event" : [
