HL7 messages dealing with surgical procedures - hl7-v2

I need to change an existing system (written in Python using python-hl7) to accept messages with details of a surgical procedure for a patient and then record those details in a database as part of their medical record. This question is more about HL7 (v2) than Python or python-hl7, though. I couldn't find a better Stack Exchange "community" to post this in.
What message types, segments should be used to record details of a surgical procedure. e.g. what procedure was done, when it started and ended, what the outcome was, where it took place, who the primary and assistant surgeons were, etc.
From what I've been able to find so far it seems some sort of ADT message (e.g. A04) with a PR1 segment should be used. Is this correct? Are there example messages?
EDIT: To be clear I am not looking for Python examples. I am looking for sample HL7 messages to get an idea of how other people do it. Of course clear and unambiguous documentation that says exactly what fields are required and exactly what they can/should contain would also help.

It's very unlikely that you can find a single message that covers everything related to surgery (ORU is the closest one). In general surgery is type of Act similar to other events that may happen with the patient. For that reason you need to decide what you are looking for since a “surgery” can be divided into admission/discharge/transfer (ADT), scheduling (SIU, OMS), patient summary (MDM), preoperative (MFN, ORU), intraoperative (ORU, DFT), postoperative (ORU, MDM, DFT, MFN).
Exact type and place of the surgery can be specified by ICD-10 or SNOMED CT.


Event model or schema in event store

Events in an event store (event sourcing) are most often persisted in a serialized format with versions to represent a changed in the model or schema for an event type. I haven't been able to find good documentation showing the actual model or schema for an actual event (often data table in event store schema if using a RDBMS) but understand that ideally it should be generic.
What are the most basic fields/properties that should exist in an event?
I've contemplated using json-api as a specification for my events but perhaps that's too "heavy". The benefits I see are flexibility and maturity.
Am I heading down the "wrong path"?
Any well defined examples would be greatly appreciated.
I've contemplated using json-api as a specification for my events but perhaps that's too "heavy". The benefits I see are flexibility and maturity.
Am I heading down the "wrong path"?
Don't overlook forward and backward compatibility.
You should plan to review Greg Young's book on event versioning; it doesn't directly answer your question, but it does cover a lot about the basics of interpreting an event.
Short answer: pretty much everything is optional, because you need to be able to change it later.
You should also review Hohpe's Enterprise Integration Patterns, in particular his work on messaging, which details a lot of cases you may care about.
de Graauw's Nobody Needs Reliable Messaging helped me to understan an important point.
To summarize: if reliability is important on the business level, do it on the business level.
So while there are some interesting bits of meta data tracking that you may want to do, the domain model is really only going to look at the data; and that is going to tend to be specific to your domain.
You also have the fun that the representation of events that you use in the service that produces them may not match the representation that it shares with other services, and in particular may not be the same message that gets broadcast.
I worked through an exercise trying to figure out what the minimum amount of information necessary for a subscriber to look at an event to understand if it cares. My answers were an id (have I seen this specific event before?), a token that tells you the semantic meaning of the message (is that something I care about?), and a location (URI) to get a richer representation if it is something I care about.
But outside of the domain -- for example, when you are looking at the system as a whole trying to figure out what is going on, having correlation identifiers and causation identifiers, time stamps, signatures of the source location, and so on stored in a consistent location in the meta data can be a big help.
Just modelling with basic types that map to Json to write as you would for an API can go a long way.
You can spend a lot of time generating overly complex models if you throw too much tooling at it - things like Apache Thrift and/or Protocol Buffers (or derived things) will provide all sorts of IDL mechanisms for you to generate incidental complexity with.
In .NET land and many other platforms, if you namespace the types you can do various projections from the types
Personally, I've used records and DUs in F# as a design and representation tool
you get intellisense, syntax hilighting, and types you can use from F# or C# for free
if someone wants to look, types.fs has all they need

Representing PCP/GP History in FHIR

I have been digging into the FHIR DSTU2 specification to try and determine what is the most appropriate resource(s) to represent a particular patient's historical list of GPs/PCPs. I am struggling to find an ideal resource to house this information.
The primary criteria I have been using is to identify the proper resource is that it must provide values to associate a patient to a practitioner for a period of time.
What is the proper resource to represent historical pcp/gp information that can be tied back to a patient resource?
What I have explored:
Here is a list of my possible picks thus far. I paired the resource types with my thought process on why I'm not confident about using it:
Episode of Care - This seems to have the most potential. It has the associations between a patient and a set of doctors for a given time period. However, when I read its description and use-case scenarios, it seems like I would be bastardizing its usage to fit my needs, since it embodies a period of time where a group of related health care activities were performed.
Group - Very generic structure that could fit based on its definition. However, I want to rule out other options before taking this approach.
Care Plan - Similar to Episode of Care rational. It seems like a bastardization to just use this to house PCP/GP history information. The scope of this is much bigger and patient/condition-centric.
I understand that there may not be a clear answer and thus, the question might run the risk of becoming subjective and I apologize in advance if this is the case. Just wondering if anyone can provide concrete evidence of where this information should be stored.
That's not a use-case we've really encountered before. The best possibility is to use the new CareTeam resource (we're splitting out CareTeam from EpisodeOfCare and CarePlan) - take a look at the continuous integration build for a draft.
If you need to use DSTU 2, you could just look at Patient.careProvider and rely on "history" to see changes over time. Or use Basic to look like the new CareTeam resource.

How to Query Accident Information in FHIR?

I'm investigating HL7-FHIR for use in a decision support context and was trying to find out how to extract accident information for a given patient. I had assumed this would be a resource type but I can't find anything that fits.
We don't have a specific resource for this information. Mostly, this sounds like a series of observations, and perhaps a context linking them together. It's the context piece that we haven't yet got (our initial focus was on PHR). That will definitely be in the next version, but for now, I guess you just use the observations directly

SNMP MIB Structure Conventions for nodes below the Enterprise Identifier

I have developed a Linux/Umbutu program running on what will be an imbedded P-based device. I wish for that piece of code to be able to send and receive the SNMP data for the entire product. So, I know the OID down to the company level,, and I further know that the two SNMP enabled products we sell are and Pretty sure mine will be .3.
The question is, is there a known structure/convention for the nodes below this point? What I read seems to imply that I can use whatever structure I want. Would ...34843.1.0 exist? Is it a node to fetch (get) the list or max-count of same-level nodes? Would ...34843.1.0.0 exist? Would it make any sense? The guy who developed the first two MIBs is out of town for a while and I can't really ask him, and I'd like to make sure I understand his answer when he gives it to me.
Is there a document that describes the required/suggested organization? Probably some RFC, right. So, is there a document in a language spoken by humans?
Thanks in advance.
The most popular resource is the understanding SNMP MIBs book by Perkins and McGinnis. It describes MIBs in a more readable format. The Net-SNMP tutorials online might be helpful too, as they discuss a lot about MIBs. If you want the RFC, then RFC2578 is the right thing to read.
The quick hierarchy guidance would be something along the lines of:
Use 3 sections: one for objects, one for notifications, and one for conformance information
For notifications, root them at the .0 (see RFC3584 for details on why)
For each table, you might want a scalar showing the number of objects in a table and potentially a LastChanged object for showing how frequently configuration within the table might have changed).
There is a lot more guidance that can be found in the books and other sources listed above than can be repeated here, of course. RFCs 4181, and 5249 may be helpful as well.

Practices for allowing systems to accommodate human error?

Systems have to sometimes accommodate the possibility of real world bad data. Consider that some data originates with paper forms. And forms inherently have a limited means of validating data.
Example 1: On one form users are expected to enter an integer distance (in miles) into a blank. We capture the information as written as a string since we don't always end up getting integer values.
Example 2: On another form we capture a code. That code should map to one of the codes in our system. However, sometimes the code written on the form is incorrect. We capture the code and allow it to exist with an invalid value until some future time of resolution. That is, we temporarily allow bad data since it's important to record the record even if some of it is invalid.
I'm interested in learning more about how systems accommodate bad data, that is, human error. Databases are supposed to be bastions of data integrity, but the real world is messy and people make mistakes. Systems must allow us to reflect those mistakes.
What are some ways systems you've developed accommodate human error? What practices have you used? What lessons have you learned?
Any further reading on the topic? (I had trouble Googling it.)
I agree with you, whatever we do there's no guarantee that we can get rid of bad or incorrect data. Especially, but not only, if it comes to user input. In my experience the same problems exist in complex integration projects, in which you have to integrate and merge (often inconsistent) data retrieved from different systems.
A good strategy is to decouple the input from the operational system itself. First, place user (or external system) provided data in a separate datastore (e.g. different schema). In a second step load this data into your operational datastore, but only if it confirms to strict rules (e.g. use address verification software to verify a given address). This Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) approach is fairly common in Data Warehousing (DWH) solutions, but can be applied programmatically in transactional systems as well (in my experience).
The above approach often leads to asynchronous processes in which the input is subitted first and (maybe) at a later time the external entity (user or system) retrives feedback whether its data was correct or not.
EDIT: For further readings I recommend to have a look at DWH concepts. Alhtough, you may not want to build such a thing, you could partially apply those concepts:
A government department I worked in does a lot of surveys, most of which are (were) still paper based.
All the results were OCR'd into the system.
As part of the OCR process a digital scan of the forms is kept.
Data is then validated, data that is undecipherable or which fails validation is flagged.
When a human operator reviews the digital data they can modify the data if they are confident that they can correctly interpret what the code could not; they (here's the cool bit) can also bring up the scan of the paper based original, and use that to determine what the user was trying to say.
On a different thread; at some point you want to validate the data coming in against any expected data ranges that you want it to conform to; buy rejecting it at the point of entry you give the user a chance to correct it - the trade off is that every time you reject it you increase the chance of them abandoning the whole process.
At some point in your system you need to specify the rules which will be used for validation. At the end of the day a system is only going to be as smart as those rules. You can develop these yourself into the code (probably the business logic) or you might use a 3rd party component.
having flexible control over the validation is pretty important as they are likely to change overtime.
To be honest with you, one point of migrating from paper-based systems to IT is to remove these errors and make sure all data is always correct. I doubt any correctly planned and developed IT system (especially business financial systems) would allow such errors. Not in the company I am working for anyway...
There are lots of software tools that address the kinds of problems you mention. There are platforms and tools that let you define rules for scrubbing and transforming data and handling validation errors. Those techniques are widely used for Data Integration and Business Intelligence applications. Google for "Data Quality" or "Data Integration".
The easiest thing to do is to (this is not always possible) design the interface where users enter the data to limit as much as possible the amount of text that they need to enter. In my experience this seems to be where a lot of problems come from. One simple example of this is to provide a select, or auto-complete select field
One thing that you could do is do everything possible to determine if the data is correct before going into the db. I try to give the user entering the data as much feedback as possible so they can (ideally) fix some of the issues before the data gets persisted. For example, it is a very quick check to determine if the data being entered is of the correct type.
I got started in legal systems before the PC era. Litigation support databases routinely have to accommodate factually incorrect, incomplete, and contradictory information. It takes a different way of thinking.
The short version . . .
Instead of recording a single fact, you record multiple assertions about a fact. It boils down to designing a database to store data from assertions like these.
In an interview at 2011-01-03 08:13, Neil Rimes told Officer Cane
that he was at home from 2011-01-02 20:00 until 2011-01-03 08:13.
In an interview at 2011-01-03 08:25, Liza Nevers told Officer Cane
that Neil Rimes came home at 2011-01-02 23:45.
In a deposition at 2011-05-13 10:22, Cody Maxon told attorney Kurt
Schlagel that he saw Neil Rimes at Kroger at 2011-01-03 03:00
