in Ansible, How can I set log file name dynamilcally - ansible

I'm currently developing ansible script to build and deploy java project.
so, I can set the log_path like below
but, It is hard to look up build history.
Is it possible to append datetime to log file name?
for example,

I don't believe there is a built-in way to generate the date on the fly like that but one option you have is to use a lookup which can shell out to date. Example:
log_path="/var/log/ansible.{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S') }}.log"

Here is an option using ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH environment variable thanks to Bash shell alias:
alias ansible="ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=ansible-\`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S\`.log ansible"
Feel free to use an absolute path if you prefer.

I found it.
just add task to copy(or mv command) log locally
- name: Copy ansible.log
connection: local
command: mv ./logs/ansible.log ./logs/ansible.{{ lookup('pipe', 'date %Y%M%d%H%M%S') }}.log
run_once: true
thanks to #jarv

How about this:
- shell: date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S
register: timestamp
- debug: msg="foo.{{timestamp.stdout}}.log"
TASK [command] *****************************************************************
changed: []
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [] => {
"msg": "foo.20160922233847.log"

According to the nice folks at the #ansible freenode IRC, this can be accomplished with a custom callback plugin.
I haven't done it yet because I can't install the Ansible Python library on this machine. Specifically, Windows 7 can't have directory names > 260 chars in length, and pip tries to make lengthy temporary paths. But if someone gets around to it, please post it here.

Small improvement on #ickhyun-kwon answer:
- name: "common/_ansible_log_path.yml: rename ansible.log"
connection: local
shell: |
mkdir -vp {{ inventory_dir }}/logs/{{ svn_deploy.release }}/ ;
mv -vf {{ inventory_dir }}/logs/ansible.log {{ inventory_dir }}/logs/{{ svn_deploy.release }}/ansible.{{ svn_deploy.release }}.{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M') }}.log args:
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: "{{ inventory_dir }}"
run_once: True
ignore_errors: True
This has separate log directories per svn release, ensures the log directory actually exists before the mv command.
Ansible interprets ./ as the current playbook directory, which may or may not be the root of your ansible repository, whereas mine live in ./playbooks/$project/$role.yml. For me {{ inventory_dir }}/logs/ happens to correspond to the ~/ansible/log/ directory, though alternative layout configurations do not guarantee this.
I am unsure the correct way to formally extract the absolute ansible.cfg::log_path variable
Also the date command for month is +%m and not %M which is Minute

I have faced a similar problem while trying to set dynamic log paths for various playbooks.
A simple solution seems to be to pass the log filename dynamically to the ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH environment variable. Checkout ->
In this particular case just export the environment variable when running the intended playbook on your terminal:
export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=ansible.`date +%s`.log; ansible-playbook test.yml
Else if the intended filename cannot be generated by the terminal, you can always use a runner playbook which runs the intended playbook from the within:
- hosts:
- localhost
gather_facts: false
ignore_errors: yes
- name: set dynamic variables
task_name: dynamic_log_test
log_dir: /path/to/log_directory/
- name: Change the working directory and run the ansible-playbook as shell command
shell: "export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH={{ log_dir }}log_{{ task_name|lower }}.txt; ansible-playbook test.yml"
register: shell_result
This should log the result of test.yml to /path/to/log_directory/log_dynamic_log_test.txt
Hope you find this helpful!


ansible : is there a method to avoid skipped messages from specific roles

I m not looking for ansible.cfg skippy variable method but for a method I can use in specific roles only to avoid skipped messages on stout while running my playbooks.
(cannot use solutions based on grep rejections cause my ansible commands are not launched from a shell or similar but some applications) I can only work on yml files.
How to do that ?
test file
- hosts: localhost
mypath: /tmp/file
- stat: path={{mypath}}
register: foo
- debug: var=foo
- name: do something with file if exists
command: cat {{ mypath }}
when: foo.stat.exists
here it fails to avoid the skip message application runs only "ansible-playbook filename" & cannot be modified to include any pipes contrary of the example below :
-bash-4.4$ ansible-playbook filetest.yml | grep -i skip
skipping: [localhost]
If its not possible is it possible on specific playbook at last ?
I repeat I cannot use cfg file solutions at all only environnement variables or an "inside yml" syntax
in the ansible.cfg put
stdout_callback = skippy

Is it possible to specify groups from two different inventory files for an Ansible playbook?

My playbook (/home/user/Ansible/dist/playbooks/test.yml):
- hosts: regional_clients
- shell: /export/home/user/ansible_scripts/
register: shellout
- debug: var=shellout
- hosts: web_clients
- shell: /var/www/html/webstart/release/ansible_scripts/
register: shellout
- debug: var=shellout
- command: echo start
register: output
- debug: var=output
The [regional_clients] group is specified in /home/user/Ansible/webproj/hosts and the [web_clients] group is specified in /home/user/Ansible/regions/hosts.
Is there a way I could make the above work? Currently, running the playbook will fail since neither [regional_clients] or [web_clients] are defined in the default inventory file /home/user/Ansible/dist/hosts.
Yes, you can write a simple shell script:
cat /home/user/Ansible/webproj/hosts /home/user/Ansible/regions/hosts
and call it as a dynamic inventory in Ansible:
ansible-playbook -i my_script test.yml
This question, however, looks to me like a problem with your organisation, not a technical one. If your environment is so complex and maintained by different parties, then use some kind of configuration database (and a dynamic inventory in Ansible which would retrieve the data), instead of individual files in user's paths.

How to append date, timestamp in the ansible log file?

How do I append date, timestamp in ansible log file ?
Currently i have it as log_path=/var/ansible-playbooks/ansible.log in the ansible.cfg
Everytime I run, i need this log to file to be saved with the timestamp
example ansible-20160808142400.log
Use ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH environment variable.
Execute playbook as follows:
ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/tmp/ansible_$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S").log ansible-playbook myplabook.yml
Alternatively you can write your own callback plugin that will log what you want and where you want it to.
If you're running on a UNIX based system you can take advantage of the behavior of inodes. Define a log path in your ansible.cfg. I created a directory in $HOME/.ansible.
log_path = $HOME/.ansible/log/ansible.log
Create a pre-task section in your playbooks and include the following task:
- name: Create the log file for this run
shell: /bin/bash -l -c "mv {{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.ansible/log/ansible.log {{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.ansible/log/ansible.log-{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S') }}"
delegate_to: localhost
become: yes
become_user: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}"
When ansible starts running a playbook it creates the log file and starts writing to it. The log file is then renamed to ansible.log-YYYYmmddHHMMSS and the ansible process continues to write to it because even though the log file's name has changed the inode associated with it hasn't.

Running Python script via ansible

I'm trying to run a python script from an ansible script. I would think this would be an easy thing to do, but I can't figure it out. I've got a project structure like this:
I'm trying to run within a task in main.yml (which is a role used in release.yml). Here's the task:
- name: run my script!
command: ./roles/stagecode/files/
chdir: /dir/to/be/run/in
run_once: true
I've also tried ../files/ I thought the path for ansible would be relative to the playbook, but I guess not?
I also tried debugging to figure out where I am in the middle of the script, but no luck there either.
- name: figure out where we are
stat: path=.
run_once: true
register: righthere
- name: print where we are
debug: msg="{{righthere.stat.path}}"
run_once: true
That just prints out ".". So helpful ...
try to use script directive, it works for me
my main.yml
- name: execute install script
and file should be in files in the same role
If you want to be able to use a relative path to your script rather than an absolute path then you might be better using the role_path magic variable to find the path to the role and work from there.
With the structure you are using in the question the following should work:
- name: run my script!
command: ./
chdir: "{{ role_path }}"/files
run_once: true
An alternative/straight forward solution:
Let's say you have already built your virtual env under ./env1 and used pip3 install the needed python modules.
Now write playbook task like:
- name: Run a script using an executable in a system path
script: ./
executable: ./env1/bin/python
register: python_result
- name: Get stdout or stderr from the output
var: python_result.stdout
If you want to execute the inline script without having a separate script file (for example, as molecule test) you can write something like this:
- name: Test database connection
ansible.builtin.command: |
python3 -c
import psycopg2;
You can even insert Ansible variables in this string.

Finding file name in files section of current Ansible role

I'm fairly new to Ansible and I'm trying to create a role that copies a file to a remote server. The local file can have a different name every time I'm running the playbook, but it needs to be copied to the same name remotely, something like this:
- name: copy file
Ansible doesn't allow wildcards, so when I wrote a simple playbook with the tasks in the main playbook I could do:
- name: find the filename
connection: local
shell: "ls -1 files/*.txt"
register: myfile
- name: copy file
src="files/{{ item }}"
- myfile.stdout_lines
However, when I moved the tasks to a role, the first action didn't work anymore, because the relative path is relative to the role while the playbook executes in the root dir of the 'roles' directory. I could add the path to the role's files dir, but is there a more elegant way?
It looks like you need access to a task that looks up information locally, and then uses that information as input to the copy module.
There are two ways to get local information.
use local_action:. That's shorthand for running the task agains, more info found here. (this is what you've been using)
use a lookup. This is a plugin system specifically designed for getting information locally. More info here.
In your case, I would go for the second method, using lookup. You could set it up like this example:
local_file_name: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'ls -1 files/*.txt') }}"
- name: copy file
copy: src="{{ local_file_name }}" dest=/path/to/fixedname.txt
Or, more directly:
- name: copy file
copy: src="{{ lookup('pipe', 'ls -1 files/*.txt') }}" dest=/path/to/fixedname.txt
With regards to paths
the lookup plugin is run from the context of the task (playbook vs role). This means that it will behave differently depending on where it's used.
In the setup above, the tasks are run directly from a playbook, so the working dir will be:
/path/to/project -- this is the folder where your playbook is.
If you where to add the task to a role, the working dir would be:
In addition, the file and pipe plugins run from within the role/files folder if it exists:
/path/to/project/roles/role_name/files -- this means your command is ls -1 *.txt
The plugin is called every time you access the variable. This means you cannot trust debugging the variable in your playbook, and then relying on the variable to have the same value when used later in a role!
I do wonder though, about the use-case for a file that resides inside a projects ansible folders, but who's name is not known in advance. Where does such a file come from? Isn't it possible to add a layer in between the generation of the file and using it in Ansible... or having a fixed local path as a variable? Just curious ;)
Just wanted to throw in an additional answer... I have the same problem as you, where I build an ansible bundle on the fly and copy artifacts (rpms) into a role's files folder, and my rpms have versions in the filename.
When I run the ansible play, I want it to install all rpms, regardless of filenames.
I solved this by using the with_fileglob mechanism in ansible:
- name: Copy RPMs
copy: src="{{ item }}" dest="{{ rpm_cache }}"
with_fileglob: "*.rpm"
register: rpm_files
- name: Install RPMs
yum: name={{ item }} state=present
with_items: "{{ rpm_files.results | map(attribute='dest') | list }}"
I find it a little bit cleaner than the lookup mechanism.
