MATLAB Grayscale showing RGB output - image

I'm using these lines of code to convert an RGB image to grayscale.
% ===========================
% ===========================
% --- Executes on button press in btnGrayscale.
function btnGrayscale_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global origImage;
imageGray = rgb2gray(origImage);
The output doesn't show a grayscale image though.
What seems to be the problem? I'm running MATLAB 6.5 on Windows 7, by the way.

Try this
From imshow:
imshow(I,[]) displays the grayscale image I, where [] is an empty matrix that specifies that you want imshow to scale the image based on the range of pixel values in I, using [min(I(:)) max(I(:))] as the display range.

Thank you for the answers! I thought the problem's with my graphics driver (lol), but when I've tried showing the output on a figure (not on the axis), I found the problem.
Here's a simple solution I've found.
Instead of using image(imageGray);, I've used imshow(imageGray);.

Another way can call one band to show the gray image


Matlab cpselect with RGB fixed image

I would like to be able to use the cpselect matlab tool (or a similar one) with the capability of showing both images (moving image and reference image) in RGB (I only managed to see moving image in RGB and reference image in grayscale).
Could someone point me to an alternative for this tool that would support this or anyway to be able to display both image in rgb in cpselect?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure what you're talking about, and I'm quite confused about your statement. cpselect is image independent. You can show both of them as colour or grayscale or one or the other. The example you're probably looking at is the one that comes with MATLAB: . One image is grayscale, while the other has a pinkish hue.
Here's an example showing both the source and target image as being in colour. I used onion.png that is a colour image that is part of the MATLAB system path:
im = imread('onion.png');
im_rotate = imrotate(im, 35);
cpselect(im, im_rotate);
We get:

Saving grayscale image as it appears in jet colormap

I have grayscale satellite image which is processed from spectral data (band classifications). If i use jet colormap in imshow it will show absolute colormapped image. But if i try to imwrite in particular place it is saved like a bluish image. I saw one example in matlab central, but i didnt get. can anyone help me to write my image with colorscaled image.
Matlab central link:
there accepted answer link is :
I have tried many times, this will show colormaped images in plots (imshow) they didnt write anywhere with colormaped. Now i want to write my image with colormaped.
example code:
I= imread('image path');
imwrite(I,'path','jpg'); /not working
imwrite(I,jet,'path','jpg'); /not working
Please help to solve this issue.
When you use imshow the colormap is always adjusted to the range of values in your image. imwrite however assumes your image has a value range of [0,1] if you are using single or double data types. Try to scale your image to the range [0,1] before saving.
If you provide a colormap in the call to imwrite, MATLAB assumes you are using an indexed image. Thus you will have to convert the image to the indexed format first. The following snippet worked for a test image I of mine:
% scale to [0,1]
I = I - min(I(:));
I = I ./ max(I(:));
% Create indexed image
[J,~] = gray2ind(I);
% Save image
Solution by hbaderts worked well for me, but later I found out that some images were still scaled slightly different way from imshow.
However, I might found a reason of an original problem. Just after Matlab starts, its default colormaps (including 'jet') are set to 64 colors (64x3). Then, if any image is shown with a colormap, for example if imshow('cameraman.tif'), colormap('jet') is executed, all default colormaps become 256x3 (can be verified with jetMap=jet; before and after). Then it might happen that an image was written with a colormap different from the one applied to image figure (for example, if a figure called after imwrite).
Finally I found this solution (no image pre-scaling needed):
% Create indexed image, explicitly using 256 colors
% Convert indexed image to RGB using 256-colors jet map
% Save image
The images I used have the same color scale now, both the saved one and the one shown in figure.

Writing images using imwrite- Getting white images

I am writing a function that generates series of images. I am using the imwrite function to write each image to a file:
if i==1
But I am not getting the images. The files are generated just fine, but they are just white images with dimension 1x1. Any help please?
Thank you
Use imwrite on Ecc instead of Q. The output of imagesc (as I recall) is a handle to the figure, which is not what you want to write out. Write out Ecc instead.
Adding to what user3817401 has written.
Completly white images can result from data not being scaled prior to being sent to imwrite. Consider following:
Ecc = (Ecc - min(min(Ecc))) / (max(max(Ecc)) - min(min(Ecc)));
promply before imwrite. This will guarantee, that the image is in range 0-1 and should solve the problem.
The function imagesc returns a handle (you store it as Q), not scaled image data. Then, the function imwrite is interpreting Q as an image. Because it is a handle, it is just 1x1 and it's value is not meaningful as an image. Try scaling Ecc as desired and then writing that instead.

how to view an image saved in variable in MATLAB?

Multiple images are saved to variables, and I would like to view them and save them. I loaded the .mat file into MATLAB, and variables appeared in my workspace e.g. a,b,c,d; all have images stored in them. I'd like to access an image from "a".
Tried: imagesc(a,:,:,imagenumber) but get Error using ==> imageDisplayParsePVPairs at 72
Invalid input arguments.
What am I doing wrong?
imagesc should work, it all depends on what your variables size are and how you write the call to the function...
a = eye(100,100);
imagesc(a); colormap gray
works fine;
a = rand(100,100,100);
or if a is an rgb image, a(width,height,3), then use imshow as proposed by Romeo
Try to use imshow function from Image Processing Toolbox:
the syntax is wrong. If is a single image you should write
if is a (I'm assuming) RGB image
imagesc(a); colormap gray;
if grayscale.
If there are multiple images within the same variable you should use
for a RGB image
imagesc(a(:,:,imagenumber)); colormap gray;
for a grayscale

MATLAB - write image into an eps file

In MATLAB, how do you write a matrix into an image of EPS format?
It seems imwrite does not support EPS.
Convert is not working on the Linux server I am using:
$ convert exploss_stumps.jpg exploss_stumps.eps
convert: missing an image filename `exploss_stumps.eps' # convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2838
I tried gnovice's idea under terminal mode:
figH = figure('visible','off') ;
imshow(img,'border','tight',... %# Display in a figure window without
'InitialMagnification',100); %# a border at full magnification
print(strcat(filepath,'/', dataset,'_feature_',num2str(j), '.eps'),'-depsc2');
close(figH) ;
However I got:
??? Error using ==> imshow at 191
IMSHOW requires Java to run.
Error in ==> study_weaker at 122
imshow(img,'border','tight',... %# Display in a figure window without
191 error(eid,'%s requires Java to run.',upper(mfilename));
How can I fix it?
One possible solution is to plot your image using IMSHOW, then print the entire figure as a .eps using PRINT:
img = imread('peppers.png'); %# A sample image
imshow(img,'Border','tight',... %# Display in a figure window without
'InitialMagnification',100); %# a border at full magnification
print('new_image.eps','-deps'); %# Print the figure as a B&W eps
One drawback to this solution is that if the image is too big to fit on the screen, IMSHOW will shrink it to fit, which will reduce the on-screen resolution of the image. However, you can adjust the final resolution of the saved image using the -r<number> option for the PRINT function. For example, you can print your figure as an Encapsulated Level 2 Color PostScript with a resolution of 300 dpi by doing the following:
EDIT: If you are unable to use IMSHOW (either because you don't have the Image Processing Toolbox or because you are using a MATLAB mode that doesn't allow it), here is an alternative way to create and print the figure:
img = imread('peppers.png'); %# A sample image
imagesc(img); %# Plot the image
set(gca,'Units','normalized',... %# Set some axes properties
'Position',[0 0 1 1],...
set(gcf,'Units','pixels',... %# Set some figure properties
'Position',[100 100 size(img,2) size(img,1)]);
print(gcf,'new_image.eps','-depsc2','-r300'); %# Print the figure
You can also take a look at this documentation to see how printing works without a display.
It should work using imwrite. You would have to add a colormap for it to work though.
However, ckecking the help pages I see that it is NOT possible to use imwrite to write an EPS file.
Following code may help you to convert png file to eps.
fileName = 'FarmerStats'; % your FILE NAME as string
A = imread(fileName,'png');
set(gcf,'visible','off') %suppress figure
axis image % resolution based on image
axis off % avoid printing axis
set(gca,'LooseInset',get(gca,'TightInset')); % removing extra white space in figure
saveas(gcf,fileName,'epsc'); % save as COLOR eps file
