spring-Security page redirect Issue - spring

First of all am new to spring security.
my Question is when I authenticate a user from form and redirect to a url of controller handler method and get a view.Then after user click a link,Then how to authenticate that url and other particular user.
This thing I did in Session validation in every jsp normal java with out spring security.
How to achieve this in spring security.


CORS blocks redirect to Spring OAuth login on localhost page due to "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Header'"

I've got two apps running on different localhost ports, and the first calls a Spring Boot application that requires authorization.
The Spring Boot application tries to redirect from localhost:samenumber/url to localhost:samenumber/login.
I know that I can use
#CrossOrigin(origins = "localhost:otherport")
as an annotation for a method to allow localhost:otherport to access a method, but I don't actually have a method in a controller that handles /login.
I simply annotated my application's main class with #EnableOAuth2Sso, and am not sure what else to change to allow redirects to localhost:samenumber/login

org.jboss.resteasy.spi.interception.PreProcessInterceptor vs Spring MVC Interceptor

Looking for Equivalent interceptor to PreProcessInterceptor.java (org.jboss.resteasy.spi.interception.PreProcessInterceptor ) (https://howtodoinjava.com/resteasy/jax-rs-resteasy-basic-authentication-and-authorization-tutorial/)
Trying to find a interceptor with code snippet to get the user and check whether he has permission to access the requested URL
Equivalent interceptor to PreProcessInterceptor.java in Spring MVC
Interceptor code to authorize user action

Vaadin 7 Spring Security return user to original page after login

In my Vaadin 7, Spring Boot application after successful authentication/authorization I need to return user to a page where login process was initiated.
But right now user returns to home page.
For example if user goes to:!#search
it redirects him to:
and after login process to:
How to tell Spring Security and Vaadin application to return user to!#search
url ?

How to invoke authenticate from a controller - spring security core plugin

I am using spring security core plugin v2 on grails 2.5. My question is regarding methods for how would one go about authenticating a user that has provided their login details via an ajax submit to a controller?
For example, a user signs up via an ajax call and the controller which handles this signup process ensures that the user that has just signed up is automatically authenticated in the session.
I managed to authenticate the user from my controller by calling springSecurityService.reauthenticate(username).
Try this:
SecurityContextHolder.context.authentication = authenticationManager.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken("username", "password"));

Spring security custom fields

1) How can i add a custom field in my login form and use that value to navigate to a different page after login. I need a custom authentication provider for authenticating. Can we use spring mvc to tie all this?
2) How can we get hold of HttpSession in auth provider?
1) I guess, you can choose the default behavior by implementing your own AuthenticationSuccessHandler and passing it to <form-login authentication-success-handler-ref="..."/>
2) This is actually not in the vein of the separation of concerns paradigm in Spring Security where the authentication provider populates the Authentication object and another filter persists/populate the authentication in/from the HTTP session. Nevertheless, you can in general have access to the current HTTP request and, therefore a session, from anywhere inside the request processing chain by adding the filter org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextListener to your web.xml. Use then ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest().getSession() to reach the session from your authentication provider.
