Parameterized trigger - concurrency concerns - oracle

My question is quite similar to this one but I need more guidance. I also read the Oracle context doc.
The current (test) trigger is :
Now the 'CREATEDBY', 'UPDATEDBY' will be the web application users who have logged in and made the changes which caused the trigger execution, hence, these values need to be passed from the application.
The web application :
Is deployed in Websphere Application Server where the datasources are configured
As expected, is using db connection pooling
My question is which approach mentioned in the thread and the doc. should I take to avoid the 'concurrency' issues i.e the updates by the app. users in multiple sessions at the application level as well the db level should not interfere with each other.

I don't think any one of the approaches in that link would apply to you, primarily due to multi-user environment and connection pooling.
Connection pooling by nature allows different connections to share the same session. Setting a context (either sys_context or any other application context) is valid throughout the lifetime of the session. So two different connections can overwrite each other's values and read other's values. (concurrency issues)
I'd actually argue against doing an insert like this inside a trigger at all. It seems to me the insert you are doing is to write to a log table all updates that happened on the main table. If that is the case, why not insert to the log table at the time of making any updates to this table.
So the procedure that does UPDATE CHASSITRANSPORTS ... would also have another INSERT statement inside it that writes to the other table. If there is no procedure and it is a direct update statement from the application, then write a procedure for this.
You could say that there are multiple places where the same update happens and I'll suggest that in that scenario create an API for the base table CHASSITRANSPORTS that handles updates and so behind a black box also writes to the log table. Any place where you need to update that table column you'd use that API.
(I'm ignoring the fact that you are suppressing all errors in the trigger with WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL with the hope that this is probably just a small example)


Dynamically List contents of a table in database that continously updates

It's kinda real-world problem and I believe the solution exists but couldn't find one.
So We, have a Database called Transactions that contains tables such as Positions, Securities, Bogies, Accounts, Commodities and so on being updated continuously every second whenever a new transaction happens. For the time being, We have replicated master database Transaction to a new database with name TRN on which we do all the querying and updating stuff.
We want a sort of monitoring system ( like htop process viewer in Linux) for Database that dynamically lists updated rows in tables of the database at any time.
TL;DR Is there any way to get a continuous updating list of rows in any table in the database?
Currently we are working on Sybase & Oracle DBMS on Linux (Ubuntu) platform but we would like to receive generic answers that concern most of the platform as well as DBMS's(including MySQL) and any tools, utilities or scripts that can do so that It can help us in future to easily migrate to other platforms and or DBMS as well.
To list updated rows, you conceptually need either of the two things:
The updating statement's effect on the table.
A previous version of the table to compare with.
How you get them and in what form is completely up to you.
The 1st option allows you to list updates with statement granularity while the 2nd is more suitable for time-based granularity.
Some options from the top of my head:
Write to a temporary table
Add a field with transaction id/timestamp
Make clones of the table regularly
AFAICS, Oracle doesn't have built-in facilities to get the affected rows, only their count.
Not a lot of details in the question so not sure how much of this will be of use ...
'Sybase' is mentioned but nothing is said about which Sybase RDBMS product (ASE? SQLAnywhere? IQ? Advantage?)
by 'replicated master database transaction' I'm assuming this means the primary database is being replicated (as opposed to the database called 'master' in a Sybase ASE instance)
no mention is made of what products/tools are being used to 'replicate' the transactions to the 'new database' named 'TRN'
So, assuming part of your environment includes Sybase(SAP) ASE ...
MDA tables can be used to capture counters of DML operations (eg, insert/update/delete) over a given time period
MDA tables can capture some SQL text, though the volume/quality could be in doubt if a) MDA is not configured properly and/or b) the DML operations are wrapped up in prepared statements, stored procs and triggers
auditing could be enabled to capture some commands but again, volume/quality could be in doubt based on how the DML commands are executed
also keep in mind that there's a performance hit for using MDA tables and/or auditing, with the level of performance degradation based on individual config settings and the volume of DML activity
Assuming you're using the Sybase(SAP) Replication Server product, those replicated transactions sent through repserver likely have all the info you need to know which tables/rows are being affected; so you have a couple options:
route a copy of the transactions to another database where you can capture the transactions in whatever format you need [you'll need to design the database and/or any customized repserver function strings]
consider using the Sybase(SAP) Real Time Data Streaming product (yeah, additional li$ence is required) which is specifically designed for scenarios like yours, ie, pull transactions off the repserver queues and format for use in downstream systems (eg, tibco/mqs, custom apps)
I'm not aware of any 'generic' products that work, out of the box, as per your (limited) requirements. You're likely looking at some different solutions and/or customized code to cover your particular situation.

Using PL/SQL transactions with wizards in Oracle APEX 5.0

I'm trying to use a transaction process with a wizard in apex 5.0.
I want to register a new Student to the database, so in the first page of the
wizard I want to create a savepoint (s1) then insert the information of the
student into the table "STUDENT", and in the second page I want to insert the info of the student's superior.
what I want to do is when the user click the Previous button, I want to rollback to savepoint s1 and undo the insert statement.
I tried to create a process but it seems that the rollback statement in the second page can't see the savepoint I declared in the first page.
so, does any one can help with that?
Apex uses connection pooling. Unlike client-server environments like Oracle Forms, Apex is state-less. DB connections are extremely short and fleeting and are not tied to one apex session. The session in apex is something for apex itself.
This means that transactional control is not as you'd think it is. A render of a page is a short DB connection / session and ends when the page has rendered. When submitting it'll be another session.
Oracle Apex Documentation link
2.6.2 What Is a Session?
A session is a logical construct that establishes persistence (or stateful behavior) across page views. Each
session is assigned a unique identifier. The Application Express
engine uses this identifier (or session ID) to store and retrieve an
application's working set of data (or session state) before and after
each page view.
Because sessions are entirely independent of one another, any number
of sessions can exist in the database at the same time. A user can
also run multiple instances of an application simultaneously in
different browser programs.
Sessions are logically and physically distinct from Oracle database
sessions used to service page requests. A user runs an application in
a single Oracle Application Express session from sign in to sign out
with a typical duration measured in minutes or hours. Each page
requested during that session results in the Application Express
engine creating or reusing an Oracle database session to access
database resources. Often these database sessions last just a fraction
of a second.
Can you still use savepoints? Yes. But not just anywhere. You could use it in one process. Can you set one in one page and then rollback from another? No. The technology just does not allow it. Even if it did, you'd have to deal with implicit commits, as outlined in #Cristian_I his answer.
For the same reason you can not use global temporary tables.
What CAN you use?
You could use apex collections. You can compare them to temporary tables, in that they will hold data in one apex session.
Simply store your information in collections and then process the data in them once you get to the end.
The other things you can do is: well, you can just keep the data stored in your page items. Session state is in effect. You can still access the session state of the page's items on the final step. If for some reason you wish to move back a step and then "auto-clear" that page, all you need to do is to clear the cache for that page. This is more difficult if you wish to use a tabular form somewhere since you'd have to build it on a collection, but I'd recommend a repeatable step in that case.
I think that your problem is that Apex gives commit statements when you switch from one page to another.
A simple rollback or commit erases all savepoints. (You can find out more here.) According to a post by Dan McGhan Apex gives implicit commits in the following situations:
On load, after a page finishes rendering
On submit, before branching to another page
On submit, if one or more validations fail, before re-rendering the
After a PL/SQL process that contains one or more bind variables has
After a computation
Meybe you can simulate savepoints functionalty by using some temporary tables.
Since Apex is stateless and the results of each page request are always either fully committed or fully rolled back (i.e. no inter-page savepoints are possible), you need to make a choice between two strategies:
Option 1: allow the intermediate info to be committed to the table. One way to do this is to add a flag to the table, e.g. "status", which is set to "provisional" on the first page, and updated to "complete" on the second page. This may require changes to other parts of your application so they know how to deal with any abandoned records that are left in "provisional" status.
Option 2: save the intermediate results in an Apex Collection. This data is available for the scope of the user's Apex session and is not accessible to other sessions, so would be ideal for this scenario.

How can I log changing triggers events?

My task is to make a trigger which will fire when our programmers create, alter, replace or delete triggers in database. It must log their changes to 2 datatables which I made similar to SYS.trigger$ table and added some extra info about user who made changes to them. I copied the principles of logging from already existing audit capability in ERP-system named Galaktika or Galaxy to be simple. However, I encountered a well-famous problem ORA-04089: no one can create triggers on system tables and stuck with it.
Now I'm looking for a way to gently modify my trigger according to database rules. Here is the original code:
ELSE :old.OBJ#
INTO Log_Rec;
VALUES (Log_Rec,
-- Consider logging the error and then re-raise
END MRK_AlTrigger$;
I can also provide MRK_TRIGGERS_LOG_HEADER and MRK_TRIGGERS_LOG_SPECIF DDL, but think it is not necessary. So to make summary, here are the questions I have:
How do I modify the above source to the syntax CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ON DATABASE?
Am I inventing a wheel doing this? Is there any common way to do such things? (I noticed that some tables have logging option, but consider it is for debugging purposes)
Any help will be appreciated!
UPD: I came to decision (thanks to APC) that it is better to hold different versions of code in source control and record only revision number in DB, but dream about doing this automatically.
"We despaired to appeal to our programmers' neatness so my boss
requires that there must be strong and automatic way to log changes.
And to revert them quickly if we need."
In other words, you want a technical fix for what is a political problem. This does not work. However, if you have your boss's support you can sort it out. But it will get messy.
I have been on both sides of this fence, having worked as developer and development DBA. I know from bitter experience how bad it can be if the development database - schemas, configuration parameters, reference data, etc - are not kept under control. Your developers will feel like they are flying right now, but I guarantee you they are not tracking all the changes they make in script form . So their changes are not reversible or repeatable, and when the project reaches UAT the deployment will most likely be a fiasco (buy me a beer and I'll tell you some stories).
So what to do?
Privileged access
Revoke access to SYSDBA accounts and application schema accounts from developers. Apart from anything else you may find parts of the application start to rely on privileged accesses and/or hard-coded passwords, and those are Bad Things; you don't want to include those breaches in Production.
As your developers have got accustomed to having such access this will be highly unpopular. Which is why you need your boss's support. You also must have a replacement approach in place, so leave this action until last. But make no mistake, this is the endgame.
Source control
Database schemas are software too. They are built out of programs, just like the rest of the application, only the source code is DDL and DML scripts not C# or Java. These scripts can be controlled in SVN as with any other source code.
How to organise it in source control? That can be tricky. So recognise that you have three categories of scripts:
Schema scripts which deploy objects
Configuration scripts which insert reference data, manage system parameters, etc
Build scripts which call the other scripts in the right order
Managing the schema scripts is the hardest thing to get right. I suggest you use separate scripts for each object. Also, have separate scripts for table, indexes and constraints. This means you can build all the tables without needing to arrange them in dependency order.
Handling change
The temptation will be to just control a CREATE TABLE statement (or whatever). This is a mistake. In actuality changes to the schema are just as likely to add, drop or modify columns as to introduce totally new objects. Store a CREATE TABLE statement as a baseline, then manage subsequent changes as ALTER TABLE statements.
One file for CREATE TABLE and subsequent ALTER TABLE commands, or separate ones? I'm comfortable having one script: I don't mind if a CREATE TABLE statement fails when I'm expecting the table to already be there. But this can be confusing if others will be running the scripts in say Production. So have a baseline script then separate scripts for applying changes. One alter script per object per time-box is a good compromise.
Changes from developers consist of
alter table script(s) to apply the change
a mirrored alter table script(s) to reverse the change
other scripts, e.g. DML
change reference number (which they will use in SVN)
Because you're introducing this late in the day, you'll need to be diplomatic. So make the change process light and easy to use. Also make sure you check and run the scripts as soon as possible. If you're responsive and do things quickly enough the developers won't chafe under the restricted access.
Getting to there
First of all you need to establish a baseline. Something like DBMS_METADATA will give you CREATE statements for all current objects. You need to organise them in SVN and write the build scripts. Create a toy database and get this right.
This may take some time, so remember to refresh the DDL scripts so they reflect the latest statement. If you have access to a schema comparison tool that would be very handy right now.
Next, sort out the configuration. Hopefully you already know tables contain reference data, otherwise ask the developers.
In your toy database practice zapping the database and building it from scratch. You can use something like Ant or Hudson to automate this if you're feeling adventurous, but at the very least you need some shell scripts to get a build out of SVN.
Making the transition
This is the big one. Announce the new regime to the developers. Get your boss to attend the meeting. Remind the developers to inform you of any changes they make to the database.
That night:
Take a full export with Data Pump
Drop all the application schemas.
Build the application from SVN
Reload the data - but not the data structures - with Data Pump
Hopefully you won't have any structural issues; but if the developer has made changes without telling you you'll know - and they won't have any data in the table.
Make sure you revoke the SYSDBA access as soon as possible.
The developers will need access to a set of schemas so they can write the ALTER scripts. In the developers don't have local personal databases or private schemas to test things I suggest you let them have access to that toy database to test change scripts. Alternatively you can let them keep the application owner access, because you'll be repeating the Trash'n'Rebuild exercise on a regular basis. Once they get used to the idea that they will lose any changes they don't tell you about they will knuckle down and start Doing The Right Thing.
Last word
Obviously this is a lot of vague windbaggery, lacking in solid detail. But that's politics for you.
I was at a UKOUG event yesterday, and attended a session by a couple of smart chaps from Regdate. They have a product Source Control for Oracle which provides an interface between (say) SVN and the database. It takes a rather different approach from what I outlined above. But their approach is a sound one. Their tool automates a lot of things, and I think it might help you a lot in your current situation. I must stress that I haven't actually used this product but I think you should check it out - there's a 28 day free trial. Of course, if you don't have any money to spend then this won't help you.
you can find the desierd infos in the following trigger attributes
here is the simple ON DATABASE trigger
IF dictionary_obj_type = 'TRIGGER'
INSERT INTO log_table ( trg_name, trg_owner, trg_action) VALUES (dictionary_obj_name,dictionary_obj_owner, ora_sysevent);

Make row in a table read only on oracle?

I have a table with many rows.
For testing purpose my colleagues are also using same table. The problem is that some time he is deleting the row which I was testing and some time I.
So is there any way in oracle so I can make some specific rows to be read only so other should not delete and edit that?
There are a number of differnt ways to tackle this problem.
As Sun Tzu said, the best thing would be if you and your colleagues use data sets which do not collide.
For instance perhaps you could each have your own database instance, on local PCs; whether this will suit depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is your licensing arrangements with Oracle. Alternatively, you could have separate schemas in a shared database; depending on your application you may need to you synonyms or special connectioms.
Another approach: everybody builds their own data sets, known as test fixtures. This is a good policy, because testing is only truly valid when it runs against a known state; if we make assumptions regarding the presence or absence of data how valid are our test results? The point is, the tests should clean up after themselves, removing any data created in fixtures and by the running of tests. With this tactic you need to agree ranges of IDs for each team member: they must only use records within their ranges for testing or development work.
I prefer these sorts of approach because they don't really change the way the application works (arguably except using different schemas and synonyms). More draconian methods are available.
If you have Enterprise Edition you can use Row Level Security to protect your records. This is a extension of the last point: you will need a mechanism for identifying your records, and some infrastructure to identify ownership within the session. But in addition to preventing other users rom deleting your data you can also prevent them inserting, updating or even viewing records which are with your range of IDs. Find out more.
A lighter solution is use a trigger as A B Cade suggests. You will still need to identifying your records and who is connected (because presumably from time-to-time you will still want to delete your records.
One last strategy: take your ball home. Get the table in the state you want it and make a data pump export. For extra vindictiveness you can truncate the table at this point. Then any time you want to use the table you run a data pump import. This will reset the table's state, wiping out any existing data. This is just an extreme version of test scripts creating their own data.
You can create a trigger that prevents deleting some specific rows.
ON <your_table_name>
IF :OLD.ID in (<IDs of rows you dont want to be deleted>) THEN
raise_application_error (-20001, 'Do not delete my records!!!');
Of course you can make it smarter - make the if statement rely on user, or get the records IDs from another table and so on
Oracle supports row level locking. you can prevent the others to delete the row, which one you are using. for knowing better check this link.

Auditing in Oracle

I need some help in auditing in Oracle. We have a database with many tables and we want to be able to audit every change made to any table in any field. So the things we want to have in this audit are:
user who modified
time of change occurred
old value and new value
so we started creating the trigger which was supposed to perform the audit for any table but then had issues...
As I mentioned before we have so many tables and we cannot go creating a trigger per each table. So the idea is creating a master trigger that can behaves dynamically for any table that fires the trigger. I was trying to do it but no lucky at seems that Oracle restricts the trigger environment just for a table which is declared by code and not dynamically like we want to do.
Do you have any idea on how to do this or any other advice for solving this issue?
If you have 10g enterprise edition you should look at Oracle's Fine-Grained Auditing. It is definitely better than rolling your own.
But if you have a lesser version or for some reason FGA is not to your taste, here is how to do it. The key thing is: build a separate audit table for each application table.
I know this is not what you want to hear because it doesn't match the table structure you outlined above. But storing a row with OLD and NEW values for each column affected by an update is a really bad idea:
It doesn't scale ( a single update touching ten columns spawns ten inserts)
What about when you insert a record?
It is a complete pain to assemble the state of a record at any given time
So, have an audit table for each application table, with an identical structure. That means including the CHANGED_TIMESTAMP and CHANGED_USER on the application table, but that is not a bad thing.
Finally, and you know where this is leading, have a trigger on each table which inserts a whole record with just the :NEW values into the audit table. The trigger should fire on INSERT and UPDATE. This gives the complete history, it is easy enough to diff two versions of the record. For a DELETE you will insert an audit record with just the primary key populated and all other columns empty.
Your objection will be that you have too many tables and too many columns to implement all these objects. But it is simple enough to generate the table and trigger DDL statements from the data dictionary (user_tables, user_tab_columns).
You don't need write your own triggers.
Oracle ships with flexible and fine grained audit trail services. Have a look at this document (9i) as a starting point.
(Edit: Here's a link for 10g and 11g versions of the same document.)
You can audit so much that it can be like drinking from the firehose - and that can hurt the server performance at some point, or could leave you with so much audit information that you won't be able to extract meaningful information from it quickly, and/or you could end up eating up lots of disk space. Spend some time thinking about how much audit information you really need, and how long you might need to keep it around. To do so might require starting with a basic configuration, and then tailoring it down after you're able to get a sample of the kind of volume of audit trail data you're actually collecting.
