Qlikview macro to automatically Fit zoom to window - business-intelligence

How can i create a macro to automatically Fit zoom to window.
I cant see an options to do this via a trigger.
Preferably i would like this macro to be triggered when the screen resolution changes, if not possible i would like it to be set when you change sheets.

Ctrl + m to open the macro editor
End Sub
Set when sheet activate trigger macro FZTW

for anybody who searched for Fit Zoom to Window and end up here
enable plugin in server and check show download link
client now download the plugin& go to detail and view it with this around 96mb plugin.
inside plugin top toolbar go to Menu->Zoom->Fit Zoom to Window


How to not set focus to CrystalReportViewer automatically?

There is a problem i am facing, whenever I am setting the ReportSource property of CrystalReportViewer, the CrystalReportViewer control automatically steals focus from other controls. Like lets say I have a button I press which has the code to show the report in the report viewer, after this code is done, the CrystalReportViewer1 will have focus now. I dont want this to happen, I want the button to retain the focus. Also setting the focus back to the button is not possible gracefully as the time the CrystalReportViewer1 takes to render the report and set focus to itself is unpredictable, and there are no straight ways to know for sure when CR viewer is done doing its thing, there are some shortcuts/hacks which I dont want to follow.
I am using windows forms visual studio 2015.
Go to Properties of CrystalReportViewer and set
initialFocus = ParameteralPanel.
Please find Image here:

three.js editor history: how do I get the commands into a script

So, as a web developer veteran (but a total, complete 3D noob) I'm impressed by what I can do with my models in the three.js editor
I see I can "rewind" my actions in the editor by clicking on the commands listed in the History panel..
Is there an easy way to see the actual javascript that lies underneath these command buttons (similar to the way you can copy your recent commands from the Log panel in Clara.IO's editing platform)?
You can try setting up breakpoints around the DOM elements in the history pane. What I tried is open Developer Pane in Chrome, click sources pane, and set up an event listener event breakpoint for mouse click.
Now if you click an item in history pane, you will be brought to stop on the function onClick in ui.three.js. You can step in to examine the JS code it is about to execute.
Hope that helps.

RStudio: can I pop out the source pane?

I have a dual monitor and I wish I can pop out the "source pane"(where I edit my code), so that I can edit the code in one monitor and track everything else in another.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Thank you very much for your help.
This feature was just added to RStudio this week. You can try it in our daily builds (0.99.636 or newer):
To pop out your file to a new window, either:
Drag the tab outside the RStudio window to where you want your new code window to appear, or
Click the "Show in new window" button on the editor toolbar (it's next to forward/back)
If you try it, let us know what you think on the support forum.
I'm using the latest Studio and encountered similar needs. I found that ctrl+shift+number will suit my needs most of the time since it zooms to the pane that I desire and can also back to the full four window layout.
An additional trick is customize the hotkey to alt+number [1,2,3,4,5] so the pane zooms more handy with one click by your left hand on the keyboard.
Hope it helps.

Create keyboard short-cuts for Toolbar Control in VB6

In my VB6 project, I'm using only Toolbar Control in main MDI From (Not menubar), The Toolbar has big pictures denoting actions like New, Save, View, Help etc. I wanted to know if there is any way to create keyboard short-cut for these actions. As far as I know, properties of Toolbar control of MS Windows Common Controls 6.0 isn't showing any relative option to do this. As MDI form doesn't have any key events, I can't create short-cuts by associating keys as well. I don't want menu bar in my form as it has very few items so only Toolbar makes the job. Please suggest any idea to have short-cuts for toolbar buttons...... :-| Thanks in advance.............
One way is to use a local WH_KEYBOARD hook, this article explains how (and provides a library).
Add a key event to your form. You could then process the short cuts by having them call the same function that would have been called on the mouse down event for the menubar.
For example you might have something like
public sub SaveItem_Clicked()
end sub
Then in your keypress check for Alt+S etc, and have it call DoSave()

MATLAB gui loads old settings

I created a gui with MATLAB's GUI Builder. After some changing around, an image of an old plot is still loaded into the gui on start up. How can I tell MATLAB to disregard that old plot?
I added a toolbar by adding
into the "gui_OpeningFcn". Now I decided that I don't want the toolbar in my gui any longer. But when I remove this line, the toolbar is still created. How do I tell MATLAB not to load the old stuff anymore? And where do those settings get stored anyway?
EDIT: I investigated a little bit, and this behaviour can be reproduced as follows:
create a new gui with the GUI builder and add plot
add the line "set(hObject,'toolbar','figure');" into the "*_OpeningFcn"
add a simple function into the plot (adding something like "plot(handles.axes1,[1:10], [1:10])" into the "*_OpeningFcn" will do)
run the gui and save the figure by clicking the save button in the toolbar
now when I remove "set(hObject,'toolbar','figure');" and "plot(handles.axes1,[1:10], [1:10])" from "*_OpeningFcn" and run the gui, the toolbar and the plot will still be displayed
I am sure this behaviour is intentional. But where are those settings stored, so I can reverse them?
I found out how to turn off the toolbar.
Select in the GUI builder view->Property Inspector
In the ToolBar field select "none"
Edit: I also found a way that the old plot is not loaded into the gui.
I created an empty "createFcn" for the plot.
and ran the gui once afterwards
then I deleted the createFcn again
But I very much doubt that this would be the standard way to achieve that. So please don't hesitate to give a better solution.
