Calling another program in a shell script and using the returned data - shell

I have a c program named calculate which sorts out the correct data
Data input (initial file.txt):
Data returned:
My shell script contains:
./calculate | awk -F '!' '{sum += $2} END{print sum}' "$1"
When I run the script ./check file.txt it ignores the values returned from the calculate function and instead calculates from the input file.
How do I fix this so that the "awk" function works from the data returned from the ./test function?

You are passing a file to the awk script as well as input.
./calculate | awk -F '!' '{sum += $2} END{print sum}' "$1"
awk only uses one or the other and it prefers file arguments when given.
Drop the "$1" bit from there.

I did my try. (my version of your filtering program)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
egrep 'a|e' input.txt (your shell command)
./ | awk -F '!' '{sum += $2} END{print sum}'
#Updated, deleted "$1" as stated by Etan Reisner


How to combine two awk commands into a single line

how can I combine the following two awk commands into a single line:
awk -F= '$1=="ID" { print $2 ;}' /etc/*release && awk -F= '$1=="VERSION_ID" { print $2 ;}' /etc/*release | xargs
Im trying to get the linux distribution and os in a single line, in the format distribution+version.
For example: ubuntu20.04, rhel7.5
With bash:
source /etc/os-release; echo "$ID $VERSION_ID"
You can capture each part into a variable and then print them out once you have processed the file:
awk -F= '$1=="ID"{id=$2}$1=="VERSION_ID"{vid=$2}END{print id,vid}' /etc/*release
I assume you don't want the quotes (as in your example), in that case:
awk -F '["=]' '$1=="ID" {printf("%s,",$3)} $1=="VERSION_ID" {printf("%s\n",$3)}' < /etc/*release

awk issue inside for loop

I have many files with different names that end with txt.
So I am running this command
for i in *txt
awk -F "\t" '{print $2}' $i | grep "K" | awk '{print}' ORS=';' | awk -F "\t" '{OFS="\t"; print $i, $1}' > ${i%.txt*}.k
My problem is that I want to add the name of every file in the first column, so I run this part:
awk -F "\t" '{OFS="\t"; print $i, $1}' > ${i%.txt*}
$i means the file that are in the for loop,
but it did not work because awk can't read the $i in the for loop.
Do you know how I can solve it?
You want to refactor eveything into a single Awk script anyway, and take care to quote your shell variables.
for i in *.txt
awk -F "\t" '/K/{a = a ";" $2}
END { print FILENAME, substr(a, 1) }' "$i" > "${i%.txt*}.k"
... assuming I untangled your logic correctly. The FILENAME Awk variable contains the current input file name.
More generally, if you genuinely want to pass a variable from a shell script to Awk, you can use
awk -v awkvar="$shellvar" ' .... # your awk script here
# Use awkwar to refer to the Awk variable'
Perhaps see also useless use of grep.
Using the -v option of awk, you can create an awk Variable based on a shell variable.
awk -v i="$i" ....
Another possibility would be to make i an environment variable, which means that awk can access it via the predefined ENVIRON array, i.e. as ENVIRON["i"].

Running awk command and print $1 with script that get arguments

I have my script (called as follow:
for i in "cat myfile | awk -F',' '{print $1}'"; do
My problem is that my script receives arguments (./ arg1 arg2) and '{print $1}' take the script argument (arg1) instead awk result, how can I solve it?
Your original problem is that you wrote the $1 between double-quotes.
"cat myfile | awk -F',' '{print $1}'"
bash variables are still substituted by their value if they are in a double-quoted string, disregarding the fact that they are between single-quotes inside the double-quotes. This is the reason why $1 is being replaced by arg1.
The second problem is that you want to execute the command:
cat myfile | awk -F',' '{print $1}'
but for this you need to use the notation $( command ) or `command`, the latter is however not advised as nesting is difficult.
So, your for-loop should read something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for i in $(awk -F ',' '{print $1}' myfile); do

Script returned '/usr/bin/awk: Argument list too long' in using -v in awk command

Here is the part of my script that uses awk.
ids=`cut -d ',' -f1 $file | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g'`
awk -vdata="$ids" -F',' 'NR > 1 {if(index(data,$2)>0){print $0",true"}else{print $0",false"}}' $input_file >> $output_file
This works perfectly, but when I tried to get data to two or more files like this.
ids=`cut -d ',' -f1 $file1 $file2 $file3 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g'`
It returned this error.
/usr/bin/awk: Argument list too long
As I researched, it was not caused by the number of files, but the number of ids fetched.
Does anybody have an idea on how to solve this? Thanks.
You could use an environment variable to pass the data to awk. In awk the environment variables are accessible via an array ENVIRON.
So try something like this:
export ids=`cut -d ',' -f1 $file | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g'`
awk -F',' 'NR > 1 {if(index(ENVIRON["ids"],$2)>0){print $0",true"}else{print $0",false"}}' $input_file >> $output_file
Change the way you generate your ids so they come out one per line, like this, which I use as a very simple way to generate ids 2,3 and 9:
echo 2; echo 3; echo 9
Now pass that as the first file to awk and your $input_file as the second file to awk:
awk '...' <(echo 2; echo 3; echo 9) "$input_file"
In bash you can generate a pseudo-file with the output of a process using <(some commands), and that is what I am using.
Now, in your awk, pick up the ids from the first file like this:
awk 'FNR==NR{ids[$1]++;next}' <(echo 2; echo 3; echo 9)
which will set ids[2]=1, ids[3]=1 and ids[9]=1.
Then pass both your files and add in your original processing:
awk 'FNR==NR{ids[$1]++;next} {if($2 in ids) print $0",true"; else print $0",false"}' <(echo 2; echo 3; echo 9) "$input_file"
So, for my final answer, your entire code will look like:
awk 'FNR==NR{ids[$1]++;next} {if($2 in ids) print $0",true"; else print $0",false"}' <(cut ... file1 file2 file3 | sed ...) "$input_file"
As #hek2mgl alludes in the comments, you can likely just pass the files which include the ids to awk "as is" and let awk find the ids itself rather than using cut and sed. If there are many, you can make them all come to awk as the first file with:
awk '...' <(cat file1 file2 file3) "$input_file"
There's 2 problems in your script:
awk -vdata="$ids" -F',' 'NR > 1 {if(index(data,$2)>0){print $0",true"}else{print $0",false"}}' $input_file >> $output_file
that could be causing that error:
-vdata=.. - that is gawk-specific, in other awks you need to leave a space between -v and data=. So if you aren't running gawk then idk what your awk will make of that statement but it might treat it as multiple args.
$input_file - you MUST quote shell variables unless you have a specific purpose in mind by leaving them unquoted. If $input_file contains globbing chars or spaces then you leaving it unquoted will cause them to be expanded into potentially multiple files/args.
So try this:
awk -v data="$ids" -F',' 'NR > 1 {if(index(data,$2)>0){print $0",true"}else{print $0",false"}}' "$input_file" >> "$output_file"
and see if you still have the problem. Your script does have other unrelated issues of course, some of which have already been pointed out, and you can post a followup question if you want help with those, but just FYI that awk script could be written more concisely as:
awk -v data="$ids" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} NR > 1{print $0, (index(data,$2) ? "true" : "false")}'

Calling Awk in a shell script

I have this command which executes correctly if run directly on the terminal.
awk '/word/ {print NR}' file.txt | head -n 1
The purpose is to find the line number of the line on which the word 'word' first appears in file.txt.
But when I put it in a script file, it doens't seem to work.
#! /bin/sh
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo "Usage: $0 <word> <filename>"
exit 1
awk '/$1/ {print NR}' $2 | head -n 1
So what did I do wrong?
Replace the single quotes with double quotes so that the $1 is evaluated by the shell:
awk "/$1/ {print NR}" $2 | head -n 1
In the shell, single-quotes prevent parameter-substitution; so if your script is invoked like this: word
then you want to run this AWK program:
/word/ {print NR}
but you're actually running this one:
/$1/ {print NR}
and needless to say, AWK has no idea what $1 is supposed to be.
To fix this, change your single-quotes to double-quotes:
awk "/$1/ {print NR}" $2 | head -n 1
so that the shell will substitute word for $1.
You should use AWK's variable passing feature:
awk -v patt="$1" '$0 ~ patt {print NR; exit}' "$2"
The exit makes the head -1 unnecessary.
you could also pass the value as a variable to awk:
awk -v varA=$1 '{if(match($0,varA)>0){print NR;}}' $2 | head -n 1
Seems more cumbersome than the above, but illustrates passing vars.
