pgrep in bash script not working correctly - bash

Here is the piece of code from shell script that is causing the problem.
sudo -u user1 trinidad -e production > "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 & echo $! > "$PID_FILE"
pgrep -P "$PARENT_PID" > "$PID_FILE"
But here the last command does not print anything to PID_FILE. So for debugging purpose I tried echoing echo $PARENT_PID. It correctly prints the output like 1234.
Also in shell script If I do pgrep -P 1234 then also it prints the child process correctly but only if I do pgrep -P $PARENT_PID then it prints nothing.

You are writing stuff into a file and then reading the file back in. While that is just wasteful, not actually an explanation of your problem, I would refactor to
sudo -u user1 trinidad -e production > "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 &
pgrep -P "$PARENT_PID" > "$PID_FILE"
I'm guessing your actual problem is that the sudo process doesn't spawn any children. The action of pgrep -P is to print processes which are children of the PID you specify; if your process doesn't spawn any children, it won't print any.


Execute a script through ssh and store its pid in a file on the remote machine [duplicate]

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How to pass argument with exclamation mark on Linux?
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am not able to store any PID in a file on the remote machine when running a script in background through ssh.
I need to store the PID of the script process in a file in purpose to kill it whenever needed. When running the exact command on the remote machine it is working, why through ssh it is not working so ?
What is wrong with the following command:
ssh user#remote_machine "nohup ./ > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $! > ./pid.log"
Result: The file pid.log is created but empty.
Expected: The file pid.log should contain the PID of the running script.
ssh user#remote_machine 'nohup ./ > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $! > ./pid.log'
ssh user#remote_machine "nohup ./ > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo \$! > ./pid.log"
Your $! was getting expanded locally, before calling ssh at all.
Worse, before calling the ssh command, if there was a process stared in the background, then $! would have expanded to that and complete ssh command would have got expanded to contain that PID as argument to echo.
$ ls &
[12342] <~~~~ This is the PID of ls
$ <~~~~ Prompt returns immediately because ls was stared in background.
myfile1 myfile2 <~~~~ Output of ls.
[1]+ Done ls
#### At this point, $! contains 12342
$ ssh user#remote "command & echo $! > pidfile"
# before even calling ssh, shell internally expands it to:
$ ssh user#remote "command & echo 12342 > pidfile"
And it will put the wrong PID in the pidfile.

Script stuck during read line when script is executed remotely

I want to have one script which starts a services in another server.
I have tested that the script works as expected in the server where the server is going to run.
This is the code which starts the service and monitors the log until it is in the startup process:
pkill -f "$1"
nohup java -jar$PROFILE $1 &
tail -n 0 -f nohup.out | while read LOGLINE
[[ "${LOGLINE}" == *"$L_LOG_STRING"* ]] && pkill -P $$ tail
This works fine as long as I execute that from that machine.
Now I want to call that script from another server:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh root#$DESTINATION_SERVER /bin/bash << EOF
echo "Restarting first service..."
/usr/local/ -s parameter
echo "Restarting second service..."
/usr/local/ -s parameter2
Well, everytime I try that the script of the remote server gets stuck in the "while READ" loop. But as I said, when I execute it locally from the server works fine, and in my "not simplified script" I´m not using any system variable or similar.
Update: I just tried to simplify the code even more with the following lines in the first scenario:
pkill -f "$1"
nohup java -jar$PROFILE $1 &
tail -n 0 -f nohup.out | sed "/$L_LOG_STRING/ q"
I'd say the problem is some how in the "|" through ssh, but I still can find why.
it seems that the problem comes from not having an interactive console when you execute the ssh command, therefore the nohup command behaves strangly.
I could solve it in two ways, outputing the code to the file explicitly:
"nohup java -jar &1 >> nohup.out &"
instead of:
"nohup java -jar &1&"
Or changing the way I access via ssh adding the tt option (just one did not work):
ssh -tt root#$DESTINATION_SERVER /bin/bash << EOF
But this last solution could lead to other problems with some character, so unless someone suggests another solution that is my patch which makes it work.

bash get exitcode of su script execution

I have a shell script when need to run as a particular user. So I call that script as below,
su - testuser -c "/root/ | tee -a /var/log/check_package.log"
So after this when I check the last execution exitcode it returns always 0 only even if that script fails.
I tried something below also which didn't help,
su - testuser -c "/root/ | tee -a /var/log/check_package.log && echo $? || echo $?"
Is there way to get the exitcode of command whatever running through su.
The problem here is not su, but tee: By default, the shell exits with the exit status of the last pipeline component; in your code, that component is not, but instead is tee.
If your /bin/sh is provided by bash (as opposed to ash, dash, or another POSIX-baseline shell), use set -o pipefail to cause the entirely pipeline to fail if any component of it does:
su - testuser -c "set -o pipefail; /root/ | tee -a /var/log/check_package.log"
Alternately, you can do the tee out-of-band with redirection to a process substitution (though this requires your current user to have permission to write to check_package.log):
su - testuser -c "/root/" > >(tee -a /var/log/check_package.log
Both su and sudo exit with the exit status of the command they execute (if authentication succeeded):
$ sudo false; echo $?
$ su -c false; echo $?
Your problem is that the command pipeline that su runs is a pipeline. The exit status of your pipeline is that of the tee command (which succeeds), but what you really want is that of the first command in the pipeline.
If your shell is bash, you have a couple of options:
set -o pipefail before your pipeline, which will make it return the rightmost failure value of all the commands if any of them fail
Examine the specific member of the PIPESTATUS array variable - this can give you the exit status of the first command whether or not tee succeeds.
$ sudo bash -c "false | tee -a /dev/null"; echo $?
$ sudo bash -c "set -o pipefail; false | tee -a /dev/null"; echo $?
$ sudo bash -c 'false | tee -a /dev/null; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}'; echo $?
You will get similar results using su -c, if your system shell (in /bin/sh) is Bash. If not, then you'd need to explicitly invoke bash, at which point sudo is clearly simpler.
I was facing a similar issue today, in case the topic is still open here my solution, otherwise just ignore it...
I wrote a bash script (let's say which looks more or less like this:
<all functions listed in the main script which do what I want...>
### MAIN SCRIPT ### calls the functions defined in the section above
main_script() {
log_message "START" 0
log_message "END" 0
main_script |tee -a ${var_log} # executes script and writes info into log file
var_sta=${PIPESTATUS[0]} # captures status of pipeline
exit ${var_sta} # exits with value of status
It works when you call the script directly or in sudo mode

stop bash script from outputting in terminal

I believe I have everything setup correctly for my if else statement however it keeps outputting content into my shell terminal as if i ran the command myself. is there anyway i can escape this so i can run these commands without it populating my terminal with text from the results?
ps cax | grep python > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Process is running." &
echo $!
echo "Process is not running... Starting..."
python &
echo $!
Here is what the output looks like a few minutes after running my bash script
[~]# sh
Process is not running... Starting...
[~]# Your account has been rated. Sleeping on kranze for 1 minute(s). Liked 0 photo(s)...
Your account has been rated. Sleeping on kranze for 2 minute(s). Liked 0 photo(s)...
If you want to redirect output from within the shell script, you use exec:
exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
This will redirect everything from now on. If you want to output to a log:
exec 1>/tmp/logfile 2>&1
To append a log:
exec 1>>/tmp/logfile 2>&1
To backup your handles so you can restore them:
exec 3>&1 4>&2
exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
# Do some stuff
# Restore descriptors
exec 1>&3 2>&4
# Close the descriptors.
exec 3>&- 4>&-
If there is a particular section of a script you want to silence:
echo Hey, check me out, I can make noise!
echo Thats not fair, I am being silenced!
mv -v /tmp/a /tmp/b
echo Me too.
} 1>/dev/null 2>&1
If you want to redirect the "normal (stdout)" output use >/dev/null if you also want to redirect the error output as well use 2>&1 >/dev/null
$ command 2>&1 >/dev/null
I think you have to redirect STDOUT (and may be STDERR) of the python interpreter:
echo "Process is not running... Starting..."
python >/dev/null 2>&1 &
For further details, please have a look at Bash IO-Redirection.
Hope that helped a bit.
You have two options:
You can redirect standard output to a log file using > /path/to/file
You can redirect standard output to /dev/null to get rid of it completely using > /dev/null
If you want error output redirected as well use &>
See here
Also, not relevant to this particular example, but some bash commands support a 'quiet' or 'silent' flag.
Append >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt to the end of every echo statement
echo "Process is running." >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt
Alternatively, send the output to the file when you run the script from the shell
[~]# sh >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt

Getting a PID from a Background Process Run as Another User

Getting a background process ID is easy to do from the prompt by going:
$ my_daemon &
$ echo $!
But what if I want to run it as a different user like:
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon &;"
Now how can I capture the PID of my_daemon?
Succinctly - with a good deal of difficulty.
You have to arrange for the su'd shell to write the child PID to a file and then pick the output. Given that it will be 'joe' creating the file and not 'dex', that adds another layer of complexity.
The simplest solution is probably:
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon & echo \$! > /tmp/su.joe.$$"
rm -f /tmp/su.joe.$$ # Probably fails - joe owns it, dex does not
The next solution involves using a spare file descriptor - number 3.
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon 3>&- & echo \$! 1>&3" 3>/tmp/su.joe.$$
rm -f /tmp/su.joe.$$
If you're worried about interrupts etc (and you probably should be), then you trap things too:
trap "rm -f $tmp; exit 1" 0 1 2 3 13 15
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon 3>&- & echo \$! 1>&3" 3>$tmp
rm -f $tmp
trap 0 1 2 3 13 15
(The caught signals are HUP, INT, QUIT, PIPE and TERM - plus 0 for shell exit.)
Warning: nice theory - untested code...
The approaches presented here didn't work for me. Here's what I did:
su -m $SERVICE_USER -s /bin/bash -c "/path/to/executable $ARGS >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo \$! >$PID_FILE"
As long as the output from the background process is redirected, you can send the PID to stdout:
su "${user}" -c "${executable} > '${log_file}' 2>&1 & echo \$!"
The PID can then be redirected to a file owned by the first user, rather than the second user.
su "${user}" -c "${executable} > '${log_file}' 2>&1 & echo \$!" > "${pid_file}"
The log files do need to be owned by the second user to do it this way, though.
Here's my solution
su oracle -c "/home/oracle/database/runInstaller" &
pid=$(pgrep -P $!)
pgrep -P $! - Gets the child process of the parent pid $!
I took the above solution by Linux, but had to add a sleep to give the child process a chance to start.
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon > /some/output/file" &
sleep 1
pid=$(pgrep -P $parent)
Running in bash, it doesn't like pid=$(pgrep -P $!) but if I add a space after the ! it's ok: pid=$(pgrep -P $! ). I stuck with the extra $parent variable to remind myself what I'm doing next time I look at the script.
