How would i sort a queue using only one additional queue - algorithm

So basically, Im asked to sort a queue, and i can only use one helper queue , and am only allowed constant amount of additional memory.
How would i sort a queue using only one additional queue ?

Personally, I don't like interview questions with arbitrary restrictions like this, unless it actually reflects the conditions you have to work with at the company. I don't think it actually finds qualified candidates or rather, I don't think it accurately eliminates unqualified ones.
When I did technical interviews for my company, all of the questions were realistic and relevant. Setting that aside.
While there are surely several ways to solve this, and using recursion is certainly one, I would hope that if you tried to solve it with recursion they would have asked you to do it over without recursion, considering they are placing limits on the memory you can use and the data structures. Otherwise, they might as well as given you two queues, a stack and as much memory as you want.
Here is an example of one way to solve it. At the end of this, queueB should be sorted. It uses just one extra local variable. This was done in C#.
while (queueA.Count > 0)
int next = queueA.Dequeue();
for (int i = 0; i < queueB.Count; ++i)
if (queueB.Peek() < next)
next = queueB.Dequeue();


Binary search within BTree to improve performance

I'm reading through Cormen et. al. again, specifically the chapter on BTrees, and I am implementing one in C. However, I had a question about whether I could improve performance in searching by using binary search rather than linear search. The pseudocode given in the book looks something like:
ordered_pair* btree_search(btreenode* root, double val){
i = 0;
while(i < root->num_vals && val > x->vals[i]) i++;
if(i < x->num_keys && val == x->vals[i]) return ordered_pair(x, i);
else if (x->leaf) return NULL;
else {
return btree_search(x->children[i], val);
(I have modified it to look like C and used index 0 rather than 1)
My question(s):
This looks like a linear search. However, since each collection of keys in a BTree node is implemented as an array, couldn't I use binary search instead? Would that lessen the time complexity of searching each node from O(n) to O(lg(n))? Or does reading from the disk make a binary search here rather pointless. The reason I'm asking this is because it seems relatively trivial to implement, and I am confused why Cormen et. al., doesn't mention it at all. Or perhaps I am just missing something.
If you take the time to answer or attempt to answer this question, thank you for your time!
Yes, you can definitely use a binary search.
Whether or not there's an advantage in it depends on how big your blocks are and how much it cost to read them, but as you say, it's not difficult, and it's not going to be slower.
I would always do this with a binary search.
Perhaps the authors just didn't want to complicate the lesson on B-Trees, or maybe they they are assuming that you've already spent a lot more time reading those blocks in the first place.

How to assess maximum number of recursive calls before stack overflows

Lets take a recursive function, for example factorial. Lets also assume that we have a stack of 1 MB size. Using a pen and paper, how can I estimate the number of recursive calls to the function before the stack overflows? I'm not interested in any particular language but rather in an abstract approach.
There are questions on SO that look similar but most of them are concerned with a specific language, or extending stack size, or estimating it by running specific function, or preventing overflow. I would like to find a mathematical way to estimate it.
I found similar question in an algorithmic challenge but couldn't come up with any reasonable solution.
Any suggestion highly appreciated.
In response to provided replays if the language truly cannot be taken out of the equation let's assume it's C#. Also, since we are passing simple int or long to the function it's not passed by reference but as a copy. Also, assume a naive implementation, without hashing, without multi-threading, an implementation that as much as possible resembles a mathematical representation of the function:
private static long Factorial(long n)
if (n < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Negative numbers not supported");
switch (n)
case 0:
return 1;
case 1:
return 1;
return n * Factorial(n - 1);
It highly depends on the implementation of the function. How much memory does the function use, before calling itself again. When it recurses 100 times, you will also have 100 function scopes in memory, including the function arguments and variables. It also reserves 100 places on the stack to store the return values.
I don't think the language can easily be taken out of the equation, because you need to know exactly how the stack is used. For examples are objects passed by reference? Or are the objects copy as a new instance on the stack?

Pattern to coordinate between a recursive algorithm and an event-driven consumer

Consider this classic recursive pseudocode solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem:
void move(num,src,dest,spare) {
if(num == 1) {
} else {
... and consider the event loop in a display engine such as Processing
void draw() {
// code to draw a single frame goes here; for example
if(! aDiscIsInMotion()) {
What patterns are there to coordinate between the two?
Two options come to mind:
Threads and a queue
Start the recursive function in its own thread. moveSingle() writes a move to a FIFO queue. This may block if the queue is at capacity. getNextMove() reads a move from the queue.
I'm sure this works fine, but I'm curious if there's a pattern that avoids threading.
Use an explicit stack instead of recursing
Rewrite the recursive algorithm to use a LIFO queue in the heap, rather than the call stack. Something like:
Move getMove() {
if(lifo.isEmpty()) {
return null;
State state = lifo.pop();
while(state.num != 1) {
lifo.push(new State(state.num -1, state.spare, state.dest, state.src));
lifo.push(new State(1, state.src, state.dest, state.spare));
lifo.push(new State(state.num -1, state.src, state.spare, state.dest));
state = lifo.pop();
return new Move(state); // guaranteed num==1
... and again, this works, but we lose the expressive power of recursion using the call stack to preserve state.
Is there another technique I've failed to spot?
Note, although I've chosen the example of Tower of Hanoi and Processing, this is intended as a general problem of integrating a recursive algorithm with another interface that wants to poll for updates. So I'm not interested in answers like "You don't need a stack to solve Hanoi" -- I know that.
What you're looking for are coroutines, although they are missing in some languages (e.g. Java). Coroutines let you yield to the calling routine before the yielding routine has actually finished. I know that there is a library for Java that rewrites bytecodes to support coroutines sort-of; you'll have to look into it if you're targeting Java.
the two variant you've mentioned are essentially the alternatives: Multithreading or queuing the intermediate results you want to yield. In your particular case, there is no interaction in your algorithm, so you might actually create the whole queue in advance instead of checking inside your algorithm.
EDIT: I'm not sure if yielding works that well with recursion; my knowledge is more theoretical. I think you should be able to yield multiple levels either directly or by additionally yielding in your recursive calls, though

Why should recursion be preferred over iteration?

Iteration is more performant than recursion, right? Then why do some people opine that recursion is better (more elegant, in their words) than iteration? I really don't see why some languages like Haskell do not allow iteration and encourage recursion? Isn't that absurd to encourage something that has bad performance (and that too when more performant option i.e. recursion is available) ? Please shed some light on this. Thanks.
Iteration is more performant than
recursion, right?
Not necessarily.
This conception comes from many C-like languages, where calling a function, recursive or not, had a large overhead and created a new stackframe for every call.
For many languages this is not the case, and recursion is equally or more performant than an iterative version. These days, even some C compilers rewrite some recursive constructs to an iterative version, or reuse the stack frame for a tail recursive call.
Try implementing depth-first search recursively and iteratively and tell me which one gave you an easier time of it. Or merge sort. For a lot of problems it comes down to explicitly maintaining your own stack vs. leaving your data on the function stack.
I can't speak to Haskell as I've never used it, but this is to address the more general part of the question posed in your title.
Haskell do not allow iteration because iteration involves mutable state (the index).
As others have stated, there's nothing intrinsically less performant about recursion. There are some languages where it will be slower, but it's not a universal rule.
That being said, to me recursion is a tool, to be used when it makes sense. There are some algorithms that are better represented as recursion (just as some are better via iteration).
Case in point:
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
I can't imagine an iterative solution that could possibly make the intent clearer than that.
Here is some information on the pros & cons of recursion & iteration in c:
Mostly for me Recursion is sometimes easier to understand than iteration.
Iteration is just a special form of recursion.
Recursion is one of those things that seem elegant or efficient in theory but in practice is generally less efficient (unless the compiler or dynamic recompiler) is changing what the code does. In general anything that causes unnecessary subroutine calls is going to be slower, especially when more than 1 argument is being pushed/popped. Anything you can do to remove processor cycles i.e. instructions the processor has to chew on is fair game. Compilers can do a pretty good job of this these days in general but it's always good to know how to write efficient code by hand.
Several things:
Iteration is not necessarily faster
Root of all evil: encouraging something just because it might be moderately faster is premature; there are other considerations.
Recursion often much more succinctly and clearly communicates your intent
By eschewing mutable state generally, functional programming languages are easier to reason about and debug, and recursion is an example of this.
Recursion takes more memory than iteration.
I don't think there's anything intrinsically less performant about recursion - at least in the abstract. Recursion is a special form of iteration. If a language is designed to support recursion well, it's possible it could perform just as well as iteration.
In general, recursion makes one be explicit about the state you're bringing forward in the next iteration (it's the parameters). This can make it easier for language processors to parallelize execution. At least that's a direction that language designers are trying to exploit.
As a low level ITERATION deals with the CX registry to count loops, and of course data registries.
RECURSION not only deals with that it also adds references to the stack pointer to keep references of the previous calls and then how to go back.-
My University teacher told me that whatever you do with recursion can be done with Iterations and viceversa, however sometimes is simpler to do it by recursion than Iteration (more elegant) but at a performance level is better to use Iterations.-
In Java, recursive solutions generally outperform non-recursive ones. In C it tends to be the other way around. I think this holds in general for adaptively compiled languages vs. ahead-of-time compiled languages.
By "generally" I mean something like a 60/40 split. It is very dependent on how efficiently the language handles method calls. I think JIT compilation favors recursion because it can choose how to handle inlining and use runtime data in optimization. It's very dependent on the algorithm and compiler in question though. Java in particular continues to get smarter about handling recursion.
Quantitative study results with Java (PDF link). Note that these are mostly sorting algorithms, and are using an older Java Virtual Machine (1.5.x if I read right). They sometimes get a 2:1 or 4:1 performance improvement by using the recursive implementation, and rarely is recursion significantly slower. In my personal experience, the difference isn't often that pronounced, but a 50% improvement is common when I use recursion sensibly.
I find it hard to reason that one is better than the other all the time.
Im working on a mobile app that needs to do background work on user file system. One of the background threads needs to sweep the whole file system from time to time, to maintain updated data to the user. So in fear of Stack Overflow , i had written an iterative algorithm. Today i wrote a recursive one, for the same job. To my surprise, the iterative algorithm is faster: recursive -> 37s, iterative -> 34s (working over the exact same file structure).
private long recursive(File rootFile, long counter) {
long duration = 0;
if(rootFile.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = getChildren(rootFile, MUSIC_FILE_FILTER);
for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
duration += recursive(files[i], counter);
if(duration != 0) {
dhm.put(rootFile.getAbsolutePath(), duration);
updateDurationInUI(rootFile.getAbsolutePath(), duration);
else if(!rootFile.isDirectory() && checkExtension(rootFile.getAbsolutePath())) {
duration = getDuration(rootFile);
dhm.put(rootFile.getAbsolutePath(), getDuration(rootFile));
updateDurationInUI(rootFile.getAbsolutePath(), duration);
return counter + duration;
Iterative: - iterative depth-first search , with recursive backtracking
private void traversal(File file) {
int pointer = 0;
File[] files;
boolean hadMusic = false;
long parentTimeCounter = 0;
while(file != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
files = getChildren(file, MUSIC_FILE_FILTER);
if(!file.isDirectory() && checkExtension(file.getAbsolutePath())) {
hadMusic = true;
long duration = getDuration(file);
parentTimeCounter = parentTimeCounter + duration;
dhm.put(file.getAbsolutePath(), duration);
updateDurationInUI(file.getAbsolutePath(), duration);
if(files != null && pointer < files.length) {
file = getChildren(file,MUSIC_FILE_FILTER)[pointer];
else if(files != null && pointer+1 < files.length) {
file = files[pointer+1];
else {
file = getNextSybling(file, hadMusic, parentTimeCounter);
hadMusic = false;
parentTimeCounter = 0;
private File getNextSybling(File file, boolean hadMusic, long timeCounter) {
File result= null;
//se o file é /mnt, para
if(file.getAbsolutePath().compareTo(userSDBasePointer.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()) == 0) {
return result;
File parent = file.getParentFile();
long parentDuration = 0;
if(hadMusic) {
if(dhm.containsKey(parent.getAbsolutePath())) {
long savedValue = dhm.get(parent.getAbsolutePath());
parentDuration = savedValue + timeCounter;
else {
parentDuration = timeCounter;
dhm.put(parent.getAbsolutePath(), parentDuration);
updateDurationInUI(parent.getAbsolutePath(), parentDuration);
//procura irmao seguinte
File[] syblings = getChildren(parent,MUSIC_FILE_FILTER);
for(int i = 0; i < syblings.length; i++) {
if(syblings[i].getAbsolutePath().compareTo(file.getAbsolutePath())==0) {
if(i+1 < syblings.length) {
result = syblings[i+1];
//backtracking - adiciona pai, se tiver filhos musica
if(result == null) {
result = getNextSybling(parent, hadMusic, parentDuration);
return result;
Sure the iterative isn't elegant, but alhtough its currently implemented on an ineficient way, it is still faster than the recursive one. And i have better control over it, as i dont want it running at full speed, and will let the garbage collector do its work more frequently.
Anyway, i wont take for granted that one method is better than the other, and will review other algorithms that are currently recursive. But at least from the 2 algorithms above, the iterative one will be the one in the final product.
I think it would help to get some understanding of what performance is really about. This link shows how a perfectly reasonably-coded app actually has a lot of room for optimization - namely a factor of 43! None of this had anything to do with iteration vs. recursion.
When an app has been tuned that far, it gets to the point where the cycles saved by iteration as against recursion might actually make a difference.
Recursion is the typical implementation of iteration. It's just a lower level of abstraction (at least in Python):
class iterator(object):
def __init__(self, max):
self.count = 0
self.max = max
def __iter__(self):
return self
# I believe this changes to __next__ in Python 3000
def next(self):
if self.count == self.max:
raise StopIteration
self.count += 1
return self.count - 1
# At this level, iteration is the name of the game, but
# in the implementation, recursion is clearly what's happening.
for i in iterator(50):
I would compare recursion with an explosive: you can reach big result in no time. But if you use it without cautions the result could be disastrous.
I was impressed very much by proving of complexity for the recursion that calculates Fibonacci numbers here. Recursion in that case has complexity O((3/2)^n) while iteration just O(n). Calculation of n=46 with recursion written on c# takes half minute! Wow...
IMHO recursion should be used only if nature of entities suited for recursion well (trees, syntax parsing, ...) and never because of aesthetic. Performance and resources consumption of any "divine" recursive code need to be scrutinized.
Iteration is more performant than recursion, right?
However, when you have a problem which maps perfectly to a Recursive Data Structure, the better solution is always recursive.
If you pretend to solve the problem with iterations you'll end up reinventing the stack and creating a messier and ugly code, compared to the elegant recursive version of the code.
That said, Iteration will always be faster than Recursion. (in a Von Neumann Architecture), so if you use recursion always, even where a loop will suffice, you'll pay a performance penalty.
Is recursion ever faster than looping?
"Iteration is more performant than recursion" is really language- and/or compiler-specific. The case that comes to mind is when the compiler does loop-unrolling. If you've implemented a recursive solution in this case, it's going to be quite a bit slower.
This is where it pays to be a scientist (testing hypotheses) and to know your tools...
on ntfs UNC max path as is 32K
C:\A\B\X\C.... more than 16K folders can be created...
But you can not even count the number of folders with any recursive method, sooner or later all will give stack overflow.
Only a Good lightweight iterative code should be used to scan folders professionally.
Believe or not, most top antivirus cannot scan maximum depth of UNC folders.

Tree Algorithm

I was thinking earlier today about an idea for a small game and stumbled upon how to implement it. The idea is that the player can make a series of moves that cause a little effect, but if done in a specific sequence would cause a greater effect. So far so good, this I know how to do. Obviously, I had to make it be more complicated (because we love to make it more complicated), so I thought that there could be more than one possible path for the sequence that would both cause greater effects, albeit different ones. Also, part of some sequences could be the beggining of other sequences, or even whole sequences could be contained by other bigger sequences. Now I don't know for sure the best way to implement this. I had some ideas, though.
1) I could implement a circular n-linked list. But since the list of moves never end, I fear it might cause a stack overflow ™. The idea is that every node would have n children and upon receiving a command, it might lead you to one of his children or, if no children was available to such command, lead you back to the beggining. Upon arrival on any children, a couple of functions would be executed causing the small and big effect. This might, though, lead to a lot of duplicated nodes on the tree to cope up with all the possible sequences ending on that specific move with different effects, which might be a pain to maintain but I am not sure. I never tried something this complex on code, only theoretically. Does this algorithm exist and have a name? Is it a good idea?
2) I could implement a state machine. Then instead of wandering around a linked list, I'd have some giant nested switch that would call functions and update the machine state accordingly. Seems simpler to implement, but... well... doesn't seem fun... nor ellegant. Giant switchs always seem ugly to me, but would this work better?
3) Suggestions? I am good, but I am far inexperienced. The good thing of the coding field is that no matter how weird your problem is, someone solved it in the past, but you must know where to look. Someone might have a better idea than those I had, and I really wanted to hear suggestions.
I'm not absolutely completely sure that I understand exactly what you're saying, but as an analagous situation, say someone's inputting an endless stream of numbers on the keyboard. '117' is a magic sequence, '468' is another one, '411799' is another (which contains the first one).
So if the user enters:
you want to fire 'magic events' at the *s:
or something like that, right? If that's analagous to the problem you're talking about, then what about something like (Java-like pseudocode):
MagicSequence fireworks = new MagicSequence(new FireworksAction(), 1, 1, 7);
MagicSequence playMusic = new MagicSequence(new MusicAction(), 4, 6, 8);
MagicSequence fixUserADrink = new MagicSequence(new ManhattanAction(), 4, 1, 1, 7, 9, 9);
Collection<MagicSequence> sequences = ... all of the above ...;
while (true) {
int num = readNumberFromUser();
for (MagicSequence seq : sequences) {
while MagicSequence has something like:
Action action = ... populated from constructor ...;
int[] sequence = ... populated from constructor ...;
int position = 0;
public void handleNumber(int num) {
if (num == sequence[position]) {
// They've entered the next number in the sequence
if (position == sequence.length) {
// They've got it all!;
position = 0; // Or disable this Sequence from accepting more numbers if it's a once-off
} else {
position = 0; // missed a number, start again!
You might want to implement a state machine anyway, but you don't have to hardcode state transitions.
Try to make a graph of states, where link between state A to state B will mean A can lead to B.
Then you can traverse graph at runtime to find where player goes.
Edit: You can define graph node as:
-list of links to other states,
where every link defines:
-precondition, a list of states what must be visited before going to this state
What you're describing sounds very similar to the technology tree in a game live Civilization.
I don't know how the Civ authors built theirs, but I'd be inclined to use a multigraph to represent possible 'moves' - there will be some you can start at with no 'experience', and once you're in them, there will be multiple paths through to the end.
Draw-out what potential options you can have at each stage of the game, and then draw lines going from some options to others.
That should give you a start on implementation, as graphs are [relatively] easy concepts to implement and utilize.
Sounds like a neural network. You could create one and train it to recognize the patterns that cause the various effects you are looking for.
What you're describing sounds somewhat similar to a dependency graph or a word graph. You might look into those.
#Cowan, #Javier: Nice idea, mind if I add to it?
Let the MagicSequence objects listen to the incoming stream of user input, that is notify them of the input (broadcast) and let each of them add the input to there internal input stream. This stream is cleared when the input is not the expected next input in the pattern that would have the MagicSequence fire its action. As soon as the pattern is completed, fire the action and clear the internal input stream.
Optimize this by only feeding input to the MagicSequences that are waiting for it. This could be done two ways:
You have an object that lets all MagicSequences connect with events that correspond with numbers in their patterns. MagicSequence(1,1,7) would add itself to got1 and got7, for example:
UserInput.got1 += MagicSequnece[i].SendMeInput;
You could optimize this such that after each input MagicSequences deregister from invalid events and register with valid ones.
create a small state machine for each effect that you'd want. at each user action, 'broadcast' it to all state machines. most of then won't care, but some will advance, or maybe go backwards. when one of them reaches it's goal, produce the desired effect.
to keep the code neat, don't hardcode the state machines, instead build a simple data structure that encodes the state graph: each state is a node with a list of interesting events, each one points to the next state's node. Each machine's state is simply a reference to the appropriate state node.
edit: It seems Cowan's advice is equivalent to this, but he optimises his state machines to express only simple sequences. seems enough for your specific problem, but more complex conditions could need a more general solution.
